
    Michael Allio is changing lives. Bachelor Nation fan favorite reveals BTS to his impactful entrepreneurial and nonprofit work, his time in the franchise, and $$$ behind it!

    enSeptember 18, 2023
    What personal struggles did Michael A. experience before the show?
    How did joining 'The Bachelor' change Michael's life?
    What insights does Michael share about adaptability in life?
    What economic event is discussed in the episode?
    How does Michael view difficulties in life according to the interview?

    Podcast Summary

    • A Bachelor Contestant Shares His Personal Story and InsightsMichael A. discusses his experiences on The Bachelor, his finance journey, and the upcoming FOMC meeting potentially leading to another interest rate hike.

      This episode of Trading Secrets features an in-depth interview with Michael A., a contestant from The Bachelor franchise. Michael shares his personal story, including his experiences before, during, and after the show, as well as insights into his finance, personal life, and professional career. Additionally, the Federal Open Market Committee is meeting next week, which could result in another interest rate hike to combat inflation. Host Jason Tardick also shares a personal update, having recently moved into a new rental property and reflecting on the decision-making process. Overall, this episode offers a multidimensional look at Michael's life and the economic landscape.

    • Using personal experiences for goodRecognize the interconnectedness of personal and professional lives and use opportunities to create positive change.

      Personal and professional lives are interconnected, and using one's experiences and platforms can lead to making a difference in the world. Michael, a Bachelor Nation favorite, shares his journey from losing his wife to founding a non-profit organization to help families battling cancer. Before his reality TV stint, Michael was an entrepreneur, starting a distribution company with his parents that supplies safety clothing and creates easy-to-use online ecommerce stores for businesses. The industry was antiquated, with a lot of paperwork involved in ordering logoed apparel. Michael and his family created an online platform to simplify the process, ensuring workers in various industries comply with safety standards. Michael's experiences on Bachelor Nation gave him a larger platform to leverage for good, and he has continued to use it to make a difference. His story highlights the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of personal and professional lives and using opportunities to create positive change.

    • Efficient Uniform Solutions for BusinessesCompany offers streamlined process for purchasing work uniforms and safety clothing, ensuring compliance and handling sourcing, procurement, logoing, and warehousing. Founder's resilience and focus on efficiency led to success.

      The company provides a solution for businesses to easily purchase work uniforms and safety clothing while ensuring compliance with safety guidelines. They handle various aspects of the process, including sourcing, procurement, logoing, and warehousing. The business started small and faced challenges, but is now profitable and employs a small team. The founder shared a personal story about the importance of staying calm and collected during difficult times, especially as a caregiver. Despite the challenges, the company's focus on efficiency and the right team has helped it succeed.

    • Stay adaptable and view challenges as opportunities for growthLife's challenges help us grow and understand ourselves better, making every experience valuable in the story of our lives

      Life doesn't follow a linear path with predetermined rewards, and it's essential to stay adaptable and respond to challenges as they come. Perspective is crucial, and it's important not to discount the significance of our own struggles, no matter how minor they may seem compared to others. Instead, we should view difficulties as opportunities for growth and learning. Life's ups and downs, including the painful ones, make us feel alive and connected to ourselves. Embracing our emotions, even the difficult ones, helps us understand ourselves better and move forward. Ultimately, we're all writing the story of our lives, and every experience, good or bad, contributes to the narrative.

    • Finding Creativity in Difficult TimesEven during personal struggles and sadness, creativity can flourish and lead to unexpected opportunities for growth and transformation.

      Creativity often flourishes during difficult times in life. This was the case for the interviewee, who experienced a surge in ideas and new perspectives when dealing with personal struggles and sadness. A significant turning point came when he was approached to join a reality TV show, "The Bachelor," following the passing of his wife. Initially hesitant, he eventually agreed, leading to a dramatic shift in his life, as he gained widespread attention and support from the public. Despite the initial fear and uncertainty, he ultimately embraced the change and was grateful for the opportunity. This experience highlights the potential for growth and transformation during challenging periods, even when it seems impossible to see the positive side.

    • Weighing the Pros and Cons of Being the BachelorBeing the Bachelor comes with personal and professional risks, and individuals must consider the long-term consequences before accepting the opportunity.

