
    Solving Anxiety, Bloating & Chronic Pain using Self-Massage & Breath with Jill Miller

    enJanuary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the impact of menopause on fasciaMenopause causes estradiol loss, leading to less pliable fascia, increased stiffness, and potential injury. Using softer balls for self-release can help alleviate these issues, improving overall health and well-being.

      As women go through menopause, the loss of estradiol can lead to significant changes in the fascial system, affecting flexibility and contributing to symptoms like bloating. Fascia, which connects muscles, ligaments, and organs, becomes less pliable, leading to increased stiffness and potential injury. Jill Miller, a fascia expert and creator of self-care fitness programs like Yoga Tune Up Balls, shares insights on how using softer balls to release fascia can help alleviate these issues, improving overall health and well-being. This conversation between Jill and the podcast host highlights the importance of understanding the connection between hormonal changes and fascia, offering valuable resources and techniques for women navigating menopause.

    • The complex network of fascia impacts every aspect of healthFascia, a fibrous and fluid system, holds the body together, communicates, houses nerves, and influences hormonal balance. Prioritizing fascia health can improve overall well-being and address various health concerns.

      Fascia, a fibrous and fluid network that strings every cell of your body together, is a complex system that impacts every aspect of your physical and mental health. It's often referred to as the body's "SEIM system" or "stitching fabric" because it helps hold everything together, but it also functions as a communication system, houses nerve tissue, and influences hormonal balance. Fascia is essential for optimal health, and its health can impact the functioning of various systems in the body. It's important to consider fascia when addressing health goals, as it's interconnected with other systems like the lymphatic, nervous, and circulatory systems. By focusing on fascia health, we can improve overall well-being and address various health concerns more effectively.

    • Fascia's Role in Healing and MenopauseFascia, made of elastic fibers and sensitive to estrogen, aids in healing injuries and surgeries. Loss of estrogen during menopause may impact fascia's ability to heal and function properly.

      Our body's fascia, which is made up of various elastic and tensional fibers like collagen, reticulum, and elastin, plays a crucial role in healing injuries and surgeries by creating a scaffolding for blood vessels and nerves to regrow. Fibroblasts, which are sensitive to estrogen, and fascia sites, which produce hyaluronan to keep tissues moving, are essential components of this process. Furthermore, there are approximately 250 million sensory neurons in our fascial tissues, creating a vast feedback loop that contributes to the overall health of our nervous system. During menopause, the loss of estrogen can impact the health of various tissues, including fascia, leading to potential dysfunction and stiffness. Research by Carlos Deco and Katarina Fede suggests that this loss of estrogen can affect the fascia's ability to heal and maintain proper function.

    • Women's body flexibility changes during menstrual cycleDuring first estrogen peak (days 10-14), women are more prone to injuries due to increased flexibility. During second estrogen peak (days 20-24), hyper-flexibility increases risk of deforming connective tissue.

      A woman's body goes through constant shifts in connective tissue flexibility throughout her menstrual cycle due to the influence of estrogen. During the first estrogen peak around days 10-14, the body becomes more flexible and open, making women more prone to injuries, especially for those in physically demanding activities. Conversely, during the second estrogen peak around days 20-24, the body becomes hyper-flexible, increasing the risk of deforming connective tissue junctions during long-held static stretches. Therefore, it's crucial for women to be aware of their body's changing flexibility throughout their cycle and adjust their workouts accordingly, focusing on slower movements and increased awareness to avoid injury and optimize performance.

    • Mindful movements during estrogen peaks in perimenopausePrioritize gentle exercises and self-myofascial release during estrogen peaks in perimenopause to maintain fitness and overall well-being, while avoiding overstraining the fascia and increasing the risk of injury.

      During certain stages of a woman's cycle, particularly during estrogen peaks in perimenopause, it's essential to prioritize mindful movements and be aware of the body's signals to avoid overstraining the fascia and increasing the risk of injury. Fascia repairs slower than muscles, so delayed onset soreness may not be felt until a few days later. Women, especially athletic ones, may have learned to ignore pain during workouts, making it challenging to distinguish between good and dangerous pushing. Self-myofascial release using gentle friction with soft tools can help increase glide and reduce soreness. This not only addresses fascia health but also has benefits for the autonomic nervous system. Understanding and responding to the body's signals is crucial for maintaining fitness and overall well-being during these stages.

