
    Superfoods For Superlife: Traipsing the Globe In Search of Optimal Nutrition & Longevity With Darin Olien

    enJune 22, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World's Adaptogenic Herbs and Medicinal PlantsAdaptogenic herbs and medicinal plants, like cordyceps, rishis, ashwagandhas, macas, have been used for centuries due to their high medicinal nutrient density. Darren Olin, a wellness activist, sources and researches them to unlock optimal health benefits.

      Adaptogenic herbs and medicinal plants, including cordyceps, rishis, ashwagandhas, macas, and others, have been used for thousands of years due to their high medicinal nutrient density. Darren Olin, the "Indiana Jones of Superfoods," emphasizes their importance as a delivery system to help stressed bodies. These natural remedies have been sourced, formulated, and researched by people like Darren to unlock their optimal health benefits. The Rich Roll Podcast features Darren's journey as a widely recognized exotic superfoods hunter and wellness activist. By exploring the world's greatest edible food sources, Darren's discoveries have helped many people improve their health. As a result, it's essential to understand the significance of these adaptogenic herbs and medicinal plants in our lives and their potential role in promoting overall wellness.

    • Darren Wolfson's Journey to Sourcing High-Quality Superfoods and HerbsDarren Wolfson, a nutrition expert, sources high-quality, fair trade superfoods and herbs from around the world, supporting grower communities sustainably. He's known for formulating Shakeology and shares health, fitness, nutrition insights on his website and book.

      Darren Wolfson, a renowned authority on nutrition, hydration, and the potency of foods and herbs, has dedicated the past 20 years to sourcing high-quality, fair trade superfoods and herbal commodities from around the world, supporting grower communities in a sustainable way. Best known for formulating Beachbody's successful whole food supplement, Shakeology, Darren shares his experiences and insights on health, fitness, nutrition, and longevity on his website and in his new book, "Super Life." Despite his fit appearance, Darren's journey to optimal health was not always easy, and he's overcome relatable life obstacles. Darren's work with microbiological probiotics led him to meet Compton, and their shared interests sparked a fruitful partnership. Darren's stories of traveling the globe and encountering interesting people, like the Cambodian man adopted by the royal family, are just a few examples of his unique experiences. Overall, Darren's passion, enthusiasm, and commitment to making the world a better place through health and wellness are evident in his work.

    • Exploring opportunities in Cambodia's challenging environmentDespite infrastructure issues and unexpected encounters, discovering local superfoods and supporting sustainable development can lead to meaningful connections and economic growth.

      Even in challenging environments, like Cambodia's infrastructure, opportunities for meaningful connections and economic growth can be found. The speaker's experience in Cambodia involved meeting with government officials, exploring fertile land with exotic wildlife, and encountering an orangutan who stole his phone. Despite these obstacles, the potential for commerce and sustainable development was identified, particularly in the areas of dried durian and mangosteen. This experience aligns with the speaker's broader mission of discovering superfoods and improving the livelihoods of indigenous people. The story highlights the power of commerce and the potential for small changes to have a significant impact on communities. The speaker's travels can be seen as a modern-day representation of the explorer's journey, seeking out new discoveries and making a positive impact along the way.

    • Childhood experiences shape our future interests and behaviorsEarly health challenges can instill deep-rooted beliefs and fears, influencing our later interests and behaviors, such as pursuits of health and adventure.

      Our early experiences and health challenges can significantly influence our interests, beliefs, and behaviors later in life. The speaker's premature birth and fragile health in childhood instilled in him a deep-rooted sense of vulnerability and fear for his well-being. This unconscious belief shaped his behaviors, leading him to seek out activities that reinforced his perception of his body as fragile. Later in adolescence, he encountered an article about a grapefruit cleanse, which sparked his interest in health and fitness, and eventually led him on a journey to explore exotic locations and various types of foods. This experience of rebirthing through regression therapy released trapped energy and helped him overcome the fear instilled in him during his early years. Ultimately, his childhood experiences played a significant role in shaping his pursuit of health and adventure.

    • Discovering the Power of Food and Physical ActivityPersonal experiences of food and exercise during childhood can significantly impact well-being and self-discovery. Self-control through grapefruit cleanse and weightlifting led to improved clarity, confidence, and physical health.