      The experience of being on "The Bachelor" comes with a heavy burden, both personally and professionally. The individual's identity and reputation can be altered significantly, and the weight of public scrutiny can be overwhelming. Michael, a former contestant, shared his personal dilemma when he was approached to be the Bachelor after Katie Thurston's season. He declined the offer due to concerns about the potential damage to his personal life and career. Michael weighed the pros and cons, considering the examples of past bachelors who faced public backlash. He ultimately decided that the potential risks outweighed the potential benefits. Michael's decision highlights the complexities of being in the public eye and the importance of considering the long-term consequences of such opportunities.

    • Personal values and relationships matterDespite financial struggles, the speaker chose to prioritize their personal values and relationships over a professional opportunity, and their business continued to thrive.

      Personal values and relationships can outweigh professional opportunities. The speaker shared their experience of turning down the offer to be the lead on a reality TV show due to the potential negative impact it could have on their personal life and relationships. They felt it would be a burden and could potentially harden them, which they didn't want. After making the decision, they returned to work and continued growing their business, which they had always been good at managing despite financial struggles in the early years. A controversy arose regarding their distribution company and price gouging during the pandemic, but the speaker clarified that the comparison of prices in the article was misleading due to the concept of supply and demand. Overall, the speaker prioritized their personal values and relationships over a professional opportunity and continued to focus on their business.

    • Company stepped in to provide PPE during pandemicCompany drop-shipped essential PPE, charged hospitals competitive prices, and made a profit while ensuring supplies reached those in need

      During the pandemic, a company named Money Mafia didn't intend to get into the PPE business but stepped in when primary suppliers failed to deliver. They drop-shipped products directly to hospitals and first responders, never hoarding supplies. The article accusing them of hoarding and price gouging lacked sufficient information. Hospitals, with aggressive procurement teams, ensured prices were competitive. Drop shipping involves finding manufacturers and charging hospitals, while the manufacturer sends the product directly. At the time, shipping rates and international freight were unpredictable, so these costs were incorporated into pricing. While the company made a profit, they were providing essential supplies to those in need.

    • Lessons from a struggling PPE entrepreneurDespite financial struggles, staying involved in PPE market driven by desire to help and potential line extension. However, would not consider re-entry due to high competition, labor-intensive processes, and potential dangers of price gouging. Emphasizes importance of transparency, accountability, and understanding complex situations.

      Even with strong industry connections and the opportunity to extend a business during the pandemic, the PPE market was not profitable for this individual due to high competition and labor-intensive processes. Despite barely breaking even, the decision to stay involved was driven by a desire to help and the potential for a line extension. However, with the potential return of COVID-29 and lessons learned about the importance of a diverse supplier network and the dangers of price gouging, this individual would not consider entering the PPE market again. The experience highlighted the need for transparency, accountability, and a focus on serving the true purpose of relief programs like the PPP. It also underscored the importance of seeking to understand complex situations rather than rushing to judgment.

    • Deciding whether to confront issues directly or remain silentConsider the potential consequences of both actions and make a decision based on what feels right for us in that moment.

      Life presents us with challenging situations where we must decide whether to confront issues directly or remain silent. While silence and apathy can be a form of self-preservation, there comes a time when standing up for ourselves is a necessary response. This was a dilemma the speaker faced when deciding whether to appear on Bachelor in Paradise after being passed over for the lead role. The decision not to go ultimately proved to be the right one for him at that time, but the experience left him with a longing for the excitement and stimulation of being part of the Bachelor franchise. When faced with similar dilemmas, it's essential to consider the potential consequences of both actions and make a decision based on what feels right for us in that moment. Life is full of choices, and sometimes the hardest part is deciding which path to take.

    • Considering the financial implications of reality TV showsReality TV shows can bring unexpected financial gains, but it's crucial to weigh potential income loss and long-term opportunities. Life insurance is essential for protecting loved ones' financial security.

      Participating in reality TV shows like "The Bachelor" or "Bachelor in Paradise" can bring unexpected financial benefits, but it's essential to consider the potential loss of income during the show's airing and the long-term opportunities that come after. Additionally, having life insurance, especially when raising a family, is a crucial financial responsibility. The interviewee shared how going on the show helped him grow his influencer career and income, but he also faced unexpected challenges, such as being away from his son during filming and the lack of life insurance when his partner passed away. These experiences underscored the importance of careful financial planning and the potential rewards of reality TV appearances.

    • The Power of Saving and InvestingSaving and investing can lead to financial freedom and security. Prioritize saving and investing for future wealth and experiences.

      Saving money and investing it wisely can lead to financial freedom and security. The power of compounding interest can help individuals build substantial wealth over time. It's essential to prioritize saving and investing, even if it means sacrificing immediate gratification. Additionally, experiences and struggles in life, including financial hardships, can shape our character and lead to personal growth. Money can provide freedom to leave jobs or pursue passions, but it's important to ensure compatibility and communication in relationships. Life is unpredictable, and challenges, including personal and professional setbacks, are inevitable. However, with resilience and a positive attitude, we can learn from these experiences and continue moving forward.

    • Transforming Challenges into OpportunitiesBelieve in yourself, take chances, and don't let fear hold you back from turning setbacks into opportunities for personal growth and meaningful contributions.

      When facing setbacks in various areas of life, it's essential to take a moment for self-reflection and growth. Change can be unsettling, but it often leads to the most significant learning experiences and personal development. Michael's story is a testament to this, as he's turned past challenges into opportunities for progress. When encountering setbacks, believe in yourself, take chances, and don't let fear hold you back. The cost of regret is far greater than the cost of failure. In the context of work, consider the example of hand-foot syndrome (HFS) in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Approximately 356,000 patients annually experience moderate to severe HFS, which can lead to reduced or discontinued chemotherapy treatment. However, studies suggest a correlation between HFS and better chemotherapy outcomes. Michael, with his background in pharmacology, recognized this issue and is now dedicating his life to developing a topical ointment to help alleviate HFS symptoms, proving that even the most challenging experiences can be transformed into meaningful contributions.

    • Overcoming personal struggles to make a discoveryDetermination and perseverance can lead to groundbreaking discoveries despite personal struggles and seemingly insurmountable challenges.

      Determination and perseverance can lead to groundbreaking discoveries, even in the face of personal struggles and seemingly insurmountable challenges. The speaker, who lost her sister to a rare disease while caring for her newborn, went to great lengths to create a lab in her basement and develop a potential solution. Despite setbacks and obstacles, she continued to improve the formula and eventually received help from a larger company, leading to the creation of a team and a patent. The journey was long and costly, but the drive to make a difference and potentially help others ultimately paid off.

    • Securing Intellectual Property for a New InventionFiling multiple patents, including continuation patents, is essential to protect a new invention. A successful patent can lead to significant financial gains, especially for products addressing common and expensive health issues.

      When inventing and patenting a new product, it's crucial to file multiple patents, including a continuation patent, to secure your intellectual property. This strategy allows you to add to your patent as research and development progresses, ensuring that your invention remains protected. Once approved, a patent can lead to significant financial gains, especially if the product addresses a common and expensive health issue, like Hand Foot Syndrome. In this case, the inventor is working on a topical ointment or mask, which has shown promising results in treating HFS in over 50 people. They are currently in discussions with Stanford University for a clinical trial and considering both the IND and cosmetic routes for approval. If successful, the product could potentially save insurance companies $190 million annually and generate sales up to $36 million. As a single parent, the inventor remains dedicated to bringing this solution to market, seeing it as a calling and an opportunity to make a positive impact on people's lives.

    • Embrace the struggles and make a positive impactSingle parents face challenges, but listening to kids and embracing struggles can lead to important insights and positive impact

      Single parents working full time face immense challenges, but it's essential to make the most of every moment with their children. Listening to them, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can lead to important insights and investments in their future. Phil Ax's quote, "it's wrong to expect a reward for your struggle. The reward is the act of struggle itself, not what you win," can be applied to both parenting and trading. Instead of just pointing out the problems, take action and make a difference. Creators don't criticize but find the good and apply it to their own creations. Overall, the struggles in life are the rewards, and it's essential to embrace them and make a positive impact.

