
    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciating different aspects of life, including sexGreat sex involves emotional attachment and intimacy (making love), as well as the purely physical (fucking). Find joy and fulfillment in various aspects of life.

      Great listening, whether it's to favorite songs or informational content, can bring joy and enrich our lives. Amanda, the podcast host, shares her perspective on great sex, emphasizing that it can be both making love and fucking, each with its own unique qualities and expectations. Making love involves emotional attachment and intimacy, while fucking is purely physical. However, it's essential to be aware that great sex doesn't necessarily mean overlooking negative aspects outside of the bedroom. Amanda encourages listeners to compartmentalize their enjoyment and not let sexually transmitted stupidity cloud their judgment. This episode serves as a reminder to appreciate various aspects of life, including arts, music, and intimacy, and to find what brings us joy and fulfillment.

    • Understanding Different Sexual Encounters and Prioritizing SafetyCommunicate intentions clearly, respect boundaries, and prioritize safety in all sexual encounters, whether seeking deeper connections or casual encounters.

      Sexual encounters can serve various purposes and it's essential to prioritize safety, both physically and emotionally. Some people seek casual encounters, while others crave deeper connections. It's crucial to communicate intentions clearly and respect each other's boundaries. Making love and having casual sex are different experiences, but they can still coexist with the same person. Ultimately, it's about understanding and respecting individual preferences and needs. People change, and past relationships can evolve, leading to reconnections. The key is to approach each encounter with care and consideration.

    • Communication and Connection in SexEffective communication and mutual understanding are essential for a satisfying sexual relationship. Be open about desires, create a safe space, and prioritize your partner's needs.

      Great sex involves connection and communication between partners. It's important to be aware of each other's needs and desires, and to create a safe and consensual space for exploration. Sex doesn't have to be just about physical pleasure, but can also be an expression of love and intimacy. It's also important to remember that everyone's experiences and preferences are different, and that open and honest communication is key to creating a satisfying sexual relationship. Additionally, being selfless and attentive to your partner's needs can lead to greater pleasure for both parties. The speaker also emphasized that sex can be enjoyable for its own sake, but that the best experiences often come from a place of love and connection.

    • Communicating for satisfying sexual experiencesRecognize and address partner's preferences, be aware of own body size impact, seek feedback, and maintain open communication for emotional intimacy and ongoing exploration.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in satisfying sexual experiences. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing your partner's unique preferences and responses. He also highlighted the significance of being aware of one's own body size and the potential impact it may have on their partner. The discussion also touched upon the importance of recognizing that sexual encounters involve emotional intimacy and the need for a safe and open environment for discussing desires and concerns. Additionally, the speaker shared personal experiences of the importance of seeking feedback and communication to improve sexual experiences. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of ongoing exploration, communication, and respect in maintaining a fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Expressing needs and desires with compassionCommunicate needs and desires with compassion, respect boundaries, and practice moderation for deeper connections and fulfilling experiences in romantic relationships.

      Communication and compassion are key when navigating sensitive topics, especially in romantic relationships. It's important to express your needs and desires in a way that feels compassionate rather than critical. Additionally, everyone has unique experiences and comfort levels, and it's essential to respect those boundaries. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling pressure to please partners and the importance of moderation in all areas of life, including sexual relationships. Ultimately, open and respectful communication can lead to deeper connections and more fulfilling experiences for both parties.

    • Beyond Great Sex: Finding a Great PartnerCommunication, consistency, and emotional availability are essential for a meaningful sexual relationship. Finding a partner who provides both physical and emotional satisfaction is crucial.

      The quality of a sexual relationship goes beyond just the physical aspect. While great sex is important, it doesn't necessarily equate to a great partner. A great partner is someone who is consistent, attentive, and emotionally available, creating a deeper and more meaningful connection. The speaker emphasizes that communication and consideration are crucial in any relationship, whether it's sexual or not. Additionally, the speaker differentiates between various types of sexual encounters, comparing them to different foods, emphasizing the importance of finding a partner who provides both physical and emotional satisfaction.

