
    Julian Assange and WikiLeaks with Julian's Father John Shipton

    enMarch 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A Father's Fight for His Son's FreedomJohn Shipman's documentary 'Ithaca' highlights the lengths a father goes to protect his son, Julian Assange, from US imprisonment for exposing government secrets, and the importance of free speech despite personal and institutional challenges.

      The documentary "Ithaca" tells the story of John Shipman, a father fighting against institutional and military forces to free his son, Julian Assange, who faces up to 175 years in US prisons for exposing government secrets. Assange, now married to Stella Morris, has been detained for over a decade and has faced numerous court cases and health issues. His health has deteriorated due to long-term confinement and constant stress, and he was previously granted asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden on allegations later deemed baseless. Despite these challenges, Assange's journalistic work revealing government abuses of power is seen as valuable to the public. The documentary sheds light on the suppression of free expression and the personal sacrifices made by Assange in the pursuit of truth.

    • Julian Assange's Journey from Hacker to WikiLeaks FounderAssange, a former hacker, founded WikiLeaks in 2000 to promote transparency and expose government wrongdoing, but his methods and motivations have been debated.

      The case of Julian, also known as Julian Assange, involved a controversial and arbitrary removal of his asylum from the Ecuadorian embassy, which led to his arrest and charged with violating the Espionage Act of 1917 in the United States. This statute, passed during World War 1, has a controversial history of being used to silence political dissenters and opponents. Assange's journey began in the early 1990s as a hacker with an ethical code, and he was shocked by the targeting procedures of military officials that he discovered during his hacking activities. This experience radicalized his approach to information and led him to start WikiLeaks in 2000, based on the idea that people could review and analyze information freely on the internet. A pivotal moment for Assange was the discovery of a bunker in Baghdad where 200-350 Iraqi women and children were seeking protection from bombing, which was ultimately destroyed, leading Assange to a deeper understanding of the importance of free information. Throughout his journey, Assange's actions were driven by a desire to expose government wrongdoing and promote transparency, but his methods and motivations have been a subject of intense debate.

    • WikiLeaks: A Platform for Transparency and Public AnalysisWikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange, is a platform for accessing and analyzing leaked documents. Notable leaks include those from Chelsea Manning, revealing war files and human rights abuses. The 'Collateral Murder' video, one of the most significant leaks, exposed civilian deaths and brought global issues to light.

      WikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange in 2006, emerged as a platform for people to access and analyze information from documents available on the internet. Assange, influenced by the First Amendment and the Californian cypherpunk movement, aimed to give people the ability to form their own analyses in groups. One of the most significant leaks came from Chelsea Manning, revealing documents on various topics including the trafficking of e-waste in Africa, the Iraq and Afghan war files, and the Guantanamo Bay files. These leaks, when released in collaboration with major publications, exposed numerous scandals, such as extrajudicial killings, drone strikes, and human rights abuses. One notable incident was the "Collateral Murder" video, which showed US contractors joyfully shooting civilians in Iraq from a helicopter. This video, along with other leaks, brought important issues to public attention, including the actions of China and Russia. WikiLeaks continues to hold and make available information for public analysis. The "Collateral Murder" video documents the deaths of 18 people, including two Reuters journalists, and demonstrates the importance of transparency in understanding global events.

    • The case of Julian Assange and freedom of the pressJulian Assange's potential imprisonment for publishing classified info highlights the importance of the First Amendment and the dangers of infringing on freedom of the press. Assange's actions as a journalist, unlike those of Chelsea Manning, are protected by the US Constitution and free expression principles.

      The case of Julian Assange, who is currently facing potential imprisonment for over 170 years under the Espionage Act for publishing classified information, highlights the importance of the First Amendment and the dangers of infringing upon freedom of the press. Assange, a journalist, has exposed illegal acts by various governments, including the United States, China, Russia, and Kenya. The distinction between Assange and Chelsea Manning, who was a military intelligence analyst and served seven years in jail before being commuted by former President Obama, is significant. While Manning's actions were part of the military, Assange's actions as a journalist are protected by the US Constitution and the principles of free expression. The uncovering of the NSA's voice translation system in 1999, which could have allowed the agency to transcribe and store every telephone conversation in the world, is just one example of the critical role journalists play in keeping the public informed and ensuring government accountability. The potential punishment of Assange sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the strategic asset that is the free flow of information in a democratic society.

    • Persecution of Julian Assange for exposing US government's illegal actsThe US government's pursuit of Julian Assange for publishing truthful information sets a dangerous precedent, potentially jeopardizing freedom of speech for all publishers

      Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is currently being persecuted for exposing illegal acts by the United States government. This persecution has escalated to the point where the CIA considered killing or kidnapping him, and the Department of Justice cooked up espionage charges against him when they couldn't find a crime to charge him with. This situation is concerning for free speech advocates, as it sets a dangerous precedent for prosecuting publishers who report truthful information or criticize the government. The New York Times, Guardian, and other prominent newspapers have recognized this threat and have asked the Biden administration to drop the charges against Assange. If these charges were to stand, it could potentially jeopardize the freedom of all publishers and endanger the principle of free speech.

    • Historic first in censoring free speech during COVID-19During the pandemic, critics of gov policies were censored, vilified, and marginalized, including doctors, scientists, journalists, and Julian Assange, whose truthful but embarrassing info was censored by the Biden White House.

      During the Democratic and Republican administrations, there was a historic first in censoring free speech, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Critics of government policies, including doctors, scientists, journalists, were systematically censored, vilified, and marginalized. The Biden White House contacted Twitter to censor specific individuals, including Julian Assange, whose speech was true but embarrassing to government policies. All documents published by WikiLeaks, which contained classified information, were released by an American soldier with a good conscience and demonstrated involvement in Guantanamo Bay, the Iraq war, and the Afghanistan occupation. While the government has legitimate reasons to protect military secrets, it's essential to consider the motivation of the person disclosing the information. The government can classify anything it wants as top secret, so it's crucial to determine if the disclosure aimed to help or harm the American people.

    • Intelligence Agencies' Role in Operation Warp Speed Raises ConcernsThe involvement of intelligence agencies like the NSA and CIA in Operation Warp Speed, despite their lack of public health expertise, raises questions about potential ulterior motives and the need for transparency and accountability in public health initiatives.

      The role of intelligence agencies like the NSA and CIA in Operation Warp Speed raises questions about transparency and accountability in public health initiatives. The NSA, which was in command of the operation, is a spy agency with no expertise in public health, and their involvement in the distribution and research of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments raises concerns about potential ulterior motives. The fact that they have patented technology to transcribe and store every phone call made in the US adds to these concerns. The Department of Defense's removal of indemnity and impunity from the documents surrounding this operation further highlights the need for transparency and public oversight. It's important to question why intelligence agencies were in charge of a public health operation and consider the implications for our constitutional rights and democratic values.

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    I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.

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