
    Stephen Wolfram: AI, ChatGPT, and the Computational Nature of Reality | E284

    enApril 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding AI through the lens of Stephen WolframStephen Wolfram's work explores AI's similarities to nature, how ChatGPT functions, and its potential implications for jobs and humanity. His background as a child prodigy in physics led him to the forefront of technological innovation.

      The advancement of AI technology is bringing us closer to understanding the capabilities of the human mind and offering a paradigm shift in the 21st century. Stephen Wolfram, a renowned computer scientist, mathematician, theoretical physicist, and founder of Wolfram Research, has been focusing on AI and computational thinking for the past decade. His work, as discussed in his recent book "What is ChatGPT doing?", sheds light on the similarities between AI and nature, how ChatGPT works, and its potential impact on jobs and humanity. Wolfram, a child prodigy who published his first paper at 15 and obtained his PhD in physics at 20, shares his experiences as a kid and how his interest in physics led him to the forefront of technological innovation. The future of AI is a topic of great importance, and we can expect more conversations on this topic in the coming year.

    • The Long and Unpredictable Timeline of Scientific and Technological ProgressIdeas like AI, which have been around for decades, are only now starting to be fully realized due to recent technological advancements. Progress can be slow and unpredictable.

      The development and understanding of complex concepts, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), can take decades or even centuries. The speaker, who started questioning the second law of thermodynamics at the age of 12 and published a book about it last year, reflects on the slow progress of ideas and technologies. He mentions neural nets, which were invented in 1943, as an example of an idea that took a long time to be fully realized due to the lack of sufficient technology at the time. The speaker also discusses his early experiences with computers in the 1970s and the assumption that computers would automate thought, which has only recently started to become a reality with the advancements in AI. The speaker's anecdotes illustrate the long and often unpredictable timeline of scientific and technological progress.

    • From solving math problems to replicating human abilitiesIn the late 1970s, computers focused on mathematical computations, but by the early 1980s, researchers shifted towards replicating human abilities like pattern recognition and language understanding, leading to significant breakthroughs in AI like image recognition and ChatGPT's language understanding in 2011 and 2022 respectively.

      The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has seen a shift from solving complex mathematical problems to replicating human abilities like pattern recognition and language understanding. In the late 1970s, computers were able to automate mathematical computations, but people were skeptical about true AI. However, in the early 1980s, researchers became interested in replicating human abilities like pattern recognition. They tried using neural networks but had limited success. It wasn't until 2011 that a significant breakthrough occurred when a computer was able to accurately identify images of cats and dogs without human intervention. This marked the beginning of the current enthusiasm for neural networks and deep learning. More recently, in late 2022, ChatGPT was released, surprising its creators with its human-like language understanding capabilities. Researchers are still trying to understand why certain thresholds have been reached in AI development, and what factors contribute to its ability to mimic human abilities. It's an ongoing exploration into the potential and limitations of artificial intelligence.

    • Exploring the foundation of understanding through formal systemsFormal systems like logic, mathematics, and computation provide a more definitive and structured way to approach problems and make discoveries, serving as the building blocks for constructing knowledge and solving complex issues.

      Throughout history, humans have struggled to understand complex concepts and make sense of the world around us. We've turned to formal systems like logic, mathematics, and now computation to help us structure our thinking and build a foundation for understanding. These formal systems provide a more definitive and structured way to approach problems and make discoveries. For instance, logic helped us reason more effectively, mathematics allowed us to compute and understand physical phenomena, and computation enabled us to explore the complex behavior that arises from simple rules. Stepping back, the importance of formal systems lies in their ability to help us understand and make sense of the world in a more rigorous and systematic way. They provide the building blocks, or "bricks," that allow us to construct knowledge and solve complex problems. The development of formal systems like logic and mathematics dates back to ancient times, while computation has emerged as a more recent and powerful tool for understanding the world. The Wolfram project, which focuses on computational thinking, builds upon this foundation by exploring the behavior of simple rules and how they can lead to complex outcomes. This approach has led to new insights and understanding in various fields, from physics to biology and beyond. By continuing to develop and refine our formal systems, we can deepen our understanding of the world and tackle increasingly complex challenges.

