
    Side Effects of Dating an Artist (with Lauren London)

    enDecember 05, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Dating an Artist: Real vs. WannabeApproach an artist's work with sensitivity, starting with positive feedback. Distinguish between real artists and wannabes by their actions, not just labels.

      Dating an artist comes with unique challenges and it's important to distinguish between real artists and wannabes. Real artists create art, while wannabes may only talk about it. If you're dating an artist and they ask for your opinion on their work, approach it with sensitivity and always start with positive feedback. Be aware that your reaction may depend on where you and the artist are in their creative development. Remember, life is about enjoying experiences and connections, not just diagnoses or labels. For more insights, visit kisqali.com and talk to your doctor about Kaskali ribociclib. And as always, keep living, loving, and experiencing all that life has to offer.

    • Approaching an artist's work with sensitivityRespect artists' vulnerability by engaging in genuine conversations about their work and acknowledging their complexities and fluidities.

      When dating an artist, it's important to approach their work with genuine interest and sensitivity. Whether it's music, painting, or a unique craft, artists share their creations from a vulnerable place. When they present their work, they may not be soliciting criticism but rather sharing it with you. In such cases, it's essential to respect their effort and engage in a conversation about their process. Additionally, it's crucial to acknowledge that artists, like all people, have complexities and fluidities, and their sexuality or identity should be respected. Overall, dating an artist requires an open mind, a compassionate heart, and a genuine appreciation for their unique talents and vulnerabilities.

    • Sex and relationships are separate, Artist's narcissism can hinder emotional connectionArtists' demanding careers and narcissism can make emotional connection difficult, prioritize relationship needs and express them respectfully.

      Sex and relationships are separate entities, and not everyone in a sexually expressive profession, such as rap or R&B music, is looking for a committed relationship. The narcissism required to succeed in these fields can often make it difficult for individuals to be emotionally available and vulnerable in a relationship. It's essential to consider what your priorities are in a relationship and what you define as being treated well. If you're not getting the emotional connection you desire, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship and consider moving on. When dealing with an artist or someone with a demanding career, it's crucial to be respectful of their time and commitments while also expressing your needs and desires in the relationship.

    • Being considerate in relationshipsArtists need to remember to give respect and consideration in relationships, not just take. Authenticity is important, but being mindful of others' time and feelings is crucial for healthy relationships.

      Treating others with respect and consideration is essential in all relationships, not just romantic ones. Artists, in particular, can get lost in their ego and narcissism, forgetting that they need to give as much as they take. It's crucial to remember that we all need to fill each other's emotional cups and be aware of when we need to bring it down a notch. Being authentic and true to oneself is admirable, but it's equally important to be mindful of others' time and feelings. The entertainment industry can be tough on authenticity, and it's essential to maintain healthy relationships, whether they're friendships or romantic partnerships. Lauren London, today's guest, is a shining example of someone who stays true to herself while being considerate of others. She's a gem, and we're lucky to have her on the show.

    • Appreciating authenticity and self-awareness in relationshipsRecognizing situations and responding appropriately, being true to oneself, and understanding others' perspectives are keys to strong relationships.

      Self-awareness and authenticity are important qualities that can strengthen relationships. The speaker admired Lauren's ability to recognize situations and respond appropriately, even if it meant acknowledging her own discomfort. The speaker also reflected on her past experiences with ego and how she has grown to be more humble and aware of her actions. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the value of being true to oneself and understanding the perspectives of others. Additionally, the speaker appreciated Lauren's confidence and mastery of her appearance, inspiring her to learn her own angles and embrace her own talents.

    • Experiences shaping behavior in youthRecognizing the need for self-awareness, authenticity, and protection can help individuals overcome fear and shape their behavior in positive ways.

      Fear and survival mechanisms can shape a person's behavior, particularly in their youth. This was evident in the speaker's experience of feeling the need to be bigger and stronger than others to avoid being a victim. She recounted her past experiences of being threatened and ready to fight at all times. However, as she grew older, she recognized the need to protect and mentor younger women exhibiting similar behavior. She emphasized the importance of self-awareness and being prepared for any situation. The speaker also highlighted the importance of authenticity and being true to oneself, even if it means hiding certain aspects from others. Overall, her experiences shaped her into a strong and self-assured individual who has learned to handle any situation with confidence.

    • Cherishing strong connections and shared spacesValuing relationships with like-minded individuals and protecting shared spaces can lead to stronger bonds. Trusting oneself and handling criticism can also contribute to personal growth and strengthening relationships.

      Forming strong connections with like-minded individuals, especially in adulthood, is valuable and should be cherished. Protecting and respecting the shared space is crucial for these relationships to thrive. During their conversation, the speakers also touched upon the importance of self-confidence and standing up for oneself in various situations. The speaker, Lauren, shared an experience of being worried about her comedic abilities but learned to trust her skills and handle criticism. The discussion also included the idea that laughter and shared humor, particularly within the Black community, can bring people closer together. The speakers reminisced about a specific episode they did on "black laughs" and how it showcased the unique humor and camaraderie within their group. Additionally, the speaker discussed her preference for renting a house instead of owning one, emphasizing the importance of finding comfort and security in one's living situation.

    • Navigating Life's Challenges and EmotionsUnderstanding and compassion are crucial during emotional moments, even if they seem unexplainable. Personal preferences and past experiences shape our relationships.

      Owning property and dealing with its challenges is a part of life, and sometimes people just want to move on to new spaces. The speaker expresses her frustration with explaining her personal life to others and emphasizes the importance of compassion and understanding during emotional moments, even if they seem unexplainable. She also mentions her preference for certain zodiac signs in relationships and shares a story about encountering an ex at a concert. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of emotions, relationships, and personal growth.