      Food and physical activity can have a profound impact on an individual's well-being, especially during childhood. The speaker shared their personal experience of discovering the power of food through a grapefruit cleanse at the age of 13, which led to a newfound sense of clarity and control. Later on, they found solace and control in weightlifting and sports, which helped them gain confidence and improve their physical health. Both experiences were attempts to gain control in a chaotic household, where the speaker's father was an alcoholic. The speaker became a gym rat and eventually gave up on cycling due to peer pressure and the belief that they were too big for competitive cycling. However, looking back, they wonder what might have happened if they had continued in that direction. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of self-discovery and the power of food and physical activity in shaping one's health and well-being.

    • From chaos to transformation through personal experiencesTrusting instincts and seeking out like-minded individuals and resources can lead to profound discoveries about the intersection of mind and body healing.

      Personal experiences, whether it be the contrast between chaos and peace or injury and recovery, can lead to profound transformations in one's life. The speaker's journey from a chaotic home life to becoming a college football player, and then to overcoming a back injury through self-healing and education, is a testament to the power of resilience and curiosity. This journey led him to study exercise physiology and nutrition, and ultimately, to the intersection of mind and body healing. Despite the overwhelming amount of health information available, the speaker's experience taught him the importance of trusting one's instincts and seeking out like-minded individuals and resources. Boulder, with its openness to alternative healing modalities, provided an ideal environment for this exploration. Through this journey, the speaker discovered the profound impact of mindset on physical healing and performance.

    • The Power of Beliefs and Connections in Personal GrowthBeliefs and supportive connections can significantly impact our well-being and personal growth. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, as well as our environment, can influence how our genes are expressed. Self-care and support are crucial for optimal health and aging.

      Our beliefs and the supportive connections we form with others hold immense power in shaping our well-being and personal growth. Simon's podcast and unique program at USM emphasize the importance of this mental and emotional approach, complementing traditional psychological methods. Belief, even in the power of prayer, is scientifically proven, and the ability to listen and support others can lead to profound realizations. Our DNA and genetic predispositions do not dictate our entire lives; we have the power to influence how our genes are expressed through our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and environment. The end result of psychology does not have to be medication, and we can always choose to support ourselves in various aspects of our lives. The Nobel Prize-winning Telomere research further emphasizes the significance of self-care and control over our health and biological aging.

    • The Role of Telomeres in Aging and Cell LifeLifestyle choices and supplements like stress reduction, adequate sleep, hydration, exercise, and astragalus and ashwagandha extracts can help extend telomere length and potentially reverse aging.

      Telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of our DNA strands, are a key factor in aging and cell life. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres shorten, leading to aging. However, research suggests that certain lifestyle choices and supplements, such as stress reduction, adequate sleep, hydration, exercise, and astragalus and ashwagandha extracts, can help extend telomere length and potentially reverse aging. This discovery, which is gaining mainstream attention, offers exciting possibilities for extending human life and health. On a personal note, the speaker was inspired by his father's struggle with addiction and passing, which fueled his own adventures and quest for knowledge in the field of health and aging.

    • Balancing Healthy and Indulgent HabitsTraveling the world to learn about medicinal plants and superfoods is important, but true understanding comes from experiencing the culture and people behind them. Seize opportunities and strive for a balanced life.

      Living a balanced life is crucial for overall well-being. The speaker's brother struggled with this duality of leading a healthy lifestyle with superfoods and then indulging in unhealthy habits. The speaker's personal journey led him to travel the world to learn about medicinal plants and superfoods, but he realized that true understanding came from experiencing the culture and people behind them. After his father's death, he questioned his legacy and started his own company, creating superfood products. A serendipitous encounter with an employee led him to partner with Beachbody, ultimately leading to success. Overall, the speaker's experiences emphasize the importance of living a balanced life, learning from different cultures, and seizing opportunities when they arise.

    • Serendipitous encounter leads to billion-dollar businessPassionate encounters and shared visions can lead to successful business collaborations, resulting in high-quality products and economic benefits for all involved.

      Serendipitous encounters and the belief in a shared vision can lead to the creation of successful businesses. In this story, Isabelle met Darren at a vitamin store and shared a passion for health and nutrition. Darren wanted to create a high-quality supplement to complement his exercise programs and Isabelle was hired to make it. Darren's commitment to creating a top-notch product and refusal to compromise led to the creation of Shakeology, a superfood supplement now worth over $1 billion a year. Isabelle's discovery and inclusion of lesser-known ingredients like Sacha Inchi and yacon not only enhanced the product but also helped bring attention to these ingredients and their origins. This collaboration between Darren's vision and Isabelle's expertise resulted in a win-win situation, benefiting both the creators and the communities involved in the production of these unique ingredients.