    • A new evolution in human thinking through computational language and computational thinkingComputational languages enable precise representation of the world, unlocking computation's power to make predictions, solve complex problems, and gain new insights.

      We are witnessing a new evolution in human thinking through the development of computational language and computational thinking. This evolution involves structuring our understanding of the world in a computational way, enabling us to describe things more precisely and unlocking the power of computation to help us figure things out. The creation of computational languages like Wolfram Language is a crucial step in this process, allowing us to represent the world in a precise computational manner. While AI, such as LLMs, can generate language based on data, the real power lies in the computational representation itself, which can be used to make predictions, solve complex problems, and gain new insights. The practical applications of this are vast, from scientific research to business analysis and beyond. The future holds great promise for the continued growth of computational thinking and its impact on human evolution.

    • Understanding and Computing Answers from Complex Queries using AI and Language ModelsAI and language models can be used together to understand and compute precise answers from complex natural language queries through computational language tools like Wolfram Language.

      The current excitement about AI and language models is centered around the ability to use these models as tools to understand and compute answers from complex, natural language queries. This is where the contribution of computational systems like Wolfram Language comes in, allowing for precise computations and the building of towers of consequences. The typical setup involves a linguistic interface provided by language models, which uses computational language as a tool to figure out the correct answers. This is similar to how humans use computation as a tool to expand their knowledge. The technology being built, such as the one developed with OpenAI, fits into this expansion of AI and language models by providing a computational understanding of natural language and delivering accurate answers. While there are other branches of AI research related to this technology, the immediate application is in the realm of precise computational understanding and answering of complex natural language queries.

    • Exploring the Power of Shopify and Yahoo Finance for Businesses and InvestorsShopify simplifies online selling with its all-in-one platform, while Yahoo Finance unifies investment tracking with advanced features and research tools.

      Shopify and Yahoo Finance are valuable tools for entrepreneurs and investors, respectively, looking to grow their businesses or investments. Shopify, an all-in-one ecommerce platform, makes it easy for businesses of all sizes and industries to sell products online and in-person, offering features like simple website setup, various payment options, and even chat functionality. Shopify's user-friendly interface and excellent customer support have helped businesses like Thrive Cosmetics thrive. Meanwhile, Yahoo Finance offers a unified view of investments by securely linking multiple investment accounts, providing access to stock analyst ratings, independent research, and customizable charts. Understanding the basics of neural networks, the technology behind ChatGPT, can help us appreciate the advanced AI capabilities that provide human-like responses. Neural networks mimic the human brain's structure, consisting of interconnected neurons, and learn from data to improve performance over time. ChatGPT processes and generates text based on the input it receives, using a combination of machine learning algorithms and neural networks. By understanding these tools and technologies, individuals can focus on growing their businesses or investments with confidence.

    • How Neural Networks Generate Human-Like TextNeural networks generate human-like text by converting words into number sequences, performing mathematical computations, and selecting words based on probabilities. They learn basic grammar and structure to extrapolate and generate new combinations of words.

      Neural networks, like the human brain, function through interconnected neurons passing electrical signals. Each connection between neurons, or "weights," is associated with a number. When a neural network like ChatGPT processes a prompt, it converts each word into a number sequence, which is then input into a mathematical computation involving multiplication, addition, and thresholding. The network repeats this process multiple times to produce a sequence of numbers representing the probabilities of each next word. The network then selects the word with the highest probability, sometimes choosing less likely words for more natural language output. The network's weights are determined through training, which involves adjusting weights based on incorrect predictions until the correct word is produced. The surprise is that this simple process can generate coherent and human-like text. However, the question remains: how does the network extrapolate and generate text that it hasn't seen before? The answer lies in its ability to learn basic grammar and structure, allowing it to generate new combinations of words in a human-like way, which is a scientific discovery yet to be fully understood.

    • Understanding AI's semantic grammarThe discovery of AI's semantic grammar can help improve its ability to generate human-like language, but reaching human-level performance is still a challenge and raises questions about consciousness and agency.