    • Decreased estrogen sensitivity in fibroblasts during menopause leads to increased collagen production and joint stiffnessMaintain estrogen levels, prioritize movement and muscle building, and practice self-myofascial release using pliable tools and tender touch to combat joint stiffness during menopause.

      As women enter menopause, the sensitivity of fibroblasts to estrogen decreases, leading to an overproduction of type 1 collagen and increased stiffness in the body. This can result in joint stiffness, achiness, and decreased mobility. To combat this, it's essential to maintain some level of estrogen and prioritize movement and muscle building. Additionally, addressing the fascial system through self-myofascial release techniques using pliable tools and tender touch can help improve mobility and reduce tension. Avoiding hard and uncomfortable tools like foam rollers can help minimize the muscle bracing response and promote relaxation and therapeutic benefits.

    • Maintaining tissue health as we age through mechanotransduction and hormonal supportUse pressure tools like yoga tune up balls for mechanotransduction, consume tryptophan-rich foods followed by carbs for serotonin support, and consider hormonal changes when designing workout and meal plans.

      As we age and our hormone levels change, particularly estradiol, we lose the chemical signals that help maintain the health and elasticity of our tissues. Instead, we can use pressure from tools like yoga tune up balls to stimulate our cells through a process called mechanotransduction. This can help maintain elasticity and even provide relaxation and massage-like benefits. Additionally, it's important to consider the impact of hormonal changes on neurotransmitters like serotonin and to find ways to support those neurotransmitters through diet and other lifestyle strategies. For example, consuming tryptophan-rich foods followed by carbohydrates can help increase serotonin levels. Overall, it's about finding new ways to support our bodies as we age and adapt to hormonal changes. PowerSync 60, a new fitness program created by Dr. Mindy Pels and Tony Horton, is designed to help women and men do just that, by incorporating hormonal considerations and providing customized meal plans and workouts.

    • Exploring the 5 P's for relaxationEngage in practices like rolling and pressure application to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, focusing on perspective, environment, position, breathing, and palpation for effective stress management, improved digestion, and enhanced well-being.

      Engaging in practices that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, such as rolling and applying pressure to various parts of the body, can help induce a relaxation response. This response is facilitated by setting the right perspective, creating a comfortable and safe environment, assuming a relaxing position, regulating your breathing, and using palpation techniques. By focusing on these five elements or "5 P's," you can effectively manage stress, improve digestion, and enhance overall well-being. Remember, the goal is to welcome all feelings and experiences as you explore your body and its connection to your mind.

    • Using the 5 p's to manage anxiety and panic attacksThe 5 p's - perspective, place, position, pace of breath, and palpation - are natural tools to help manage anxiety and panic attacks, providing calming effects and alleviating discomfort caused by hormonal changes and bloating.

      The 5 p's of the parasympathetic nervous system - perspective, place, position, pace of breath, and palpation - can be used as natural tools to help manage anxiety and panic attacks, especially for women in their mid-forties who are experiencing hormonal changes. These techniques, which include using a ball to apply pressure to the gut or ribs, changing perspective, and practicing deep breathing, can provide calming effects similar to a bear hug. These methods, while seemingly simple, are backed by science and can be effective ways to adapt to neurochemical changes in the body. Additionally, these techniques can also help alleviate discomfort caused by bloating by allowing the diaphragm to function more effectively.

    • Three Zones of Respiration: Impact on Well-beingPracticing deep, diaphragmatic breathing in zone 1 promotes relaxation, better digestion, and overall health, while excessive zone 2 and 3 breathing can lead to stress and compromised digestion.

      The way we breathe significantly impacts our overall well-being. There are three zones of respiration: zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3. In zone 1, our diaphragm descends, allowing for a 360-degree expansion and a calm state. In zone 2, we rely on our intercostals muscles to move the ribs up and down. This type of breathing is necessary during physical activity but can lead to a sympathetic, agitated state if practiced excessively. In zone 3, we breathe with our face, neck, shoulders, and jaw, which is a high-stress response. If we're chronically in zone 2 or 3 breathing, our digestion can be compromised. To improve breathing and promote a calm state, try lying on your side with a comfortable object under your abdomen to allow gassy organs to rest. Place your top hand on your belly and gently allow your organs to traction away from their roots. This practice can help shift your breathing back to zone 1, promoting relaxation and better overall health.

    • Massaging the abdomen with a ball reduces bloatingMassaging the abdomen with a ball can help organs stretch and relax, reducing bloating, and improving overall health and mobility of organs.

