
    Part One: TB Joshua: The Evangelical Pastor Who Built His Own Hell

    enFebruary 27, 2024
    What opportunities for growth does Purdue Global offer?
    How did Amy Winehouse embrace her authentic self?
    What is the case of Boze Olasukami about?
    How did Pentecostalism spread in Nigeria during the 1900s?
    What issues arise from the demand for miracle healings?

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and improvementExplore resources for education, personal finance, creativity, and self-expression to make your comeback in life

      No matter what stage of life you're at, there's always an opportunity for growth and improvement. Whether it's returning to education with a respected institution like Purdue Global or focusing on personal finances with a supportive organization like Navy Federal Credit Union, there are resources available to help you succeed. Additionally, creativity and collaboration can lead to unique and unexpected outcomes, as seen in the making of the podcast "Behind the Bastards." And sometimes, embracing your authentic self, as Amy Winehouse did in her music, can lead to great things. So don't hesitate to take the next step and make your comeback, whatever that may look like for you.

    • From Poverty to Influence: The Life of TB JoshuaDespite allegations of questionable practices, TB Joshua's massive influence within the international Pentecostal community shielded him from widespread scrutiny.

      TB Joshua was a massively influential Pentecostal preacher with millions of followers around the world, despite allegations of questionable practices. Born in poverty in Nigeria, Joshua rose to become one of the 20 or 30 most influential religious figures alive, with a significant impact on the international Pentecostal community. Despite concerns and allegations from within his own faith, Joshua's influence and the protective nature of his followers allowed him to fly under the radar for a long time. The scandal surrounding him did not gain widespread attention, and even when it did, it was often dismissed as normal within his particular sect of evangelical Christianity. The discussion also touched on the potential for a podcast series exploring the misdeeds of religious leaders, as there seems to be a constant stream of such stories. TB Joshua's life began in poverty in Nigeria, but he went on to amass a huge following and significant influence. Despite allegations of questionable practices, his influence within the international Pentecostal community protected him from widespread scrutiny.

    • A Nigerian Pastor's Unusual Upbringing Shaped His FaithDespite an unconventional upbringing with Muslim and Christian relatives, Nigerian pastor T.B. Joshua became deeply devoted to the Bible and built a unique perspective on faith and tolerance.

      T.B. Joshua, a Nigerian pastor, had an unusual upbringing that influenced his religious views and tolerance towards different faiths. He grew up in a Yoruba family with both Muslim and Christian relatives, and his father was a bible translator. Despite being raised by a Muslim uncle and speaking a mix of Yoruba, English, and Pidgin, Joshua became obsessed with the Bible from a young age and was known as "little pastor" in school. However, there is limited verified information about his early life, with most anecdotes coming from his religious speeches. The best reporting on his crimes comes from the BBC, but there is a lack of reliable information about his childhood and myth-building around his past. Despite these uncertainties, Joshua's unique background and experiences shaped his perspective and set him apart from other evangelical pastors in Nigeria.

    • A man's unconventional religious upbringing and later claims of biblical prophecyReligious environments can lead to exploitation and extreme devotion, potentially causing harm to individuals.

      The man in question, Joshua, grew up in a religious environment where he was expected to become a pastor from a young age. However, he later revealed that his faith was a scam for money, and his parents abandoned him once he was no longer a child prodigy. Joshua went on to become an actor, appearing in an episode of "The A-Team." He made outrageous claims about his birth, such as being in the womb for 15 months, and later in life, he believed that his coming had been foretold in prophecy for over a century. Joshua was so devoted to the Bible that he claimed to have read it from cover to cover every two months as a child, and his obsession with it negatively affected his performance in other subjects. The veracity of these claims is questionable, and the website that discusses them extensively is of uncertain provenance. Overall, the story highlights the potential for exploitation in religious communities and the dangers of extreme devotion to any single belief system.

    • T.B. Joshua's extraordinary claimsDespite questionable stories about calming a madman and divine commission, T.B. Joshua's upbringing led him to work odd jobs, including poultry attendant, and later claimed a divine commission, known for humility and generosity but biography is a marketing tool for his church.