      The development of AI models like ChatgibT and LLMs reveals the existence of a "semantic grammar" or construction kit for creating meaningful sentences. This construction kit includes rules for combining words, with the first part being something that can "eat" things, such as animals or people. The discovery of this construction kit can help improve AI's ability to predict and generate human-like language. However, reaching human-level performance for AI in understanding and generating language is still a challenging goal, and it's unclear when this will be achieved. Furthermore, the speaker suggests that the advancement of AI challenges our understanding of consciousness and agency. We assume that other people have minds similar to ours, but when it comes to AI or even other animals, it's less clear. The speaker argues that just as we assume a conscious mind exists in other people based on their observable behaviors, we may come to view AI as having a mind of its own. This raises questions about where thinking and consciousness originate – in humans, in computers, or in nature more broadly. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that the boundary between human minds and computational systems may not be as distinct as we once thought.

    • Natural and artificial systems share computational principlesBoth natural and artificial systems require an 'irreducible amount of computational work' to understand their actions, with implications for predicting behavior and adapting to technological advancements.

      Both natural systems, like the weather, and artificial systems, like the human brain and AI, operate based on computational principles. This concept, known as computational equivalence, means that despite their differences, they can achieve the same level of complexity and unpredictability. This has implications for predicting the behavior of natural systems and AI, as both require an "irreducible amount of computational work" to understand their actions. Additionally, as technology advances and more jobs become automated, there's a need to adapt and find new opportunities, just as previous technological advancements have done. This shift may bring both opportunities and challenges, including the ethical considerations and potential risks associated with advanced AI.

    • Automation leads to new opportunitiesAutomation frees up humans to engage in complex problem-solving and computational thinking, leading to new opportunities and jobs in areas we haven't explored yet.

      Automation leads to the disappearance of certain jobs, but it also opens up new opportunities. Historically, this has been the case with telephone switching and even in the field of computing, where automation of routine tasks has led to the emergence of new roles. For instance, as machine learning became more advanced, machine learning engineers were among the first to be impacted, as machine learning could be used to automate machine learning tasks. However, the automation of routine work also frees up humans to engage in more complex problem-solving and computational thinking. In essence, the question is not just about what can be automated, but also about what we as humans choose to do next. The computational universe is vast, and the things we have chosen to focus on so far represent only a tiny fraction. Therefore, the challenge lies in determining which new areas we want to explore and develop. As we continue to automate routine tasks, it's essential to prepare for the jobs of the future by fostering computational thinking and creativity.

    • Understanding the ubiquity of computation in the universeThe universe is a giant network of computation, and AI and computation are a natural extension of our world. Humans will continue to shape and guide the direction of AI and technology, integrating it into our lives to enhance experiences.

      AI and computation are a natural extension of the world around us. While AI may surpass human intelligence in certain areas, it doesn't mean we will be replaced. Instead, humans will continue to shape and guide the direction of AI and technology. The universe itself can be understood as a giant network of computation, and as we continue to explore and advance, we will find more ways to integrate AI into our lives. The natural world and AI society will both consist of automatic processes, but our focus and care will be on the computation that directly affects us. The discovery that space is made of discrete elements further emphasizes the ubiquity of computation in the universe. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, we will continue to find more ways to harness the power of computation and AI to enhance our lives.

    • Exploring New Possibilities with TechnologyAs technology advances, new opportunities arise, while some skills may become obsolete. Stay open-minded and adaptable to the constantly evolving world of technology.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence and computational universes, humans will continue to explore new possibilities and bring more things within our sphere. This is not a new phenomenon - throughout history, what people consider worth doing has evolved, and what seems absurd or unnecessary can become essential. As we continue to build and adapt to new technologies, some skills and ways of thinking may become obsolete, but new opportunities will arise. The relationship between biological intelligence and artificial intelligence is already complex, and it will continue to evolve. While some may view AI as a threat, others see it as an additional layer to the natural world. Ultimately, the key is to remain open-minded and adaptable as the world around us changes. Technology is not a fixed entity, but a constantly evolving force that shapes and is shaped by human ingenuity and curiosity.

    • The advancement of AI technology is changing the job marketAI automation can lead to new opportunities and efficiencies but also means certain skills may become less valuable. Learn computational thinking to stay competitive.