    • From experimenting with ingredients to ensuring a reliable supply chainUnderstanding market demand and authenticity led to the success of a supplement business, despite the risks of launching an untested, powerful product.

      The success of a business, especially in the health and wellness industry, relies heavily on the quality and authenticity of the product, as well as the passion and dedication of the person behind it. The speaker shared his experience of working with a company to develop a formula for a supplement, starting from the early stages when he could experiment with lesser-known ingredients, to the later stages when ensuring a reliable supply chain became crucial. He emphasized the importance of understanding the market demand and the need for the product, which led him to formulate it for the people who required it the most. The risk of launching an untested, powerful product paid off, and the company recognized his value and kept him around. The speaker concluded by mentioning the trendiness of the term "superfoods" and the importance of authenticity and quality in the industry.

    • Unregulated Supplement Industry: Separating Superfood Fact from FictionConsumers must ask for transparency, seek trusted sources, and pay attention to their bodies' reactions to ensure authentic superfood benefits.

      The supplement industry, particularly the superfood market, is largely unregulated and can be misleading for consumers. Superfoods, as the term is commonly used, can be attached to products without proper testing or understanding of the ingredients. The lack of oversight allows for companies to make claims about their products without proof, making it difficult for consumers to discern between genuine superfoods and snake oil salesmanship. Consumers are encouraged to ask for transparency from companies, seek recommendations from trusted sources, and pay attention to their bodies' reactions to new supplements. The best approach is to focus on building relationships with reputable sources and ensuring the integrity of the food from farm to table.

    • Superfoods are best when paired with healthy habitsTo maximize the benefits of superfoods, focus on overall health and wellness through clean eating, regular exercise, hydration, and addressing negative behavior patterns.

      While superfoods can offer numerous health benefits, they should not be relied upon as a panacea for unhealthy lifestyle habits. To fully reap the benefits of superfoods, it's essential to focus on overall health and wellness by eating clean, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and addressing negative behavior patterns. Only then can superfoods serve as an effective supplement to enhance health and performance. It's important to approach superfoods with education and awareness, as they can be expensive, and their full potential can only be realized when the body is ready to absorb their nutrients effectively. The conversation also touched upon the idea of superfoods serving as a spark to inspire individuals to make further healthy choices. Ultimately, superfoods can be a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle, but they should not be the sole focus.

    • Igniting curiosity and motivation for healthy dietary changesProvide experiences, not direct willingness, to inspire healthy dietary choices. Protein is essential for our bodies and should not be feared, but rather balanced with other nutrients for optimal cell health.

      The key to inspiring others to make healthy dietary changes lies in providing them with experiences that ignite their curiosity and motivation, rather than trying to instill willingness in them directly. Regarding common dietary myths, the Protein Myth stands out as particularly problematic. The belief that protein is a badge of health and that carbohydrates are to be feared has led to the merging of various dietary approaches, such as paleo and ketogenic, into a single concept. However, it's important to remember that protein is a fundamental and sustainable element in our bodies, and that our cells require a balance of protein, essential fats, electrolyzed structured water, and glucose to function optimally. Eating for the health of our cells is the foundation of good nutrition.

    • The acidifying effect of excessive protein consumptionExcess protein intake, especially from animal sources, can lead to acidification, causing the body to lose essential minerals. This can result in increased bone-building cell activity and negatively impact health. To improve health, consider reducing processed foods and animal products and embracing a balanced diet.

      The excessive consumption of protein, particularly from animal sources, can lead to an acidifying effect in the body. This acidification can result in the loss of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, which have important roles in buffering the body. The body responds to this acidification by increasing the activity of osteoblasts, the bone-building cells, to replenish the lost minerals. However, the obsession with high protein intake, fueled by cultural beliefs and misunderstandings, can lead to an overconsumption of protein and other harmful substances like hormones and pesticides found in meat and dairy. This can negatively impact health, including testosterone levels. To improve health, it's important to challenge the cultural beliefs surrounding protein and consider eliminating processed foods and animal products to allow the body to regulate itself and thrive. Additionally, it's important to recognize that carbs are necessary for energy production and that the fear of carbs is misguided.

