
    Presenting: Science Vs. Joe Rogan: The Malone Interview

    enFebruary 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Misinformation on The Joe Rogan ExperienceJoe Rogan's podcast interview with Dr. Robert Malone led to controversy due to Malone's unfounded claims about COVID-19 vaccines, causing concern among scientists and resulting in Neil Young removing his music from Spotify.

      The spread of COVID-19 misinformation through popular podcasts like The Joe Rogan Experience, which is exclusively distributed by Spotify, can have serious consequences for society during a pandemic. In a recent episode of Science Versus, it was discussed how an interview between Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone, who has been known to spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, led to a controversy. Malone made several claims about the vaccines on Rogan's show that were not backed by science, causing concern among scientists and leading to a letter being sent to Spotify asking them to take action. The controversy even led to Neil Young pulling his music from Spotify. The episode of Science Versus delves deep into the effects of such misinformation and how it can confuse people into believing things that don't align with the best available science. It's a reminder of the importance of fact-checking and the potential impact of misinformation during a global health crisis.

    • Cherry-picking data in misinformationMisinformation often uses cherry-picking, focusing on selective data or studies to support a particular point of view, which can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect conclusions.

      Misinformation often uses selective data or studies to support a particular point of view, a technique known as cherry-picking. This was evident in a recent Joe Rogan episode featuring Robert Malone, where Malone discussed myocarditis, a heart condition caused by inflammation. While myocarditis can be serious, it's important to note that it can also be caused by various factors, including viral infections and vaccines. Malone focused on myocarditis cases linked to vaccines, citing a study from Hong Kong that reported an incidence rate of 1 in 27,100. However, this analysis only considered hospitalized cases, ignoring the many milder cases that don't require hospitalization. By focusing solely on severe cases, Malone cherry-picked the data to support his argument. This tactic is common in the world of misinformation and can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect conclusions. To navigate the complex landscape of science and misinformation, it's crucial to consider the full context of the data and not just selective pieces that support a particular narrative.

    • 178,000 teens received mRNA vaccine, 33 diagnosed with myocarditis, 1 in 27,100 rate33 Hong Kong teens had myocarditis after mRNA vaccine, all recovered with rest and painkillers, no severe complications or mortality.

      While there were cases of myocarditis in Hong Kong teenagers after COVID-19 vaccination, the condition was generally mild and all patients recovered completely. Dr. Mike Kwan, a pediatrician and infectious disease expert in Hong Kong, confirmed that the reported cases were monitored closely for three months in 2021, during which 178,000 teens received the mRNA vaccine and 33 of them were diagnosed with myocarditis. The rate was 1 in 27,100, and most cases occurred after the second dose. The patients were hospitalized for detailed testing and observation, but none required intensive care or experienced severe complications or mortality. They all recovered with rest and painkillers like Ibuprofen. The patients have been followed up for around 7 months, and they are reportedly normal. Dr. Kwan noted that the focus on the negative aspects of the study by some individuals, like Malone, may not fully capture the overall picture of the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine for teenagers.

    • Risk of Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccination is LowThe risk of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination is low, with rates around 1 in 10,000 to 20,000. Spacing out vaccine doses may reduce the risk, but the decision should consider local COVID-19 case load.

      While rare cases of myocarditis have been reported after COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in adolescents, the overall risk remains low, with no reported deaths. For instance, a study in Hong Kong found a rate of around 1 in 20,000, while a larger study in Canada found an even lower rate of roughly 1 in 10,000. Furthermore, spacing out vaccine doses may reduce the risk. However, the policy on vaccine intervals varies depending on the COVID-19 case load in different regions. In areas with high COVID-19 rates, like the US, the CDC still recommends getting the second dose three weeks after the first due to the higher likelihood of contracting COVID-19 itself, which also carries a risk of myocarditis. Therefore, the decision to space out vaccine doses or not should consider the local COVID-19 situation. Despite the rarity and mildness of myocarditis cases, authorities are taking this side effect seriously and adjusting their policies accordingly.

    • Bias towards anecdotes in health decisionsBeing aware of the bias towards anecdotes and seeking out credible sources of information is crucial for making informed health decisions, rather than relying solely on individual experiences.

      Cherry-picking data and relying too heavily on anecdotes can lead to misinformation, particularly when it comes to making health-related decisions. The speaker shared an example of someone who claimed to have experienced severe side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine after having had COVID-19 beforehand. While it's important to acknowledge individual experiences, it's equally crucial to consider scientific evidence. A study was mentioned that found people are more likely to believe anecdotes when making decisions about their health, even though statistics and data are often more reliable. This phenomenon can be exploited to spread misinformation. Therefore, it's essential to be aware of this bias and seek out credible sources of information to make informed decisions.

    • Considering the bigger picture of scientific evidenceWhile anecdotes can be concerning, research on large groups of people shows no significant increase in severe cardiovascular events after vaccination. Individuals should weigh the risks against the risks of contracting COVID-19, and consider anecdotes in context of supporting scientific data.

      While anecdotes can be compelling and memorable, it's important to consider the bigger picture of scientific evidence when evaluating potential risks or side effects of vaccines. During a discussion on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Robert Malone shared his personal experience of experiencing flu-like symptoms after getting the COVID-19 vaccine following a COVID-19 infection. While this experience may be concerning, research on large groups of people has not shown a significant increase in severe cardiovascular events, such as aortic tears or stage 3 hypertension, after vaccination. However, these events are still possible, albeit rare, and individuals should weigh the risks against the risks of contracting COVID-19, which can have serious and potentially life-threatening consequences for the cardiovascular system. Additionally, anecdotes should be considered in the context of supporting scientific data to ensure a complete understanding of the issue.

