
    Part One: Alfred Hitchcock: The Director Who Randomly Tortured People

    enJanuary 01, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Community, Connection, and Personal GrowthBuild strong community bonds through volunteering or leisure activities, prioritize dental health, and engage in exciting experiences like Chumba Casino. Consider the societal impact of influential figures like Alfred Hitchcock.

      Community and connection are essential for personal growth and preparedness, whether it's through volunteering with neighbors or enjoying leisure activities. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizing the importance of building strong community bonds. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino offers entertainment and excitement, allowing individuals to engage in non-boring activities and potentially win prizes. On a more serious note, it's crucial to prioritize dental health and enamel repair with products like ProNamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste and new Pronamel Repair mouthwash. Lastly, the legacy of Alfred Hitchcock, a remarkable director, raises the question of whether the societal impact of his work justifies the potential harm he caused to some individuals. This complex question sets the stage for the Behind the Bastards podcast's exploration of Hitchcock's life and influence.

    • Alfred Hitchcock's Childhood and Fear of PoliceAlfred Hitchcock's childhood experiences, marked by fear and hatred of authority figures, significantly influenced his perspective on the police in his films.

      Alfred Hitchcock's childhood experiences significantly influenced his perspective on authority figures, particularly the police, and shaped his work. Growing up in a Cockney family with strict disciplinarian parents, Hitchcock was sent to a police station as a young boy, an experience that instilled in him a lifelong fear and hatred of authority. This theme is evident in his films, where the police are often portrayed as incompetent or even antagonistic. Hitchcock's anxious childhood, marked by feelings of abandonment and a desire for protection, also influenced his behavior. He developed a habit of binge eating and sought to build a "armor of fat" as a means of shielding himself from the world. Additionally, Hitchcock's fascination with the new electronic trains in London as a young man foreshadowed his future career in film. Despite the debatable truth of the story about being locked in a cell, it underscores the profound impact of Hitchcock's upbringing on his life and art.

    • Childhood experiences shape artistsAlfred Hitchcock's disciplinary practices at Catholic school influenced his mastery of suspense in filmmaking, showing how childhood experiences can shape individuals in profound ways.

      Childhood experiences, even seemingly insignificant ones, can have a profound impact on an individual's life. This is exemplified in the case of Alfred Hitchcock, who was deeply affected by the disciplinary practices at his Catholic school. At a young age, he experienced the dread and anticipation of scheduled punishments, which left a lasting impression on him. This experience likely influenced his mastery of suspense in his filmmaking, where the audience knows something is coming but the main character does not. Hitchcock's childhood experiences shaped him in significant ways, making him a stronger, more tormented artist. Similarly, individuals in the past, such as the man who obsessed over electronic train schedules, found solace and excitement in new technologies, even if they were mocked for it. Childhood experiences, whether positive or negative, can shape us in profound ways, making us who we are today.

    • Childhood experiences shaped Hitchcock's perspectiveHitchcock's traumatic childhood and mischievous behavior influenced his fear of authority and creativity in films

      Alfred Hitchcock's childhood experiences significantly influenced his perspective and the themes in his movies. He grew up with a difficult relationship with his mother, who physically abused him, leaving a deep impact on him. This trauma may have contributed to his fear of authority figures and his unique perspective on the world. Hitchcock was also known for his mischievous behavior, such as stealing eggs from the priest's henhouse and getting the nickname "Cocky." This egg story is intriguing in relation to Hitchcock's quote about his fear and revulsion of eggs. Despite facing challenges as a child, Hitchcock used his experiences to fuel his creativity and love for pranking people, which later translated into his successful filmmaking career.

    • Alfred Hitchcock's childhood experiences shaped his fascination with crime and the macabreHitchcock's bullying experiences and dominant mother influenced his interest in crime literature and the creation of manipulative female characters in his films

      Alfred Hitchcock's experiences in his childhood and teenage years significantly influenced his later interest in crime and the macabre, which is evident in his films. At a young age, Hitchcock was subjected to psychological torture by his bullies, leaving a lasting impact on him. He became fascinated with crime literature and saw murderers as heroes rather than their victims. Hitchcock's demanding and controlling mother also played a role in shaping his psyche, as seen in his films with dominant and manipulative female characters. These experiences likely contributed to Hitchcock's unique perspective and the distinctive themes that emerged in his work.