    • Misconceptions about Insulin and DietsDespite common beliefs, insulin plays a role in regulating protein and fat, not just glucose. The real issue is the overconsumption of processed foods, not specific macronutrients.

      The belief that insulin is solely responsible for storing fat and that a low-carb, high-fat, high-protein diet won't trigger an insulin response is incorrect. Insulin plays a role in regulating not just glucose but also protein and fat. The idea that the low-fat dietary guidelines have failed and that we've become fatter as a result is also misguided. The real issue lies in the increased consumption of processed foods with high reward and palatability, leading to an unintended increase in calorie intake. It's essential to recognize that no single macronutrient is the enemy or should be overly celebrated. Instead, focus on eating for your body's needs and trusting your instincts. The key to good health is not following fads but making sustainable choices.

    • Embracing the 5 Life Forces for Optimal HealthNutrition, hydration, oxygenation, alkalization, and detox are interconnected for overall health. Neglecting any one can negatively impact well-being. Controversial concepts like alkalization and detox play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy body by balancing pH and preserving essential minerals.

      Our health is not just about what we put into our bodies in terms of nutrition, but also about the psychological and emotional aspects of eating, as well as the implementation of healthy habits. The 5 life forces – nutrition, hydration, oxygenation, alkalization, and detox – are interconnected, and neglecting any one of them can negatively impact our overall health. While some concepts, like alkalization and detoxing, may seem controversial, they play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy body. The body works to maintain a delicate pH balance, and if we consume acidic foods and breathe polluted air, it must find minerals to counteract the acidity and bring the body back into balance. This can lead to the depletion of essential minerals, such as calcium from the bones. Embracing these 5 life forces can help us thrive and live in a way that supports our long-term health.

    • Maintaining Correct Acidity Levels for Good HealthMaintaining correct acidity levels is crucial for proper enzyme function and microbiome health. Avoid external acidification through bad water, lotions, and stress to prevent bacterial and viral growth.

      Our health is influenced by multiple interconnected layers, including the acidity levels of our skin and various systems in our body, such as our nervous system and digestive system. Maintaining the correct acidity levels is crucial for the proper functioning of our enzymes and microbiome. However, continuously acidifying ourselves from the outside in through bad water, lotions, and stress can create an environment that is hospitable to bacteria and viruses, making us more susceptible to illness. It's essential to promote good health rather than focusing on fear of disease. The microbiome on our skin plays a vital role in protecting us, but using antibacterial products can wipe out the good bacteria, leaving us vulnerable. The fear-based approach to health promoted by figures like Louis Pasteur and the American Medical Association has led to a symptom-based medicine system that prioritizes treating illness rather than preventing it. Instead, we should focus on creating a healthy environment that supports the natural defenses of our body.

    • Take control of your healthFocus on healthy diet and lifestyle choices to prevent or reverse chronic diseases, rather than relying solely on medication.

      Our approach to health and wellness should focus on making ourselves an inhospitable host to chronic diseases by adopting healthy diet and lifestyle choices, rather than relying solely on medication to treat symptoms. This decision can prevent or even reverse various health issues, from erectile dysfunction to sleep disorders. However, we're living in a paradoxical time where people desire good health but remain sicker than ever. To regain control, we must understand the importance of our bodies and the role of nutrition in maintaining health. While medication has its place, especially in acute situations, it's crucial to consider the long-term effects on our bodies. By making informed decisions and taking back our power, we can change our health narrative and improve our overall well-being.

    • Embracing self-care and curiosity for better healthFocus on overall water intake and quality, listen to body's feedback, and prioritize understanding root causes for improved health.

      Taking an active interest in one's own health and wellbeing can lead to significant improvements and a higher quality of life. The speaker shares his admiration for the curiosity and self-care habits of a young man, which inspires him to continue learning and experimenting with his own health. He emphasizes the importance of listening to the body's feedback and avoiding quick fixes or masks, instead focusing on understanding the root causes of health issues. One practical tip he offers is the importance of proper hydration and drinking enough water daily. While alkaline or structured water may have benefits, the speaker suggests focusing on overall water intake and quality first. By taking a proactive approach to one's health and being open to learning, one can unlock the potential for a "superlife."

    • Exploring Structured Water and Its Health BenefitsProper hydration is essential, and structured water may offer additional benefits. Eat a colorful salad daily, maintain a balanced microbiome, and consider structured water from brands like Smartwater for optimal health.

