
    Podcast Summary

    • Advocating for Autism Awareness, Especially for Underrepresented CommunitiesHolly Robinson Peete's personal experience with her autistic son led her to establish the HollyRod Foundation and advocate for autism awareness, particularly for Black children and underrepresented communities. Her work has brought autism into the mainstream conversation and provided resources for families.

      Holly Robinson Peete, an accomplished actress known for her roles in the nineties, has been using her platform to advocate for autism awareness, particularly for Black children and those from underrepresented communities. Her personal experience with her autistic son, RJ, led her to establish the HollyRod Foundation to support families dealing with autism. The conversation highlighted the importance of increasing awareness and understanding of autism and its unique challenges, especially in the context of ongoing social issues. Peete's work has brought autism into the mainstream conversation and helped break societal expectations. Her dedication to raising awareness and providing resources for families is a powerful reminder of the importance of representation and advocacy in addressing the needs of the autistic community.

    • The intersectionality of race and autism: A topic barely acknowledged 20 years agoMother Holly Robinson Peete spoke out about her son's autism diagnosis despite initial reluctance, advocating for him and challenging societal stigmas, balancing the challenges of raising twins and navigating her own feelings.

      The intersectionality of race and autism was a topic barely acknowledged 20 years ago, and Holly Robinson Peete's decision to speak out about her son's diagnosis despite her husband's initial reluctance was a significant moment. The conversation was not easy, as there was shame and denial involved, but Peete's determination to use her platform for good ultimately prevailed. The diagnosis of her son, who was nonverbal at the time, came with a long list of predictions about what he would never be able to do. As a mother, Peete had to fight for him and balance the challenges of raising twins, including the diagnosis, while her husband was away playing football. Through it all, she had to navigate her own feelings and the journey of advocating for her son.

    • Sharing personal experiences can make a differenceSpeaking out about personal experiences with disabilities, especially in marginalized communities, can lead to acceptance, resources, and support for others.

      Sharing personal experiences and advocating for those who cannot speak for themselves can make a significant impact. The speaker, a mother of an autistic child, shares her journey of dealing with her son's diagnosis while also working on a sitcom and grieving. She initially kept quiet about her son's condition in the media but was later outed by Essence Magazine. However, she saw the positive response and used the opportunity to share her story, which led to her appearing on the Oprah show and becoming an advocate for autism acceptance. Her son, now 23, has a job and a supportive community, proving that sharing stories and advocacy can lead to positive outcomes. It's essential to remember that shame and denial surrounding disabilities, especially in marginalized communities, can be heavy weights, and sharing personal experiences can help break the stigma and provide resources and support for others.

    • A mother's journey to advocate for her son with autismEarly diagnosis and intervention are crucial for children with autism, and advocacy and resources can make a significant difference in their lives.

      When faced with the diagnosis of a child with autism, resources and support can be scarce, leaving parents feeling alone and unsure of where to turn. This was the experience of one mother, who, despite having no prior knowledge or resources, became an advocate for her son and other families dealing with autism. She emphasized the importance of early intervention and the need for more resources and awareness for this prevalent condition. Starting from scratch, she persevered, seeking out therapies and meeting angels along the way who helped guide her. Her determination led to the creation of a foundation to expand resources and bring awareness to autism. Parents who suspect their child may have autism are encouraged to seek a diagnosis as early as possible to give their child the best chance for growth and development.

    • Understanding Autism in the Black CommunityMisconceptions and stigmas in the black community can lead to late diagnoses and missed opportunities for intervention. Raising awareness and educating communities about autism and the importance of early intervention and acceptance is crucial.

      Autism is a developmental disorder that affects social, language, and sensory processing abilities, and it exists on a spectrum. It's important to understand that every person with autism is unique, and there is a need for early intervention and support. Unfortunately, misconceptions and stigmas, particularly within the black community, can lead to late diagnoses and missed opportunities for intervention. It's crucial to raise awareness and educate communities about autism and the importance of early intervention and acceptance. Misdiagnoses, such as labeling children as "bad" or "disciplinable," can be harmful and delay necessary support. Engaging with communities, such as black churches, through Q&A sessions and educational programs, can help bridge the gap in understanding and provide much-needed resources and support for families of children with autism.

    • Building a supportive team for a child with autismRoutine, understanding, advocacy, seeking help, acknowledging mental health, and persistence are crucial for a child with autism's wellbeing and building a supportive team.