      The advancement of AI technology is making tasks that were once manually intensive, such as mathematical calculations, more automated. This automation can lead to new opportunities and efficiencies, but it also means that certain skills may become less valuable. It's important for individuals to adapt and learn new skills, such as computational thinking, to stay competitive. AI is not only getting smarter but also closing the gap between its capabilities and those of human brains. This is an exciting development, but it also raises ethical questions about the potential consequences of creating increasingly intelligent machines. Steven Wolfram, a pioneer in computational thinking, emphasized the importance of understanding this paradigm and learning the tools that enable computational thinking to stay ahead in today's world. He recommended starting with the Wolfram Language and looking out for resources he is developing specifically for learning computational thinking.

    • Comparing AI to Nature's UnpredictabilityAI might not eliminate jobs but make them more productive, potentially creating new ones where humans guide AI, maintaining a sense of purpose is crucial.

      AI, if it reaches a level of intelligence beyond human control, could be compared to nature - unpredictable, beautiful, and sometimes disastrous. This notion, as discussed in the podcast, can be calming as we already live in a world with uncontrollable elements. Regarding the future of work, AI and automation might not eliminate jobs but rather make them more productive, and potentially create new ones where humans guide AI. It's crucial for us to maintain a sense of purpose, and hopefully, this trend becomes a reality. Remember, you can help spread the knowledge from this episode by sharing it with your network and leaving a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts. Don't forget to follow Yap Media Production team on Instagram (@yapwithhala) or LinkedIn (Hala Taha) for more engaging content. A big thank you to the production team for their hard work. Signing off, this is Hala Taha, the podcast princess.

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    Dean Graziosi: It’s Never Been Easier to Turn Your Passion into Entrepreneurial Success | E294

    Dean Graziosi: It’s Never Been Easier to Turn Your Passion into Entrepreneurial Success | E294
    Nearly 30 years ago, Dean Graziosi had to build physical products, ship DVDs, and spend over $200k just to sell a $37 course. Today, he could sell the same course for a fraction of the money and time using the power of AI. In this episode, Dean shares insights on the evolving entrepreneurial landscape, leveraging new technologies, and monetizing personal knowledge.    Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, and bestselling author known for his expertise in personal development. He has started or played a major role in over 14 successful companies, including the Mastermind.com platform.   In this episode, Hala and Dean will discuss: - Why the American Dream needs a generational reboot - How to stay resourceful as an entrepreneur - Why work-life integration trumps work-life balance - The best and worst businesses to start right now - His formula for freeing up time to build your dream business - Transforming life experiences into business opportunities - How to gain a competitive edge using AI - Maximizing business potential with niche markets - The importance of confidence and persistence - Practical tips for automating and delegating tasks - The significance of having a big purpose in business - How to model proven practices for faster success - And other topics… Dean Graziosi is a renowned entrepreneur, real estate investor, bestselling author, and motivational speaker. With over 25 years of experience, he’s on a mission to provide self-education for those seeking transformation and fulfillment outside the traditional education path. He co-hosts numerous training events with Tony Robbins, including the highly anticipated virtual live event, The Game Has Changed. He has played a pivotal role in the success of over 14 companies, including the Mastermind.com platform. Dean is also a dedicated philanthropist, supporting various charitable causes worldwide. Connect With Dean: Dean’s Website: https://www.deangraziosi.com/  Dean’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deangraziosiinc/  Dean’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/deangraziosi  Dean’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deangraziosi/  Dean’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deangraziosi Dean’s Podcast, Own Your Future: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/own-your-future-with-dean-graziosi/id1085301578  Resources Mentioned: The Game Has Changed: http://deanandtonylive.com/hala  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Facet - For a limited time Facet will waive $250 enrollment fee for new annual members! Visit facet.com/profiting for details. Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Marshall Goldsmith, What I’ve Learned From 40 Years of Coaching the World’s Most Successful Business Executives