      T.B. Joshua's life story is marked by extraordinary claims, including calming a madman with a weapon during his school days and receiving a divine commission to become a religious leader. However, the veracity of some of these stories is questionable. For instance, the account of him calming a madman with a weapon lacks specific details, such as the type of weapon or the age of T.B. Joshua at the time. His upbringing was challenging, with the death of his father and subsequent poverty leading him to work odd jobs. One of these jobs was as a poultry attendant, which he found demeaning. Later in his life, he claimed to have experienced a three-day trance during which God gave him a divine commission. Despite controversies surrounding him, some people describe him as humble and generous. However, a biography about him is mostly a marketing tool for his church.

    • The Early Growth of a Nigerian Pentecostal Preacher's Ministry in the Mid-1980sPentecostalism, a Christian denomination emphasizing faith healing and miracles, grew significantly in Nigeria during the mid-1980s despite conflicts with modern medicine. Early Pentecostal preachers gained popularity through faith healing during the influenza epidemic.

      The early years of a Nigerian Pentecostal preacher's ministry, which started with a small following under a bamboo marquee in the early 1980s, saw significant growth during a time when Pentecostalism thrived in Nigeria despite the hardships of the mid-1980s. Pentecostalism, a Christian denomination known for its focus on faith healing and belief in miracles, has its origins in the 1800s and spread to Nigeria around the turn of the 1900s. The Pentecostal churches in Nigeria gained popularity during the influenza epidemic, with early preachers engaging in faith healing. Pentecostalism's rejection of modern medicine and belief in miraculous happenings set it apart from other Christian denominations, leading to constant conflict with medical science. Despite this, Pentecostalism became a significant religious force in Nigeria, especially during the difficult times of the mid-1980s.

    • Neo-Pentecostal churches in Nigeria grew rapidly due to cultural beliefs, lack of medical care, and television technologyNeo-Pentecostal churches in Nigeria, such as those led by Benson Idahosa, T.B. Joshua, gained popularity through providing miraculous experiences, large followings by performing miracles on TV.

      The rapid expansion of neo-Pentecostal churches in Nigeria, such as those led by Benson Idahosa, T.B. Joshua, and others, was driven by a combination of cultural beliefs, the difficulty of obtaining good medical care, and the availability of television technology. These churches gained popularity through their ability to provide miraculous experiences for worshippers, who could witness and participate in healings and other miracles. The leaders of these churches, like T.B. Joshua, gained significant influence and large followings by performing these miracles and broadcasting them on television. The use of the term "synagogue" in the name of T.B. Joshua's church, Synagogue Church of All Nations, suggests an incorporation of Jewish religious traditions, although this is a subject of debate. The availability of televisions in Nigeria during the late 1980s allowed these preachers to reach larger audiences and spread their message, contributing to the massive growth of these churches.

    • Discover newness and savingsMonopoly Go offers endless fun and tournaments, Amy Winehouse's Back to Black invites connection and reflection, Mint Mobile brings wireless savings, and spring cleaning brings clarity and savings. Embrace the new and the savings, and don't forget responsibility.

      Monopoly Go offers an endless supply of fun and excitement with its various tournaments, changing challenges, and rewarding features. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's Back to Black invites audiences to connect with her music and story. Mint Mobile, on the other hand, promises to help you save money on your wireless bills with affordable plans. Lastly, the concept of "God's plan" was discussed as a way some people use to avoid responsibility. In all these cases, there's something new and valuable to discover or experience. Whether it's a game, a movie, or a phone plan, don't miss out on the opportunities to make a difference in your daily life. For spring cleaning, the clarity and savings you gain after the task are significant. Similarly, Monopoly Go brings constant newness to the table, while Back to Black invites you to connect with Amy Winehouse's music and story. Mint Mobile offers a chance to cut your wireless bill down to size. Embrace the new and the savings, and don't forget the importance of taking responsibility for your actions. So, download Monopoly Go for free, catch Amy Winehouse's Back to Black in theaters, and check out Mint Mobile's wireless plans to make the most of your time and money.

    • Fraudulent healings and religious corruptionFraudulent healers can manipulate believers with fake miracles, leading to corruption and demand for conversions. Regulation attempts can be hindered by high demand and corruption.

