
    Side Effects of Beating Breast Cancer (with Ananda Lewis)

    enJune 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Cherishing moments and finding joy despite challengesAnanda Lewis shares her journey with cancer, emphasizing the importance of vocalizing health concerns and finding joy in every moment, while also discussing the benefits of certain cancer treatments for anti-aging.

      Life is about cherishing moments with loved ones and experiencing joy, regardless of any challenges or diagnoses. Ananda Lewis, a guest on the Small Doses podcast, shared her personal journey with cancer and how she found that the same methods used to fight the disease also helped her anti-age and look younger. This episode featured a unique "host on host" dynamic, with both hosts sharing their insights and experiences. While the conversation touched on the topic of side effects of breast cancer treatment, it also highlighted the importance of being vocal about health and wellness, especially within the Black community. Joining platforms like the Amandaverse or watching The Amanda Seales Show can provide additional content and community for those interested in these topics. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of living life to the fullest and finding joy in every moment.

    • Exploring the Power of Nature in HealingExploring natural remedies from plants can offer various treatments, from minimally processed to intensive, and prioritizing health can lead to significant life changes after a cancer diagnosis

      Our connection to nature and the use of natural remedies, such as plants, can be empowering and effective for our health. Our bodies and plants share a symbiotic relationship, and medicine derived from plants can offer a spectrum of usage, from minimally processed to more intensive treatments. The speaker's experience with breast cancer led her to start with conventional treatments but eventually explore natural remedies. She discovered that breast cancer, like all cancers, is a malfunction of the body and can have various causes. Her delay in seeking medical attention was due to her busy life and prioritizing the needs of others over her own health. Ultimately, her cancer diagnosis served as an invitation for her to make significant changes in her life, including prioritizing her health and well-being.

    • Personal Reluctance to Change and Health RisksRecognizing potential health risks and being open to change can lead to better health outcomes. Prioritize self-care and be informed about alternatives.

      Being stubborn and resistant to change, even when faced with potential health risks, can have negative consequences. The speaker shares her experience of being an Aries, who identifies strongly with her zodiac sign, and her initial reluctance to heed health advice. However, when she was diagnosed with a higher risk of breast cancer due to family history, she began to prioritize her health and make necessary changes. She acknowledges that everyone makes personal decisions regarding their health, but encourages being informed and open to alternative methods. The speaker also reflects on how motherhood and societal expectations can impact sleep patterns and self-care. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself first, as a necessary condition for being able to help others. The speaker also reflects on how technology and social media can serve as distractions from living a more intentional and present life.

    • The importance of aligning with natural rhythms for optimal healthRespecting natural rhythms and prioritizing hydration and nourishment can lead to improved health and well-being

      Our connection to nature and living in harmony with our natural circadian rhythms is essential for our health and well-being. The speaker shared their personal experience of returning from a trip to Kenya and experiencing severe jet lag, which they researched and discovered was due to disruptions in their circadian rhythm. This experience highlighted the importance of respecting and aligning our lifestyles with the natural world, as our bodies are designed to function optimally when in sync with the rising and setting of the sun. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying hydrated and nourishing ourselves with natural foods, as these basic necessities require significant energy and effort to obtain in some parts of the world. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of living in harmony with nature and prioritizing our health through simple, natural practices.

    • Understanding individual needs and exploring diverse perspectivesExplore your body's unique needs, question conventional wisdom, and learn from diverse perspectives to improve your health and gain a deeper understanding of the world.

      While we may share similarities, each individual's body and dietary needs are unique. The speaker's experience with inflammation from grains highlights the importance of understanding one's own body and its specific needs. Additionally, the discussion on blood types and the black experience emphasizes the importance of representation and empowerment through diverse perspectives. The speaker's determination to take control of her health and question conventional wisdom serves as a reminder to approach life with curiosity and skepticism. Lastly, the discovery of the connections between ancient descriptions of angels and depictions of aliens illustrates the value of exploring various cultures and histories to gain a deeper understanding of the world.

    • The importance of early breast cancer detectionRegular mammograms and 3D ultrasounds are crucial for early breast cancer detection, even if it involves radiation. Prioritize health, overcome barriers, and get screened to improve chances of successful treatment.

      Early detection of breast cancer is crucial, regardless of any concerns about radiation. The speaker shares her personal experience of missing early signs and the importance of regular screenings like mammograms and 3D ultrasounds, especially for women with dense breasts. She emphasizes the need to prioritize health and overcome resistance, despite financial or systemic barriers. The speaker also highlights the inequity in healthcare and the importance of creating spaces for marginalized communities to prioritize their well-being. Ultimately, she encourages everyone to take charge of their health and get screened early, before any potential issues become more difficult to address.

