
    One Word To Change Your Life

    en-gbJanuary 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Shift your mindset from 'have to' to 'get to'Reframing tasks as opportunities instead of chores can boost motivation and release dopamine

      The way we frame our thoughts about tasks we don't feel like doing can significantly impact our motivation and willingness to complete them. Kate Cocker from the Volley network suggests a simple reframe: instead of focusing on what we have to do, we should shift our mindset to what we get to do. For instance, instead of thinking "I have to go for a run," we should think "I get to go for a run." This small change in perspective can help us view the task as an opportunity rather than a chore, releasing dopamine and making us more likely to take action. This simple reframing technique is a powerful tool for changing our mindset and improving our motivation, and it can be applied to any task we're hesitant about. Remember, our brain is in control of our actions, so convincing ourselves that what we're doing is exciting can make all the difference. Try it out and see the positive impact it can have on your life.

    • Explore the power of storytelling for a positive mindsetReflect on past impactful stories, use storytelling to boost mood and outlook, build a community of support and encouragement

      Storytelling can be a powerful tool for maintaining a positive mindset. Over the next few days, I'll be sharing inspiring stories with you and offering ideas to help you incorporate this practice into your own life. Storytelling can provide perspective, offer comfort, and even inspire us to make positive changes. By sharing stories and learning from each other, we can build a community of support and encouragement. So, in the meantime, take some time to reflect on the stories that have impacted you in the past and consider how you can use storytelling to boost your mood and outlook. Have a great day, and I look forward to continuing this conversation tomorrow.

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    EP40 - What's your real fertility story?

    You know your story off by heart - X years TTC, number of months disappointed, number of cycles, FSH, AMH, Number of Day 5 blastocysts etc. You could repeat the facts in your sleep. 

    That’s not the real story though. What’s your real fertility story? The one you tell yourself late at night and in those moments you allow your mind to worry over and over. 

    Quite different eh?!

    Examples of real fertility stories:

    • It’s my fault we’re struggling to get pregnant, my partner should just leave me and find someone who can give him a family
    • I don’t deserve to get pregnant
    • It will never happen for us
    • My sister struggled to conceive, it took them 8 years. It will take us the same or longer

    In this episode, we give examples of real fertility stories and illuminate how unhealthy this internal dialogue can sometimes be. 

    We talk about how our stories are just that - an interpretation of events and experiences and in impermanent state of mind. We discuss how they can be very subjective - for example, your partner could view your fertility journey completely differently to you. Finally, we talk about how these stories can be changed and what strategies you can use to become aware of your real story and move forward to a more positive one. 

    Steps to help change your story:

    1. Awareness - start journaling your thoughts and look for patterns or where you seem to get stuck. Listen to what you’re saying to yourself on the inside that might differ from what’s actually happening on the outside
    2. Get critical - it’s time to challenge your story. Remember it’s just a state of mind and you can change it. Every time you hear something you don’t like or is just a thought that will make you unhappy - challenge it!
    3. Mindfulness and Meditation - once you become aware of your thoughts around your story, go deep within to really analyse these and find some peace in the present moment. Connect with what’s happening in your life right now - not projecting forward or going over old ground

    In this episode:

    • Find out the real story you are telling yourself
    • Understand the difference between the story you are telling others and the stories you are likely telling yourself
    • Listen to examples of real fertility stories
    • Learn the steps to overcome any negative stories

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    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

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    9: Are We at a Crossroads?

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    View the episode transcript.

    Visit the Museum on Main Street website's story portal to share your own story about rural America!

    Thanks to our storytelling partners at Be Here Stories at The Peale, Baltimore's Community Museum. Use the online recording tool to tell the Smithsonian about how you experience rural America.

    This episode was written, produced and edited by Better Lemon Creative Audio. Your hosts are Hannah Hethmon and Bobby Harley.


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    According to brain scans, refined sugar and artificially intense sweetness is more addictive than cocaine. 

    If that sounds crazy, consider this: In the early 1900’s, the Average American ate 5 pounds of sugar per year. Pretty reasonable, right? 

    By 2000, the Average American was eating 150 pounds of sugar per year. That’s 30 times more sugar!

    To help us sort it out, we’re here with Dr. Vera Tarman, the author of Food Junkies: Recovery from Food Addiction. She dropped a 100 pounds and kept it off for over 12 years, and counting. 

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    And on this show with Dr. Vera Tarman, we’re chatting about: 

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    • And tons more…

    Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/dr-vera-tarman-overcoming-food-addiction-how-she-dropped-100-pounds-and-kept-it-off

    Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningman

    Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fatburnman

    Click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus.