
    Side Effects of Parenting a Trans Child (with Jodie Patterson)

    enApril 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal experiences leading to new understandings and advocacyJodie Patterson's experience with her transgender son led her to advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights, emphasizing the importance of black voices. Open-mindedness, understanding, and advocacy are crucial in personal and societal contexts. Easy access to college financial aid through FAFSA can provide significant assistance for families.

      Personal experiences can lead to new understandings and advocacy. Jodie Patterson, a black mother, shares how her son's identity as a transgender boy disrupted her previous lack of understanding and involvement in the LGBTQIA+ community. She emphasizes the importance of black voices in advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights, especially for children and parents. Another takeaway is the ease of applying for financial aid for college through the FAFSA, which can provide significant financial assistance for families. Overall, the episode highlights the importance of open-mindedness, understanding, and advocacy in both personal and societal contexts. For more information on Kisqali and ribociclib, visit atkisqali.com, and for college financial aid, go to mi.gov/fafsainfo.

    • A mother's journey to understanding her transgender child's identityLimited exposure can lead to fear and misunderstanding, but problem-solving and learning from experiences can help us support diverse identities. Representation and visibility are crucial in shaping our perspectives.

      Personal experiences and societal perceptions can significantly impact how we understand and respond to concepts that challenge our beliefs. In this conversation, a mother shares her experience of learning that her child identifies as a boy despite being raised as a girl. Initially, she felt ill-equipped and scared, as her limited exposure to transgender issues led her to associate it with death and family destruction. However, she soon realized the importance of problem-solving and learning from her experiences. She recognized that her black heritage and upbringing had instilled a strong problem-solving mindset, which she applied to understanding and supporting her child's gender identity. The conversation highlights the power of visibility and representation in shaping our perspectives and the importance of embracing diverse experiences and identities.

    • Embracing the full diversity of the Black community, particularly in relation to gender identityAcknowledge the importance of unlearning, gathering information from reliable sources, and using accurate language to foster understanding and acceptance within the community.

      Continuing the work of unlearning and embracing the full diversity of the Black community, particularly in relation to gender identity, is crucial. This involves acknowledging that we don't have all the answers and being open to learning from reliable sources. Misinformation and stigma can be harmful, and it's essential to use accurate language and avoid reducing people's experiences to simplistic narratives. For ten years, the speaker has been part of the community and contributed by writing books, sharing personal stories for adults and children. In the children's book, "Born Ready," the kids' voices are the focus, conveying a message of triumph and acceptance. The speaker emphasizes the importance of unlearning, gathering information from trustworthy sources, and using accurate language to foster understanding and acceptance within the community.

    • Understanding Gender Identity Beyond BiologyGender identity is not solely determined by physical attributes or biological sex. The brain plays a role, and societal constructs limit our understanding. Embrace individuals as unique beings, look beyond labels, and focus on understanding.

      Gender identity is not determined by physical attributes or biological sex. The speaker emphasizes that the brain plays a significant role in shaping one's gender identity. They also argue that language and societal constructs limit our understanding of gender and should be expanded to be more inclusive. The speaker shares their personal experience of having a child who was assigned a gender at birth that did not align with their true gender identity. They stress the importance of trust and transparency in intimate relationships and encourage people to look beyond labels and focus on understanding individuals as unique beings. The speaker also highlights their perspective as a mother and author, emphasizing the role of mothers in seeing past labels and finding solutions to move forward in life. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a more nuanced and expansive understanding of gender, recognizing that it is not a binary construct but a complex and multifaceted aspect of human experience.

    • Advocating for the rights of trans kids and the LGBTQIA+ communityThe LGBTQIA+ community, including black and brown individuals, faces unique challenges and needs strong advocacy and support to ensure their basic human rights are respected and protected against discriminatory bills.

      There is a pressing need for awareness, acceptance, and protection of the rights of trans children and the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly in the context of education and healthcare. The increasing number of discriminatory bills targeting this community, especially those affecting black and brown kids, is a significant concern. These bills aim to limit human rights under the guise of confusion and fear, and they disproportionately impact marginalized groups. The LGBTQIA+ community, including black and brown individuals, is larger and more diverse than commonly perceived. Despite this, they are often underrepresented and overlooked in discussions surrounding their rights. These communities face unique challenges and need strong advocacy and support to ensure their basic human rights are respected and protected.

    • Understanding oppression against marginalized groupsConnect with marginalized individuals, donate to organizations, and lobby officials to combat oppression and promote inclusivity.

      Oppression against various marginalized groups, such as the LGBTQAI+ community and Black people, shares similarities and is often used to suppress individuals and profit from their struggles. The speaker encourages listeners to connect with trans individuals and understand the impact of discriminatory laws on a personal level. Additionally, they suggest donating to organizations like the Human Rights Campaign and lobbying elected officials to fight against harmful legislation. These actions can make a difference in combating oppression and creating a more inclusive society.

    • Understanding the roles of organizations like the Human Rights CampaignThe Human Rights Campaign is a nonprofit advocating for LGBTQ+ rights through both programmatic and political efforts. Understanding their different designations (C3, C4) and where to engage can maximize impact. Representation and inclusion in decision-making spaces are vital for diverse voices and perspectives.

