
    Loren Gray Opens Up About Past Miscarriage, Abuse & Mental Health Struggles

    enMarch 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • TikTok Star Lauren Gray's Journey to Fame and Coping with Disassociation13-year-old TikTok sensation Lauren Gray discusses her feelings of detachment, learning to cope through humor, and her interest in country music, showcasing her versatility as an artist.

      Lauren Gray, a TikTok superstar and mainstream singing sensation, started her journey to fame at a young age when she was just 13 years old. Despite her massive following and success, she often feels detached from her experiences and struggles with the surreal nature of her own life. Gray discussed her feelings of disassociation and how she's learned to cope with them through humor and moving forward. Additionally, she expressed an interest in exploring country music, showcasing her versatility as an artist. Throughout the conversation, Gray's charisma and authenticity shone through, making it clear that her connection with her fans is rooted in her ability to relate to their experiences and share her own vulnerabilities.

    • Sharing personal experiences can help othersTalking about personal experiences, even if it involves fame, can provide valuable insight and understanding for those going through similar struggles.

      Sharing personal experiences, especially from individuals who have achieved success, can help others who may be going through similar struggles. The speaker started using social media, specifically Musically (now TikTok), by accident when she was 13, and her online presence grew rapidly. She was insecure and outspoken, and her online interactions led to negative experiences. However, as she grew older, she learned to handle her fame and developed a close relationship with her followers. The speaker believes that talking about her experiences, despite her initial reluctance to fame, has helped others who may have felt alone or misunderstood. She emphasizes the importance of sharing stories, especially from those who seem to have it all together, as it can provide valuable insight and understanding.

    • Social media's impact on teenagersSocial media can bring connection and glamour, but also bullying, insecurity, and self-sabotage. Parents should support healthy habits and provide a safe space for open communication.

      Social media can be a double-edged sword for teenagers, particularly during their formative years. On one hand, it can be a source of glamour and connection, but on the other hand, it can lead to bullying, insecurity, and anger. The pressure to conform to societal standards of beauty and popularity can be overwhelming, leading some to feel inadequate and even self-sabotage. Past experiences, such as bullying or family dynamics, can also impact how teenagers navigate social media and form relationships online. It's important for parents and caregivers to be aware of the potential challenges and provide support and guidance to help teenagers develop healthy online habits and resilience. Additionally, open communication and creating a safe space for teenagers to express their feelings can go a long way in helping them navigate the complexities of social media and adolescence.

    • Longing for security and stability in relationshipsDespite past experiences, the speaker continues to seek safety and attachment in relationships, often overlooking red flags and entering new ones due to deep-rooted insecurities.

      The speaker's pattern of being in multiple relationships stemmed from a deep-rooted need to feel safe and secure, often ignoring how she was being treated in the relationship as long as she had someone present in her life. This pattern began when she was young and felt truly alone for the first time, leading her to make several significant decisions all at once, including the loss of her dog and her mother's death. These experiences left her craving stability and attachment, which she sought through relationships. As she grew older, she recognized her pattern and made efforts to break it, but the outside perception of her continually entering new relationships, coupled with her own insecurities, made it difficult for her to fully move on. Now, she's in a new relationship and has grown, but she feels the pressure to share her life publicly, despite feeling more adult decisions and less focus on social media.

    • Meditating for a clear mind and amplified energyMorning anxiety and pressure can be managed with meditation, which can clear the mind and amplify the universe's energy. Self-care, mindfulness, and resilience are crucial for dealing with life's challenges.

      Morning anxiety and the pressure of having to do many things can be overwhelming, but practices like meditation can help clear the mind and prepare for the day. The speaker shares a personal story about her mother's experiences with meditation leading to paranormal experiences, but emphasizes that it can be beneficial in amplifying the universe's energy. The speaker also reflects on her past experiences, including a record deal at a young age and personal struggles, and how she has learned to navigate them independently. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and resilience in dealing with life's challenges.

    • Struggling in silence can lead to self-destructive behaviorsAcknowledging and addressing personal struggles is crucial for mental health and healthy relationships, rather than hiding them and seeking support when needed.