    • Great sex is about more than just the physical actConnecting with a partner and having good experiences regardless of circumstances requires communication, awareness, open-mindedness, maturity, and confidence.

      Great sex is not just about the physical act itself, but also about the connection and chemistry between partners. It's the difference between a great hit single and a solid album. While some encounters may be amazing in specific situations, a truly great sex partner is someone with whom you can connect and have good experiences no matter the circumstances. Communication and awareness are key, as well as being open-minded and accepting of the natural human body and its functions. Additionally, maturity and confidence can enhance the experience for both parties.

    • Communication and respect are key to a satisfying sexual encounterEffective communication and respect are essential for a successful sexual experience, focusing on basic conversation and avoiding emotionally charged questions.

      Effective communication and respect are crucial elements in any sexual encounter. The speaker in this conversation expresses her discomfort with being asked inappropriate questions or being treated as an object, rather than a person. She emphasizes the importance of keeping the conversation basic and focused during the act, and the value of having a partner who is confident and experienced in a sexual context. The speaker also highlights the importance of avoiding deep, emotionally charged questions that could potentially lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Ultimately, she advocates for a mutual respect and understanding between partners, allowing for a more enjoyable and fulfilling sexual experience for both parties.

    • Importance of communication and confidence in intimate relationshipsClear and respectful communication is crucial for maintaining a healthy and satisfying intimate relationship. Respect each other's confidence and be open about any issues.

      Communication and confidence are key in intimate relationships. The speaker shared an experience where her partner's lack of experience and inability to communicate led to discomfort and frustration. She emphasized the importance of respecting one another's confidence and being open about any issues. The speaker also mentioned that some people might not use certain terms during intimate moments, and she found this out when she asked her friend Rebecca about it. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of clear and respectful communication in maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship.

    • Embrace the moment and enjoy great sexFocus on the experience, let go of expectations, and fully engage for a memorable sexual encounter

      It's important to appreciate and enjoy the experience of great sex without getting bogged down by external factors or expectations. The speaker shares a personal experience of having had an exceptional sexual encounter, where the other person's dedication and focus on the moment allowed her to fully let go and experience pleasure. She emphasizes the importance of feeling prepared and present, and encourages listeners to allow themselves to fully enjoy the experience, even if the person may not be a viable long-term partner. The speaker's vivid description highlights the importance of feeling vulnerable and present in the moment, and the potential for a memorable and pleasurable experience.

    • Deep connection through exceptional sexual experiencesUnderstanding bodies, consent, communication, trying new things, and maintaining a connection can lead to deep, satisfying sexual experiences.

      Exceptional sexual experiences can transcend initial intentions and expectations, leading to a deep connection between two people. This connection can be rooted in a clear understanding of each other's bodies and chemistry, resulting in a mutually enjoyable and satisfying experience. It's important to remember that consent and communication are crucial throughout the encounter, and allowing the experience to unfold naturally can lead to unexpected pleasures. Additionally, trying new positions and maintaining a steady connection throughout the experience can elevate the experience to new heights. Ultimately, the best sexual experiences are those that feel grounded in reality and leave both partners feeling fulfilled and appreciated.

    • The foundation of a satisfying sexual experience is respectRespect, communication, and education are essential for creating fulfilling sexual experiences. Break down societal stigmas and demand what you want.

      Respect plays a crucial role in having a satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience. The speaker emphasizes that beyond physical and mental attraction, respect for each other was the foundation of their intimate encounter. She also highlights the importance of breaking down societal stigmas surrounding sex and sexual health, and the importance of communication and education in enhancing sexual experiences. The speaker encourages women to demand what they want and men to be active partners in creating a positive sexual environment. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of respect, communication, and education in creating fulfilling sexual experiences. Additionally, the speaker encourages everyone to be open about discussing sex and sharing tips and experiences, breaking down the taboo surrounding the topic.

