
    Orwell and Totalitarianism with Playwright CJ Hopkins

    enApril 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • A satirist's unique perspective on society's emergence of totalitarian systemsCJ Hopkins critiques society's control by elites through large corporate, pharmaceutical, military, intelligence, and technocracy structures, offering a clear and eloquent critique.

      CJ Hopkins, a political satirist, novelist, and playwright, offers a unique and valuable perspective on the unprecedented emergence of totalitarian systems in our society. His honesty and clarity of thought have earned him a following, with some comparing him to modern-day Noam Chomsky. Hopkins arrived at this place through his reading of Chomsky in the late 20th century and a desire to tell stories that weren't being told. He began his blog, The Consent Factory, in 2016 and started writing essays and satire. The takeaway is that despite the different labels, what we're dealing with today is not ideological but rather the control of society by elites through large corporate, pharmaceutical, military, intelligence, and technocracy structures. It's heartbreaking to see many influential thinkers succumb to this model, but Hopkins continues to provide a clear and eloquent critique.

    • The Syrian war and populism: roots of the late 2010s and early 2020s political landscapeThe Syrian war and populist movements are interconnected, with global events shaping our political landscape through underlying forces

      The political and social landscape of the late 2010s and early 2020s can be traced back to events in 2016, including the Syrian war and the rise of populism. The speaker, an actor turned writer, saw the beginnings of a new form of totalitarianism, characterized by a need for control and obsession with intimacy. This totalitarianism was not a rehash of old models like Stalinism or Nazism, but a unique manifestation of our time. The Syrian war, instigated by CIA intervention and the proposed pipeline dispute between Russia and Qatar, led to the creation of ISIS, the displacement of millions of refugees, and the destabilization of European democracies. Populist movements, fueled by both idealistic impulses and demagoguery, arose in response to these crises. The speaker's observation highlights the interconnectedness of seemingly disparate global events and the need to understand the underlying forces shaping our world.

    • Modern politics' complexities: populism, racism, nationalism, misogyny, and xenophobia interconnectedUnderstanding modern politics requires recognizing its complexity, including the interconnected nature of populism, racism, nationalism, misogyny, and xenophobia, and avoiding oversimplification

      The complexities of modern politics, including populism, racism, nationalism, misogyny, and xenophobia, are interconnected and can be exploited by various actors. Populism, in particular, can serve as a symbol for frustration and rebellion against the dominant global capitalist system. The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the beginning of this single ideology world, and every conflict we experience now can be seen as an insurgency or rebellion from within the system. It's essential to recognize this complexity and avoid oversimplifying the situation, as it is not driven by a few individuals in a room making conspiracies. Instead, it is a multifaceted issue that requires nuanced understanding and response.

    • Power consolidation and increased control in response to conflictsThe COVID-19 pandemic response reveals a more openly totalitarian mode of power in the global capitalist system, where lies and control are used to silence dissent and maintain dominance.

      We live in a global capitalist world where conflicts, regardless of their ideological leanings, are seen as insurgencies against the dominant capitalist system. The response from the power system, according to the speaker, has been to consolidate power and increase control, leading to a more openly totalitarian mode in recent years. This shift has been evident in the measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic, which have been described as totalitarian in nature. The speaker believes this is a more brazen form of totalitarianism than has been experienced in the West during their lifetime. The lies being exposed, as mentioned in one of the essays, may not necessarily mean the collapse is imminent. Instead, it could be a message from those in power to "shut up and get in line."

    • Manipulation of Truth and Reality by Those in PowerThose in power have historically manipulated truth and reality to serve their agenda, such as Stalin's redefinition of the Holodomor famine and officials' false narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic. It's crucial to remain vigilant against manipulation and propaganda.

      Throughout history, those in power have manipulated truth and reality to serve their agenda. A notable example is Stalin's redefinition of the Holodomor famine in Ukraine as a triumph instead of the horrific catastrophe it was. Similarly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, officials have continued to promote false narratives, such as the effectiveness of masks and the inflating of hospitalization numbers. Despite these lies being exposed from the beginning by various individuals and groups, the narrative persisted until it became unsustainable. Protests and rebellions, like those in Ottawa and Germany, eventually led to the collapse of the Covidien cult and the acknowledgement of the truth. History repeats itself, and it's crucial to remain vigilant against manipulation and propaganda.

    • Expanding Government Control During a CrisisGovernments are using the COVID-19 pandemic to expand their powers under the guise of public health, creating a state of fear and panic to achieve unanimity. This trend is not going away and individuals must resist and focus on what they can control in their own lives, while being aware of historical examples of long-lasting power shifts.

      The COVID-19 pandemic and the responses to it have created an environment ripe for expanding government control under the guise of public health and safety. Governments have used the crisis to implement restrictions and increase their powers, often with the support of mainstream media outlets. This process, which some have compared to the beginnings of totalitarianism, relies on creating a state of fear and panic to achieve unanimity among the population. The speaker believes that this trend is not going away anytime soon and that it's important for individuals to resist and spread resistance while focusing on what they can control in their own lives. The speaker also notes that historical examples, such as the Nazi regime in Germany and the Soviet Union, show that such power shifts can last for decades, even when the majority of the population recognizes the lies being perpetuated by their governments.

    • Pathologization of everyday life during pandemic responseThe pandemic response has led to a disturbing trend of dividing society into conformers and non-conformers, using measures like mask-wearing and negative tests as markers of compliance. This dynamic may be used to justify further accumulation of power and suppression of dissenting voices.

      The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a disturbing trend of pathologization of everyday life, where basic measures such as mask-wearing and showing proof of negative tests are becoming ingrained in society. This shift, which the speaker refers to as "theater," is part of a larger power dynamic that divides the world into those who conform to the dominant narrative and those who are labeled as conspiracy theorists or deniers. The speaker expresses concern that this trend, which began with the pandemic response, may be used to justify further accumulation of power and the suppression of dissenting voices. The speaker also suggests that this dynamic is not new, and that it has been used in the past to justify invasions and the passing of repressive legislation under the guise of protecting against various threats.

    • Crises Leading to Expanding Government Power and CensorshipGeopolitical crises can result in expanding government control and censorship, with complex historical contexts often overlooked, limiting understanding and alternative solutions.

      Geopolitical crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and potential bioterrorism threats, have led to expanding government power and censorship. Each crisis sets the stage for the next, with new impositions on individual rights and freedoms justified as protective measures. The historical complexities of international relations, including the role of NATO expansion and broken promises, are often overlooked in the dominant narrative. Open dialogue about these complexities is stigmatized, leaving little room for understanding and finding alternative solutions. The speaker expresses a desire for a more nuanced discussion of historical events and their implications, rather than the current monolithic narratives.

    • Historical Context of Russia-NATO RelationsNATO's expansion towards Russia's borders, broken promises, and lack of dialogue have led to Russia's response, while NATO expansion and censorship hinder open discourse, increasing tensions.

      The historical context of Russia's relationship with NATO and the West has been a major contributing factor to the current geopolitical tensions. The speaker argues that NATO's expansion towards Russia's borders, breaking promises made in the past, and the lack of meaningful dialogue have led to an inevitable response from Russia. The speaker also highlights the stigmatization and demonization of those who attempt to discuss these historical facts, creating a climate of fear and censorship. The speaker, CJ Hopkins, emphasizes the importance of open and informed discourse to understand the complexities of international relations and avoid the dangers of totalitarianism. The speaker's book, which has sold over a million copies, has been largely ignored by mainstream reviewers, highlighting the challenges of engaging in nuanced discussions about contentious issues.

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