
    (Matt Monday): How to Stop Addictive Thoughts About Someone Bad for You

    enOctober 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Accepting Reality: Letting Go of Unrequited FeelingsIt's crucial to accept when someone isn't interested and move on to build healthy relationships based on mutual interest and respect.

      It's important to recognize and accept when someone is not right for us, even if we have strong emotional attachments or addictive thoughts. These thoughts may stem from a fantasy or an unmet emotional need, but they don't reflect reality. Once someone has made it clear they're not interested, it's essential to respect their decision and move on. Continuing to pursue someone who isn't reciprocating our feelings can be a sign of a lack of self-acceptance and an inability to recognize what we truly need in a relationship. The key is to focus on building healthy, meaningful connections based on mutual interest and respect, rather than getting caught up in addictive thoughts or unrequited feelings.

    • Charm should not be the sole basis for a relationshipLook beyond initial attraction and focus on deeper qualities like mutual respect, understanding, and compatibility for a fulfilling relationship.

      While initial attraction and charm can be compelling, it's important not to overvalue these traits in a potential partner. The speaker shares their personal experience of being attracted to individuals who, despite their charm, couldn't offer a fulfilling relationship. They emphasize that it's crucial to recognize when someone's charming facade masks underlying issues. The speaker grew tired of this pattern and learned to prioritize authentic connections and compatibility over initial attraction. In essence, while charm and attraction can be alluring, they should not be the sole basis for pursuing a relationship. Instead, it's essential to look for deeper qualities like mutual respect, understanding, and compatibility.

    • Initial impressions aren't everythingDon't base judgments solely on initial charm or connection. Allow people to reveal themselves over time and consider the long-term reality of a situation.

      Initial charm or connection should not be the sole basis for evaluating someone's value or potential in a relationship. It's important to allow people to reveal themselves over time and to recognize that experiences, even those with challenging individuals, can still hold value. We often get caught up in addictive thoughts based on narrow perceptions, but it's essential to consider the long-term reality of a situation. As the speaker mentioned, sometimes people may not be a good fit, and it's crucial to recognize when to move on. Ultimately, the relationship itself should prove the depth of the connection, not our initial impressions.

    • Fantasies vs. Reality in RelationshipsFocus on the reality of the relationship and evaluate the quality of actions, not just individual thoughts or desires, for healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

      Our perceptions and expectations in relationships can often be based on fantasies rather than reality. We may imagine that others feel the same way about us as we do about them, or that certain actions hold deeper meaning than they actually do. However, it's essential to remember that relationships are built on mutual decisions and actions, not just individual thoughts or desires. For instance, some people enjoy matchmaking others, but it's not a unilateral decision. Both parties need to be involved. Likewise, we can't assume that others' actions or messages reflect their true feelings towards us. Sometimes, a simple "miss you" text may not hold the significance we attach to it in our minds. Therefore, it's crucial to focus on the reality of the relationship and how it makes us feel. We should evaluate the quality time spent with our partners and consider the average of their actions rather than getting lost in our fantasies. By doing so, we can build healthier and more fulfilling relationships based on mutual understanding and respect.

    • Understanding Attachment StylesRecognize your attachment style, but don't limit yourself to seeking a partner with the same one. Look for someone who fulfills your core emotional needs, and work on yourself to avoid unhealthy dynamics.

      When it comes to relationships, it's essential to understand our attachment styles and the needs they represent, while recognizing that we are responsible for our own emotional well-being. The book "Attached" identifies three attachment styles: anxious, avoidant, and secure. While it suggests that we should seek partners who align with our attachment style, the speaker argues that we are complex individuals and that core needs can vary. We should look for someone who leans towards the kind of affection, attention, closeness, and connection that we value. However, it's crucial not to burden others with our attachment style, as this can lead to unhealthy and codependent dynamics. Comparing this to addictive thoughts about someone who's not right for us, the speaker emphasizes that such thoughts are harmful and unproductive, just like an addiction to a substance. Ultimately, we must work on ourselves while seeking a partner who complements our emotional needs.

    • Our brains can develop addictive patterns towards people and activitiesRecognize the addictive patterns towards unhealthy relationships or activities and make conscious choices to avoid them.

      Our brains can develop addictive patterns towards people and activities, just like with substances. These patterns can lead us to seek out experiences that give us a rush of dopamine or oxytocin, even if they're ultimately harmful to us. The speaker uses the example of social media and past relationships to illustrate this point. Social media can be addictive due to the hit of dopamine we get from checking for new likes or messages. Similarly, past relationships that give us a rush of excitement or connection but ultimately leave us feeling unstable or heartbroken can also be addictive. It's important to recognize these patterns and start seeing them as equally harmful as substance addictions. The allure of these addictive relationships or activities can be especially strong in the moment, especially with the influence of alcohol or other external factors. By understanding this, we can make more conscious choices about the people and activities we engage with and avoid getting trapped in unhealthy patterns.