    Recent Episodes from Trading Secrets

    197. Ryan Serhant: From Million Dollar Listing to his own show “Owning Manhattan,” the BTS to his SERHANT empire, current state of luxury real estate and how his leadership has lead to major $$$

    197. Ryan Serhant: From Million Dollar Listing to his own show “Owning Manhattan,” the BTS to his SERHANT empire, current state of luxury real estate and how his leadership has lead to major $$$
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, real estate mogul, investor, best-selling author, and reality TV star, Ryan Serhant!

    Ryan is the star of Netflix’s new reality show Owning Manhattan, along with being the former star of Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing New York, which follows behind the scenes of the lives of luxury real estate agents. Ryan has established himself as one of the most successful and well-known real estate brokers in the world. He is the founder and CEO of Serhant, a multi-dimensional real estate brokerage that sits at the intersection of media, entertainment, education, and technology. Under Ryan’s leadership, Serhant has since expanded to seven states, grown its agents and employee roster to over 500 people across 19 states, and amassed over 6 million followers across all social media platforms.

    Ryan breaks down the biggest move of everything he has done since the last time he was the podcast, how he was able to pitch Owning Manhattan to networks, how his show differentiates from other reality shows he has been on, why they decided to go with Netflix, the benefit of renting vs owning, what compensation looks like, how being able to sell cars can translate to selling properties, how PR plays a critical role, and the two things that an entrepreneur needs to work on daily. Plus, Ryan reveals how he operates as a leader, the current state of the luxury real estate industry, the shift in his mindset, and his best advice for owning property. 

    Ryan reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Ryan Serhant

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
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    Trading Secrets
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    195. Abigail Heringer & Noah Erb tell all! From careers before becoming one of Bachelor Nation’s favorite couples and reality TV to DIY and wedding planning, all the $$$ behind it!

    195. Abigail Heringer & Noah Erb tell all! From careers before becoming one of Bachelor Nation’s favorite couples and reality TV to DIY and wedding planning, all the $$$ behind it!
    This week, Jason is joined by one of Bachelor Nation’s favorite couples, Abigail Heringer and Noah Erb!

    Abigail made her reality TV debut on Matt James’ season of the Bachelor, while also being the first contestant with a cochlear implant ever on the show. Noah made his debut on Clare Crawley and Tayshia Adams season of the Bachelorette. The two ended up meeting each other on the beaches of Mexico in season seven of Bachelor in Paradise and the rest is history. Noah and Abigail dive into their careers prior to joining Bachelor Nation, how they handled finances while filming the show, how COVID impacted their experiences, how paradise is more like dating in the real world, why they think the format of Paradise needs to change it up,  working on renovation projects, and wedding planning. 

    Noah breaks down his work as a travel nurse, why he wanted to get out of staff nursing, the differences between the two types of nursing, who nominated him for the show, how he felt about Aaron on the show, and saving money by doing home renovation projects on his own. Abigail reveals her financial journey while working in a budgeting and financial analyst role, budgeting event planning for two weeks, how she applied for The Bachelor, how being furloughed during COVID allowed her to go on the show, how influencing differentiates from the corporate world, the hardships of being in the spotlight, and her new book “The Deaf Girl: A Memoir of Hearing Loss, Hope, and Fighting Against the Odds.”

    Noah and Abigail reveal all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Noah Erb + Abigail Heringer

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Episode Title: 194. More Than Money: Jason & David put the listeners in the hot seat!

    Episode Title: 194. More Than Money: Jason & David put the listeners in the hot seat!
    This week, Jason is joined by the curious Canadian, David Arduin to take questions from the listeners from All Access! 

    In this addition of More Than Money, Jason and David get the chance to ask Trading Secret listeners about their careers and vice versa! From a therapist to sports media, everything you need to know about the schooling behind a career, how to best approach the conversation around food with kids, not tying your image to your work, expenses and tips behind parenthood, job applications, and so much more. Plus a special surprise from Kat and MK! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 22, 2024

    193. Dolores Catania: RHONJ fan favorite breaks down her $ecrets to honoring her values, staying Switzerland in the drama, and BTS of reality TV

    193. Dolores Catania: RHONJ fan favorite breaks down her $ecrets to honoring her values, staying Switzerland in the drama, and BTS of reality TV
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur and reality TV personality best known for her role on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the one and only Dolores Catania!