    • Understanding the law of karmaAcknowledge flaws, improve, be accountable, treat others with respect, give love and positivity, avoid deceit and negativity, respect self and world for personal growth and happiness.

      We all have flaws and responsibilities, whether we're artists or not. Acknowledging our shortcomings is important, but we must also strive to improve and be accountable for our actions. The concept of karma is real, and what we put out into the world is what we'll receive in return. Treating others with respect and kindness is essential, not just for the benefit of others, but also for ourselves. The earth and the universe operate in a circular motion, and what goes around comes around. We cannot exempt ourselves from this law. Giving love, appreciation, honesty, and positivity is essential, as these are the things we get to keep. Conversely, deceit, betrayal, and negativity are things we must avoid, as we are the ones who will bear the consequences. Respecting ourselves, others, and the world around us is crucial for personal growth and happiness.

    • Balancing Art and RelationshipsCreating art and maintaining relationships can be a delicate balance. Artists' intense focus and emotional complexity can impact relationships, especially during pregnancy.

      Creating art and maintaining a relationship can be a challenging balancing act for artists. The energy and focus required to create art can spill over into personal relationships, leading to trying times. Some artists may become consumed by their work, causing strain in their relationships. The public may only see the art and be enamored with the artist, but it's essential to remember that they are whole people with complex emotions and mental health needs. The experience of dating an artist can be rewarding, but it's important to understand that the relationship goes beyond the art. The artist's process of creating can involve intense periods of focus and even meltdowns, which can impact the relationship. These challenges can be more manageable when the relationship is at arm's length, but adding the complexity of a pregnancy to the mix can make things even more difficult. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that artists are multifaceted individuals, and their relationships deserve the same care and attention as their art.

    • Personal preferences and societal expectationsIndividuals should honor their unique preferences and needs, disregarding external expectations and societal norms when it comes to dating.

      Individuals should not be defined or limited by external expectations when it comes to dating or personal preferences. The speaker in this conversation expresses her disdain for people suggesting she should date a certain type of person based on their assumptions. She emphasizes that everyone's preferences and needs are unique, and it's essential to honor that individuality. Furthermore, the entertainment industry's presence in Los Angeles can create unrealistic expectations and pressure, leading some to seek out specific types of partners. However, it's crucial to remember that everyone deserves to find the right person for them, regardless of societal norms or expectations. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of understanding one's own needs and desires, as well as being open to growth and change. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize authenticity and self-awareness when navigating relationships.

    • Unexpected connections through authenticityPeople can discover deep connections despite initial reservations. Look beyond first impressions and give people a chance to show their true selves.

      People can discover unexpected connections and compatibility with others, even when they initially have reservations. The speaker shared her experience of meeting someone who was suggested to her as a good match, but she initially disliked the type of person they were. However, upon further interaction, they found deep connections based on shared experiences, values, and authenticity. This encounter challenged her perspective and made her realize that it's essential to look beyond initial impressions and give people a chance to show their true selves. Additionally, the speaker emphasized that artists, in particular, can bring unique qualities to relationships, such as creativity, authenticity, and a strong sense of purpose, even if their art is not the primary reason for the attraction.

    • Navigating Relationships as an ArtistArtistry doesn't excuse irresponsibility in relationships. Successful relationships require open communication, mutual respect, and balance between personal and professional lives.

      Being an artist comes with unique challenges in relationships. While some people may view an artist's need for space and focus as a valid pursuit of their craft, others may see it as an excuse for irresponsibility or neglect. The speaker acknowledges the importance of individual growth and self-awareness, but warns against using artistry as a coping mechanism for disregarding commitments. Ultimately, successful relationships require open communication, mutual respect, and a shared understanding of each other's priorities and needs. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accountability and consistency, and encourages artists to strive for balance between their personal and professional lives. In essence, being an artist does not exempt one from the responsibilities of a healthy relationship.

    • Art does not excuse mistreatment or disregard for accountabilityBeing an artist doesn't exempt us from treating others with respect and accountability. Our actions and language matter, and we should prioritize unity, love, and personal growth.

      Being an artist does not give anyone the license to mistreat others or disregard accountability in personal relationships. It's essential to remember that art is just a part of who we are, and our actions and treatment of others are what truly matter. We should hold ourselves and others accountable for how we treat people, regardless of our artistic success or output. Additionally, it's crucial to be conscious of our language and considerate of the diversity of identities in our communities. The focus should be on unity, love, and personal growth, as these are the things we take with us in life.

    • Dating an Artist: Understanding Their ComplexitiesArtists are complex individuals with unique challenges in relationships. Hold them accountable, approach with fairness, kindness, and clarity, and remember they may present a different image in their art than in real life. Use platforms like Viator for hassle-free travel planning.

      While dating an artist comes with unique challenges, it's important to remember that artists are human beings first and foremost. Their artistry does not give them a pass to mistreat others or behave poorly. It's crucial to hold them accountable for their actions as individuals. Furthermore, artists, like all people, can struggle with narcissism and vulnerability. Therefore, it's essential to approach relationships with fairness, kindness, and clarity. Understanding that artists may present a certain image in their artistry but may be different in person is also important. Lastly, when planning travels, using a platform like Viator can help you book guided tours, excursions, and more in one place, ensuring a memorable and worry-free experience.

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    "I do believe everyone has a purpose, I think life is invaluable."

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    "Get a master's degree in your staff… That's why CEOs need to encourage middle managers. You have to get to know your staff."

    "Be the leader you're meant to be."











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