      Building a supportive team around a child with autism is crucial for their wellbeing. Routine and understanding of the child's unique needs are essential components of this team. Denial and lack of acceptance from family members can be challenging, but advocating for your child's needs and seeking help from outside sources, such as friends or professionals, can make a significant difference. The importance of acknowledging and addressing mental health issues, including autism, is vital, but cultural stigmas and misunderstandings can make it difficult. Ultimately, being persistent and prioritizing your child's needs can help bring those around you to understand and support them.

    • The personal cost of caring for loved onesCaring for loved ones is important but neglecting one's own needs can lead to personal cost. Seek help and support, and remember everyone deserves care and attention.

      Caring for loved ones, especially during challenging times, can come at a personal cost. The speaker shares her experience of feeling like she had missed out on a year of her life while focusing on her son's needs. She also mentions how societal expectations can make it difficult for individuals, particularly Black women, to prioritize their own well-being. The turning point came when the speaker realized she needed her husband's support and involvement in their son's therapy. This led to a breakthrough for both her husband and their son. The story underscores the importance of recognizing that caring for others does not mean neglecting one's own needs and well-being. It's crucial for individuals to seek help and support when needed and to remember that everyone deserves care and attention.

    • Navigating autism and intersectionality with law enforcementUnderstanding autism's impact on communication and consistency is crucial for families and law enforcement. Late diagnosis is common, and individuals deserve support and acceptance.

      Living with autism and dealing with intersectionality, particularly in relation to law enforcement, can be a challenging and recurring nightmare for some families. Routine and consistency are crucial for individuals with autism, and they may need specific therapies and self-stimulating behaviors to regulate their bodies. It's essential to understand that having Asperger's or being on the autism spectrum means processing information differently, and communication and connection abilities can vary greatly. The speaker shares her personal experiences of dealing with unexpected changes and the importance of maintaining routine and safety in one's life. Late diagnosis of autism is common, and it's important to remember that individuals with autism are beautiful and deserving of support and acceptance.

    • Raising a black boy with autism: Unique challenges and constant worriesOpen communication, education, advocacy, and resources are crucial for families raising a child with autism, especially for black boys who face additional societal biases and risks.

      Raising a child with autism, especially a black boy, comes with unique challenges and constant worries. The mother in this conversation shared her experience of protecting her son RJ from potential harm, including unwanted attention at a Hollywood party and the fear of interactions with law enforcement due to the risks associated with mental health calls. She emphasized the importance of open communication and education to help RJ navigate the world, but also expressed her concerns about the dangers he may face due to societal biases and stereotypes. The conversation highlighted the need for heightened awareness and understanding of the experiences of individuals with autism, particularly those who are black or belong to other marginalized communities. It underscored the importance of advocacy, support, and resources to help families navigate the complexities of raising a child with autism and ensure their safety and well-being.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Getting a Driver's License for Children with AutismMother's advocacy for RJ's Law in California highlights the importance of awareness, patience, and determination for parents of children with autism in obtaining driver's licenses. Training for law enforcement and support from professionals are also crucial.

      Parents of children with autism face numerous challenges, including navigating the complexities of getting a driver's license for their child. RJ's mother shares her experience of advocating for RJ's Law in California, which aims to acknowledge autism on driver's licenses. While this may not directly change interactions between cops and individuals with autism, it adds an extra layer of awareness. The importance of training for law enforcement and patience from parents are also crucial. RJ's journey to getting his driver's license was filled with obstacles, but ultimately, he proved the doctors wrong and became an inspiration to others. The story of RJ and his mother serves as a reminder of the importance of hope, determination, and the support of professionals when facing challenges with autism.

    • Building a Supportive Team for Individuals with AutismWith the right team and support, individuals with autism can succeed and make valuable contributions in the workplace and beyond.

      With the right support and a strong team around them, individuals with autism can achieve great things. The speaker's experience with her son RJ and the help of a speech and language therapist named Dr. Wiley, who encouraged her to build a team and adapt to RJ's world, led to a turning point. This was further emphasized when RJ got a job with the Dodgers organization and the HollyRod Foundation helped other children with autism get hired. The impact of inclusive hiring extends beyond the individual hired, benefiting the entire workforce and creating meaningful connections in the community. The speaker's personal experiences and the success stories of individuals with autism serve as a reminder that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive.

    • Connecting people with special needs to job opportunities through DeliveringJobs.orgThe Holly Rod Foundation, in partnership with DeliveringJobs.org, empowers individuals with autism, Downs, and other special needs to find employment and breaks the taboo surrounding discussions about disabilities. Employers like Magic Johnson's businesses, Cigna, and Microsoft support inclusive hiring.