      The demand for miraculous healings and the industry surrounding it can lead to fraud and corruption. This is exemplified by the case of 44-year-old Boze Olasukami, who was arrested in Nigeria for pretending to be blind or injured and then "healing" herself on stage during religious ceremonies. She was able to dislocate her arm in a way that made it appear broken, and would only be "healed" after the congregation paid for her services and underwent a religious conversion. The Nigerian government attempted to regulate this industry with laws against miracle fraud, but the issue persisted due to corruption and the high demand for such spectacles. Despite the challenges, it's important to acknowledge that some governments have made efforts to address this issue, even if they fall short in other areas.

    • Nigerian Pastor's Miraculous Healings on Emmanuel TVNigerian pastor T.B. Joshua gained international fame by recording and sharing videos of miraculous healings on his TV channel, attracting believers worldwide.

      T.B. Joshua, a Nigerian pastor, gained international fame by filming and distributing videos of miraculous healings, attracting believers from around the world. He capitalized on the interest generated by missionaries returning from Nigeria with tales of miracles. The videos showed cases of various healings, some aimed at local audiences and others at European converts, promising financial improvement or a cure for severe diseases. One such case involved a man with a debilitating skin condition, whose story was broadcast on Joshua's TV channel, Emmanuel TV. This man's sister pleaded for help, as traditional remedies and hospitals had failed. Joshua spoke with the man, and his miraculous healing was recorded and shared with the world, drawing in more believers. This tactic of creating and distributing videos of miracles was unique at the time and contributed significantly to Joshua's global influence.

    • TB Joshua's Appeal: Miracles and ExoticismTB Joshua's performances offer a unique blend of miracles and exoticism, appealing to both Nigerians and Westerners, but potential harm cannot be ignored.

      TB Joshua's appeal lies not only in his role as a Nigerian preacher but also in the promise of a direct, physical connection to a miracle. For many, especially those from wealthy countries, his performances offering exorcisms and fighting "demons" provide an exciting alternative to traditional religious practices. Westerners' exoticized view of Africa is consciously used by TB Joshua to amplify the perceived magic and miraculous nature of his actions. While some find joy in these spectacles, it's essential to acknowledge the potential harm and abuse that can occur during these events.

    • Religious exorcisms: A global phenomenonReligious leaders use elaborate performances to attract followers and generate income, with TB Joshua's shows being particularly noteworthy for their orchestrated nature and Western influence.

      The phenomenon of religious leaders performing elaborate and theatrical exorcisms is not unique to TB Joshua or Nigeria, but rather a derivation on a theme that has existed throughout history. These performances can be seen as a way for religious figures to attract followers and generate income. TB Joshua's shows are particularly noteworthy for their well-orchestrated nature and the use of techniques borrowed from Western reality television. These spectacles can be particularly appealing to young white evangelicals from Western countries who are not accustomed to such excitement in their religious services. While the specific practices may vary, the desire for a more engaging and entertaining religious experience is a common thread.

    • SCOAN's Recruitment of White MembersSCOAN deliberately targeted and recruited white people for religious, racial, and revenge-seeking reasons, offering them an 'authentic African experience' to legitimize themselves and expand influence globally.

      T.B. Joshua's Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) deliberately targeted and recruited white people as part of a conscious effort to expand his influence globally. This is evident in the numerous testimonials from former members and the large number of white victims documented in a BBC documentary. The motivation behind this recruitment was not solely religious but also had racial and revenge-seeking undertones. SCOAN offered white pastors an "authentic African experience" as a means to legitimize themselves and gain acceptance within the organization. This dynamic is further complicated by the racial dimensions of the situation, with T.B. Joshua positioning himself as an African god figure. Overall, this recruitment strategy was a savvy move that allowed T.B. Joshua to assert dominance in the religious landscape and attract followers from various backgrounds.

    • TB Joshua leveraged white visitors to expand his churchTB Joshua strategically used white visitors' presence to legitimize his church, attract more followers, and fuel its growth

      TB Joshua, the Nigerian religious leader, strategically utilized the presence of white visitors to market and expand his church, The Synagogue Church of All Nations. He paid for their plane tickets and used their testimonials to attract more followers, both within and outside Nigeria. This international appeal made his church more appealing to Nigerians, creating a cycle of growth. The clip from the interview highlights how TB Joshua manipulated the situation to his advantage, using the white visitors' presence to legitimize his church and enhance his image. The success of this strategy is evident in the rapid expansion of his church during the late 90s and early 2000s, driven by the influx of foreign religious tourists.