    Dolores joined the cast back in 2016 and was voted as fan favorite Miss Congeniality across the entire Real Housewives franchise. In 2018, her passion for charitable work and helping those less fortunate has made her one of the more relatable and likable cast members of the show. In addition to her role on the show, she likes to express her entrepreneurial spirit by opening her own fitness center and flipping homes with her ex-husband. 

    Dolores dives into why she doesn’t watch the show, what she was doing for work before the show, how she learned she was dyslexic, how she was able to maintain her character and friendships on the show, how much of the show gets cut out, how Traitors compares to the housewives, her advice about money when going through a divorce, and the impact of brand deals. Dolores also reveals how she grew up, how she feels about prenups, what she spends the most money on, and having no regrets.

    Dolores reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Dolores Catania

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
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    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 19, 2024

    192. More Than Money: Fashion expert Randy Willard! Suits, styles, do’s, don’ts and more!

    192. More Than Money: Fashion expert Randy Willard! Suits, styles, do’s, don’ts and more!
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur and men’s fashion expert, Randy Willard!

    Randy has been on the forefront of custom men’s fashion since 2010 and primarily works with high level executives and leading business men in several different industries including: Forbes, 500 lists, athletes in sport, entertainment, finance, and technology leaders. Randy breaks down all aspects of the suit, what kind of suits he recommends for a wedding, the importance of not letting down the bride with how you wear your suit, the impact of wearing a suit jacket, what goes into styling, and so much more! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Randy Willard

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 15, 2024

    191. Doug Ellin: 20th anniversary of Entourage, breaking into the TV & movie industry, the collaboration process, and all the $$$ behind it!

    191. Doug Ellin: 20th anniversary of Entourage, breaking into the TV & movie industry, the collaboration process, and all the $$$ behind it!
    This week, Jason is joined by Emmy nominated director, producer, screenwriter, and podcast host, Doug Ellin!

    Doug is most well known for creating the hit HBO series Entourage in which he held roles as executive producer and director. Between 2004 and 2011, the show amassed 96 episodes while collecting 26 Emmy nominations and six Emmy winners, and  eventually adapting his own movie screenplay based around the characters and plot of the show. Since the show’s end in 2011, Doug has continued to feed off the high level of interest and success of the show by creating a podcast called “Victory the Podcast” and his new TV show “Ramble On.”

    Doug gives insight to how he went to school law before switching gears to do standup comedy, impact of his parents support, how making one short film launched his career, the shocking amount of projects that lose money, how the short film lead to his first rewriting and directing job with Phat Beach, how Entourage revived his career after a major film flop, and how the money breaks down after landing the show. Doug also reveals how he almost went back to become a lawyer, the stresses of landing a show at Max and hoping it sticks, the money behind the show, why he didn’t want to do the Entourage movie, and how his new show “Ramble On” is different from Entourage. Who funded his first short film? When was the first time he felt like Entourage was a success? 

    Doug reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Doug Ellin

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
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    ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol:
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    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 12, 2024

    190. More Than Money: Decoding online safety from personal data to shopping with former TikTok cybersecurity lead, Caitlin Sarian aka Cybersecurity Girl

    190. More Than Money: Decoding online safety from personal data to shopping with former TikTok cybersecurity lead, Caitlin Sarian aka Cybersecurity Girl
    This week, Jason is joined by former TikTok cybersecurity lead and tech influencer Caitlin Sarian aka Cybersecurity Girl!

    Caitlin dives into ways to protect your data online, her journey working at TikTok and how it started with them asking her to speak, debunking conspiracy theories, what she believes the biggest cybersecurity threat in social media is, and the essentials to strong passwords PLUS,  how to check if your accounts have been breached, how to get your personal information removed from the internet, what the pay range is, how to shop safely online, her insider perspective on cracking the algorithm and so much more! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Cybersecurity Girl 

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 08, 2024

    189. In the spotlight since 8 years old! RHONJ’s Gia Giudice breaks down growing up on reality TV, capitalizing on social media, pursuing law, and using what she knows to make major career moves

    189. In the spotlight since 8 years old! RHONJ’s Gia Giudice breaks down growing up on reality TV, capitalizing on social media, pursuing law, and using what she knows to make major career moves
    This week, Jason is joined by reality TV personality and oldest daughter of Teresa and Joe Giudice from Bravo’s Real Housewives of New Jersey, Gia Giudice!