      Massaging the abdomen with a ball can help reduce bloating by allowing the organs to stretch and relax. This practice, called "Gut Baby," involves lying on your side with the ball placed under your abdomen, allowing the abs to relax and the organs to be gently compressed. The goal is not to forcefully expel gas, but rather to allow the body to breathe and the organs to contract naturally. This technique can be especially helpful post-ovulation for women, as it may aid in clearing estrogen and addressing the underlying cause of bloating. Additionally, our organs are composed of collagen and fascia, so this practice can also benefit the overall health and mobility of these structures. Remember, the key is to let the body relax and breathe, allowing the organs to function optimally.

    • Self-massage with a cordless ball benefits women during perimenopause and menopauseImprove digestive health, mobilize lymph, stimulate mechanoreceptors, and prevent injuries by practicing self-massage with a cordless ball, focusing on the ankles and core areas.

      Self-abdominal massage using a cordless ball can be beneficial for women experiencing bloating during perimenopause and menopause. This practice can help improve digestive health, mobilize lymph, and stimulate mechanoreceptors, which can adapt to hormonal shifts and potentially prevent injuries. Additionally, focusing on the ankles, especially for athletes over 40, is crucial due to the prevalence of Achilles tears. The fascia, which includes the collagen in the colon and small intestines, plays a significant role in this process. By incorporating self-massage into a daily routine, individuals can promote core mechanics, respiratory function, and overall health.

    • Muscles and fascia are interconnected, with each muscle cell surrounded by fasciaMaintain muscle and fascial health through daily self-care practices to prevent overstiffening and injuries as we age

      Our muscles and their surrounding fascia are similar to an orange segment with its cellulose packaging. Every muscle cell is surrounded by fascia, which forms layers called endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium. These layers create a continuous network. The muscle spindle, a stretch sensor, is wrapped in these layers, and its capsule senses muscle pull, triggering a stretch response. However, as we age, the replacement of type 3 collagen with type 1 collagen can lead to overstiffening, causing sensory loss and potentially resulting in injuries like ruptures. To prevent this, it's essential to maintain muscle and fascial health through daily self-care practices like rolling and stimulation. My book, "Body by Breath," offers a daily protocol for rolling various body parts, focusing on high charge zones like the ankles, wrists, fingers, hands, and feet. This lifestyle change is crucial for women after 40 to maintain flexibility, prevent injuries, and ensure overall well-being.

    • Exploring emotions through self-care practicesSelf-care practices like rolling and breathing can release emotions and bring up feelings stored in the body's fascial tissues, promoting emotional regulation and healing.

      Self-care practices like rolling and breathing can help adapt to the hormonal and neurotransmitter changes that come with aging, and they can also bring up emotions stored in the fascia. The body's fascial tissues have 250 million sensory nerve endings, and when rolled, can release emotions that may not be immediately understood or identified. It's important to honor these responses and treat yourself with sensitivity and curiosity. The emotional component of these practices is a significant motivation for many people, including those dealing with self-regulation and trauma. The body truly does hold emotion and think, and self-touch can be a powerful tool for emotional regulation and healing.

    • Exploring the stories and emotions within our bodiesSeeking help and resources, understanding body changes, and embracing playfulness can support processing difficult emotions and stories within the body.

      Our bodies hold stories and emotions that may be difficult for individuals to process on their own. The work discussed provides a framework for creating time and space to connect with these stories. For additional help, resources such as counselors, therapists, or somatic psychology professionals can be sought out. The books and programs mentioned, including those from Tune Up Fitness, can be found on the Tune Up Fitness website or through major retailers. The hormonal changes in women over 40 can lead to various symptoms, and it's essential to understand that the body doesn't act by mistake. These symptoms often indicate underlying issues that need addressing. The superpower brought by the speaker is playfulness, which can help lighten the mood and make the process of understanding the body more enjoyable.