      Hiding our struggles and keeping them separate from our public persona can lead to self-destructive behaviors and unhealthy relationships. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of dealing with an eating disorder, alcohol addiction, and an exploitative relationship at a young age, all while maintaining a successful social media and music career. She kept these issues hidden from everyone, including her parents, and only when her dad confronted her did she realize the extent of her situation. This experience highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing our personal struggles, rather than trying to hide them, and seeking support when needed. Self-reflection, whether through therapy or personal introspection, can be a valuable tool in this process.

    • Examining past experiences for personal growthSelf-reflection and addressing past traumas are essential for personal growth and breaking unhealthy relationship patterns.

      Self-reflection and understanding past experiences are crucial for personal growth. The speaker in this conversation spent a lot of time alone last year, seeking better standards for herself and looking for a partner who was good for her and accepted by her friends and family. She realized that she kept getting into unhealthy relationships and felt lonely, leading her to examine past patterns and confront unresolved issues. Her upbringing, including feeling alone despite having parents and a family, and experiencing embarrassing events, contributed to her feelings of loneliness and low self-worth. The anonymous blackmail message she received at age 17 further isolated her and made her feel ashamed. However, she eventually shared her story publicly, which helped others but didn't necessarily heal her own wounds. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-reflection and addressing past traumas to break unhealthy patterns and foster personal growth.

    • Sharing experiences of trauma can help individuals feel less aloneTalking about trauma, such as miscarriage or dating experiences, can provide comfort and understanding, leading to better self-understanding and empathy towards others.

      Discussing and sharing experiences of trauma, such as miscarriage or dating experiences, can help individuals feel less alone and understood. The speaker emphasizes the importance of talking about these experiences, especially during difficult times, as it can lead to a better understanding of oneself and others. She shares her own experience of going through a miscarriage at a young age and how she felt isolated and misunderstood due to the lack of open conversations around the topic. She encourages people to talk about their experiences, as it can help break the stigma and provide comfort to those going through similar situations. The speaker also acknowledges that everyone deals with trauma differently and that there is no right or wrong way to handle it. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication and understanding in dealing with difficult experiences.

    • Dealing with deep-rooted feelings of unworthiness and past traumas that lead to self-sabotageUnderstanding and addressing deep-rooted feelings of unworthiness and past traumas can help break the cycle of self-sabotage and fully embrace happiness and love.

      Self-sabotage often stems from deep-rooted feelings of unworthiness and past traumas, which can be ingrained in one's subconscious and impact their ability to fully experience happiness and love. The speaker shares her personal experiences of dealing with self-sabotage in her new relationship, which she attributes to her past traumas and feelings of not deserving happiness or love. She also discusses how these feelings can manifest in various ways, such as short-term memory loss, diversion of energy, and hypersexualization. The speaker emphasizes that self-sabotage is a common experience, especially for women, and that it can be a way of coping with past traumas and societal expectations. However, recognizing and addressing these underlying feelings is crucial for breaking the cycle of self-sabotage and fully embracing happiness and love.

    • Struggling with Self-Identity and Communication in RelationshipsMany women, including those in the public eye, face challenges with self-identity, communication, and understanding emotions in relationships, leading to anxiety and avoidance behaviors.

      Many women, including those in the public eye, struggle with self-identity, communication, and understanding their emotions. The speaker expresses feelings of confusion about her own desires and feelings, particularly regarding her sexuality and communication in relationships. She also shares her fear of potential negative interactions, leading to anxiety and avoidance behaviors. These experiences are not unique, as the speaker acknowledges that others, even those perceived as perfect, also grapple with similar issues. The speaker's vulnerability and honesty about her experiences serve as a reminder that everyone, regardless of age or public perception, can benefit from open and authentic communication in relationships.

    • Reflecting on past mistakes and learning from themRecognize past mistakes, apologize, learn, be kind, and avoid gossiping or bullying behavior to grow and become more empathetic individuals.

