
    Success vs Failure. vs Cleaning Your Teeth

    en-gbOctober 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Just do it without attachment to outcomeAdopt a mindset of doing things without evaluating the result to reduce stress and enjoy the process

      We often place too much value on the outcome of our actions, whether it's success or failure. This can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Instead, we should adopt a mindset of just doing things without attaching too much importance to the result. Using the example of cleaning our teeth, we don't typically evaluate the quality of our toothbrushing session, we just do it. By applying this approach to our daily tasks, we can reduce the pressure and enjoy the process more. So next time you're feeling anxious about an upcoming task or project, remember to just do it and trust that you'll be able to handle whatever comes your way. You've got this!

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    Coach JC | Life Coach | Motivation | Personal Development| Business| Win All Day | Entrepreneur | Author | Speaker


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    Coach JC is recognized as a passionate coach and advisor to high performers (CEO’s, Business Owners, Pastors, Pro Athletes, and First Responders) when it comes to living a life of purpose, leading with passion and WINNING in life!

    It didn't start there... After throwing away his college basketball career, ending up over $400k in debt, suicidal, in the fight of his life, in a custody battle to see his daughter and be a dad coach JC was able to create a new story for his life.
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    Coach JC believes every person deserves the opportunity to WIN in life and through his WIN ALL DAY Playbook and Academy Coach JC and his team help high performers build purpose driven, passion filled lives and highly profitable personal brands.

    In the WIN ALL DAY Podcast Coach JC drops a daily WINNING Word of The Day (Mon-Fri) and once a month interviews a guest that is representing what WINNING looks like!

    The podcast will inspire you, motivate you, encourage you, empower you and most importantly coach you to WIN ALL DAY - to live a life of passion, fueled by purpose!

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    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

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    So don't hold back today. Go out on a limb and take some chances. Explore what your potential is and the opportunities life presents you. Go out and try. Maybe you’ll fail, maybe you’ll succeed. Maybe you’ll enjoy all of it, the good and the bad. But you’ll never know if you don’t try. So don’t find yourself looking back on life being disappointed by the things you didn’t try because that is what you’ll regret.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

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    Show notes:

    Visit SincerelyTam.com/Notes


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