    YAPClassic: Marshall Goldsmith, What I’ve Learned From 40 Years of Coaching the World’s Most Successful Business Executives
    During COVID, Marshall Goldsmith spent several hours every weekend listening to successful people speak about their lives. From these sessions, he learned that even the highest achievers need help finding fulfillment. So, he wrote The Earned Life to address this need, drawing inspiration from Buddhism and his experience as an executive coach. In this episode, Marshall shares practical advice and exercises to help overachievers find personal fulfillment and live without regret. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the leading expert on leadership and coaching for behavioral change. He is also the author of several bestsellers, including Triggers and The Earned Life. In this episode, Hala and Marshall will discuss: - Marshall’s childhood and early years  - Marshall’s interpretation of Buddhism - How he uses his Buddhist philosophies in coaching  - The benefits and drawbacks of delayed gratification  - Impermanence and the ‘every breath’ paradigm  - Letting go of past successes - The definition of an earned life  - How regret and fulfillment are polar opposites  - Avoiding the big regrets - Why people don't live their own lives  - The three demands of living an earned life - And other topics…  Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as the leading expert on leadership and coaching for behavioral change. He has been named one of the top ten business thinkers in the world and the top-rated executive coach at the Thinkers50 ceremony in London since 2011. Marshall is the author of several Wall Street Journal and New York Times #1 bestsellers, including Triggers and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, which is also the winner of the Harold Longman Award as Best Business Book of the Year. His newest book, The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment, was released in May 2022.  Connect with Marshall: Marshall’s Website: https://marshallgoldsmith.com/ Marshall’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marshallgoldsmith/ Marshall’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachgoldsmith/ Marshall’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/coachgoldsmith Marshall’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marshall.Goldsmith.Library Marshall’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvlM6xRUC_ErV_q1FgUgiA Resources Mentioned:  Marshall’s Book, The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment: https://www.amazon.com/Earned-Life-Regret-Choose-Fulfillment/dp/0593237277   YAP Episode 42, Become a Better Leader with Dr. Marshall Goldsmith: https://youngandprofiting.com/42-become-a-better-leader-with-dr-marshall-goldsmith/  Marshall’s New Yorker Profile, “The Better Boss”: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2002/04/22/the-better-boss  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.    Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING Rakuten - Start all your shopping at rakuten.com or get the Rakuten app to start saving today!   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Shruti Joshi: Get Good With Money, Achieve Financial Zen With Personalized Financial Planning | E293

    Shruti Joshi: Get Good With Money, Achieve Financial Zen With Personalized Financial Planning | E293
    Shruti Joshi launched her company just before the COVID-19 pandemic, only to see it crumble. This setback, however, provided a window for her to take on a consulting role at Facet, where her entrepreneurial experiences set her up for success. Before long, she became the company’s COO and later, President. In this episode, Shruti discusses Facet’s mission to democratize financial wellness for millions of Americans and shares strategies for holistic financial planning. Shruti Joshi is the President and COO of Facet, a fintech company disrupting the financial wellness industry. She has been recognized as Wealth Solutions Report’s AAPI Innovator of the Year and one of the top women industry leaders of 2024. In this episode, Hala and Shruti will discuss: - Shruti’s background and early career - Her transition from investor to COO at Facet  - Limitations within the financial planning industry - Why entrepreneurs need professional financial advice - The holistic approach to financial planning - The results of Hala’s financial wellness quiz - How Facet is disrupting financial planning - The role of AI in financial planning - Actionable steps for financial wellness - The importance of fiduciaries for conflict-free advice - The subscription model vs. traditional financial planning fees - Why Certified Financial Planners are the industry gold standard  - And other topics…  Shruti Joshi is the President and COO of Facet, a leading fintech company revolutionizing financial planning with a subscription-based model. Before joining Facet, she founded a peer-to-peer recommendation service and held key roles at Verizon and Altman Solon. She is passionate about democratizing financial planning and making it accessible to everyone. Shruti has been recognized as Wealth Solutions Report’s AAPI Innovator of the Year and one of the top women industry leaders of 2024. A true globetrotter, Shruti has visited over 75 countries and is deeply interested in the psychology of wellness. Connect With Shruti: Shruti’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shruti-joshi-282369a/  Shruti’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/shruti_jo  Resources Mentioned: Facet Website: https://facet.com/   Financial Wellness Test: https://facet.com/profiting  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING Rakuten - Start all your shopping at rakuten.com or get the Rakuten app to start saving today! More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
    One of Alex Hormozi’s portfolio companies was underperforming, and he saw a clear solution—raise prices by 50%. Despite the CEO's resistance, which took nine calls to overcome, they implemented the price increase. The result? The business tripled its profit within three months. Alex knew the key to maximum profitability was delivering maximum value, a lesson he learned from his own mistakes. In this YAPClassic episode, Alex breaks down his value equation and shares strategies for creating irresistible offers. Alex Hormozi is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-founder of Acquisition.com, a portfolio company overseeing multiple businesses. He is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. In this episode, Hala and Alex will discuss: - Providing high value without cutting prices - Alex’s ‘value equation’ for crafting irresistible offers - The four key drivers of value in business - How to identify profitable markets - Strategies to scale your business rapidly - Focusing on high-return activities for maximum impact - Leveraging high-impact opportunities with minimal effort - Eliminating your side hustles to scale your main business - Techniques to attract and retain loyal customers - And other topics… Alex Hormozi is a first-generation Iranian-American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. In 2013, he started his first brick-and-mortar business. Then, he transitioned from gym ownership to founding GymLaunch, a fitness business consultancy, which expanded to over 4,000 locations within four years. Alongside his wife, Leila, Alex bootstrapped three additional companies, which generated $120 million in sales. Then, the Hormozis founded Acquisition.com through which they manage a portfolio of bootstrapped companies. Alex is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. He is also the host of The Game podcast.  Connect with Alex: Alex’s Website: https://www.acquisition.com/bio-alex Alex’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderhormozi/ Alex’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexHormozi Alex’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hormozi/ Alex’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ahormozi Resources Mentioned: Alex’s Book, $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No: https://www.amazon.com/100M-Offers-People-Stupid-Saying/dp/1737475715 YAPClassic: Robert Greene on Decoding the Laws of Human Nature: https://youngandprofiting.com/yapclassic-decoding-the-laws-of-human-nature-with-robert-greene/   LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course. Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting. Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Julie Solomon: How To Make Money On Instagram In 2024, Even With A Small Audience | E292