      Getting involved in advocacy work for equality and social change can be complex, but it's important to educate ourselves about different organizations and their roles. The Human Rights Campaign, for example, is a nonprofit organization that works on both the programmatic and political fronts, with different designations like C3 and C4. It's essential to understand these distinctions and where our resources and time can make the most impact. Additionally, representation and inclusion in decision-making spaces, such as boards, are crucial for ensuring that diverse voices and perspectives are considered. It's never too late to learn and get involved, regardless of one's background or past beliefs. Change may require stepping out of comfort zones and engaging in new experiences, but the potential impact can be significant.

    • Bridging gaps and fostering understandingWomen's unique perspective and compassionate approach can bridge gaps and foster understanding, driving meaningful change through both community programs and political action.

      Change happens when we close gaps between individuals and perspectives, and approach problems with compassion and a problem-solving mindset. Women, in particular, have the capacity to see all components of a problem as if they were us, fostering understanding and collaboration. However, it's essential to understand the distinction between C3 and C4 organizations – C3 focuses on programs that directly impact communities, while C4 is dedicated to political work, including lobbying and electing officials. Donations to C4 support political change, while donations to C3 fund programs that address specific issues. It's crucial to be informed and engaged at both levels to effect meaningful change.

    • Initiatives for LGBTQAI+ community and alliesSupport initiatives promoting education, economic growth, and community building for the LGBTQAI+ community and their allies. Check out books, documentaries, and organizations for valuable insights.

      There are various initiatives aimed at promoting education, economic growth, and community building for the LGBTQAI+ community and their allies. These initiatives range from school programs that teach inclusivity and acceptance, to capacity building for smaller organizations, to events that bring people together to build community. Alice Walker, a renowned author, has been a significant supporter of these efforts, and her book "The Color Purple" is an important contribution to the conversation around LGBTQIA+ representation. For those interested in expanding their knowledge on this topic, it's recommended to check out "The Bold World" by the speaker, as well as the book "Born Ready" for children. Additionally, engaging with other resources such as documentaries, books, and organizations can provide valuable insights. As Alice Walker once advised, it's essential to find a "yes" and support the LGBTQIA+ community as we would our loved ones.

    • Learning from Black Writers on LGBTQIA+ Rights and Black LiberationBlack writers like Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Roxanne Gay, and Malcolm X offer essential perspectives and insights on LGBTQIA+ rights and black liberation. Engage with their works and resources like the Human Rights Campaign and the Gender and Family Project to better understand and support these communities.

      Black writers, including Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Roxanne Gay, and Malcolm X, offer valuable insights and information for navigating life and understanding complex issues, such as LGBTQIA+ rights and black liberation. These authors' works provide essential perspectives and answers that can help individuals and communities move forward and connect the dots between various forms of oppression. It's crucial to recognize the interconnectedness of these struggles and engage with the resources and knowledge available from these prolific black minds. Some specific resources mentioned include the Human Rights Campaign and the Gender and Family Project at the Ackerman Institute. By reading and learning from these authors and organizations, we can better understand and support the LGBTQIA+ community and ultimately contribute to the greater good of all communities and families.

    • Finding common ground and closing essential gaps in communicationEffective communication involves a balance between assertiveness and empathy, staying curious about others, and engaging in meaningful dialogue to find common ground and close essential gaps.

      Effective communication requires a delicate balance between assertiveness and finesse. Jody, a guest on the podcast, shared her experience of moving from a heavy-handed approach to a more thoughtful and quiet approach. She found that while it may be tempting to raise our voices or demand compliance, this approach often doesn't lead to lasting change. Instead, she emphasized the importance of finding common ground and closing essential gaps in communication. Additionally, Jody highlighted the value of staying curious about others and engaging in meaningful dialogue. The audience of the podcast was encouraged to take notes and process the information, as this demonstrates a genuine interest in learning and growing. Ultimately, the goal is to approach communication with a quiet thunder, combining assertiveness with empathy and respect.

    • Black women's voices matter in cultural institutionsBlack women should aim for decision-making roles in cultural institutions to shape budgets, cultural contexts, and family support. Build connections and ask for recommendations to get there. Value and represent black pop culture and art accurately.

      Black women should aim for decision-making roles in cultural institutions' boardrooms. These roles are crucial for shaping budgets, cultural contexts, and family support. Although getting there might take time, building connections and asking for recommendations can help. The speaker emphasizes the importance of black women's voices and experiences in these spaces, as they have historically been underrepresented and silenced. Black pop culture and art, according to the speaker, are not disposable but deeply rooted and authentic, and they should be valued and represented accurately. The speaker encourages being quick and concise when sharing ideas, especially in social media, but also taking the time to think deeply about long-term goals and impact.

    • Kroger app deals confirmedPersonal call transformed into a promotional message for Kroger app deals, emphasizing convenience and savings.

      The conversation began with a confirmation of a future call, followed by an advertisement for various deals on the Kroger app. The deals include discounts on USDA choice chuck roast and a buy one, get one free offer on 12-packs of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, or Vernors. The conversation ended with a reminder to download the Kroger app to take advantage of these savings. While the conversation began with a personal confirmation, it transitioned quickly to a promotional message for the Kroger app and its current deals. This demonstrates the importance of effectively communicating promotional messages, even during personal conversations. Additionally, it highlights the convenience and benefits of using apps like Kroger's to save money on everyday purchases.

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