      Proper hydration is crucial for our bodies, and structured water, which can be created through a vortexor or an electrolysis process, may offer additional health benefits by mimicking the water within our cells. Brands like Smartwater, with low TDS and stable pH, are good options for structured water. However, maintaining the structure of the water can be challenging once it's in a plastic bottle. Apple cider vinegar, despite being acidic, has an alkalizing effect on the body due to a phenomenon called pleomorphism. Another simple way to support hydration and reduce acid load is by eating a salad daily, focusing on diverse and colorful ingredients, and avoiding heavy dressings. The microbes in our bodies can influence our cravings and overall health, making it essential to maintain a balanced microbiome. This can be achieved by providing our bodies with the right environment, including proper hydration and a nutrient-dense diet.

    • Caring for our microbes for better healthThrough diet and lifestyle choices, we can influence the growth of the microbes in our body for better health and wellbeing. Focus on self-care practices like eating salads, drinking water, engaging in activities we love, and getting enough sleep.

      The health of our bodies is not just about us, but also about the microbes that live within us. These microbes, which outnumber our human cells, are intelligent and have been around much longer. They need a diverse range of nutrients to survive, and we can influence their growth through our diet and lifestyle choices. By focusing on self-care practices such as eating salads, drinking plenty of water, engaging in activities we love, and getting enough sleep, we can create a foundation for better health and wellbeing. These small, consistent actions add up over time and can lead to significant improvements in our lives. It's not about seeking a magic pill or quick fix, but rather about making lifestyle choices that support the health of both our bodies and the microbes that live within us.

    • Preserving indigenous crops and fighting biopiracySupporting ethical and sustainable sourcing of superfoods ensures their native growth and fair harvesting, positively impacting both health and environment

      Darren Olivers' Superlife is not just about consuming superfoods, but also about their ethical and sustainable sourcing. Darren's recent trip to Peru was focused on preserving indigenous crops and fighting biopiracy, which involves taking knowledge and resources from farmers without their approval for profit. By supporting Darren's efforts, we can ensure that these superfoods are grown in their native lands and harvested ethically. Darren's commitment to sustainability and fairness extends beyond his personal brand, as he continues to travel to places like Mongolia and Siberia to discover new superfoods and herbs. By choosing to buy from ethical and sustainable sources, we can make a positive impact on both our health and the environment.

    • Learn about plant-powered nutrition and living with purpose through MindBodyGreen's online coursesImprove your health and life by learning plant-based nutrition and setting personal goals with MindBodyGreen's online courses

      MindBodyGreen.com offers two online courses designed to enhance your health and life. The first course, "The Ultimate Guide to Plant-Powered Nutrition," is a 3.5-hour video series providing comprehensive information on incorporating more plants into your diet. The second course, "The Art of Living with Purpose," is a 2.5-hour video series focusing on goal setting and personal growth to help you reset your life trajectory. Both courses are easily accessible on the MindBodyGreen website and offer valuable insights to improve your overall well-being. Remember to check them out and share the knowledge with your friends.

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    Your Brain On Food: Dr. Uma Naidoo On The Intersection Of Nutrition & Mental Health

    Your Brain On Food: Dr. Uma Naidoo On The Intersection Of Nutrition & Mental Health
    Dr. Uma Naidoo is a nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, and nutrition specialist. This conversation explores the intersection between food and mood, with Dr. Naidoo sharing her expertise on how what we eat impacts our mental well-being. We discuss the gut-brain connection, foods that fight anxiety and depression, practical nutrition tips, and much more. Throughout the conversation, Dr. Naidoo provides actionable advice and fascinating insights into the world of nutritional psychiatry. Dr. Naidoo is a true pioneer in this field. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone interested in using food as medicine for the mind. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉boncharge.com On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Peak Design: Save 20% OFF 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Brain.fm: Get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll Birch: Unlock 20% off ALL mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs  👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Squarespace: Save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

    Can Fasting Save Your Life? The Danger Of Visceral Fat & The Incredible Benefits Of Prolonged Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer

    Can Fasting Save Your Life? The Danger Of Visceral Fat & The Incredible Benefits Of Prolonged Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer
    Dr. Alan Goldhamer is a pioneering researcher, founder and director of TrueNorth Health Center, and a leading expert on water-only fasting. This conversation explores the science behind fasting and its potential to reverse chronic diseases. We examine Dr. Goldhamer’s groundbreaking research, which involves fasting patients for upwards of 40 days, their success stories, the importance of a whole-food, plant-based diet, and the challenges of integrating fasting into mainstream medical practices. Throughout our discussion, Dr. Goldhamer provides insights into the obesity epidemic, details the connection between fasting and longevity, and offers his thoughts on the future of healthcare. Dr. Goldhamer is a maverick, and this conversation is instructive for anyone seeking to optimize their health. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF 👉on.com/richroll Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll  This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% OFF 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 17, 2024

    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World

    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World
    Sam Harris is a renowned neuroscientist, philosopher, bestselling author, and host of the wildly popular Making Sense podcast. This conversation explores the crisis of misinformation and the erosion of critical thinking in society. Sam shares his journey of understanding consciousness through meditation and psychedelics, and how recognizing the illusion of the self can lead to profound inner freedom.  We discuss the importance of reason, science, AI, and open conversations to navigate the challenges of our time and build a more rational, cooperative future. Sam's insights are thought-provoking and timely. This is a conversation not to be missed. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  LMNT: get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL ROKA: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself 👉join.whoop.com/roll Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF 👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

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    Follow Jason Wrobel on Facebook, and Instagram

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won't cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

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    Chemicals, creepy crawlies and crops: how safe is your food? Episode 52

    Chemicals, creepy crawlies and crops: how safe is your food? Episode 52

    Agronomist Kevin Hoyer joins the podcast to talk about his experience helping farmers diagnose and treat their plants and soil as well as traveling the world looking at food production in other countries.  As a "doctor for crops," he says  “you can be thankful and trust that the products you buy are at the highest level of safety possible.  America carries the highest standards found anywhere in the world.”

    Kevin Hoyer and his wife Jody own and operate a family farm nestled in the bluffs of west central Wisconsin, not far off the Mississippi River. They grow soybeans, corn along with small grains to use as cover crops. They both also work off the farm, Jody as a quality control specialist for a local dairy processor, while Kevin works as an agronomist and crop advisor at a local ag retailer.

    Key points:

    An agronomist is like a doctor for crops

    • trained in plant and soil health.
    • focused on safe and abundant food that is as sustainable and environmentally-friendly as possible.
    • works directly with farmers.
      • soil tests
      • plant health analysis
      • advising farmers

    Why do farmers use chemicals?

    • the chemicals are plant-protectants designed to protect or reduce stress on the crop.
      • similar to using sunscreen to protect our skin.
      • like taking an aspirin for a headache.
    • weeds rob water and nutrients from crops
    • many compounds used are found in nature in plants or soil
      • plants have natural pesticidal activity to ward off pests.
      • alfalfa evolved to grow longer hairs on the stem to ward off aphids.

    Why is understanding agriculture in other parts of the world important?

    • get outside your comfort zone
    • understand other consumers and their concerns - there are commonalities.
      • farmers want to grow crops with as little fertilizer or pesticides to maximize production.
      • consumers want to feel comfortable that food was grown and processed with care an safely.
    • other countries do things we don’t do anymore.
    • new practices reduce negative impact.
    • America has the highest standards for food safety and quality. 

    Tips to overcome Food Bullying:

    • Remember all of our food has to go through the same safety standards whether it is labeled sustainable, organic, conventional - they must meet the same levels of quality and safety.
    • Look out for claims that seem outrageous. Trust that your food is safe.
    • If you have questions, ask a farmer - we don’t have anything to hide. 

    Agronomist Kevin HoyerLinks:

    Kevin Hoyer Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hoyer-Farms-138987533112713/

    Food Bullying Podcast’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/foodbullyingpodcast

    Food Bullying: How to Avoid   Michele Payn: http://foodbullying.com

    Embrace Your Heart with Eliz Greene: http://www.embraceyourheart.com/

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    As always this podcast episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be taken as medical advice to diagnose, treat or cure anyone.  As always please check with your General Practitioner to see whether this may be for you.

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    || LINKS || https://regeneration.org/ | www.vuori.com/darin  | www.trybite.com/darin |

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    ABOUT THE SERIES: Future of XYZ is a bi-weekly interview series that explores big questions about where we are as a world and where we’re going. Presented in collaboration with Rhode Island PBS.


    FOR MORE INFORMATION: Follow @futureofxyz on Instagram, and visit www.future-of.XYZ or www.ripbs.org/XYZfor show links and more.