
    Side Effects of Redemption (with Shaka Senghor) Part 1

    enMay 05, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Find joy and fulfillment through pursuing passionsEasy choices bring joy and fulfillment, pursue passions for growth and happiness, success is about more than just financial gain.

      No matter what stage of life or business you're in, it's important to find and pursue your passions. Whether it's listening to your favorite music or audiobooks, writing, or selling a product through a platform like Shopify, the easiest choices are often the ones that bring us joy and fulfillment. For example, Shaka, a guest on this episode, found his passion for writing while in prison and used it to turn his life around. He could have easily fallen back into old patterns, but instead, he chose to find healing and happiness through his craft. Similarly, when it comes to growing a business, Shopify offers a platform that helps entrepreneurs sell whatever they're passionate about, no matter the size or stage of their business. Overall, it's important to remember that success isn't just about financial gain, but about living a life filled with joy, healing, and the ability to pursue our passions. So whether you're just starting out or have already achieved great things, keep striving for growth and never give up on your dreams.

    • The power of values in shaping our livesDespite facing horrors, Chaka's value system led him to write about redemption and advocate for change

      Our values shape our path to redemption. Chaka Sankar, a man of many hats including writer, tech executive, tech investor, and criminal justice reform activist, shared his story of growing up in a dysfunctional household and being drawn into the destructive culture of crack cocaine in Detroit. Despite experiencing horrors like the murder of a childhood friend and being beaten nearly to death, it was the question of how we can have a world where children are subjected to such violence that awakened a value system within him. This value system became the foundation for his redemption and led him to write "Righting My Wrongs: Life, Death, and Redemption in an American Prison," where he shares his experiences and advocates for change. Ultimately, Chaka's story highlights the power of values in shaping our lives and giving us the agency to overcome even the most challenging circumstances.

    • Prison's violent culturePrisons can perpetuate violence and anger, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, instead of rehabilitating individuals.

      The prison system can exacerbate violence and anger instead of rehabilitating individuals, especially for those coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. The speaker, who had a violent past before going to prison, described his initial anger and need to survive in this new environment. His experiences included witnessing a stabbing on his first day and engaging in illegal activities to provide for himself. He questioned whether he could become a part of this violent culture, and ultimately decided he had to in order to survive. This further reinforces the idea that the nature of prison does not rehabilitate, but rather perpetuates the cycle of violence.

    • The Power of TransformationEven in the harshest circumstances, the power of resilience, mentorship, and knowledge can help individuals transform their lives and find their path to growth.

      Even in the most challenging environments, individuals have the power to choose their path and transform their lives. The speaker shares his experience of accumulating misconducts in prison, leading to solitary confinement and maximum security. However, he encountered older, wise men who saw his potential and reached out to him through books, including Malcolm X. These mentors helped him challenge his thinking and understand his value, leading to his transformation into a writer. This story illustrates the importance of resilience, mentorship, and the power of knowledge to overcome adversity. It's never too late to make positive changes and find your own path to growth.

    • Discovering personal value despite adversityRealizing personal worth is crucial for overcoming adversity and resisting external definitions. Personal value is distinct from arrogance and comes from recognizing potential and putting in effort to achieve it.

      Personal value and self-worth are essential for overcoming adversity and resisting being defined by external systems or individuals. The speaker shares how he felt undervalued and overshadowed by a peer named Michael, leading him to question his identity and worth. This feeling persisted even as he grew older and faced challenges in prison. However, through reading literature from the Harlem Renaissance, he discovered a sense of personal value and began to resist being defined by the system. A pivotal moment came when he refused to submit to a strip search in solitary confinement, realizing he would never allow someone intellectually inferior to him to control his body or life. The speaker emphasizes that personal value is distinct from arrogance, which is the inability to live up to potential while claiming greatness. Instead, true greatness comes from recognizing one's potential and putting in the necessary work to achieve it.

    • Measuring worth through traumas leads to 'trauma Olympics'Recognize experiences shape us, focus on unique strengths, worth not determined by traumas

      People often measure their experiences and worth based on the traumas they have faced, creating a "trauma Olympics" mentality. This can lead to either diminishing one's own experiences or feeling the need to compete with others. However, it's essential to recognize that our experiences shape us, and our inherent qualities and curiosity play a significant role in our growth and success. Redemption and personal development are possible regardless of past hardships, and it's crucial to focus on our unique strengths rather than comparing ourselves to others. Ultimately, our worth and greatness are not determined by our traumas but by our choices and the person we become.

    • Embrace Curiosity and Inner Strength for Personal GrowthRediscovering curiosity and innate talents leads to personal growth and success, even in the face of adversity. Don't let external criticism shut you down, instead learn and explore life's vastness.