    • Understanding and Overcoming DivisionsThrough education and empathy, we can rise above our evolutionary tendencies to divide and foster unity. Despite challenges, we're all interconnected and capable of coming together.

      Throughout history, human beings have a natural tendency to be at odds with those who are different from us. This stems from our evolutionary wiring, which viewed outsiders as biological threats. However, it's crucial for us to rise above this biological reaction and educate ourselves to foster understanding and unity. Unfortunately, some individuals continue to wield ignorance and power to maintain divisions. But even in the face of adversity, it's essential to remember that we are all interconnected and capable of coming together, just as the characters in "House of Cards" eventually realize they're just eating each other alive when left unchecked. Ultimately, we must strive to learn from the past and use our knowledge to create a more inclusive and harmonious future.

    • The impact of diverse role models during formative yearsRepresentation of diverse role models during formative years can empower, uplift, and inspire individuals to create world-shifting things.

      Representation and access to diverse role models can have a profound impact on individuals, particularly during formative years. The speaker expressed gratitude for growing up with a wealth of black women on television, which provided her with a multitude of options to aspire to. She also shared the significance of finally connecting with influential women from her past, decades later, and the emotional impact it had on her. The importance of representation extends beyond entertainment and into real life, where it can empower, uplift, and inspire individuals to create world-shifting things. NPR's "Black Stories, Black Truths" collection serves as a testament to this, offering a platform for unique black perspectives and experiences.

    • Centering Black Voices and ExperiencesUnderstanding and education can help overcome fear and embrace the unknown, as heard in NPR's Black Stories Black Truths podcast.

      Centering black voices and experiences is essential in telling America's story. Fear is an illusion, and the unknown is often the root of our fears. Fear and stress can have detrimental effects on the body and mind if experienced chronically. Understanding the source of fear and taking determined action can help overcome it. Natural doesn't always mean ineffective, and it's essential to understand the context and meaning behind the term. In NPR's Black Stories Black Truths, listeners can find a collection of podcast episodes celebrating the black experience and centering black voices. Fear can be debilitating, but determination and action can help overcome it. It's crucial to recognize the power of understanding and education in combating fear and embracing the unknown.

    • Taking Charge of Your Health: Ozone, PEMF, Red Light, Detox, and FaithEmpower yourself to heal by practicing various therapies, staying informed, and taking personal responsibility for your health. Faith plays a role in the journey, but ultimately, it's up to you to do the work.

      Taking charge of your health involves a combination of various therapies and disciplines, including ozone therapy, PEMF maths, red light therapy, detoxing, and staying organized. It's not an easy or simple process, and it requires dedication and discipline. Faith and personal responsibility play a significant role in the healing journey. The speaker emphasizes that God has given us the intelligence and resources to heal ourselves, but it's up to us to do the work. She shares her personal story of overcoming smoking addiction through hypnosis and the importance of being disciplined and informed in our health choices. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to take responsibility for our health and not rely on others to heal us. It's a conscious and unconscious experience that empowers us to make positive changes in our lives.

    • Empowering the Healing ProcessThrough methods like hypnotherapy and self-discovery, individuals can take control of their healing process and turn their situation around, even in the face of cancer or past traumas.

      Individuals have the power to take control of their healing process through various methods like hypnotherapy and self-discovery. The speaker shares her experience of using hypnotherapy to erase past traumas and slow down her cancer progression. She also mentions her apprehension towards Ayahuasca but acknowledges its benefits for others. The journey towards healing is a slow process, but with determination and the right tools, one can turn the situation around. The speaker expresses pride in the speaker's ability to perform "alchemy" on herself and inspire others to believe in their own healing capabilities. The public figure's cancer diagnosis was a reality for her, and sharing her journey publicly allowed others to learn and be inspired by her experiences. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-empowerment and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • The Impact of Unhealthy Lifestyle on Vocal CordsExcessive drinking and unhealthy diets can damage vocal cords and hinder recovery, emphasizing the importance of mindful eating and drinking habits.

      Excessive drinking and unhealthy diet can lead to serious health issues, such as damaged vocal cords and inflammation. The speaker's experience involved years of heavy drinking and partying during her hosting gig on MTV, which led to vocal cord damage and the inability to talk. Even after quitting alcohol, her vocal cords didn't fully recover due to her continued consumption of sugar and animal fat. It wasn't until she adopted a more holistic approach, including a doctor Sebi vegan diet and avoiding animal fat, that she saw a rapid improvement in her condition. This experience underscores the importance of taking care of one's health through mindful eating and drinking habits.

