
    Side Effects of Fatherhood (with Dwayne “DW” Wright)

    enSeptember 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Care and Attention in FatherhoodBeing a good father involves more than just providing for children. It requires genuine care, attention to detail, and engagement in their lives.

      Being a good father goes beyond just providing for your children. It's about caring for them deeply and paying attention to the small details in their lives. Duane "D Dub" Wright, a bass player, entrepreneur, father, musician, and harmonica enthusiast, shares his perspective on fatherhood and what makes him a good father. He emphasizes the importance of care and attention to detail, and how these qualities set him apart from those who merely "play the role" of a father. This conversation highlights the importance of genuine care and engagement in raising children and challenges the notion that providing material needs is the only way to be a good father.

    • Understanding and responding to a child's emotionsEmpathy and emotional intelligence are key in fatherhood. Recognize and respond to your child's emotions, even if they seem trivial, to build trust and a strong bond.

      Being a father goes beyond just providing for your family. It involves being emotionally available, providing a safe and supportive environment, and paying attention to the details of your child's needs and expressions. These intangible aspects of fatherhood are crucial for building a strong bond with your child and helping them navigate their emotions and experiences. The example given was of a child expressing sadness over a TV show character's death, which may seem trivial to an adult but can be deeply felt by a child. It's important for fathers to recognize and respond to these expressions with empathy and understanding. Similarly, children may use subtle ways to express their desires or dislikes, and paying attention to these details can help prevent misunderstandings and build trust. Overall, being a good father requires a deep investment of time, energy, and emotional intelligence.

    • Exceptional fathering: Softness, love, and understandingExceptional fathers foster emotional connection, express love, and understand children's unique preferences, shaping positive impacts on their development.

      Effective parenting goes beyond just providing for basic needs and involves fostering emotional connection with children. The speaker shares how her ex-partner stands out as an exceptional father by maintaining a softness and expressing love and support despite societal pressures to harden children. In contrast, her own father suppressed her individuality and expression, creating a lasting negative impact. The importance of compromise and understanding children's unique preferences is emphasized to build a strong and loving parent-child relationship.

    • Transforming challenges into games or rewardsUsing games or focusing on rewards can help motivate individuals to complete tasks and overcome challenges in various aspects of life

      Turning challenges into games or focusing on the reward can help motivate and encourage individuals to complete tasks they might otherwise avoid. The speaker shares personal experiences of using this approach with food, homework, and even childhood toys. This technique was learned from her mother and has been effective in various situations throughout her life. The fear of being unable to protect or provide for her child was a significant concern when she became a parent, but she found ways to overcome these fears by changing her approach to business and handling challenges with determination and resilience.

    • Adapting to dysfunctional systemsTo thrive, we may need to adapt to dysfunctional systems, but it's essential to eventually seek functional systems where we're respected and valued for our contributions.

      Sometimes, in order to survive and thrive in a dysfunctional system, we may need to adapt and even deceive, but it's crucial to eventually find functional systems where we can be respected and valued for our contributions. This conversation revealed the experience of an artist who, faced with financial struggles and the limitations of the music industry, resorted to lying about being a keyboard player to secure gigs. This deception led him to reevaluate his approach to business and advocate for demanding respect and fair treatment. He emphasized the importance of entering new situations with confidence and expecting to be treated as an equal, rather than settling for less. Ultimately, the artist's message encourages us to strive for functional systems where we can bring our full potential to the table and be rewarded accordingly.

    • Fatherhood led to a new perspective on self-worth and legacyBecoming a father caused this individual to reevaluate their priorities, recognizing the importance of their child's well-being and legacy, leading to a deeper understanding of self-worth and potential.

      Becoming a father forced this individual to reevaluate their self-worth and priorities. They recognized that their child's well-being was not just about their own suffering or appearances, but something substantial. This led them to handle business differently and expand their mindset. Additionally, they saw the opportunity to pass on a good name and legacy to their child, making their actions more meaningful. The individual's past achievements, such as scoring high on standardized tests at a young age, gave them a new perspective on their abilities and potential. Overall, becoming a father led to a deeper understanding of self-worth, legacy, and the importance of making decisions that benefit one's child.

    • Embracing authenticity and simplicity in relationshipsRecognize limitations and strengths, seek inspiration, and value intellectual partners for personal growth and authentic relationships.

      The speaker, despite his intelligence and mischievous past, values simplicity and authenticity in relationships and acknowledges the importance of external factors in personal growth, particularly in the context of fatherhood. He emphasizes the need to recognize one's limitations and strengths and seeks inspiration from various sources, including media and personal experiences. The speaker also shares his preference for intelligent partners who can appreciate intellectual stimulation without overwhelming discourse. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing one's unique qualities and utilizing various resources to enhance personal growth and relationships.