      Everyone has said things they regret or have been the subject of mean-spirited comments, especially during their younger years. These experiences can be embarrassing and even hurtful, but they are a part of life and can help us grow and become more empathetic and understanding individuals. The speaker in this conversation acknowledged her past mistakes and apologized for any harm caused, while also recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and that it's important to try and learn from them. She also emphasized the importance of being kind to others, even if we don't know them personally, and of trying to avoid gossiping or bullying behavior. The speaker's reflection on her past experiences and her desire to be a positive influence in people's lives demonstrates the power of self-awareness and the importance of striving to be better versions of ourselves.

    • Overcoming Jealousy and ComparisonEmbrace self-worth and positivity, focusing on enjoyment rather than validation from others. Understand and empathize with those who criticize, as they may be dealing with their own insecurities.

      Jealousy and comparison can hold us back from appreciating our own achievements and the journeys of others. The speaker shares her experiences of feeling jealous and how she came to understand and empathize with haters, having been one herself for a long time. She admires the interviewee's impressive career and longevity in the industry, acknowledging the challenges that come with maintaining consistency and dealing with the pressure of views and followers. The speaker also shares her own struggles with this and how she tries to focus on doing things for enjoyment rather than validation from others. Ultimately, she encourages embracing self-worth and positivity, even when faced with self-doubt or comparison.

    • Fandoms and social media provide meaningful relationships and supportFor some, connections formed through fandoms and social media offer a sense of belonging and acceptance, fueling personal growth and career success

      For some individuals, particularly those in the entertainment industry or with a large online following, the connections formed through fandoms and social media can be incredibly meaningful and motivating. These relationships can provide a sense of belonging and acceptance that may not have been present in other areas of their lives. For the speaker, these connections were especially important as she grew up and felt a strong desire for community and support. The physical interactions with her fans, such as meeting them in person and receiving thoughtful gifts, added an extra layer of depth and significance to these relationships. Ultimately, these connections have been a driving force in her career and personal growth.

    • Taking a break for self-discovery and personal growthTaking a break from toxic situations and focusing on self-care and self-awareness can lead to personal growth and unexpected new connections.

      Taking a break from relationships, drinking, and putting oneself in toxic situations can lead to self-discovery and personal growth. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of feeling lonely and finding comfort in new connections, recognizing past patterns of romanticizing unhealthy relationships, and the importance of valuing herself. She also discusses the challenges of being an influencer and the need for personal space and healing. After taking a year off from dating and focusing on herself, she unexpectedly met her now-boyfriend through a dating app and fell in love quickly. The conversation highlights the importance of self-care, self-awareness, and allowing oneself to be open to new experiences.

    • Finding happiness in a healthy relationshipThe speaker is in a fulfilling relationship with a compatible, independent partner, learning to protect it by keeping it private and not overthinking things.

      The speaker has found herself in a healthy and meaningful relationship with someone her own age, who is driven, independent, and doesn't require her constant attention. She feels safe and happy in this relationship, which is a significant shift for her as she has a history of self-sabotage and difficulty accepting kindness from others. The speaker is learning to protect this relationship by keeping it private and not overthinking things. She values the intelligence and compatibility of her partner and feels good about the progression of their relationship, despite the challenges that come with long-distance communication. Overall, the speaker is enjoying this new experience of being in a healthy and fulfilling relationship and is determined to make it work.

    • The Power of Love and Support in a RelationshipLove and support from a significant other brings immense joy and happiness, fosters feelings of safety, and is essential for everyone.

      Love and support from a significant other can bring immense joy and happiness into one's life. The speaker shares her experience of feeling safe, loved, and comfortable with her boyfriend, who is supportive even if he doesn't fully understand her experiences. She emphasizes the importance of everyone deserving love and being in a loving relationship. The speaker also mentions her admiration for international partners and their treatment of women, as seen on reality TV shows like 90 Day Fiance. She acknowledges the challenges of learning a new language as an adult but appreciates the benefits of having a partner who speaks it fluently. Overall, the discussion highlights the profound impact of a loving and supportive relationship on an individual's life.

    • Experience of genuine chivalry in relationshipsGenuine consideration and kindness in relationships can bring happiness and surprise, even for those wary of being taken advantage of. Communication, trust, and mutual respect are essential for successful relationships, and external factors like fame can impact personal experiences.