    • Personal health and representation transform and empowerEliminating inflammation through diet can heal health issues. Amplifying black voices and experiences empowers communities.

      Both personal health and representation have the power to transform and empower individuals. The speaker shared their experience of how eliminating inflammation through a vegan diet helped cure their long-term health issue, acid reflux. Meanwhile, they also emphasized the importance of amplifying black voices and experiences through media platforms like NPR's "Black Stories, Black Truths." By sharing unique perspectives and stories, this collection empowers and uplifts the black community. Furthermore, the speaker's personal transformation through diet serves as a reminder that individuals have the power to heal and transform their bodies when given the right tools and knowledge. Similarly, representation and amplification of diverse voices can bring about significant change and empowerment in society.

    • Mindful approach to health and well-beingUnderstand your body's unique needs, consume mindfully, practice self-reflection, and strive for discipline to maintain optimal health.

      Our bodies are complex and intelligent organisms that require care and discipline to maintain optimal health, especially for individuals dealing with health challenges like cancer. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being mindful of what we consume and how it affects our bodies, as well as the importance of self-reflection and discipline. The speaker also touches on the idea that our modern eating habits may not align with our bodies' natural needs and that we should strive to understand and respect our bodies as we would a valuable machine. The speaker's personal experience with cancer and the keto diet highlights the importance of being aware of one's body's unique needs and being willing to make adjustments to maintain quality of life. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of taking a proactive and mindful approach to our health and well-being.

    • Understanding Body Needs for Optimal HealthStaying hydrated is crucial for health, but not all fluids are equal. Diuretics like carbonated water and coffee can hinder hydration. Neglecting body needs can lead to health issues, including constipation and depression. Addressing nutrient deficiencies and prioritizing self-care can significantly improve well-being.

      Taking care of our bodies is essential for overall health and well-being. While many focus on drinking water to stay hydrated, it's important to remember that all fluids count towards our daily intake. However, carbonated water and coffee, as diuretics, can hinder hydration. Dehydration can lead to various health issues, including constipation and even depression. It's crucial to understand our bodies' needs and treat them with the same care and attention as we would a partner in a relationship. Neglecting our bodies can lead to serious consequences, and being proactive is key to maintaining optimal health. Additionally, addressing nutrient deficiencies, such as magnesium and vitamin D, can significantly improve mental and physical well-being. Ultimately, valuing ourselves and prioritizing our health is essential for living a fulfilling life.

    • Prioritizing Health Amid ChallengesStaying proactive about our health, facing fears, and making lifestyle adjustments can lead to a happier, healthier life despite challenges.

      It's essential to prioritize our health and well-being, even during challenging times. Alada Branham shares her personal experiences with cancer and the importance of staying well during the pandemic. She emphasizes the need to face our fears and live a life we love, rather than one we hate. Branham also raises concerns about potential health hazards in modern society, such as radiation from technology and studios. She advocates for simple changes, like using red lights at night, to promote better health and longevity. Ultimately, Branham encourages us to be proactive about our well-being and make adjustments to our lifestyle to create a healthier environment.

    • We have the power to create and healBelieve in our godlike capabilities to create and heal, learn to control our actions, and use technology to monetize passions ethically.

      We are all connected to something greater than ourselves, whether we believe in a divine being or the universe itself. This connection gives us the power to create and heal, reminding us that we are not insignificant beings. Jesus, as an example, didn't ask for God's help but commanded people to heal and get up, emphasizing our godlike capabilities. We must learn to control our own actions and not waste time trying to control external factors. Amanda's boldness and patience in sharing her truth inspired others, and technology provides an opportunity for us to create our own spaces and monetize our passions ethically. In essence, we are here to express the power we've been given and create our own world.

    • The power of community and knowledgeable professionalsBuilding a community can lead to new opportunities and experiences. Knowledgeable professionals are essential for providing accurate and trustworthy solutions.

      Building a community, whether through a YouTube channel or in person, can provide opportunities for growth and new experiences. Amanda Seals expressed her gratitude to her audience for supporting her and allowing her to try new things. O'Reilly Auto Parts was also highlighted as a company that stands out due to its professional parts people who possess deep automotive knowledge and expertise. These individuals are essential in providing trustworthy and accurate answers and solutions for customers. Overall, the power of community and knowledgeable professionals can lead to exciting and rewarding experiences.

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