    • A Nigerian televangelist's strategic use of media and celebrity connectionsTB Joshua gained international attention through filming more content, attracting tourists, and manipulating audiences with calculated methods, echoing power dynamics in MAGA rallies.

      TB Joshua, a Nigerian televangelist, gained international attention not only for his religious following but also for his strategic use of media and celebrity connections. He filmed more content than most of his colleagues and themed it for an international audience, attracting visitors from around the world. These tourists were often affluent young people experiencing Africa for the first time, who were love bombed and primed for live miracle shows. TB Joshua's approach was similar to that of other influential figures, using a calculated method to attract and manipulate his audience. The stark visuals of white evangelicals given prominent positions at his rallies echoed the same logic as MAGA rallies, further highlighting the power dynamics at play. TB Joshua's answer to a question about why he makes so many videos, comparing Jesus to recorded history, showcased his intelligence and business acumen. Despite the controversial nature of his methods, TB Joshua's ability to execute his vision and attract a global following is a fascinating study in media manipulation and human psychology.

    • Charismatic religious leaders manipulate followers with love bombing and miraculous healingsCharismatic religious leaders use love bombing and miraculous healings to manipulate followers, potentially leading to dangerous consequences for individuals and public health crises.

      Charismatic religious leaders, like T.B. Joshua, use love bombing and miraculous healings to manipulate and control their followers. This process involves making visitors feel special and important, performing seemingly miraculous cures, and convincing followers to forgo modern medical treatments. While this may not pose a significant risk to tourists, it can lead to dangerous consequences for the leader's local followers who are more likely to have health issues, such as HIV. In 2011, three women in London died after being convinced by T.B. Joshua and other preachers to stop taking their retrovirals. Joshua's followers' refusal to seek medical help ultimately led to their deaths. This manipulation not only harms individuals but also contributes to public health crises.

    • T.B. Joshua's reaction to bad newsWhile religious figures may have unique ways of coping with bad news, it's important to prioritize seeking help and support from trusted sources, especially in matters of health and wellbeing.

      Some religious figures, like T.B. Joshua, may not want to hear bad news or be disturbed by it, even if it's about a follower's personal loss. In the story shared, T.B. Joshua hung up on a dedicated church volunteer who called to inform him of his mother's death. The volunteer was shocked and confused by the prophet's reaction, leading to speculation that the prophet might not want to be disturbed by negative news. This behavior, while not unheard of in religious or spiritual circles, can be distressing and confusing for followers. It's important to remember that everyone, including spiritual leaders, are human and have their own ways of coping with news, both good and bad. However, it's crucial to prioritize seeking help and support from trusted sources, especially in matters of health and wellbeing. Don't rely on unverified sources or individuals for important information, no matter how influential they may be. Instead, turn to reputable sources and healthcare professionals for accurate and reliable information.

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    55: Defeating Emotional Blackmail and Manipulation with Susan Forward

    55: Defeating Emotional Blackmail and Manipulation with Susan Forward

    Have you been stuck in a cycle with someone that leaves you feeling like you can never win? Where you feel like you are always giving in? Not saying what you are really feeling? If so, you may be experiencing emotional blackmail. It’s not pretty, and you can be left with the uncomfortable feeling that there’s no way out without sacrificing who you are in the process. Don’t despair - there’s hope for you! In today’s episode, we’re going to chat with the world’s foremost expert on ending the grip of emotional blackmail, Dr. Susan Forward, one of the nation’s leading psychotherapists, and a New York Times bestselling author who has spent decades helping people break out of toxic cycles and discover healthier ways of relating.

    What is emotional blackmail? The structure of emotional blackmail begins with a demand, followed by pressure to fulfill the request, and finally, being threatened with punishing consequences. The threat can be blatant or subtle. Subtle threats come in the form of pouting, sulking, passive aggressive comments, while blatant threats are overtly articulated consequences of ‘if ____, then ____’.