    • Alfred Hitchcock's Early Experiences Shaped His CareerGrowing up responsible for his family and working in advertising honed Hitchcock's visual storytelling skills, leading to a successful film career

      Alfred Hitchcock's early experiences and background influenced his artistic career, particularly in his use of visual storytelling and his ambition to join the film industry. Growing up, Hitchcock was responsible for taking care of his family and found work at the Henley Telegraph and Cable Company, where he quickly impressed with his creative abilities in advertising. He used his artistic skills to create impactful visual presentations, such as an ad for church lighting, which showcased his talent for manipulating light. Despite his family obligations, Hitchcock's ambition led him to pursue a career in the film industry when an American film company opened a studio in England. He presented his portfolio of Londoners sketches to an executive and was hired on the spot due to his unique perspective. Hitchcock's early experiences in advertising and his family's financial struggles likely fueled his drive to succeed and hone his visual storytelling abilities, which would become a hallmark of his filmmaking style.

    • Exploring different ways to connect and have funFrom mobile games and social networks to entertainment platforms and high-quality mattresses, there are numerous ways to connect and have fun. Persistence and dedication to one's craft can also lead to significant impact, like Alfred Hitchcock.

      There are various ways to have fun and connect with others, whether it's through mobile games like Monopoly Go with its endless new features and rewards, social networks like Neighbor to Neighbor that foster community building, or entertainment platforms like Chumba Casino that offer enjoyable experiences for free. Another takeaway is the importance of restful sleep, which can be achieved through high-quality mattresses like the natural hybrid from Leesa and West Elm, not only improving personal well-being but also contributing to social causes. Lastly, in the world of entertainment, there are figures like Alfred Hitchcock who started from humble beginnings and went on to make a significant impact through persistence and dedication to their craft.

    • Alfred Hitchcock's Unconventional CourtshipHitchcock's unconventional courtship tactics included ignoring a woman with a better job, proposing during a storm, and only marrying after directing three films, which can be seen as power plays and potentially manipulative.

      Alfred Hitchcock's unconventional approach to courtship involved ignoring a woman with a better job than him for months until he could attain a higher position, proposing to her during a dramatic storm at sea, and having a rule to only marry after directing three films. His behavior, while possibly in line with societal norms at the time, can be seen as a power play and potentially manipulative. Hitchcock was known for his pranks, including ruining an assistant's nice clothes on a boat ride during a rainstorm, indicating a need to assert control in his personal life due to feelings of inadequacy in his career. Despite this, Alma Reville, Hitchcock's collaborator and future wife, seemed to give up her independent career to support his. Hitchcock's unique and sometimes questionable methods contributed to his rise as a famous American-style European film director.

    • Hitchcock's Pranks: Testing BoundariesHitchcock's practical jokes ranged from harmless to extreme, pushing people's reactions and testing boundaries, with some questioning his true motivation.

      Alfred Hitchcock was known for his practical jokes, some of which were harmless and amusing, while others were more extreme and caused significant inconvenience or embarrassment. He seemed to enjoy testing people's reactions and pushing boundaries, often for no particular reason. These pranks were not always limited to those who had offended him, as he also played them on friends and colleagues. For example, he once filled Sir Gerald Du Maurier's dressing room with a live horse and another time invited him to a black-tire costume party dressed as a Scotsman, expecting it to be a costume party when it was not. Hitchcock believed he was teaching moral lessons through these pranks, but the lack of proportion in his actions raises questions about the true motivation behind them. Despite the darker undertones, Hitchcock's sense of humor was a significant part of his personality and would likely translate well to modern media.

    • Hitchcock's Dark Sense of Humor: Pranks Beyond the Silver ScreenAlfred Hitchcock's pranks ranged from harmless jokes to acts of torture, causing distress and humiliation to his victims, and served as a way for him to assert power and control.

      Alfred Hitchcock, known for his suspenseful films, had a dark sense of humor that extended beyond the silver screen. He often played elaborate and sometimes cruel pranks on those around him, targeting people he worked with and using his wealth to execute elaborate schemes. These pranks ranged from harmless jokes to acts of torture, causing significant distress and humiliation to his victims. Hitchcock's pranks were not just for entertainment but often served as a way to assert power and control over those around him. Despite the negative impact on his victims, Hitchcock found joy in causing fear and discomfort, demonstrating a disturbing contrast to his public persona as a master of suspense and thriller.

    • Hitchcock's Pranks and Manipulative BehaviorDespite his questionable behavior towards colleagues, Hitchcock's European films were not widely recognized until the 1980s, but his American films like 'Rebecca,' 'Rear Window,' 'Rope,' 'The Man Who Knew Too Much,' and 'Psycho' brought him international fame and iconic status.