      DeliveringJobs.org is a valuable resource for individuals with autism, Downs, and other special needs, as well as employers looking to hire inclusively. Holly Rod Foundation, which has been operating for over 20 years, has partnered with DeliveringJobs.org to connect people with opportunities. The foundation also runs RJ's Place, a compassionate care center in Los Angeles that offers job training, seminars, and support groups for families dealing with autism and Parkinson's disease. The Holly Rod Foundation was started by Denise and RJ's grandfather, who was the original Gordon on Sesame Street, and aims to break the taboo surrounding discussions about disabilities. Employers such as Magic Johnson's businesses, Cigna, and Microsoft are among those that support the foundation and practice inclusive hiring.

    • Sharing personal experiences to raise awareness and start conversationsUsing personal stories can lead to profound impact, inspiring conversations about important issues like autism and discrimination, and encouraging action and involvement.

      Using personal experiences to raise awareness and start conversations about important issues, such as autism and discrimination, can lead to significant positive change. Holly Robinson Peete shares her experiences with her family and the challenges they faced, including interactions with law enforcement and advocating for individuals with autism. Through her reality show and media appearances, she was able to bring attention to these issues and facilitate important discussions, including a roundtable with police and a campaign to educate young people with autism about interacting with law enforcement. The impact of these conversations can be profound, with moments like RJ's question about his autism status going viral and inspiring others. Holly encourages everyone to visit hollyrod.org and stella.com to learn more and get involved in the HollyRod Foundation's efforts. Overall, using personal stories to create awareness and spark meaningful conversations can lead to significant progress and positive change.

    • Encouragement from loved ones to speak the truthSpeaking the truth, even after a long time, is essential and can bring loved ones closer while inspiring others. Addressing instances of disrespect and intolerance is important, and every story matters.

      Speaking one's truth and standing up for oneself, even after a long time, is essential, especially when encouraged by loved ones. Holly Robinson Peete shared her experience of being encouraged by her children to speak out about a past situation, which brought them closer and inspired others. This conversation also highlighted the importance of addressing instances of disrespect and intolerance, as seen with the exit of Sharon Osbourne from a popular talk show due to her use of a derogatory term towards Holly. The conversation also shed light on the challenges and triumphs of living with autism, and the importance of providing hope and information to those dealing with it. Overall, the podcast episode aimed to bring relevant and inspiring conversations to its audience, reminding them that every story matters and that they can make a difference.

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    About Dea Fileva

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    Hola Comadres!


    We are back BABY!!!! Season 4 is here thank you for your patience and sticking with us. Welcome to the 1st episode of Season 4! The Grand Premiere. We are starting the season with a phenomenal guest in honor of Women’s History Month. 


    Let’s talk about special education and charter schools!


    Join your comadre Marcy and special guest the amazing Julie Fisher, CEO and Director of the Autism Charter, as they discuss charter schools caveats you should adhere to when searching for a charter school for your child. 


    Marcy is recording with Riverside-FM and if you'd like to watch instead of listen, head on over to YouTube and check out the video version of the podcast.


    If you have any suggestions, opinions, questions, or comments about this or any episode, please send us a Comadre-Gram at marcy@comadreandopod.com or DM me via IG. Let’s have a conversation.  


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    Hola Comadres!

    Not me dropping episodes like Beyoncé! Season 4 is well underway. Welcome to the 2nd episode of Season 4! We are continuing  the season with another phenomenal guest in honor of Women’s History Month. 

    Let’s talk about raising body positive children!

    Join your comadre Marcy and special guest Miriam Lara -Mejia aka La Gorda Feminista, anthropologist, traveler, mom, writer, body positive educator. She has currently been working towards body positive motherhood and body positive parenting.


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    Marcy is recording with Riverside-FM and if you'd like to watch instead of listen, head on over to YouTube and check out the video version of the podcast.


    If you have any suggestions, opinions, questions, or comments about this or any episode, please send us a Comadre-Gram at marcy@comadreandopod.com or DM me via IG. Let’s have a conversation.  


    If you like the podcast, please share with your family, friends, and significant other. You can support this podcast by finding it across all platforms and rating, liking, and reviewing.


    If you chat about us, please use the hashtags #Comadreando, #ComadreTime, or #HolaComadres so that I can see and share you as well.


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    You can contribute via $comadreandopod on CashApp and @comadreandopod on Venmo. Merchandise is out now, please visit our BRAND NEW WEBSITE to check out all the Comadre Gear https://www.comadreandopod.com




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