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    32: Mastering Communication in Three Dimensions with Marty Babits

    32: Mastering Communication in Three Dimensions with Marty Babits

    Are you curious to know the most common issue that I hear about from clients, and from listeners who write in? It’s communication - or, rather problems with communication. Whether it’s being heard, or feeling like you have no idea where your partner is coming from, or you’re trying to communicate one thing but your partner hears something completely different, or you’re always being criticized - the list of potential communication problems goes on and on. Fortunately, today’s guest is going to help you take a monumental leap in the direction of communication that creates growth and connection in your relationship - and in how you communicate with others in general.

    Today’s guest is Marty Babits, contributor to Psychology Today, and Co-Director of the Family and Couples Treatment Service, a division of the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy in NYC. Marty is also the author of the extremely helpful book, “I’m Not a Mind-Reader - Using the Power of Three-Dimensional Communication for a Better Relationship”. Marty has been working with families and couples for over twenty-five years, and the wisdom in this book combines that experience with the work of many of the guests who have been here on the show, to create a manual for communication that will give you a completely new perspective on how to do it well.

    Prepare to dive deep into a recipe for communication that is sure to shift the results that you get as you interact with the world - especially the ones you love.

    The 3 dimensions of communication: These 3 dimensions are in every interaction between any two people who are connected:

    The 1st dimension- This is the literal meaning of what we say, or rather the surface meaning. This is where we can ask: are the messages clear and coherent?

    The 2nd dimension- This is the meaning that is under the surface, aka the emotional subtext. This dimension is often more complex and it includes the way we are thinking about the way we are. It is in this dimension that love comes through, or contempt.

    The 3rd dimension- This is the deepest and most profound dimension of communication. It requires reflectiveness and mindfulness. This is where we can take the pulse of whether what we are communicating is moving us towards creating emotional safety with our partner or away from that. Implicit in this dimension is our ability to monitor how the whole direction of the relationship is going.

    Try this: Pause in your next challenging interaction and take a mental snapshot in any given moment and compare it with what is happening 3 minutes later. This will give you a sense of the direction it is going and will help you practice being aware of what feelings, ideas, and tones are actually transpiring compared with those that you would like to be communicating or feeling.  This willingness to become more aware of how we are showing up in our interactions is helpful in any kind of communication!  

    Beginners mind- Foster your willingness to try something new on and a willingness to begin again! Maintaining openness can offer whole new vistas we may be currently unaware of. And that not knowing is okay! Allow yourself to forge ahead into unknown territory knowing that this risk is what it means to be human, and to evolve.

    Bring this openness and willingness to not know into your relationship. Can you be open to the possibility that attitudes can change and that people can grow? Openness and willingness to not know are the key for couples to get out of that locked patterning that can happen due to expectations and assumptions. When one partner begins to change, the other partner often continues to expect more of what they previously experienced, thus not able to see the newness in their partner's actions or attitudes-even when these changes are attempts at trying to create a better relationship. Resistance to change is common, and natural, as there is often a strong sense of inertia that carries you towards what has been, perhaps out of fear because change WILL inevitably disrupt patterns that may have been in place for a long time. To help move forward, consider that when you are busy focusing on your partner’s faults, you often miss all of the nice things that they are doing! In an effort to energize the positive, give yourself a direct encouragement to try to look for those new things. Actually open yourself to the possibility of new trends- this is the heart of what develops in successful couples work, and what ultimately transforms disappointments, disillusionments, and resentments…

    The optimal prelude to conversation is invitation: Are you willing to be open to the possibility that you CAN have better interactions? As we learn over and over again, we can not force someone to feel, see, or hear our perspective- but we CAN invite them to do it. By inviting your partner to join you in conversation is to honor their sense of choice in how they enter the dialogue. This honoring leads to a sense that you respect their inner world, which then sets the stage for more openness and trust. Now the conversation can begin.

