
    Podcast Summary

    • Leadership sustainability across generationsRecognize the need for adaptability and empowering next gen leaders to ensure the longevity of organizations.

      The odds are low that whatever you're leading now will last for generations. Craig Groeschel, in his podcast, discussed the problem of sustainability in leadership and how many leaders don't recognize it as a problem until it's too late. He used the analogy of generations to explain this concept. Gen 1 refers to the leaders who build something from scratch, while Gen 2 are those who follow and continue the legacy. The problem lies in the fact that the mindset and approaches of Gen 1 leaders may not be sustainable for future generations. This is a common issue in both business and family contexts. It's crucial for leaders to acknowledge this problem and take steps to ensure the longevity of their organizations by fostering a culture that can adapt to changing times and empowering the next generation of leaders.

    • The odds of businesses and families' wealth not surviving beyond multiple generationsAdopting habits like 'no snooze' and 'pre-deciding' can help leaders grow and develop, increasing their chances of making a lasting impact.

      The odds of businesses and even families' wealth surviving is low, especially beyond the third generation. Only 12% of businesses make it to the third generation, and just 4% reach the fourth. This statistic applies to various organizations and families that create wealth. However, the good news is that there are habits and practices that great leaders can adopt to increase their chances of success and making a lasting impact. In episodes 124 and 126, the discussion covered the eight habits of great leaders, such as the "no snooze" habit and the habit of "pre-deciding." Adopting these habits can help leaders grow and develop better habits, ultimately leading to a bigger impact. Although churches tend to last longer than businesses, they often don't thrive for multiple generations. To overcome these odds, it's essential to reflect on your current generation and the generation you aspire to be. By asking yourself these questions, you can start to understand that you have a choice in shaping your leadership journey.

    • Understanding Different Generations' Strengths and WeaknessesRecognizing the unique qualities of each generation can help us learn from one another and create a positive impact on future generations.

      Each person has the power to choose which "generation" they want to be in various aspects of their life, and the qualities of those generations can influence their success. Gen 1 individuals, often starting from humble beginnings, are characterized as overcomers, disruptors, and owners. They have a strong determination to overcome obstacles and create something new, leading against the odds. However, the speaker emphasizes that Gen 1 has a responsibility to empower and instruct the following generations (Gen 2 and Gen 3) to continue this legacy. Gen 2 and Gen 3 individuals may have fewer strengths due to a lack of understanding of the growth process or the absence of guidance from previous generations. By recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each generation, we can strive to learn from one another and create a positive impact on future generations.

    • Embracing an ownership mindset in the early stagesIn the early stages, overcoming challenges, disrupting traditions, and embracing an ownership mindset lead to significant innovations and accomplishments. However, it's crucial to balance the past and future, continuing to innovate and adapt to new circumstances.

      The first generation of a church or organization, starting from nothing, is marked by overcoming challenges, disrupting the status quo, and embracing an ownership mindset. These traits led to significant innovations and accomplishments. However, the downside is the risk of getting stuck in the past and becoming overly reliant on traditions. It's essential to maintain a balance between embracing the past and moving forward, continuing to innovate and adapt to new circumstances. This ownership mindset, which includes thinking higher, seeing broader, and caring deeper, sets the foundation for future growth and success.

    • Impact of Past Leaders on Future GenerationsGen 1 leaders' resistance to change can hinder Gen 2 and Gen 3's progress, while Gen 2's risk-aversion can limit growth. Gen 1 and Gen 2 must trust, empower, educate, and delegate to Gen 3 to ensure continued success.

      The actions of generation 1 (Gen 1) leaders, who are often resistant to change and hold tightly to the past, can significantly impact the potential success of future generations. Gen 1 leaders, who are proud of their past achievements, can unintentionally make it harder for Gen 2 and Gen 3 to continue building on their success. Gen 2 leaders, who appreciate and respect the sacrifices of Gen 1, feel responsible for preserving and protecting what's been built. However, they can be risk-averse, trying not to fail instead of embracing change. Gen 3 leaders, who come in when the organization is already established, can either squander the success or exceed it, depending on how well Gen 1 and Gen 2 have passed on the baton. Therefore, it's crucial for Gen 1 and Gen 2 to trust, empower, educate, and delegate to Gen 3, allowing them to build on the foundation laid by earlier generations.

    • Understanding the Value of Past Generations' HardshipsGen 3 should recognize the value of hard work and past generations' sacrifices, and avoid taking vacations or other opportunities for granted.

      Gen 3, or the current generation, has unique opportunities due to resources and talent, but they also face the risk of drifting towards entitlement. This can be seen in various aspects of life, including vacations. For instance, those in Gen 3 may assume that vacations are a given, not realizing the hardships and sacrifices made by previous generations. It's crucial for Gen 3 to recognize the value of hard work and the lessons learned from past generations, while also making the most of their opportunities. The speaker shares a personal example of how he promised to take his family on vacations despite financial struggles, and how this tradition has continued for his grandchildren. However, without an appreciation for the effort put in by previous generations, Gen 3 may overlook the importance of these experiences and take them for granted. To avoid this, it's essential for Gen 3 to understand their history and be mindful of the potential pitfalls of entitlement.

    • Adopt a builder's mindset to make a lasting impactLeaders can defy odds by adopting a builder's mindset, taking risks, and making a lasting impact, inspiring future generations

      Each person has the power to determine their generation within an organization – Gen 1 (builders), Gen 2 (protectors), or Gen 3 (enjoyers/squanders. The speaker emphasizes the importance of adopting a Gen 1 builder's mindset, taking risks, being bold, and defying the odds, even if the odds are against the longevity of what you're leading. By thinking and acting like a builder, individuals can make a lasting impact and pass on this mindset to future generations. Ultimately, leaders are odd breakers who defy the odds and innovate, regardless of where they enter the organization.

    • Invitation to join the leadership journeyPersonal growth is crucial for effective leadership, creating a positive impact on ourselves and our community.

      Continuous growth and improvement are essential for effective leadership. The speaker, a thought leader in the genre of future building, expresses gratitude to the community for their engagement and invites them to join their leadership journey. They encourage listeners to share the community with others and look forward to returning on the first Thursday of every month. The importance of personal growth for leaders is emphasized, as it ultimately benefits everyone involved. By staying committed to bettering ourselves, we create a positive impact on those around us and contribute to a thriving community. So, keep growing, keep learning, and invite others to join you on this journey.

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-from-your-extremes-live-from-the-global-leadership-summit/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/tools-for-building-self-worth-jamie-kern-lima/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/steven-furtick-on-breaking-mental-barriers-working-out-and-embracing-your-strengths/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/3-habits-of-consistent-leaders-think-ahead-preview/ 

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    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/solving-problems-you-didnt-create-dr-jon-chasteen/ 

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    This week on How I Built This Lab, Allyson and Wes talk with Guy about their journey to the top of the track and field world, the decision to leave Nike, and how they built the iconic shoe that Allyson wore during her gold medal performance at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Plus, why most name brand shoes aren’t designed for women’s feet, and how Saysh is working to change that. 

    This episode was produced by Chris Maccini, with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    Edited by John Isabella, with research help from Lauren Landau Einhorn.

    Our audio engineer was Alex Drewenskus.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

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