      Genuine chivalry and consideration in relationships can bring happiness and surprise, even for those who are not used to it. The speaker shares her experience of being in a relationship where the man treats her well and makes an effort to make her happy. She admits that she initially felt uneasy due to her past experiences and fear of being taken advantage of. However, she soon realized that his intentions were genuine and appreciated the kindness and attention. The speaker also mentions her experience of fame and how it affects her relationships, sharing that she enjoys interacting with fans but dislikes negative encounters. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of communication, trust, and mutual respect in relationships, as well as the impact of external factors such as fame on personal experiences.

    • The Double-Edged Sword of Social MediaSocial media can bring positivity and negativity, with potential for trauma from harassment and jealousy, but also opportunities for positive connections.

      Social media can be a double-edged sword, bringing both positivity and negativity. The speaker shared her experiences of being harassed online by young boys and a girl, leaving her traumatized for days. She also mentioned her frustration with influencers and their perceived wealth, leading to jealousy and hateful comments. The speaker also mentioned her struggle with sharing her life online after taking a step back. Despite the negatives, she acknowledged the eloquence and maturity of the person she was speaking to, highlighting the potential for positive connections through social media. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of being mindful of online interactions and the potential impact they can have on individuals.

    • Recognizing signs of a healthy relationship and personal growthUnderstanding emotional intelligence, comfort, and mutual understanding are key signs of a healthy relationship. Personal growth involves self-awareness and learning from past experiences, like coping with an eating disorder.

      Healthy relationships come in various forms and can be recognized by comfort, emotional intelligence, and mutual understanding. The speaker shares her experience of realizing the signs of a healthy relationship and how her boyfriend's different background influenced their connection. She also reflects on her past struggles with an eating disorder and how it started during her teenage years when she moved to LA and got exposed to a new lifestyle. Through self-awareness and sharing her experiences, she has learned to cope and grow from her past. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of recognizing healthy relationships and self-awareness in personal growth.

    • Societal pressure and personal relationships contributing to unhealthy habits and obsessionsRecognize societal and personal pressures leading to unhealthy habits, prioritize overall health and well-being.

      Societal pressure and personal relationships can lead individuals to develop unhealthy habits and obsessions, particularly in regards to body image and weight loss. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling the need to be excessively thin due to societal expectations and the influence of social media, which led her to an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. She also mentions the role of her boyfriend at the time in further fueling her obsession with weight loss. The use of weight loss drugs like Ozempic, which can lead to rapid weight loss but also potential health risks, further exacerbates this issue. It's important to recognize and address the root causes of these unhealthy behaviors and prioritize overall health and well-being over societal or personal pressures.

    • Struggling with the Reality of Eating DisordersUnderstanding the unpleasant side effects of eating disorders and prioritizing health over appearance can help individuals make informed decisions and seek professional help.

      Social media and societal pressure can lead some individuals to develop unhealthy habits, such as bulimia, which can have serious physical and emotional consequences. The speaker shares her personal experience of struggling with bulimia, feeling guilty and uncomfortable after bingeing and purging, and the long-term health issues that come with it. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the realities of eating disorders, including the unpleasant side effects often unmentioned in society, to help people make informed decisions and prioritize their health over appearance. Additionally, she warns against taking medications or following diet plans that aren't intended for your specific condition, as it can lead to dangerous consequences. The speaker also highlights the psychological aspect of eating disorders, where individuals seek control and validation through their actions, making it a complex issue that requires compassion, support, and professional help to overcome.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Mental HealthSocial media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and comparison, negatively affecting mental and emotional well-being, especially for young people. Mindfulness and intentionality in use are crucial.

      The constant exposure to social media and the idealized images it presents can lead to feelings of inadequacy, comparison, and body image issues, especially for young people. The speaker shares her personal experiences of struggling with food and self-esteem, exacerbated by social media use. She expresses concern about the impact of social media on the mental health of children, particularly the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards and the potential for negative interactions. The speaker also reflects on her own experiences and wonders if it would have been different growing up in the current digital age. She concludes by expressing her intention to limit her daughter's exposure to social media until she is older. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for mindfulness and intentionality in our use of social media, particularly for young people, and the potential for it to have both positive and negative effects on our mental and emotional well-being.