    FOG: Emotional blackmail, although incredibly powerful and hurtful, can become normalized by both the receiver, and the doer.  Another way to know if you may be being emotionally blackmailed is to check in on if you feel as though you are in a fog. FOG stands for Fear, Obligation, and Guilt. These three components cause us to feel overwhelmed and make it so it is difficult to find our way out of an imbalance of power, unable to clearly see the dynamics, and make us have a tendency to comply.

    The Need to Please Disease- When we are vulnerable we have a tendency to rationalize unhealthy and unloving treatment in an effort to protect ourselves from further guilt and fear. We can end up giving in, no matter the price, just so that the other person is not angry with us. The lethality and toxicity of constant giving in accumulates until the person who is the target of emotional blackmail becomes depressed and angry, and internalizes this to become self-hatred.

    Water wearing down the rock: Constant compromise and giving in to something and someone that does not feel aligned with your own needs and desires can wear you down. Like water wearing down the boulder, you become the pebble- a smaller version of yourself. By having the courage to look at what is really happening in the dynamic, you will find opportunities for change and growth.

    Stand up for your own truth.  Everyone is terrified of other people’s anger and retaliation- this is a core fear that goes back into childhood for many. Despite anger being such a powerful force, there are behavioral strategies that help equalize the balance of power and help you become more assertive and self-protective. It takes courage to stand up for your own truth, however it is worth it.

    Honest look at ourselves. None of us are immune or exempt from being emotional blackmailers ourselves. Take time to look at your own patterns around getting others to do what you want. How do you handle when someone disagrees with you, or doesn’t want what you want? Do you plead? Coax? Get pouty? Become punitive? Do you punish through withholding things or love? Do you take their denial personally and as a threat to the relationship itself? Do you say things like “If you really loved me you would…” Or “if you really cared about us you would…” We are all guilty of some of these at times, and the question is not if, but rather to what degree and how often?

    Admit and Acknowledge: Do you feel like you have been emotionally blackmailing someone? Begin by labeling your behavior as such. Then, find the courage and humility to sit down and tell the person you are bullying that you are aware of your actions. Naming and sharing this goes a long way. Admitting and acknowledging is a way of fessing up and owning your actions and it creates a climate of much greater safety. With this safety healing and repair can begin. Saying sorry will not be enough however. You will have to show the person you have hurt that you are ready to own your actions through behavioral changes over time. And elicit their help! Ask the person you have hurt what they need from you to feel safer, and more trusting. Find ways together to move forward, and stay open to getting counseling!

    Admitting and acknowledging is a two way street! It is important to look at your own responsibility and behavior as the compliant one as well. Read through the following checklist to find out if you are a target of emotional blackmail:

    -       I tell myself that giving in is no big deal

    -       I tell myself that giving in is worth it to get other person to quiet down/calm down

    -       I tell myself that what I want is wrong

    -       I tell myself that it is not worth the hassle- I’ll give in now and take a stand later

    -       I tell myself that it is better to give in then to hurt their feelings

    -       I don’t stand up for myself

    -       I give away my power

    -       I do things to please other people and get confused about what I want

    -       I acquiesce

    -       I give up people and activities I care about to please the other person

    Yes to the above? Don’t wait for the other person to change. Do the above statements resonate with you? If so, it is time to look inside and find the courage to make changes yourself. Find the emotional maturity and empowered stance to stop the victim/blame cycle by realizing that you do not need to put yourself second any longer. Be willing to look to your past to see if complacency is an automatic, inherited, or learned behavior that began in your childhood. Be willing to take the reins in your own hands and set limits and boundaries. You have just as much responsibility as the blackmailer to change the dynamic, and you have just as much right as the other person to have your needs met. This can be a difficult and daunting shift in perspective for anyone who has a history of abuse as it brings up true fear and guilt around displeasing people- reach out for support when needed!

    Negotiating for a healthier relationship. We all have choices when a relationship goes off the track. We can accept things the way they are, we can negotiate for a healthier relationship, or worst comes to worst you can end the relationship. That said, there are strategies, communication skills, and behavioral changes that are worth trying in an effort to shift the dynamics before giving in more, or giving up.  

