
    (Matt Monday): 13 Subtle Ways to Make Him Want More With You

    enAugust 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Show value in a relationship by setting boundaries, sticking to your pace, and taking initiativeCommunicate availability, stick to your preferences, and take the lead in planning dates to build a strong and meaningful relationship

      To be taken seriously in a relationship, it's essential to show that you value yourself and have a clear sense of your own wants and needs. Here are three practical ways to do this: First, don't always be a last-minute plan. While it's easy to say yes to spontaneous invitations, consistently doing so can devalue yourself. Instead, set boundaries and communicate your availability. Second, don't just go with the flow on dates. While it's natural to want to please someone, it's important to stick to your own pace and preferences. Setting the tone and suggesting plans shows confidence and respect for yourself. Third, be proactive in suggesting date plans. This not only shows confidence but also diversity in interests. By taking the initiative, you'll be seen as a serious partner. Remember, communication, self-respect, and confidence are key to building a strong and meaningful relationship.

    • Showing appreciation beyond a casual encounterExpressing gratitude, creating deeper connections, and acknowledging efforts can make someone feel valued and appreciated beyond a casual encounter.

      Creating a unique and adventurous experience, sending a thoughtful post-date text, expressing genuine appreciation, and bringing someone into your world are effective ways to show that you value and care about someone beyond a casual encounter. These actions not only make the person feel appreciated but also create a deeper connection between you both. By acknowledging and appreciating their efforts and showing vulnerability through communication, you are attaching meaning to the experiences you share, making it more likely for them to feel significant and valuable to both parties. Remember, playing it cool may seem attractive initially, but it can ultimately backfire and send the wrong message. Instead, make an effort to show that each moment spent together matters.

    • Being authentic and sharing various aspects of your life helps build meaningful connectionsSharing authentic experiences and interests beyond dating contexts makes you a more desirable and attractive partner

      Showing your authentic self and allowing others to see the various dimensions of your life is crucial in building meaningful connections. Constantly being uprooted and existing only as an idea in someone else's world can make it hard for them to truly understand who you are. By sharing aspects of your life that go beyond the typical dating context, you become a more three-dimensional person in their eyes. This can be achieved through simple gestures like paying for a date or sending a thoughtful text referencing their interests. These actions demonstrate that you are a team player and someone who contributes to the relationship, making you a more desirable and attractive partner.

    • Thoughtful gestures and playful interactions deepen relationshipsSmall actions like sending a loved movie score or saving a cookie can lead to stronger connections, while playfully disagreeing shows individuality and creates friction in a meaningful way. Seeking personalized solutions to relationship issues can lead to effective and lasting improvements.

      Thoughtful gestures and playful interactions can help build deeper connections in relationships. Sending someone a movie score they love or saving them a cookie shows understanding and acceptance. Being playfully assumptive can make the other person feel missed and desired. Disagreeing with someone in a sweet and playful way can create a sense of friction and show that you have your own standards. These small actions can lead to stronger connections and a more meaningful relationship. Additionally, taking the time to seek personalized solutions to relationship issues, as suggested by the speaker, can lead to effective and lasting improvements.

    • Communicate intentions clearlyBe open about meanings behind actions, prevent misunderstandings by discussing importance of experiences, and observe body language and tone for added insight.

      When considering relationships and interactions with potential partners, it's essential to communicate openly and clearly about intentions and meanings behind actions. The speaker warns against assuming that experiences, such as weekend getaways, hold the same significance for both parties. Instead, it's crucial to have open conversations about the importance and meaning behind these experiences beforehand. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that both individuals are on the same page. Additionally, the speaker encourages being aware of body language and tone during conversations, as these can provide valuable insight into someone's true feelings. Overall, effective communication and understanding are key to building strong and meaningful relationships.

    • Techniques to be taken seriouslyDress appropriately, speak confidently, use body language effectively, show genuine interest, use active listening skills, be punctual, use a firm handshake, use positive language, use appropriate eye contact, use appropriate tone and volume, use appropriate facial expressions, use appropriate gestures, and be knowledgeable about the topic.

      There are various techniques to be taken seriously, as discussed in the conversation. Here are some key points: 1. Dress appropriately for the occasion. 2. Speak confidently and clearly. 3. Use body language effectively. 4. Show genuine interest in others. 5. Use active listening skills. 6. Be punctual. 7. Use a firm handshake. 8. Use positive language. 9. Use appropriate eye contact. 10. Use appropriate tone and volume. 11. Use appropriate facial expressions. 12. Use appropriate gestures. 13. Be knowledgeable about the topic at hand. If you're struggling with being taken seriously in your personal life, consider trying out some of these techniques. You can also visit how to get the guy dot com for personalized solutions based on your specific situation. Remember, confidence and respect are essential in any relationship, and these techniques can help you project both.

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    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    For more info on the host, visit, http://donutprincessla.com/ and follow Mayly on Instagram @maylytao!

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