    • The power of a supportive parentA supportive parent can help children navigate challenges and find balance through education.

      Having a supportive parent or figure can make a significant difference in dealing with challenging situations. The speaker shares how her mother's presence and intervention helped her navigate through bullying and other difficulties. Additionally, the importance of education, whether it be college or homeschooling, was emphasized as a means to find balance and engage in intellectual pursuits. The conversation also touched upon the value of structured learning environments and the benefits of writing and argumentative essays. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the importance of having outlets for personal growth and development, whether it be through education or other means.

    • Speaker's traumatic experiences in schoolDespite not all teachers being harmful, past traumas can leave individuals wary and protective, leading to heightened caution and control measures.

      School was a challenging experience for the speaker due to inappropriate behavior from both students and teachers. They felt violated by teachers discussing their personal social media use and experienced physical and emotional abuse. This trauma led the speaker to develop a heightened sense of caution and a need for control in their environment, including installing cameras in their home to ensure safety. While not every teacher or caregiver is harmful, the speaker's experiences have left them wary and protective. The discussion also touched on the importance of trust and the potential for danger even in seemingly safe environments.

    • Queen's journey to creative freedomStaying true to oneself is crucial for authentic art, even if it means sacrificing commercial success.

      The music industry can be limiting and unresponsive to artists who want to explore deeper, more honest themes in their music. Queen, a musician, shared her experience of being signed to a label that wanted her to conform to a specific image and sound, even when it wasn't authentic to her. She felt suffocated and dishonest, leading her to write her first independent song "Guilty," which became the title track of her album. The song was a reflection of her desire for more creative freedom and authenticity in her music. The experience taught her the importance of staying true to herself and not compromising her art for commercial success.

    • A fan's encounter with Taylor Swift leaves a lasting impressionMeeting idols can be memorable experiences, as fans discovered Swift's kindness and humility, reinforcing their admiration

      Meeting and interacting with someone you idolize can leave a lasting impression. This was the experience of someone who was featured in Taylor Swift's music video for "The Man." On their first date, they shared stories about their mutual love for Swift, and later, they were invited to be in the music video. The encounter left them in awe of Swift's kindness and humility despite her success. This experience reinforced their admiration for Swift and became a cherished memory. The interaction between fan and idol served as a reminder that celebrities can be gracious and approachable, making the connection even more meaningful.

    • A devoted fan's connection to Taylor Swift's musicThis individual deeply connects with Taylor Swift's music, attending concerts, getting tattoos, and finding personal resonance in her lyrics. They value her collaborations and believe her work has depth and complexity.

      This individual is a passionate and dedicated fan of Taylor Swift. They have attended a concert of hers, have several tattoos inspired by her music, and have a deep connection to her lyrics. They appreciate her collaborations with various artists and have a strong emotional attachment to her music. The fan's favorite songs often resonate with them on a personal level and they believe that Swift's music has depth and meaning that warrants deep exploration. Despite some criticisms of certain aspects of Swift's artistry, this fan remains a devoted supporter and appreciates the complexity and nuance of her work.

    • Actress's Unconventional Role in New Netflix SeriesActress stepped out of comfort zone for new Netflix series despite initial hesitation, playing a messy, embarrassing, and funny character. Transitioning from social media influencer to actress can be challenging.

      The actress had an unexpected and challenging experience while filming a new comedy series for Netflix. She auditioned multiple times and was initially hesitant due to her following, but ultimately took on a role that was far out of her comfort zone. The series, which also features other talented young actors, is described as messy, embarrassing, and funny, with the actress playing a character who makes a fool of herself. The filming took place in 2021, and while the release date is unknown, the actress is excited to see the final product. She also mentioned that transitioning from social media influencer to actress can be difficult, as people may not take her seriously at first despite her talent.

    • Regret for turning down Broadway role despite lack of confidenceEmbrace opportunities, even if they challenge your abilities, and believe in yourself to grow in confidence and succeed.