    Feeling your fear: Shifting yourself out of an emotional blackmail situation requires the willingness to tolerate the discomfort of displeasing someone, and often this can bring up fears. Many of our fears are old feelings that we mistake as coming from current events. We confuse our past with the present, and so when we get hurt we react in accordance with prior experiences. We will do nearly anything to protect ourselves from our fear of other people’s anger. Differentiating the present from the past will leave you with more confidence and many more choices for ways to react. Help yourself see that you are now an adult, no longer hopeless or dependent, and that your past does not need to dictate your experience any longer. From this knowing, ask yourself ‘what is the worst thing that can happen?’ Then believe you have the courage and resilience inside to handle this. Lastly, it comes down to allowing yourself to feel fear, and being with it.

    *NOTE: There are certain situations and people where the fear is very warranted. If the person emotionally blackmailing you is completely locked into their angry defensive way of being, then you must ask yourself if it is really worth it or possible to work with them. Listen to your fear in these situations as it may be protecting you from true threat.

    Be with your guilt: Guilt, along with fear, is often the major contributor to complacency. The fear of guilt itself is a powerful force. Realize that you can tolerate the guilt- no one died from guilt! Your dignity, self-respect, and health will all thank you for addressing this. Have a talk with your discomfort- take a close look and ask yourself the following questions:

    -Is what I did or want to do malicious?

    -Is what I did or want to do cruel?

    -Is what I did or want to do abusive?

    -Is what I did or want to do insulting?

    -Is what I did or want to do belittling?

    -Is what I did or want to do demeaning?

    -Is what I did or want to do truly harmful?

    If you answer no to these questions, then there is nothing to be guilty of. That is not to say that changing your behavior won’t be uncomfortable, but you can begin to redefine the discomfort as a sign of growth and change!

    Do it and the feelings will show up! Many people incorrectly assume that they need to feel stronger before they can take steps and make changes in reaction to emotional blackmail. This is not true! As you begin to shift to a new set of behaviors, the sense of empowerment will follow. Others may be shocked by your changes, and have strong reactions. Allow for this and do not take it on! It may not feel great at first, and that is OKAY.

    How to de-escalate the conflict: Blackmail thrives on conflict and escalation, and pushing one person lower and lower on the power structure. A natural tendency when we are emotionally attached is to get defensive, however defensiveness breeds defensiveness. If you can find non-defensive responses, the emotional blackmailer will no longer be able to attack and you WILL shift the dynamic. This requires learning to protect yourself, versus defending yourself. Doing so requires non-defensive communication skills. For example, try saying “I am sure you see it that way, and you are entitled to your feelings, however I am not willing to have this conversation now, let's talk about it when you are calmer…” Other non-defensive communications that can shift the other person’s resistance and defensiveness sound like:

    “Can we talk about why this is so important to you?”

    “Will you help me understand?”

    “It is not acceptable for you to continually make me feel guilty and scared- how can we work together to find a way to get your needs met in a way that doesn’t compromise mine?”

    “I feel as though you are pushing me and our relationship to the edge of a cliff and I don’t know if you are taking me seriously when I say I am not happy. I want to find ways together to solve our problems and conflicts in a way that doesn’t leave one of us feeling emotionally battered- can we talk about this?”

    “I am not willing to live this way any more, I need to be treated with respect and caring and want to find ways to make us both feel safer and more loved”

    “You could be right, however I am feeling…”

    Stop! And take a breath. Next time you are asked to do something you are not okay with, first thing to do is to STOP. Take a breath. This immediately pulls you out of your habitual pattern and away from the automatic reaction. Instead of saying yes, or no, say “I am not able to make this decision right now, I need to think about this. I’ll get back to you- but I need some time to figure out how I am really feeling about this”. This stance will allow you to calm down, garner your strength, and have the time necessary to connect with yourself beyond the fear and guilt. A healthy decision is made when we are able to balance and check in with both our intellect and our emotions- this takes time. Putting things back on your own timeline will make for your ability to be in your integrity and this will inevitably shift the power structure!


    Find out more about Susan Forward's work at her website

    Email Susan at susanforward6@aol.com  if you are interested in phone consultations- she responds to each email personally!

    www.neilsattin.com/blackmail Visit to download the show guide, or text “PASSION” to 33444 and follow the instructions to download the show guide to this episode with Susan Forward!

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