    • Rediscovering Playfulness for Personal GrowthPrioritize playfulness, embrace inner child, and incorporate it into daily life for improved mental and emotional health

      Playfulness and maintaining a sense of humor are essential components of overall well-being and personal growth. During this episode, we discussed the importance of bringing out the playful side of someone who has become quite serious due to adult life. Jill shared her experience of her friend's transformation and her efforts to help her rediscover her playfulness. We also heard from Mindy, who emphasized the power of playfulness in her own life and how it has helped her in various aspects. Therefore, as a takeaway, we encourage everyone to prioritize playfulness and find ways to incorporate it into their daily lives. Whether it's through activities, hobbies, or relationships, embracing our inner child can lead to improved mental and emotional health. Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude to our guests Jill and Mindy for sharing their insights and experiences. We hope you enjoyed this episode and found it thought-provoking. If you did, please consider leaving us a review, sharing it with your friends, and checking out Tune Up Fitness and Mindy's books for more information. Thank you for tuning in, and we look forward to bringing you more insightful discussions on all things health in the future.

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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    - Ready to work with me? DOORS ARE OPEN! Join my amazing community where I educate, equip, and empower you! You get discounts, resets, free courses and MORE! Thyroid Inner Circle

    - Have you had a thyroidectomy? Join my Healing After Thyroidectomy Facebook Group

    -  Check out the basic and advance supplements I recommend for thyroid hormone health! Once you register, navigate to the "Shared Protocols" tab. Here you will find not only my thyroid protocols, but several others to support optimal health: Shop my online store



    - Get your free optimal thyroid e-book

    - Do you suffer from adrenal fatigue? Check out the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) test for detailed insight into your cortisol and cortisol levels throughout the day: Dutch CAR

     - Do you have hormonal imbalance? Whether you are cycling or in peri- or menopause, consider taking a deep dive into your sex hormones and their metabolites: Dutch Complete



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Drs. Warren disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests’ qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

    #006 Benefits of T-Tapp Exercise with Margaret Barry

    #006 Benefits of T-Tapp Exercise with Margaret Barry

    Our first interview! Margaret Barry is a Certified T-Tapp Trainer, Certified Fitness Trainer, and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She lives in western North Carolina with her husband and 1-year-old daughter. An avid researcher in the field of holistic health and corrective exercise, she is passionate about helping women feel strong, comfortable and confident in their bodies by teaching the T-Tapp method of exercise in addition to offering personalized nutrition counseling. She works with women of all ages, teaching in-person lessons as well as classes via web streaming. Specializing in fitness and nutrition for pregnancy and postpartum, Margaret loves helping women achieve balance in their bodies before, during and after pregnancy.


    [01:10]    Introduction to Margaret

    [03:05]    What is T-Tapp and why is it so effective – 3 main components 

    [15:20]    T-Tapp for pregnancy and birth

    [20:50]    Founder Teresa Tapp 

    [25:20]    Lymphatic drainage and fascia

    [34:00]    One minute chair exercise

    [41:10]    Other workouts or T-Tapp only?

    [46:45]    Nutrition 

    [52:15]    Margaret’s services and how to find her



    Margaret’s website & T-Tapp Resources:


    Seed Cycling Info:


    T-Tapp chair exercises:




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    💪Muscle Magic | Awakening Protocol

    💪Muscle Magic | Awakening Protocol

    Your muscles are a form of endocrine gland that secret hormones when exercised.  This isn't just a scientific discovery but a trippy one.  Consider that movement is the very way by which we imprint our will, intentions and consciousness into the tissues of our body.  In return we get anti-depressant, anti-anxiety benefits, the 600+ chemicals released by the muscles during and after 30-60 minutes of sustained exercise communicate to the brain and improve hippocampus capacity for memory and learning.  Or something like that. 

    Read the article at the link below and you'll understand more... but read it after this episode.  I give exercises that take less than five minutes, all the way to however long it takes you to fill a bucket of tiny toys with your toes.


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    Ep. 145 - A pause of sorts - Perimenopause vs Menopause with Alexandra Brewster

    Ep. 145 - A pause of sorts - Perimenopause vs Menopause with Alexandra Brewster

    The truth is that what we are going through is completely natural and normal and is to be celebrated as yet another stage in our life, not a disease. So how can we progress through this pause of sorts with grace?

    Alexandra Brewster is the Principal Naturopath at Healing Hands Natural Health Centre in Ipswich Qld. She spent 25 years as a registered nurse and midwife working in diverse fields such as general surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology, well baby clinic, maternity and as a school nurse at a private grammar school. 

    She is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Western Herbalist, Institute of Functional Medicine Candidate and joins us on the Hot & Healthy in Business Podcast as our in-house Natural Health advisor.

    The Hot & Healthy in Business Podcast brings the secrets to success for women in small business. To find out more visit www.hotandhealthyglobal.com