
    Smell, Taste and Touch: How to Joyfully Awaken Your Senses

    enApril 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in mental health and wellness for young peopleCalifornia trains new wellness coaches, everyday financial benefits, and exploring our five senses can boost joy and gratitude

      Investing in mental health and wellness, especially for young people, is crucial. California is addressing this issue by training a new workforce of certified wellness coaches to help improve children and youth's mental health and well-being. Meanwhile, taking care of practical matters, like earning rewards on everyday purchases with Apple Card or turning your home into an Airbnb, can bring financial benefits. Additionally, exploring and appreciating our five senses, particularly the often-overlooked sense of smell, can lead to greater joy, connection, and gratitude in our daily lives. The experiences of people who have lost their sense of smell due to COVID-19 serve as a reminder of the importance of this sense and the impact it has on our overall well-being.

    • Practicing mindfulness with our senses leads to deeper appreciation and memoriesDeliberately engaging our senses can foster gratitude, create vivid memories, and evoke emotions from the past.

      Engaging with our senses in a deliberate and mindful way can lead to increased gratitude, transcendence, and the creation of vivid memories. The speaker shared her experience of transitioning from a traditional gratitude journal to a 5 senses journal, where she documented standout experiences each day. This practice led her to notice and appreciate the world around her in a deeper way, fostering a sense of awe and curiosity. Additionally, the use of our senses, particularly smell, can be harnessed to evoke memories from the past and enhance our present experiences. As an example, Andy Warhol intentionally used specific scents to evoke memories and emotions. By focusing on our senses, we can tap into the transcendent qualities of everyday life and create lasting memories.

    • Our senses, particularly smell and taste, have a unique ability to evoke powerful memories.Our senses, especially smell and taste, can quickly transport us to past memories and experiences.

      Our senses, particularly smell and taste, have a unique ability to evoke powerful memories. The connection between a scent or taste and a specific memory can be formed intentionally or accidentally. For instance, some people may associate a particular perfume with their honeymoon, while others may unconsciously remember their senior year in college through the smell of a certain perfume. Similarly, taste can be used to recall memories, as different flavors can be strongly linked to distinct periods in our lives. This neuroscientific phenomenon is interesting because the sense of smell goes directly to the temporal lobe, allowing memories to be accessed more quickly than with other senses. Moreover, taste and smell are closely interconnected, enhancing each other's ability to evoke memories. By creating a catalog of standout flavors from different periods in our lives, we can use taste as a tool to connect with memories and share experiences with others.

    • The Power of Touch: A Complex and Influential SenseExplore touch preferences for self-care and improved well-being, enhancing comfort and joy through textures, objects, and activities.

      Our sense of touch is more complex and influential on our experiences and preferences than we might realize. Touch is our largest sense in terms of the surface area of our skin, and it plays a crucial role in how we perceive and interact with the world around us. Yet, many of us are unaware of our own touch preferences and the impact they have on our daily lives. By exploring our individual touch sensitivities and discovering what textures, objects, or activities bring us comfort or joy, we can enhance our self-care routines and create environments that promote calmness and relaxation. Additionally, being mindful of our touch preferences can help us avoid discomfort and make more intentional choices in our wardrobe, home decor, and even work tools. Overall, acknowledging and appreciating the power of touch can lead to a greater sense of self-awareness and improved well-being.

    • Exploring the Power of Our Senses for HappinessPaying attention to our senses can lead to joy in everyday life, respecting others' preferences, prioritizing mental health, and creating unique experiences through Airbnb hosting

      Being more aware of our senses can lead to improved preferences and overall happiness. Gretchen Rubin, a happiness expert, shares how paying attention to our senses can help us find joy in everyday life, even in seemingly mundane things. She also emphasizes the importance of social interaction and respecting others' sensory preferences. Additionally, the discussion highlights the significance of mental health and well-being, particularly for young people, and how certified wellness coaches can make a difference. Furthermore, the podcast touches on the potential of hosting an Airbnb to earn extra income and create unique experiences. Overall, the conversation encourages us to appreciate the personal nature of our sensory experiences while also recognizing the value of shared sensory interactions and experiences.

    • Recognize and respect individual sensory preferencesUnderstanding unique sensory needs can help create optimal work environments, eliminating negatives and adding positives, like clutter-free spaces, background noise, or plants, to enhance productivity and well-being.