    Gia has spent the majority of her life growing up in front of the camera, having debuted on the hit reality show when she was just eight years old. Having gone through some major life experiences in front of millions, she’s been able to keep a steady mind for her family and her personal & professional growth. 

    Gia dives into her desire to be in front of the camera since she was a small child, the importance of school in her family, what sparked her interest in pursuing a degree to become a lawyer, what she has learned from growing up during her parents situation, what she would do differently from her parents, and what she believes the older generations thinks about Gen Z. Gia also reveals what her next step is, how she was able to capitalize on an old song going viral on TikTok, how to make money on TikTok and Instagram,  the competitiveness of content creation, how social media has become a huge part of high school, and what her goals are for her future! What is one of her biggest financial accomplishments? What source of income pays the most? Which reality shows have approached her? 

    Gia reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Gia Giudice

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Monarch Money:
    Monarch is the top-rated, all-in-one personal finance app. You get a comprehensive view of all your accounts, investments, transactions and more. Create custom budgets, track progress toward financial goals, and collaborate with your partner. Plus, Monarch automates smart money moves to get you closer to your goals. For an extended thirty day free trial, go to Monarchmoney.com/SECRETS

    ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol:
    Vacations, weddings, birthdays, and reunions, there’s so much going on! Get the most out of your summer plans by stocking up on Pre-Alcohol now. Go to zbiotics.com/TRADINGSECRETS to get 15% off your first order when you use TRADINGSECRETS at checkout. Pre-Alcohol is backed with 100% money back guarantee so if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, they’ll refund your money, no questions asked. Thank you ZBiotics for sponsoring this episode and our good times.
    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 05, 2024

    188. More Than Money: Less than $10k after 10 years as an actor?! Social media sensation Emily Gross spills ALL the numbers behind her career!

    188. More Than Money: Less than $10k after 10 years as an actor?! Social media sensation Emily Gross spills ALL the numbers behind her career!
    This week, Jason is joined by social media influencer, content creator, and actress, Emily Gross!

    Emily dives into how she ended up going to business school, how she was able to shift gears to pursue her passion for acting, why going to growlings was important to her, how improv can be used in other careers, the hustling that goes into acting, how she was able to earn her SAG card, how the union protects actors, how her social media presence took off, and the behind-the-scenes about working in the restaurant industry.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Emily Gross

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets
    enAugust 01, 2024

    187. More than an Olympic athlete: Kerri Walsh Jennings breaks away from the label, reveals the shocking numbers behind her volleyball career, and following her curiosity

    187. More than an Olympic athlete: Kerri Walsh Jennings breaks away from the label, reveals the shocking numbers behind her volleyball career, and  following her curiosity
    This week, Jason is joined by 3x Olympic gold medalist, 1x Olympic bronze medalist, and one of the most proclaimed American Olympic athletes in recent memory, Kerri Walsh Jennings!

    Teaming up with Misty May-Treanor to win three olympic gold medals and three world titles and go undefeated for a remarkable 112 games. On returning to the Olympic stage at Rio in 2016 with new partner April Ross, she brought in a bronze medal at the age of 37. In recent years, Kerri has expanded her professional skillset by co-funding a non-profit organization to unite, empower, and inspire the sport of beach volleyball in communities around the country. 

    Kerri dives into her take on the business landscape on beach volleyball at the collegiate level, the different approaches to being excellent in your sport as a kid, how she handles the outside noise, how to utilize and breakaway from the label, the monetization behind beach volleyball, how a domestic contract changed their world, and what funds olympic dreams. Kerri also reveals how USA athletes differentiate from other countries, how she wants to improve the ADP for beach volleyball, realistically what the pay is like, being humbled by indoor volleyball, the business behind San Diego Mojo. What were her first big deals? What do the athletes pay for? 

    Kerri reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Kerri Walsh Jennings

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