
    Podcast Summary

    • Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weaknessWhen feeling overwhelmed by a problem, don't hesitate to ask for help from your support network. It's a sign of strength, not weakness, to seek guidance and perspective from others.

      When faced with difficult problems, it's essential to remember the value of asking for help. It's easy to get trapped in feelings of self-sufficiency and believing that we must tackle challenges alone. However, as the speaker wisely pointed out, we can't see the label when we're inside the bottle. Reaching out to our support network can provide valuable perspective and solutions that we might not have considered otherwise. It's a sign of strength, not weakness, to ask for help. So, when you find yourself stuck in a problem and feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to lean on the people in your life who care about you and want to help. Remember, you're not alone, and your support network is there for a reason.

    Related Episodes

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    01: Details Determination and Grace To Keep Going

    In the face of overwhelm, it's easy to feel stuck and long for the clarity of modern GPS with exact instructions, reroutes and estimated distance. But what if a lack of clarity doesn't always mean a lack of direction? What if the worn, faded map offers a more circuitous route to work things in and through us? In today's show, we'll talk about things that hold us back, open up to the possibility that perception changes everything, and embrace the fact that it’s okay not to have everything figured out. Listen in, and maybe you’ll realize you are more equipped than you think.

    #109 Calm the chaos! Overwhelm vanishes by being the friend with the dirty kitchen, pedicure -less & with unwashed hair.

    #109 Calm the chaos! Overwhelm vanishes by being the friend with the dirty kitchen, pedicure -less & with unwashed hair.

    Episodes 107 and 108 were all about finding the "Chaos Creators" in your home and health. 


    Today, I go over how I CALM THE CHAOS!!

    Your anxiety and overwhelm can be prevented and healed with these 5 steps!

    1.  Sit with your mind.  I have a step I take that helps me with this.  You mindset can be healed when you know what matters.  Your priorities, roles and responsibilities need to be clear.

    2. Say "No" - but don't say no to everything. Setting boundaries doesn't mean saying no to everything.  Self coaching yourself is key.  If you need help knowing what matters, schedule a call with me.  I have a short one hour program to help with this.

    3.  Say "When"! Schedule the "when" when you can! This one breaks every mother's heart.  We can't keep ignoring our loved ones.

    4. "Sit on the hill".  The 10000 foot perspective tells us everything!

    5. Normalize normal.  We aren't doing anyone any favors by faking it that we are ok and we don't have chaos too!

    Join our WELL Facebook group for more support and encouragement to refill daily with faith, self care, health and wellness! 

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    Want to talk? Kari’s coaching will help you combat overwhelm and exhaustion to design a life you love through faith, self care, holistic health and habits you love!

    www.calendly.com/karidaviscoaching for a connection call to see if coaching with Kari is a good fit for you!

    S-4-#8 Fake Feelings

    S-4-#8 Fake Feelings

    Parenting is an opportunity to change behaviors and attitudes that hinder healthy relationships with your child and it starts with the feelings you’ve been avoiding. Feelings are meant to be felt and all too often we desperately try to avoid them at all costs because of the pain they invoke. It's time to expose those fake feelings for the real ones!