    Being safe is a prerequirement for making breakthroughs in intimate communication- This goes for ALL interactions, interpersonal, romantic, sexual, etc. In order to understand each other, people have to be open to each other, and in order to do this there has to be safety. Attachment theory suggests that our survival, and therefore our sense of safety, is dependent on the extent to which we do, or don’t, feel connected to others. Conversely, when we feel threatened (whether this is perceived or real) our autonomic nervous system goes into its fight or flight response, at which point we are not available or open for connection OR communication. Therefore, it is important to cultivate an awareness of how safe our interactions are. Get into the habit of asking yourself “is the way I am communicating right now contributing to an overall sense of safety in this interaction or is it distracting from it?” We all have the capability to activate the part of our neurobiology that is very highly attuned to interpersonal issues! Meaning, we each know how to connect and build empathy in our interactions, we just need to first learn how to be relaxed within ourselves and have the safety in order to do so.

    The power of the unconscious. We are each guilty the following: Your partner says something that makes you feel something, and you make an assumption that how you are feeling is connected to some truth about what your partner just said. This leap happens on an unconscious level. Invite yourself to consider the possibility that you may be misinterpreting! Sometimes we think we are reading our partner’s mind, but we have this unconscious tendency to misread their meaning depending on our own conditioning. This is important to remember as both the receiver/lister and the giver/talker. When you are speaking, bear in mind that your partner may be hearing you through their own lens- communication does not end when you have muttered what you want to say, rather it is a process that you must follow through on, noticing if what you said had the effect you intended.

    Listen three dimensionally! We are more than our words. Words can be profound, yet we are sharing lives not words. Remember that what people mean is more important than what they say. Although, there is a strong relationship between the two! With compassion, we can move ourselves towards fuller expression. This requires a rethinking of what listening is. Expand your sense of listening to include a listening in on your own internal voice so that you can remain aware of what you are thinking , feeling, and believing and how you are putting this together with what you are hearing from the other person. Then work on extending your awareness to  include a consideration of what might be happening inside of the other person that may be producing the speech or the tone you are hearing now. This alive awareness of what is being said, how it is being said, and how it is being received helps move towards a communication that is open, flowing, and receptive enough so that the love that is needed can come through, and the sense of contact and connection is felt and genuine.

    Receiving- to receive you have to give to yourself. For those of you who are more comfortable with being the caregiver than the receiver, allow yourself to see this as an invitation to learn more about yourself. Is there are sense of unworthiness? This is just one example of resistances we may have built in how we are in relationship, and while it may be tempting to accept this as just the way things are, often times rejecting this very notion is what will lead to growth and opening. Remember that ‘working’ on your relationship is really ‘learning’. If you can change your perspective and attitude on problems and redefine them as challenges, then you will be able to turn your problems into opportunities. Get curious and compassionate with yourself and reflect on questions like “How can I make things better?”, “How can i allow myself to feel more loved than i do?”, and “How can I work with receiving while maintaining my integrity?”

    A synonym for complexity is richness! In effort to rethink “working” in and on your relationship, it may be helpful to welcome complexity as richness. Together you can begin looking to create possibilities and new roads where you thought there were dead ends. Ask, “What else is possible in this moment?” and “What if this isn't what i think it is?” These are the questions that make awareness three dimensional. You are aware of the problem AND you are aware of there being other possibilities. With 3D awareness it is as if you can walk around the problem- seeing it without totally being in it.

    Troubleshooting mode- how to turn the ship around. Okay, so let’s say you're in a conversation and it is about to go south- what can you do? First, name it. Say something like “Hey, I think we are at that place we have been before, and I know what has happened in the past, do you think it is possible that we can try to do something different?”. Then, for example, you can say something like  “I’m having that feeling again that we are going further away from each other- let's take a brief break and resolve to come back again and approach this with a more positive attitude- because right now i am feeling a little hopeless and defensive”. These statements are founded on the belief that you CAN change the dance. To do so requires a plan, preemptively created, that can be used in tense moments. If you know that when one of you is triggered, voices often get raised then collaborate together when you are both regulated to set up a plan and a statement such as  “hey babe, you must really be activated right now because you are raising your voice, let's slow down”. Acknowledging each other’s autonomic responses without judgement, and having a plan that gives each other permission to calm back down helps to create emotional safety. This emotional safety is unavailable and often threatened when we are in up-regulated and triggered states.