      People often underestimate the multifaceted nature of individuals and their abilities. The speaker shares her experience of being offered a role in the Broadway musical "Mean Girls" but turning it down due to fear of embarrassment and lack of confidence in her singing abilities at the time. She acknowledges that having some level of talent is important to get opportunities, but also emphasizes the value of training and dedication for roles that require specific skills. The speaker expresses regret for turning down the opportunity but also recognizes that she has grown in confidence since then. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing opportunities, even if they push us out of our comfort zones, and the role of confidence and belief in oneself in achieving success.

    • Fear of rejection and insecurity can hinder opportunitiesEmbrace opportunities, overcome fears, and build support systems for career growth and potential success.

      Fear of rejection and insecurity can hold us back from opportunities, even if we have the skills and abilities to excel. The speaker shared her experience of passing up an opportunity to audition for a play due to her fear of not being liked by others. She also expressed her admiration for those who bring support systems with them, providing a sense of comfort and confidence. The conversation also touched on the importance of longevity in careers, especially in the entertainment industry, and the value of sharing experiences and knowledge with others. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of embracing opportunities and overcoming fears to reach one's full potential.

    • Navigating Success and Self-Image in the Digital AgeSuccess in social media and entertainment requires dedication and hard work, but also comes with unique challenges and sacrifices. Being comfortable in one's own skin is essential, even amidst the glamour and creativity of the industry.

      Success in social media and entertainment comes with its own unique challenges and sacrifices. The speaker, who has met a successful social media star, expresses her admiration and jealousy, acknowledging the hard work and dedication required to achieve such accomplishments. They also discuss the topic of hair, with the speaker sharing her own struggles with wigs and hairlines, and the importance of being comfortable in one's own skin. Despite her own insecurities and challenges, the speaker expresses appreciation for the glamour and creativity that comes with being a "glam girl" in the entertainment industry. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of navigating success and self-image in the digital age.

    • Overcoming Adversity: A Personal JourneyAcknowledge and process difficult emotions, take care of oneself, seek support, and share personal stories to find strength, resilience, and inspiration.

      Everyone has unique experiences and ways of coping with challenges in life. The speaker, Lauren, shared her journey of overcoming adversity, including her struggles with mental health and achieving success at a young age. She emphasized the importance of acknowledging and processing difficult emotions, taking care of oneself, and seeking support when needed. Lauren also highlighted the power of sharing personal stories to help others feel understood and validated. Ultimately, her story is a reminder that no matter what one goes through, it's possible to find strength, resilience, and even inspiration.

    • Finding Common Ground Leads to Meaningful ConnectionsDespite initial disconnection, sharing similar experiences and feelings led to a meaningful connection between the speaker and interview subject. Gratitude and anticipation for future interactions were expressed, and the audience was encouraged to engage with the subject's social media and upcoming projects.

      Despite feeling disconnected at first, the speaker found common ground with the interview subject. They both shared similar experiences and feelings, making the connection meaningful. The speaker expressed gratitude for the conversation and looked forward to future interactions, especially when the subject's movie and Broadway debuts occur. The speaker encouraged the audience to check out the interview subject's social media platforms and keep an eye out for her upcoming projects. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of finding commonalities and connecting with others, even in unexpected situations.

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    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store and https://www.onamp.com for Android listeners.

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

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    Episode Socials:

    255. Glennon on One Year of Recovery!

    255. Glennon on One Year of Recovery!
    Glennon tells three stories that reveal how recovery from anorexia has changed who she is and how she experiences the world. Together in G’s home, recording for the first time, Abby and Amanda respond with their reflections and the impacts that G’s recovery work has had on the entire family. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Welcome to Date Yourself Instead

    Welcome to Date Yourself Instead

    You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.

    Connect with the Date Yourself Instead Movement: Website | Instagram

    Connect with Lyss: TikTok | Instagram | YouTube

    14: Answering YOUR Questions About Dating In Coronavirus

    14: Answering YOUR Questions About Dating In Coronavirus

    Time for a coronavirus Q&A!

    Today we're doing something a little different. 

    We promised we'd read out some listener emails, so it's time to dive into the mailbox and hear about YOUR experiences dating in the time of corona! 

    Topics include: being alone during a break up, how to love being single, and moving love forward when you can't leave the house. 

    Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey

    Follow Matthew @thematthewhussey

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