
    One Thing That Will Immediately Make You Feel Positive

    en-gbNovember 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Shift your mindset with gratitudeFocusing on what we're grateful for can change our perspective and improve mood, helping to lift us out of a funk

      Practicing gratitude can help shift your mindset and improve your mood when you're feeling down. Negative thoughts can creep in and make us feel like we can't do something or that others are judging us negatively. However, focusing on what we're grateful for can help us remember that these thoughts often stem from a sense of lack. By listing the things we're thankful for, we can change our perspective and lift ourselves out of a funk. This is a simple yet effective tool that can be practiced every day, especially leading up to Thanksgiving. So, instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, try focusing on the things you're grateful for to help improve your mood and overall outlook on life. Additionally, mark your calendars for the Everyday Positivity hangout on Sunday, where we'll delve deeper into the way we think about ourselves and our beliefs.

    • Everyday Positivity community celebrates 2,000 days of spreading positivityJoin the Facebook group or Patreon membership to submit artwork for sale, support charity, and attend a hearty chat.

      The Everyday Positivity community, led by Kate Cocker, is celebrating 2,000 days of spreading positivity and invites designers to submit artwork for a print that will be sold to raise money for charity. To participate, individuals can join the Facebook group "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker" or be part of the bird membership on Patreon. The event will also include a hearty chat for those who have signed up via Eventbrite or are part of the memberships mentioned above. Kate expressed her gratitude for the community's support and encouraged everyone to remember their ability to overcome challenges with the phrase "you have 100% got this."

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    074 Part 2: Rob Feakins - On Creating Emotionally Connective Films For Social Good

    074 Part 2: Rob Feakins - On Creating Emotionally Connective Films For Social Good

    In the second part of Rob's podcast episode, Tanur Badgley will be wrapping up their conversation on Creating Emotionally Connective Films For Social Good.

    Listen as they talk about his brand as a filmmaker for non-profitable organizations and charities, his thoughts and suggestions on activating awareness PoP's mission to elevate community participation, and finally, about how living his purpose has influenced other people in a way or another.


    Get to know more about Rob : ⬇️


    Personal Pages

    ⚫ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rfeakins/

    ⚫ Twitter - https://twitter.com/rfeakins/

    ⚫ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rob.feakins/


    For All Humankind

    Website - https://www.forallhumankind.com/

    ⚫ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rfeakins/


    Listen as we talk about: 👂🏽

    🟦 His brand as a filmmaker for non-profitable organizations and charities

    🟦 His thoughts and suggestions on activating awareness PoP's mission to elevate community participation

    🟦 How living his purpose has influenced other people in a way or another


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    074 Part 1: Rob Feakins - On Creating Emotionally Connective Films For Social Good

    074 Part 1: Rob Feakins - On Creating Emotionally Connective Films For Social Good

    Rob Feakins has spent his career as a writer, executive creative director, and chief creative officer at some of the most respected advertising agencies in America. He has creatively led and won awards on some of the most recognized global brands in the world including Target, Citibank, P&G, BMW, Porsche, Four Seasons, Volvo, Hilton, and Goldman Sachs to name a few.

    He is now taking his skills and applying it where it is needed most, helping brands, NGOs and charities activate their cause marketing and helping non-profits with issue raising instead of merely focusing on fundraising. 

    Rob is an award-winning filmmaker and wonderful storyteller who is skilled at creating viral films and mini-docs that drive engagement and emotionally connect followers to charities. Over the last two years, Rob’s humanitarian films received over 20 awards from differing film festivals.

    He creates inspirational films designed for social media that emotionally connect people to charities and causes. Rob has filmed and won awards for everything from ex-poachers in the Serengeti, to hospice caregivers, to homeless veterans. Rob shoots at cost for non-profits and charities as a way to give back. In his spare time, Rob is a hospice volunteer. 

    Rob is a former member of Facebook's Creative Council, has advanced training in digital marketing from the Wharton School, evaluating social programs from MIT and humanitarian response to conflict and disaster from Harvard.

    Rob has a strong legacy in pro bono work. In 2015, the work he led for Doctors of the World resulted in Ebola Workers being named Time's Person of the Year. In 2015, his agency launched Citi Bike in New York City which was later named Best Integrated Campaign of the Year by Ad Age and Creativity. Mashable named one of his agency's viral videos, for the Anti-Defamation League, as one of the 10 most inspirational viral films of the year. His agency created the first PSA video to hit YouTube's Top Ten Leaderboard. His agency’s campaign for Ad Council's Adopt A Foster Child is still running after 10 years. His agency’s campaign for Boost, to prevent high school kids from dropping out won numerous awards. He led the creative campaign for Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign to prevent grade school absenteeism. And he was a member of the Ad Council Creative Review Committee for 10 years and a Chair of the Creative Review Committee for 5 years.


    Get to know more about Rob : ⬇️


    Personal Pages

    ⚫ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rfeakins/

    ⚫ Twitter - https://twitter.com/rfeakins/

    ⚫ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rob.feakins/


    For All Humankind

    Website - https://www.forallhumankind.com/

    ⚫ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rfeakins/


    Listen as we talk about: 👂🏽

    🟦 How he found the People of Purpose podcast and what made him reach out

    🟦 What got him involved in volunteering for charitable non-profit works and when did he start considering his self as a person of purpose

    🟦 How a part of fulfilling his sense of purpose, led him to hone his craft as a storyteller

    🟦 His mission and theme as a filmmaker


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    • Leaving a quick rating and a short review of how People of Purpose has impacted you is super helpful. Feedback from awesome people like you will help us know what People of Purpose has been doing great and what we can improve on. If you would like to know how to leave a review, here are the instructions.



    • To contact our team with a podcast opportunity, email us at team@peopleofpurpose.rocks