    Julie Solomon: How To Make Money On Instagram In 2024, Even With A  Small Audience | E292
    Despite her introversion, Julie Solomon thrives on Instagram. She has successfully monetized her influence and built a reputation as one of the top thought leaders in influence marketing. In this episode, Julie shares her best strategies for growing your brand and monetizing your influence online. She also touches on masterminds and the Instagram algorithm. Julie Solomon is an influencer, branding expert, and coach passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their audience. She is the host of The Influencer Podcast and the author of Get What You Want. In this episode, Hala and Julie will discuss: - Julie’s approach to balancing privacy and influence - Succeeding as an introverted influencer - Essential Instagram content to create right now - Why you must focus on value-based content - Proven strategies for building authority online - Overcoming fear in content creation - Monetizing a small following - Why every entrepreneur needs a mastermind - DM automation for driving sales - Effective methods for boosting engagement on Instagram - How to make your brand messaging magnetic - Maximizing Instagram Stories for conversion - And other topics…  Julie Solomon is a visibility, brand strategy, and brand deal coach, helping entrepreneurs and creators elevate their visibility and impact. She is the host of the top-rated The Influencer Podcast, providing real-time coaching and business growth insights to millions of listeners worldwide. She is also the author of the bestselling book, Get What You Want. She has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. She has also been named among the top 100 leaders in influence marketing by Influence Co.  Connect With Julie: Julie’s Website: https://juliesolomon.net/  Julie’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-solomon-375127133  Julie’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/JulsSolomon  Julie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julssolomon/  Julie’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JulsSolomon/  Julie’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/juliesolomontv  Julie’s Podcast, The Influencer Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-influencer-podcast/id1229401800?mt=2  Resources Mentioned: The Revenue Growth Lab: https://juliesolomon.net/profiting   LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting. Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, From Soul-Sucking Job to $100M in Revenue