    • Navigate your dating journey with easeJoin the free 'Dating with Results' training to bypass dating obstacles and find the love you deserve.

      If you're currently struggling with your dating life and seeking ways to make it easier, there's a solution. Many people find themselves in situations where they're not making progress, whether it's due to past relationships or difficulty meeting new people. The underlying desire, however, remains the same: the deep need for love in one's life. Dating today can be a challenging experience, but there's a way to navigate through it and find the love you truly want. To help you on this journey, there's a free 1-hour training called "Dating with Results." This training provides a roadmap for rapid progress in your love life, allowing you to bypass the obstacles and meet your person. Whether you're fresh out of a relationship or simply looking to improve your dating experiences, this training can save you years of time and effort. All you have to do is visit datingwithresults.com to watch it for free. Don't let the complexities of dating stand in the way of finding the love you deserve. Take the first step towards a more fulfilling love life by joining the "Dating with Results" training.

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    So we ignore the conversation and silently suffer.

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    If this is you, this episode is for you.

    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

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    UPDATE: ANXIOUS ATTACHMENT THERAPY EBOOKS NOW AVAILABLE⇢ The Ultimate Guide - How to navigate & heal your anxious attachment style when dating  - A 26 page PDF guide created by clinical psychologist Dr Tari Mack & Louise Rumball - linked HERE⇢ The Ultimate Script - How to communicate your anxious attachment style when dating  - a 14 Page Script PDF - linkedHERE ---- Do you feel full of dread every time you go on a date, or when it has ended? Do you constantly focus on whether they are into you or whether they’re going to text back or ask you out again -  rather than focusing on getting to know you? Do you hate it when they don’t reply, or are sat online and constantly wonder if they are about to ghost you or reject you? If you’re anxiously attached and in the dating world- it’s painful, and you’re not alone.Louise talks with Dr Tari Mack, clinical psychologist and relationship expert on how to make the dating world a little more manageable.  The pair talk:⇢ Why dating and an anxious attachment style do not mix well together⇢ The 6 things you need to understand to navigate the dating stage more easily ⇢ The concept of neutral, negative and positive cues when dating⇢ How and when you can start talking about things they do that trigger you⇢ When you should talk about your anxious attachment (and how) ⇢ The psychology of words and actions aligning⇢ The concept of ‘communication’ and then ‘observation’ And more  ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––  Connect with Louise on social: @iamlouiserumballConnect with OPENHOUSE: @theopenhousepodcastConnect with Dr Tari Mack: @drtarimackSign up to join the OPENHOUSE mailing list & to get access to our free community area, THE HOUSE at www.thisisopenhouse.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––  ⠀ Music SourcesVibe With Me by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarudMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-7YDBIGCXsY Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Key Takeaways: Know Your Attachment Style:
    • Unearth the origins of your behavior by understanding attachment styles like anxious and insecure, rooted in childhood.

    • Explore how these attachment styles shape your role as either a chaser or a runner in relationships.

    Pay Attention to Defense Mechanisms:
    • Spot the signs of defense mechanisms, including deflecting, constant blaming, or hot-and-cold behavior.

    • Decode these red flags to gain insights into whether your partner is currently in a chaser or runner phase, fostering a healthier connection.

    Healthy Doesn't Mean Perfect:
    • Embrace the dance of a balanced relationship, where both partners take turns chasing and running.

    • Acknowledge that imperfections are a natural part of the journey and commit to working through ups and downs for a resilient and lasting connection.

    Guest Bio- Erika Chavez Pena M.ED., LPC
    Erika Chavez Pena dedicated 21 years to the public education system, serving as a teacher for the deaf and hard of hearing and as a high school counselor. Transitioning to the role of a Licensed Professional Counselor, she has been actively engaged in the counseling profession for the past 6 years. During her early career as an educator, Erika cultivated a passion for public speaking, delivering presentations for students, parents, and community members. More recently, she expanded her expertise by providing training for Neely Counseling Center's Employee Assistance Program. Her presentations focus on the psychological and emotional well-being of individuals, emphasizing the importance of balancing emotional, cognitive, social, and physical aspects. Currently, Erika provides counseling services to adolescents, adults, and couples at Neely Counseling Center.

    Resources/Things Mentioned During The Show
    Need Counseling neelycounseling.com
    Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/usInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/drkirleen/?hl=en

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