      Alfred Hitchcock, the renowned filmmaker, was known for his pranks and manipulative behavior towards his colleagues. He reportedly sought to make others feel inferior and dependent, viewing them as threats due to their better looks, intelligence, education, and social acceptance. Hitchcock's pranks ranged from harmless to harmful, including causing discomfort and even danger. Some people, like Alfred Roome, managed to retaliate and put an end to Hitchcock's pranks. Despite his questionable behavior, Hitchcock's European films were not widely recognized until the 1980s, and it was his American films, such as "Rebecca," "Rear Window," "Rope," "The Man Who Knew Too Much," and "Psycho," that brought him international fame and iconic status. Throughout his career, Hitchcock continued to prank and manipulate, even as his wealth grew, allowing him to carry out more elaborate pranks.

    • Hitchcock's Complex Relationship with ControlHitchcock's films showcase his artistic control and manipulation of women, revealing his intricate connection to control.

      Alfred Hitchcock's films, particularly his portrayal of women, reveal his complex relationship with control. His need for control is evident in his meticulous approach to preserving his art and ensuring it was seen in the correct context. However, this need for control also manifested in the degradation and manipulation of his leading women, as seen in films like Rebecca. Hitchcock's description of his mother as always put-together and his treatment of female characters in his films suggest a deep-rooted pattern of control. This duality of control, both artistic and manipulative, is a defining aspect of Hitchcock's filmmaking. Additionally, Monopoly Go offers a fun and engaging experience with constantly changing challenges, rewards, and opportunities to connect with friends. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building meaningful social bonds within communities.

    • Embracing new experiences in community and lifeBuilding a connected community brings unexpected opportunities and benefits, from helping neighbors to winning at online casinos. Investing in quality products supports social causes and personal well-being, while legendary figures inspire determination to achieve excellence.

      Building a connected community can bring unexpected opportunities and benefits. Whether it's helping a neighbor in need or getting lucky while playing online slots at Lucky Land Casino, everyday experiences can lead to positive outcomes. Additionally, investing in quality products, like the natural hybrid mattress from Leesa, not only improves personal well-being but also supports social causes. And while some legendary figures, like Alfred Hitchcock, may have had unconventional methods, their determination to achieve excellence left lasting impacts. So, whether it's through community involvement, personal growth, or pursuing passions, embracing new experiences can lead to remarkable results.

    • Hitchcock's Control Over Leading Ladies Extended Beyond the SetHitchcock's desire for control over young, unestablished actresses stemmed from his anger towards women and insecurities. Despite his attempts, leading ladies like Bergman and Kelly maintained their boundaries.

      Alfred Hitchcock's obsession with controlling his leading ladies extended beyond the set and into his personal life. He desired young, unestablished actresses who he could mold and shape, reflecting his anger towards women. Hitchcock's quotes about torturing women and destroying the things he loved further highlight his problematic attitude towards them. Despite his attempts to control them, actresses like Ingrid Bergman and Grace Kelly maintained their boundaries and moved on from him. Hitchcock's wife, Alma Reville, played a significant role in his success, sacrificing her own career to support him. Hitchcock's struggles with his own feelings of unattractiveness and perceived inability to experience requited love may have contributed to his fixation on controlling women. The societal norms around health and fitness during Hitchcock's time also likely played a role in his beliefs and behaviors.

    • Hitchcock's Dark Side Towards ActressesHitchcock's groundbreaking films concealed a darker side, where he pushed boundaries with actresses, causing distress, but continued to attract talent due to Hollywood's allure.

      Alfred Hitchcock, known for his groundbreaking films, had a dark side when it came to his treatment of actresses during production. He pushed boundaries, sometimes crossing the line, causing physical and emotional distress. This behavior reached an extreme with Tippi Hedren, who faced more than just challenging filming conditions. Despite this, Hitchcock's reputation and the allure of Hollywood continued to attract actresses, including Melanie Griffith, who would later star in iconic films with dangerous animal encounters. This darker side of Hitchcock's filmmaking process is an intriguing contrast to his cinematic masterpieces.

    • Exploring complexities and authenticity in contentTransparency and authenticity in content creation can lead to engaging, thought-provoking experiences, even if they involve uncomfortable or extreme behaviors. Building communities and helping each other out can strengthen social bonds, while finding joy in everyday life can brighten up mundane moments.

      Transparency and authenticity can lead to entertaining and thought-provoking content. Robert Evans, the host of Behind the Bastards podcast, emphasizes the importance of getting all angles and looking inside the complexities of individuals and situations, even if it means witnessing potentially uncomfortable or extreme behaviors. This approach can result in content that is almost indistinguishable from real-life events, like those in Bashar Al Assad's prison cells. Additionally, building a community and helping each other out, as encouraged by Neighbor to Neighbor, can bring people closer together and create meaningful social bonds. Lastly, finding joy and excitement in everyday life, as demonstrated by Chumba Casino and Leesa, can help brighten up mundane moments.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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