    YAPClassic: Alex Hormozi, From Soul-Sucking Job to $100M in Revenue
    Defying his father's wishes, Alex Hormozi left his stable job to open a gym. But after a failed partnership left him sleeping on the gym floor, he attended a marketing workshop that turned everything around. He used online marketing to secure his first 27 customers, and within three years, expanded to six locations. He has since run and sold multiple successful businesses. In this episode, Alex chats with Hala about his inspiring entrepreneurial journey, sharing the valuable insights he gained along the way.  Alex Hormozi is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-founder of Acquisition.com, a portfolio company overseeing multiple businesses. He is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. In this episode, Hala and Alex will discuss: - Alex’s upbringing and come-up story - The efficiency of learning from experts - Using death as a motivator to accomplish your dreams - The marketing workshop that fueled his success - How Alex scaled his gym chain by monetizing his knowledge - Why your life partner is critical to your success - Respect over chemistry for a successful marriage  - The pros and cons of marrying your business partner - When it's okay to leave money on the table  - How he rapidly scaled his business using the licensing model - And other topics… Alex Hormozi is a first-generation Iranian-American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. In 2013, he started his first brick-and-mortar business. Then, he transitioned from gym ownership to founding GymLaunch, a fitness business consultancy, which expanded to over 4,000 locations within four years. Alongside his wife, Leila, Alex bootstrapped three additional companies, which generated $120 million in sales. Then, the Hormozis founded Acquisition.com through which they manage a portfolio of bootstrapped companies. Alex is the bestselling author of $100M Offers, where he shares strategies for creating irresistible business proposals. He is also the host of The Game podcast.  Connect with Alex: Alex’s Website: https://www.acquisition.com/bio-alex Alex’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderhormozi/ Alex’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexHormozi Alex’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hormozi/ Alex’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HormoziAlex/ Resources Mentioned: Alex’s Book, $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No: https://www.amazon.com/100M-Offers-People-Stupid-Saying/dp/1737475715 YAP Episode 43 with Robert Greene:  https://youngandprofiting.com/yapclassic-decoding-the-laws-of-human-nature-with-robert-greene/  YAP Episode 203 with Leila Hormozi: https://youngandprofiting.com/leila-hormozi-100000000-leadership-how-to-build-high-performance-teams-people-never-want-to-leave-e203/    LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.    Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting. Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at linkedin.com/YAP Industrious - Visit industriousoffice.com and use code PROFITING to get a free week of coworking when you take a tour!  More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

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    編號 (91)|AI 技術帶來的教育革命:教師的角色將如何改變?feat. Zac、Nelson
    👉收聽快捷連結:**[https://portaly.cc/kongfuzichiyao](https://portaly.cc/kongfuzichiyao ** >) //////////////////////////////// 『科技取代教育?』 教育界也面臨了一場革命性的轉變。 在未來教師的角色將如何改變? 我們將在本集中探討這個問題。 我們需要了解 AI 技術在教育中的應用。 AI 技術可以幫助學生自主學習、提供個性化學習體驗和即時反饋。 還可以幫助教師更有效地管理教學資源和教學進度。 這些新技術將帶來更多的機會和挑戰。 那麼,教師的角色將如何改變呢? 教育機構也需要重新思考如何使用 AI 技術。 AI 技術的應用正在改變教育的面貌, 並將為教師和學生帶來更多的機會和挑戰。 那麼究竟四位教師有什麼想法上的衝擊呢? 就讓我們收聽一起來本集的內容吧‼️ //////////////////////////////// 乾爹持續募集中👀 喜歡我們頻道的好朋友們 都歡迎私訊我們並讓我們在節目中宣傳! ⚠️聊天言論皆為節目笑果,請勿當真! //////////////////////////////// 【工商時間】 孔夫子的線上支持專案已經開始了! 您可以使用各大平台進行支持, 或是直接點選以下連結, 請夫子喝杯咖啡吧! 👉相關連結: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/aaaa5768-52eb-4dca-9096-65d781a0b9ab //////////////////////////////// #chatgpt #ai #Midjourney #智能繪畫 #人工智能 #人工智慧 #機器學習 #智慧教育 #數據科學 #自然語言處理 #影像辨識 #智能家居 #機器人 #家庭 #學校 #國中 #高中 #孔夫子吃藥 #幹話 #教育 #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #SmartEducation #SmartCity #SmartManufacturing #DataScience #NaturalLanguageProcessing #ImageRecognition #Automation #HumanMachineInteraction #SmartHome #SmartHealthcare #Robotics ▌商業合作請寄信至 matt810726@hotmail.com ▌小額贊助我們 https://portaly.cc/kongfuzichiyao

    How to deploy your ML models? Listen to Festo's approaches.

    How to deploy your ML models? Listen to Festo's approaches.
    So there are lots of books and information and tutorials about how to create a model, how to make all the feature engineering, how to train models, how to evaluate them. But there is quite less information if it comes to the deployment. Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics, criticism and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co. We thank our partner [Siemens](https://new.siemens.com/global/en/products/automation/topic-areas/artificial-intelligence-in-industry.html) [Martin Plank] (https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-plank-9246a9203/) **OUR EVENT IN JANUARY ** https://www.hannovermesse.de/de/rahmenprogramm/special-events/ki-in-der-industrie/ We thank our team: Barbara, Anne and Simon!

    Leveraging Thought Leadership | Jen Cohen | 283

    Leveraging Thought Leadership | Jen Cohen | 283

    Today’s guest is Jen Cohen the Vice President of Engineering at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI).  Jen has over twenty years of technology and operations leadership experience that she uses to make technology work for business.

    Jen shares how her work at TRI is helping to strengthen the research structure that is developing technology that amplifies humans, allowing them to age in place and continue to enjoy their lives with the aid of AI and robotics without replacing the human aspect.

    Jen discusses the ever-important need to create processes in the development stage that will guide a project to completion.  With 50% of IT projects failing, she understands the need to have effective change agents in place and to never take shortcuts in development.

    During our discussion of what successful thought leadership means to Jen, she shares the concept of Ikigai, a Japanese concept meaning “A reason for being.”  We chat about how our lives feel most fulfilled when we incorporate work that we love and how TRI is helping people to achieve their Ikigai.

    Three Key Takeaways:

    ·         Thought Leaders can include various forms of automation in their work, the key is to ensure it enhances the human experience and does not replace the human.

    ·         When developing processes for anything thought leadership should look at the end goal and ensure the steps to get there are developed early and nothing is skipped.

    ·         Ikigai is a great concept for thought leaders.  Finding ways to help others live their best life by doing work they love will increase the productivity and satisfaction of clients.

    Aligning AI Technology & User Experience With Ian Houghton & Bryan O'Rourke

    Aligning AI Technology & User Experience With Ian Houghton & Bryan O'Rourke

    This week, on the Fitness + Technology podcast, Bryan O’Rourke hosts a webinar with Ian Houghton on AI & user experience. Ian Houghton is a Senior Product Manager for Mitsubishi and Shosabi, an AI-onboarding system that provides gyms the opportunity to enhance the member onboarding experience. Today, Bryan and Ian discuss AI as an emerging technology to further enhance user experience in the fitness industry space.

    To learn more about FIBO, please visit: https://www.fibo.com/

    To learn more about the Europe Health & Fitness Forum, please visit: https://www.europeactive.eu/event/EHFF

    One Powerful Quote:

    5:47: “User experience is the emotion that is evoked as a result of every aspect of a member or user’s interaction with a product or company that contributes to overall perceptions and satisfactions.”

    4-10 Bullet Points (w/ timestamps) - Highlighting key topics discussed:

    3:12: Bryan opens the show by introducing Ian and his background. 

    5:26: Bryan gives an overview on user experience and how businesses use data to better serve their customers. 

    9:55: Bryan shares his four pillars to user experience. 

    11:24: Ian shares his opinion on adopting the four pillars for user experience to gain a competitive advantage. 

    12:29: Bryan and Ian talk about the components of AI for user experience. 

    16:20: Ian explains Shosabi’s technology and what it’s used for. 

    19:45: Ian answers questions from the audience about Shosabi. 

    Bullet List of Resources:


    Guest Contact Information:






    Natalie Monbiot of Hour One on Virtual Humans Automated Video Production and More - Voicebot Podcast Ep 219

    Natalie Monbiot of Hour One on Virtual Humans Automated Video Production and More - Voicebot Podcast Ep 219

    Natalie Monbiot is head of strategy and business development for Hour One. She is working with companies across a number of industries as varied as real estate, eLearning, automotive, and consumer brands and is shaping Hour One's go-to-market and growth strategies.

    Prior to Hour One, Monbiot was an SVP at Publicis where she worked on new technologies and the Samsung account. She was an SVP at UM Worldwide before that focused on digital and strategic innovation and earlier in her career worked at IPG Media Lab and also previously worked in media planning for fortune 500 clients. Monbiot earned a Masters's Degree from Oxford.