    Have an insult substitute ready! There are inevitably going to be times when you will not be able to get around your biological state of fight or flight (defense and anger), and this is NOT going to be a time when you are going to create new understandings that are going to become the foundation of a better relationship- no, this is going to be a moment to just get through. When all else fails, and we cannot regulate ourselves with the grace or swiftness our system or our partner needs, then it can be helpful to have a venting statement at the ready as a means of damage control! This allows you to have a way to express your anger or activation in a somewhat contained way. You can say, for instance,  “I'm not going to say what is on my mind right now because if i do it is going to create bad feelings, I just want you to know that I am that angry and I'm going to, for the sake of our relationship, chill out for a minute”. Figure out a statement that works for you and your partner, and don’t be ashamed to use it on occasion- when triggered enough our autonomic system reverts to old patterns and conditioning that can lead to much more damaging behaviors and statements than something like “woah, I’m super activated right now and can’t engage or I may say something hurtful that I would regret”. Remember also that YET, the word and the concept, hold all possibilities present. Try bringing it in when you feel stuck- “I’m not ready, yet”, “I’m not yet calm enough”, “I don’t want to, yet”...

    Communicate don’t Debate”: You may be so accustomed to debate style conversations that you don’t realize any more how much energy is going into discussing who is right and who is wrong. Begin to notice how open you are to hearing each other. You do not have to agree, but you do have to agree to openly listen. The actual nuts and bolts decision making that is often fodder for debate will come easier as you develop your capacity to work things out without being deadlocked in not understanding each other.

    Often criticism is a veiled attempt at repairing a disconnection. This is a hard one to conceptualize, and even harder when we are in midst of hurt. And yet, the idea that criticisms can actually be a way for our partner to say they need to connect with you is a core principle in attachment theory. Of course it is not a great way to do so, nor is it very effective, but it does speak to the concept that our main motivation in communicating is to connect. When we feel we cannot connect effectively than we become frustrated, and this can come out looking like hostility. It is not necessarily hostility against the target person, even though it sounds like it, it is more about what is underneath- a pleading for connection. How does the fear of abandonment and loneliness show up in your interactions? How can you find ways together to say “I am here”, even in those messy and hurt moments?

    The predominant element in relationships is work, not magic. Mindreading, although so tempting and so habitual, is not advised. It is not the mindreading itself that is destructive, as much as it is the assuming that your (mis)reading is the truth. When we take our own readings as the way it is, we leave our partners feeling in the dark and misunderstood. How you analyze or hold onto what you think your partner is thinking and feeling often becomes a critical aspect of the tone of your relationship. It can lead to resentment, frustration, hurt, and alienation. Although you likely know your partner very well, do not confuse this with having the ability to mindread- your assumptions of what are going on with your partner are often times NOT TRUE (especially if you are assuming the worst). Conversely, holding onto the attitude that your partner should automatically and intuitively “already know” is equally destructive and misleading. The golden rule is that YOU have the responsibility to help your partner understand what you are feeling. Express and share yourself in a clear way so that your partner can better give you what you want. Through a mutual commitment of 1) not mindreading and 2) not holding onto the “well my partner should have known” ideal, you will become partners, not adversaries. This is not to say that partners who are close sometimes CAN understand each other on a beautifully profound level, or that there are times when genuine unconscious communication does happen, but it cannot be expected or taken for granted. In general, relationships DO take work, especially when it comes to communication.  


    Read Marty’s book “I’m Not a Mind-Reader - Using the Power of Three-Dimensional Communication for a Better Relationship”

    Learn more about Marty’s work at his website martybabits.com

    Check out his blog on psychologytoday

    www.neilsattin.com/communication Visit to download the show guide, or text “PASSION” to 33444 and follow the instructions to download the show guide to this episode with Marty Babits and qualify for a signed copy of his book.

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    Please look for StayFit4Duty and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.  As always, check out our website and sign up for the weekly newsletter from the PragMedics!

    As always, check out the supporters of the show MyMedicRTICBlackWolf Helicopters, and our new supporter Say Again Over! Check out Say Again Over for you morale patch needs and keep an out for the PragMedics line of patches!