      Curiosity and the courage to access and explore the innate talents and interests within oneself are key to personal growth and success, even in the face of adversity. The speaker shares how they rediscovered their curiosity and innate problem-solving abilities through experiences like journaling and attending MIT Media Lab, despite coming from a disadvantaged background. They emphasize the importance of not being shut down by external criticism and instead embracing the opportunity to learn and explore the vastness of life. Redemption, for the speaker, was not about putting a label on their actions, but rather about recognizing their intrinsic worth and value as a human being. By staying curious and persistent, the speaker was able to overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success as a tech exec in a fast-growing startup.

    • From Trauma to Triumph: A Journey of ResilienceAcknowledge past experiences, learn from them, and don't let them limit future possibilities. Empathize with and support those still in the system. Education, self-improvement, and changing perspectives can lead to personal growth and success.

      The speaker's experiences as a kid, including traumatic events and time spent in prison, shaped who they are today. Rather than shrinking himself and his expectations based on his past, he believes in the importance of acknowledging and learning from these experiences. He also emphasizes the need for empathy and support for those still in the system, and the value of education and self-improvement. The speaker's resilience and determination led him to hustle and create opportunities for himself, ultimately leading to success. He encourages not letting past mistakes define or limit future possibilities. Additionally, the power of changing perspectives, such as reinterpreting philosophical texts, can lead to personal growth and understanding.

    • Redemption through consistency and truthfulnessA person's determination to make amends and give back to their community despite facing adversity can lead to redemption and opportunities for growth in the prison system.

      Consistency and truthfulness, even in the face of adversity, can lead to redemption and opportunities for growth. The speaker, who had been in solitary confinement for years, shared how he used his words and actions to convince prison officials of his intentions for rehabilitation upon release. He planned to write books, mentor, and tell the stories of those in prison to ensure they weren't defined by their worst moments. Despite facing challenges, including injuries to staff and lengthy approval processes, he persevered and eventually gained release. The human element of the prison system, including the impact on victims and families, was emphasized as an important consideration. The speaker's determination to make amends and give back to his community demonstrates the potential for transformation and the importance of recognizing the complex realities behind criminal actions.

    • Confronting past traumas for personal growthAcknowledging and assigning responsibility for past traumas is crucial for healing and moving forward, even if it means challenging long-held beliefs and facing difficult relationships.

      Personal growth and redemption require the courage to confront and reframe past traumas, even if it means challenging long-held beliefs and facing difficult relationships. The speaker shares her experiences of growing up with emotional and physical abuse, internalizing the shame, and only later recognizing the harm done to her. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and assigning responsibility for these experiences, even when the perpetrator is still present. The courage to face the past and reframe the narrative is essential for healing and moving forward. This process can be scary due to the unknown and the potential involvement of others, but it is necessary for personal growth and redemption.

    • Healing complex relationships takes courage, understanding, and patienceCourageously engage in difficult conversations, encourage open dialogue, and support each other's healing process to foster complex relationship growth.

      Healing complex relationships, especially those between parents and children, requires courage, understanding, and patience. The speaker's journey with his mother, who had dealt with her own struggles and past traumas, demonstrates this. Their conversations were not always easy, but they were necessary for both to articulate their experiences and feelings. The speaker emphasized the importance of holding space for difficult conversations and encouraging open dialogue between adults. He also acknowledged that not all relationships may reach a perfect resolution, but that doesn't diminish the value of trying to heal and support each other's healing process. Ultimately, the speaker's goal was to help his mother age with grace and dignity, recognizing her worth and deserving of love and care. This journey of healing and growth is an essential part of the human experience, and it's a reminder that we all deserve the opportunity to pursue our own paths to happiness and self-understanding.

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    • You can never beat or replace a face to face interaction. But there are so many things that can be done online and you can reach so many people.
    • Be prepared to be dynamic. This is how Ollie survived the many ups and downs of both business and life.
    • You can’t fool the universe, your wants and desires are there no matter what decisions you think you have made. Ollie felt this massively when he was axed from Who Dares Wins. He was unhappy doing that show, this was the universe giving him a way out.
    • Humans are designed to thrive with struggles. You need to be honest with yourself, if you are where you want to be and if you are happy. You should be constantly evolving.
    • An experience with halogenics and the psychedelic drug ayahuasca in Costa Rica allowed Ollie to accept his past, acknowledge his mistakes and move forward in his life, healing past trauma and giving him direction.
    • Good things don’t just come from good events. The most growth and development comes from hardship.



    “They’re trying to be who they were before the event, you’re not that person anymore”

    “We are going to downsize to capitalise”

    “I’ll lead by example and do it”

    “You’re not dealing with it just by being positive”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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