      Our environment significantly impacts our comfort and productivity, and it's essential to recognize and respect individual sensory preferences. We all have unique sensory needs, and by understanding what makes us thrive, we can adjust our surroundings accordingly. This can involve eliminating negative sensory experiences and adding positive ones. For instance, some people may find clarity in a clutter-free workspace, while others may need background noise or music to focus. Similarly, adding elements like plants, fragrances, or textures can enhance our sense of well-being. Ultimately, by being mindful of our sensory experiences and catering to our individual needs, we can create environments that support our best work and overall well-being.

    • Exploring new sensory inputs beyond our favoritesEngaging our five senses intentionally can unlock new sources of excitement and understanding, broaden our sensory horizons, and bring us closer to our earliest memories

      We underutilize the power of engaging our five senses to enhance our experiences and emotions. The discussion emphasizes the importance of exploring new sensory inputs beyond our usual favorites. Scent, texture, taste, sight, and sound can all be hacked to evoke different feelings and memories. Keeping a 5 senses journal is a practical way to notice and appreciate these sensory experiences. For instance, writing down the texture of tinfoil or the smell of a garbage truck can bring us closer to our earliest memories and broaden our sensory horizons. The practice is not about ranking or judging the sensory experiences but rather about noticing and appreciating them casually and curiously. As the speaker shared, she discovered her love for the texture of tinfoil and even found enjoyment in negative sensations. By tapping into our senses more intentionally, we can unlock new sources of excitement and understanding.

    • Exploring sensory experiences sociallyEngaging senses socially can lead to deep connections and benefits, from taste parties to sensory portraits

      Engaging our senses, especially socially, can lead to deep connections with others and various benefits. The discussion highlighted how some people use exercises like creating a 5 senses portrait as a way to hold onto memories or as a thoughtful gift. The social aspect of sensory experiences was emphasized, with examples given of sharing sensory experiences through activities like taste parties or sound baths. These experiences can lead to meaningful conversations and memories. It's important to remember that there's no one right way to engage our senses socially, and finding new and interesting ways to do so can lead to even greater benefits. So next time you're looking for a way to connect with someone, consider a sensory experience as an option. Whether it's through a shared meal, a concert, or a unique activity, the possibilities are endless.

    • Discovering common ground through shared interestsExploring new experiences and staying present can lead to unexpected connections and joy in the ordinary

      Expanding our senses and exploring the interests of others can lead to unexpected connections and transcendent experiences. The speaker shares a personal story of discovering common ground with a friend through cryotherapy, an activity they both found intriguing. She also recounts an experience of being transfixed by a seemingly ordinary traffic cone during an unusual moment, emphasizing the importance of being present and attentive to our surroundings. The speaker encourages us to seek joy and connection in the everyday, rather than assuming that sensory pleasure only comes from extraordinary moments. By focusing on the colors, sounds, and smells around us, we can find happiness and meaning in the ordinary.

    • Rediscovering joy and meaning through nurturing senses and mental healthInvesting in mental health and our senses can lead to greater joy and meaning in life. Initiatives like wellness coaching and beautiful environments can support overall happiness.

      Nurturing our senses and prioritizing mental health are essential for finding joy and meaning in life. Gretchen Rubin's story is a reminder that we can all rediscover wonder and happiness by paying closer attention to the world around us. In the upcoming episode of The Happiness Lab, Laurie Santos will continue her conversations with happiness experts, including the founder of Happiness Science, Martie Seligman. Meanwhile, initiatives like California's certified wellness coaches are working to improve children's mental health and well-being. Additionally, taking care of both physical health and mental wellness is crucial for overall happiness. Places like San Diego offer beautiful scenery and welcoming communities to help us rest, recharge, and feel reinvigorated. Lastly, tools like Canva presentations with AI-powered features can help us create effective work presentations with ease and focus.

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    Further reading:

    Steve Guttenberg - Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.

    Dr Elissa Epel - The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Listen to more episodes of A Slight Change of Plans  wherever you get your podcasts. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Suggested reading from this episode:

    Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN by Tara Brach

    Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport

    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

    The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It by Christina Maslach

    The Business of Friendship by Shasta Nelson

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