    • The Impact of Active FatherhoodBeing present in your child's life from the start strengthens the bond and shapes their development. Financial provision is not enough; involvement and care are essential.

      Being an involved father from the beginning has a significant impact on the relationship with your child. Paul, the speaker's first son, missed out on some early experiences and bonding moments due to his father's work schedule. With his second son, Roman, Paul has been present since birth, leading to a stronger bond. Additionally, Paul has gained a new perspective on women and their potential daddy issues, recognizing the importance of active fatherhood in shaping a child's development. The speaker emphasizes that providing financially does not equate to being a good father and that involvement and care are crucial.

    • Fatherhood goes beyond talentEngage with children, create a supportive environment, and be present to make a positive impact on the next generation.

      Being a brilliant or talented person does not automatically make one a good father. It's essential to engage and properly interact with children, creating a supportive and nurturing environment. The speaker shared his personal experience of wanting to provide the emotional support he lacked from his own father to his own children. He encourages all fathers, especially black fathers, to step up and be present for their children, rather than focusing on feelings of underappreciation. By doing so, we can hold each other accountable to being better fathers and making a positive impact on the next generation.

    • Single parent vs single personBeing a single parent means doing it entirely alone, while a single person may have help or occasional involvement from the other parent.

      The term "single parent" does not necessarily mean being a parent alone without any help or involvement from the other parent. According to the speaker, a single parent is someone who is doing it entirely by themselves, while someone who has help or occasional involvement from the other parent is not a single parent, but a single person. The speaker also shared that becoming a parent has made them more chill and less affected by trivial matters. Additionally, the speaker expressed their desire to have a family, but only with a good father figure for their child, and their belief that they would end up with a partner who can provide the comfort and safety they lacked in their own childhood.

    • Father's role in emotional developmentA father's presence and actions significantly impact a child's emotional development, particularly for those without positive father figures, shaping their understanding of love and relationships.

      The role of a father is multifaceted and plays a significant impact on the emotional development of children, particularly for those who may not have had positive father figures in their lives. The way a father nurtures and cares for his children can reveal his emotional capabilities and impact the way his partners and future generations perceive him. For many women, especially Black women, the absence or negative experiences with their fathers can shape their understanding of love and relationships. A father's presence and actions can provide essential context and help define how children view themselves and their relationships with others. Understanding this dynamic can lead to greater empathy and connectivity.

    • Fathers' Emotional and Mental Role in Shaping Children's Future RelationshipsFathers play a crucial role in teaching sons respect and love towards women, while mothers provide a respectable male role model and open communication.

      The role of a father extends beyond just providing for his family. The emotional and mental work that being a father entails plays a significant role in shaping a child's future relationships and understanding of healthy dynamics. For mothers of sons, especially those without a present father figure, it's crucial to provide a respectable male role model and engage in open communication. This helps sons learn how to treat women with respect and love, as they will likely model their behavior after their mother or the male figures in their lives. The traditional roles of "provider" and "nurturer" have evolved, and both parents should strive to nurture their children in various ways, fostering their emotional growth and development.

    • Mickey Hance and DDeb's Creative SynergyMickey Hance and DDeb have a strong creative connection, generating ideas and content spontaneously. They express care and appreciation for collaborators, and will be joined by Cree Summer and Jasmine Guy on their podcast. Hance promotes CarShield's affordable vehicle protection plans with added benefits.

      Mickey Hance and DDeb have a strong creative connection and are able to generate ideas and content spontaneously, as evidenced by the origin story of their segment "A Moment of Ebony Excellence." This synergy extends beyond music to brainstorming sessions in various settings. Hance also expresses care and appreciation for his collaborators, including DDeb and the guests on their podcast, Smart Funny in Black. The duo will be joined by Cree Summer and Jasmine Guy for a upcoming episode on September 14th. Additionally, Hance promotes CarShield's vehicle protection plans, which offer comprehensive coverage and additional perks like roadside assistance and towing services at a low cost.

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    Being intentional about the way we parent our young children now can help lay critical groundwork that will allow them to flourish in adulthood. Lessons like independence, self-confidence, and resilience can all be fostered through helping to build emotional intelligence in our kids.


    Joining me to discuss how you can help prepare your own children to tackle life in the real world is mother of 4 and Family Life & Leadership Coach, Nellie Harden.


    We’ll talk about why and how you can use your parent-child relationship as an incredibly effective motivator for kids, how to help children understand the difference between fair and equal by breaking it down into terms they can understand, how trusting in your children teaches them to trust in themselves, and many other valuable lessons every parent will want to learn!


    Want to get more from Dr. Sarah Bren? 

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