    • The canary in the coal mine effect of menstrual changes after COVID-19 vaccinesNoticing small changes, like altered menstrual cycles after vaccination, can serve as a warning sign for larger issues and warrant further investigation.

      Concept of the "canary in the coal mine effect," where one issue can serve as a warning sign for something larger and more significant. This was exemplified in the Malone interview when the topic of menstrual changes after COVID-19 vaccines was brought up. Researchers noticed an increase in reports of altered menstrual cycles after vaccination, leading to studies being funded to investigate the potential connection. The results of one study have since been published, revealing that there is indeed a small average change in menstrual cycles after vaccination, although this can vary greatly from person to person. While the change is typically minimal, it serves as an important reminder that even seemingly small signs can indicate larger issues and warrant further investigation.

    • COVID-19 vaccines and menstrual cyclesSome studies suggest temporary menstrual changes after COVID-19 vaccination, but these are generally short-lived and not dangerous. More research is needed to understand potential links to fertility.

      There is evidence suggesting that COVID-19 vaccines can temporarily affect menstrual cycles, but these changes are usually short-lived and return to normal within a few cycles. Some studies have also reported an increased risk of unexpected or heavier bleeding after vaccination, but these changes are generally considered safe and not dangerous. The exact mechanism behind these effects is not yet fully understood, but it's believed that the immune system, which can be affected by sex hormones, may play a role. Some have raised concerns that these changes could be a sign of broader fertility issues, but more research is needed to confirm this. It's important to note that the early data from vaccine trials did not indicate any significant impact on fertility, as pregnancies occurred equally in the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.

    • Vaccines and Fertility: Separating Fact from FictionNumerous studies show no negative impact of vaccines on fertility. Catching COVID-19 temporarily reduces male fertility, not vaccines. Rely on credible sources for accurate information.

      The clinical trial data suggests that vaccines do not negatively impact fertility. Despite this evidence, some people, like Robert Malone, have spread doubt about the vaccines' safety in relation to fertility on podcasts. However, numerous studies have shown no negative effects on various fertility parameters. Furthermore, catching COVID-19 temporarily reduces fertility in males, not the vaccines. It's important to separate fact from fiction and rely on credible sources when making decisions about health and fertility. The recent study involving over 2,000 couples further supports the notion that vaccines do not affect fertility. Instead, avoiding COVID-19, especially for males, may be crucial for maintaining fertility. The spread of misinformation can create a sense of distrust towards established institutions and scientific consensus, leading to confusion and potentially harmful decisions.

    • Mass formation psychosis: Trusting charismatic leaders during uncertain timesDuring societal anxiety, people may trust charismatic leaders, but ignoring facts and other perspectives can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding. It's crucial to consider the overall risk-benefit analysis of vaccines, acknowledging their benefits alongside potential criticisms.

      During times of societal anxiety and uncertainty, people are more likely to trust and follow charismatic leaders who promise solutions to their problems. This phenomenon, known as mass formation psychosis, can lead individuals to become hypnotically focused on a single issue or figure, disregarding other perspectives and facts. In the discussed podcast, the speakers expressed distrust towards established institutions and focused on criticizing the vaccines without acknowledging their benefits. This one-sided approach can be misleading and frustrating, as it ignores the real-world evidence showing that vaccines significantly reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. Instead of focusing solely on potential criticisms, it's essential to consider the overall risk-benefit analysis of vaccines and the wealth of data demonstrating their effectiveness in protecting individuals from COVID-19.

    • Discussion on combating misinformation about COVID-19 vaccinesPlatforms must improve policies to combat misinformation, and consumers should fact-check information before accepting it as truth.

      The spread of misinformation about scientific topics, particularly regarding COVID-19 vaccines, is a significant concern. During a discussion on the podcast "Science Versus," hosts Rose and Wendy expressed their frustration with the misinformation presented on Joe Rogan's podcast, which led to the decision to halt production of new science-versus episodes on the platform, except for those intended to counteract misinformation. The hosts also acknowledged their own mistake in underreporting deaths related to myocarditis after COVID vaccines in a previous episode. The importance of fact-checking and accurate reporting in the age of digital media cannot be overstated. The conversation underscores the need for platforms like Spotify to improve their policies to combat the spread of misinformation and for consumers to fact-check information before accepting it as truth.

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    Show notes:

    Diclose.tv: Conspiracy Forum Turned Disinformation Factory https://www.logically.ai/articles/disclose.tv-conspiracy-forum-turned-disinformation-factory

    The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/

    How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery https://forbetterscience.com/2021/10/04/how-dr-robert-malone-invented-antivaxxery/

    Decoding the Gurus: Robert Malone & Peter McCullough: A litany of untruths https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/robert-malone-peter-mccullough-a-litany-of-untruths

    Joe Rogan: The Malone Interview

    Joe Rogan: The Malone Interview
    Recently, Joe Rogan aired an interview that scientists are up in arms about — with Dr. Robert Malone. Malone talked smack about the Covid-19 vaccines, talking about scary side effects and implying that the vaccines are a risk to our fertility. Enter Science Vs. We fact check the bejesus out of it and zoom out to talk about the bigger picture: what to watch for if you’re worried about getting sucked in by misinformation online. Find our transcript here: https://bit.ly/3rqgRjy UPDATE 2/11/22: When we first published this episode, we said that in more than 60 papers we'd gone through, we'd found only one reported case of someone dying from myocarditis after a Covid-19 vaccine. Some listeners questioned this, and we re-checked our work and found several more deaths. The episode has been updated — and thanks to the listeners who picked this up. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Hour 2
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    Hour 2 Reference Links:

    An Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy

    ‘A Menace to Public Health’: Doctors Demand Spotify Puts an End to Covid Lies on ‘Joe Rogan Experience’

    Ministry of Truth on Abbie Richards

    Unicef wants your money

    The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid
