
    The ‘Quiet Catastrophe’ Brewing in Our Social Lives

    enApril 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Crisis of Loneliness: The Importance of Hanging OutDecreased free time and spread of isolating spaces lead to loneliness and loss of simple social skills. Prioritize community and make hanging out easy to combat negative effects on mental and physical health.

      Modern life is becoming increasingly isolating, leading to a crisis of loneliness and the loss of the simple skill of "hanging out" with others. Hanging out is defined as spending time with others without putting too many expectations on the interaction. The factors contributing to this isolation include decreased amounts of free time and the spread of spaces that make it harder for people to be in proximity to each other. The consequences of this isolation are significant, including the loss of the capacity to simply be around others and the negative impact on mental and physical health. To address this issue, we need to consider how we can structure our society to prioritize community and make hanging out easy and the default, rather than a complicated dance of schedules and calendars.

    • The importance of consistent social interactions and improvisation in open spacesRegular social interactions and improvisation are necessary for preventing social atrophy and building strong connections. Our modern era's emphasis on individualism and private property makes it challenging to create open spaces for spontaneous interactions.

      Hanging out and building social connections require consistent exposure and improvisation in shared, open spaces. The book emphasizes the importance of repeated social interactions, much like exercising muscles, to prevent atrophy. The speaker reflects on the difference between their social experiences in the past, where they lived in shared spaces and had more spontaneous interactions, and their current experiences, which are often constrained by tight schedules and narrowly defined activities. Improvisation and spontaneity are crucial elements of hanging out, and they require both time and space to flourish. The speaker also touches on the structural dimension of this issue, noting that our modern era prioritizes individualism and private property, making it more challenging to build and maintain strong social connections. This could lead to a profound social mistake, as we may be missing out on the benefits of living in closer-knit communities.

    • Desire for personal autonomy and control in living arrangementsHigher education and income individuals may prioritize isolation for personal reasons, but it can lead to unintended consequences like losing touch with community and family.

      The desire for isolation and control in living arrangements can stem from a desire for personal autonomy and prioritization of certain social priorities. However, this trend towards isolation, particularly among those with higher education and income, can have class dimensions and unintended consequences, such as losing touch with community and family. The itinerant nature of academic life can also contribute to this trend, as individuals may be forced to move frequently to pursue educational and career goals, leading to greater physical distance from loved ones. This discussion highlights the complex relationship between social arrangements, personal priorities, and the broader societal context.

    • Exploring new places and building connections in your twentiesPrioritize thicker relationships and broaden your perspective on family to counteract feelings of isolation and loneliness as responsibilities and commitments increase in your thirties and beyond.

      The twenties are an optimal time for exploring new places and building social connections due to fewer responsibilities and greater mobility. However, as people enter their thirties and beyond, with the addition of family and career commitments, the ability to maintain these connections becomes more challenging. It's essential to adapt and prioritize thicker relationships to counteract feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, the concept of family is evolving, and it's essential to broaden our perspective beyond the traditional nuclear family unit to include extended family and community connections. These relationships can provide crucial support during different life stages.

    • The importance of families for deep connectionsFamilies, whether chosen or by blood, offer a unique kind of social connection that allows for second chances and longevity, but creating environments for them requires a significant investment of time and space.

      Families, whether chosen or by blood, offer a unique kind of social connection that goes beyond the tyranny of constant choice. They provide a sense of cyclicality and longevity, allowing for second and even third chances. This idea of giving relationships a chance to evolve, even when they're not perfect, is essential for building deep connections. However, creating such environments requires a significant investment of time and space. Unlike our modern society, which prioritizes individual autonomy and consumer choice, living arrangements that facilitate constant hanging out are less common. This spatial question is worth reflecting on, as the lack of options to experiment with communal living may hinder our ability to build strong, long-lasting relationships.

    • Exploring Alternative Living ArrangementsOur cultural focus on individual homeownership and personal space might lead to feelings of isolation. Alternative living arrangements like cohousing could foster stronger community connections and happiness.

      Our cultural obsession with individual homeownership and personal space may be contributing to feelings of isolation and unhappiness. The speaker shares personal experiences of exploring communal living arrangements, such as cohousing, and the societal stigma surrounding such alternatives. They also reflect on the pressure to view college years as the best of one's life due to the abundance of free time and community, but the discomfort of constant proximity to others. The speaker suggests that our cultural norms may be hindering us from exploring alternative living arrangements that could foster stronger community connections and happiness, despite the initial discomfort or unfamiliarity.

    • Cultural emphasis on privacy and individualism contributing to lonelinessOur cultural focus on the nuclear family model, prioritizing privacy and individualism, may be unsustainable and contributes to the epidemic of loneliness. Reevaluating social norms and prioritizing communal connections is necessary.

      Our cultural emphasis on privacy and individualism, as seen in the nuclear family model, may be contributing to the epidemic of loneliness. This way of living, which was not the norm for most of human history, has become mentally and culturally ingrained despite being unsustainable for many. The discomfort experienced by students adjusting to communal living is a reflection of this cultural clash. David Brooks' essay "The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake" highlights the limited timeframe of the nuclear family's success and the need to reconsider our expectations for social existence. Sophie Lewis' book "Full Surrogacy Now" further explores the unrealistic compulsions and expectations within the nuclear family unit. Overall, it's crucial to reevaluate our social norms and prioritize communal connections to address the issue of loneliness.

    • Counteracting pressures in families during isolationEmbrace open family structures and social connections to combat unrealistic expectations, stress, and anxiety during isolation. However, not everyone has the resources to do so, and young adults may face unique challenges in this regard.

      The traditional nuclear family structure, which emphasizes a closed and claustrophobic unit, can lead to unrealistic expectations, stress, and anxiety. This is particularly challenging during times of isolation, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. To counteract these pressures, the author suggests embracing more porous and open family structures, including engaging in social interactions with people outside the immediate family. However, not everyone has the resources to do so, and the middle class, in particular, may struggle to meet these expectations without financial support. Interestingly, a recent study found that young adults aged 18 to 24 report feeling twice as lonely as seniors, highlighting the importance of addressing social connections across all age groups.

    • Loneliness Among Young Adults: A Surprising TrendDespite being stereotyped as the most social demographic, young adults face higher levels of loneliness than the elderly, driven by factors like increased social comparison and fear of public exposure, as well as the shift in social behavior brought about by social media.

      Young adults, who are often stereotyped as the most social demographic, are experiencing higher levels of loneliness than the elderly, both during and before the pandemic. This is due to a combination of factors, including increased social comparison through digital interfaces and a fear of public exposure when interacting in person. The rise of social media was initially expected to make socializing easier and more accessible, but instead, it has led to more time spent online and a shift in social behavior. While substitution plays a role, the issue is not solely about online relationships replacing in-person ones. Instead, the ways we interact online, such as the ability to curate our social circles, can contribute to this loneliness epidemic among young adults.

    • The importance of resolving conflicts in real lifeReal-life conflicts can lead to healing and new spaces for interaction, while online contempt can shut down interactions entirely. Compassion is crucial for effective conflict resolution in both virtual and real-life relationships.

      While the Internet provides us with the convenience of avoiding interactions with people who make us uncomfortable or hold different opinions, real-life encounters require us to engage and find resolution. The dominant negative emotion online is contempt, which can lead to shutting down interactions entirely. In contrast, real-life conflicts often result in healing or new spaces for interaction. Compassion, an emotion that requires exercise and training, can help bridge the divide between anger and contempt in both virtual and real-life relationships. The ease of avoiding conflict online may impact our ability to handle conflict effectively in real life.

    • Impact of Wireless Headphones on Casual ConversationsWidespread use of wireless headphones reduces opportunities for spontaneous conversations, potentially limiting new friendships and community building.

      The widespread use of wireless headphones in our daily lives has significantly impacted our ability to engage in casual conversations with strangers and even with those close to us. The speaker recalls a time before headphones were common when such interactions were more frequent and easier. Now, approaching someone with headphones in can feel like an intrusion or a risk, leading to fewer opportunities for spontaneous connections. The speaker also notes that headphones have become particularly prevalent in social spaces like coffee shops, parks, and even at the gym, making it harder to strike up a conversation. This reduction in casual conversation may come with a high cost, as it can limit opportunities for forming new friendships and building community. The speaker suggests that the rise of headphones reflects our modern world's increasing noise levels and our desire for control over our auditory environment, but it also highlights the importance of being open to the unexpected interactions that can enrich our lives.

    • The importance of awkwardness and risks in personal growthAvoiding awkwardness and risks through limiting activities could negatively impact teen mental health and self-development. Embrace them for valuable experiences and personal growth.

      While attempts to shield children from socially awkward situations or potential dangers through limiting activities like sleepovers may seem well-intentioned, they could unintendedly contribute to poor teen mental health and self-harm. Awkwardness and risks are inevitable parts of life, and they play a crucial role in personal growth and relationship building. The speaker shares personal experiences of formative moments from childhood sleepovers and how they contributed to his development as an individual. The author's book also explores various stories involving risk, fear, and uncertainty, highlighting the downside of a more openly social and spontaneous life. Embracing the awkwardness and risks, rather than trying to avoid them, can lead to valuable experiences and personal growth.

    • The Importance of Social Relationships in the Workplace Amidst Social DisruptionsMaintaining social relationships in the workplace is crucial for enhancing work quality and overall well-being, despite the challenges of social disruptions like remote work and shifting schedules.

      While we may fear social risks and the potential harm they bring, many of these risks are minimal and can be overcome with persistence. Workplaces are a significant site of socializing, and the disruption of in-person interactions during the pandemic has led to a sense of loneliness and a lack of deep relationships. However, these relationships are crucial for enhancing the quality of work and overall well-being. The ongoing debate over remote versus in-person work has resulted in shifting hours and schedules, making it challenging to maintain these connections. Despite these challenges, the importance of building and maintaining social relationships in the workplace remains essential.

    • The cost of isolation in remote workRemote work offers flexibility but can lead to feelings of isolation, impacting social connections and overall well-being. Prioritizing convenience may limit deeper experiences and connections.

      While the flexibility of remote work and having control over one's physical workspace can be beneficial, it can also lead to feelings of isolation and lack of social connection. This inconsistency in work relationships can make it difficult to build and maintain friendships and networks, which can have significant social costs. These relationships often begin in a professional setting but can expand beyond it, leading to a more enriching and connected life. However, as we continue to prioritize convenience and eliminating annoyances, we risk missing out on the deeper experiences and connections that come with the friction of everyday life. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the long-term consequences of our choices and the impact they have on our social connections and overall well-being.

    • The Power of Long-Term CorrespondenceInvesting time and energy into long-term relationships, even during long separations, can keep friendships alive and eventually lead to reunions.

      People often prioritize short-term comfort or instant gratification over long-term relationships and meaningful connections. This trade-off is particularly evident in contemporary society with its constant distractions and stimuli. Tove Jansson's letters during World War 2 serve as a poignant reminder of the power of long-term correspondence and the importance of maintaining relationships despite the uncertainty and long separations. Despite not always receiving replies, Jansson wrote intimate letters to her friend Eva Konikova, imagining her presence as they walked through the streets of Helsinki. Their correspondence served as a form of diary entries, allowing them to keep their friendship alive during their long separation. Ultimately, their dedication to the relationship paid off as they were eventually reunited after years of letter writing. The story of Jansson and Konikova highlights the value of investing time and energy into long-term relationships, even when faced with uncertainty and long separations.

    • Intimate communication with self or others leads to deep connectionsWriting letters, voice notes, or long phone conversations allow for deep, sustained engagement and a sense of shared processing, leading to meaningful connections.

      The act of communicating intimately with another person, even when alone, can lead to deep and meaningful connections. Whether through writing letters, voice notes, or long telephone conversations, these channels allow us to process our thoughts and experiences with the intention of sharing them with someone else. The act of recording our thoughts for a specific audience, real or imagined, can provide a sense of focus and purpose. The example of Tove Jansson's letters illustrates this, as she wrote to process her personal experiences and the events of the war, with the hope that her letters would be read and understood by someone else. The telephone, as mentioned, was a popular medium for this kind of intimate communication in the past, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to achieve the same level of intimacy through shorter, more frequent digital interactions. Ultimately, the structures and mediums that allow for productive and intimate communication between individuals, even when alone, are those that encourage deep, sustained engagement and a sense of shared processing.

    • Exploring the Intimacy of Phone Conversations vs. Digital ToolsPhone conversations offer a deeper sense of intimacy compared to digital tools due to the open-ended nature of voice communication. Books like 'Black Paper' and 'On the Inconvenience of Other People' can provide insights into the complexities of human connection.

      While digital communication tools like Zoom and podcasts have their benefits, they can also lead to a sense of fatigue and a lack of true intimacy compared to in-person interactions. The speaker shares their experience of feeling more connected during phone conversations due to the intimacy contained in voice and the open-ended nature of the calls. They also discuss how the visual elements and digital infrastructure of platforms like Zoom can add pressure and structure to interactions, affecting their depth. The speaker recommends three books: "Black Paper" by Teju Cole, which explores ethical sensibilities, and "On the Inconvenience of Other People" by Lauren Berlant, which philosophically unpacks the idea that other people can be inconvenient. These books offer insights into the complexities of human connection and the importance of examining our relationships with others.

    • Inconvenience as a Political ExperienceInconvenience can make us aware of our political expectations, rights, and freedoms. Berlant's argument and Finn's novel offer unique perspectives on this theme.

      Inconvenience can be a political experience, as argued by Lauren Berlant. It can make us aware of our political expectations, rights, privileges, and freedoms. On a lighter note, Melanie Finn's novel "The Hair" offers a feminist gothic thriller that is not only fun and dark but also a great read for those interested in the genre. This book invites us to explore political themes through a thrilling narrative. The episode was produced by Andy Galvin, Jeff Geld, Roshik Herma, and Kristen Lynn, with fact checking by Michelle Harris, Mary Marge Locker, and Kate Sinclair, mixing by Jeff Gelb, original music by Isaac Jones, audience strategy by Shannon Busta, and executive produced by Annie Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero and Christina Similewski.

    Recent Episodes from The Ezra Klein Show

    How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work

    How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work

    After President Biden’s rough performance at the first presidential debate, the question of an open convention has roared to the front of Democratic politics. But how would an open convention work? What would be its risks? What would be its rewards? 

    In February, after I first made the case for an open Democratic convention, I interviewed Elaine Kamarck to better understand what an open convention would look like. She literally wrote the book on how we choose presidential candidates, “Primary Politics: Everything You Need to Know About How America Nominates Its Presidential Candidates.” But her background here isn’t just theory. She’s worked on four presidential campaigns and on 10 nominating conventions — for both Democrats and Republicans. She’s a member of the Democratic National Committee’s Rules Committee. And her explanation of the mechanics and dynamics of open conventions was, for me, extremely helpful. It’s even more relevant now than it was then. 


    The Lincoln Miracle by Ed Achorn

    Book Recommendations:

    All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren

    The Making of the President 1960 by Theodore H. White

    Quiet Revolution by Byron E. Shafer

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Annie Galvin. Fact checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair and Kristin Lin. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Rollin Hu. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. And special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    This conversation was recorded in February 2024.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 02, 2024

    What Is the Democratic Party For?

    What Is the Democratic Party For?

    Top Democrats have closed ranks around Joe Biden since the debate. Should they? 


    This Isn’t All Joe Biden’s Fault” by Ezra Klein

    Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” by The Ezra Klein Show

    Here’s How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work” with Elaine Kamarck on The Ezra Klein Show

    The Hollow Parties by Daniel Schlozman and Sam Rosenfeld

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This audio essay was produced by Rollin Hu and Kristin Lin. Fact-Checking by Jack McCordick and Michelle Harris. Mixing by Efim Shapiro. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld, Elias Isquith and Aman Sahota. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    After That Debate, the Risk of Biden Is Clear

    After That Debate, the Risk of Biden Is Clear

    I joined my Times Opinion colleagues Ross Douthat and Michelle Cottle to discuss the debate — and what Democrats might do next.


    The Biden and Trump Weaknesses That Don’t Get Enough Attention” by Ross Douthat

    Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!” with Matthew Yglesias on The Ezra Klein Show

    Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” on The Ezra Klein Show

    Here’s How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work” with Elaine Kamarck on The Ezra Klein Show

    Gretchen Whitmer on The Interview

    The Republican Party’s Decay Began Long Before Trump” with Sam Rosenfeld and Daniel Schlozman on The Ezra Klein Show

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com. You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!

    Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!

    Donald Trump has made inflation a central part of his campaign message. At his rallies, he rails against “the Biden inflation tax” and “crooked Joe’s inflation nightmare,” and promises that in a second Trump term, “inflation will be in full retreat.”

    But if you look at Trump’s actual policies, that wouldn’t be the case at all. Trump has a bold, ambitious agenda to make prices much, much higher. He’s proposing a 10 percent tariff on imported goods, and a 60 percent tariff on products from China. He wants to deport huge numbers of immigrants. And he’s made it clear that he’d like to replace the Federal Reserve chair with someone more willing to take orders from him. It’s almost unimaginable to me that you would run on this agenda at a time when Americans are so mad about high prices. But I don’t think people really know that’s what Trump is vowing to do.

    So to drill into the weeds of Trump’s plans, I decided to call up an old friend. Matt Yglesias is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and the author of the Slow Boring newsletter, where he’s been writing a lot about Trump’s proposals. We also used to host a policy podcast together, “The Weeds.”

    In this conversation, we discuss what would happen to the economy, especially in terms of inflation, if Trump actually did what he says he wants to do; what we can learn from how Trump managed the economy in his first term; and why more people aren’t sounding the alarm.


    Trump’s new economic plan is terrible” by Matthew Yglesias

    Never mind: Wall Street titans shake off qualms and embrace Trump” by Sam Sutton

    How Far Trump Would Go” by Eric Cortellessa

    Book Recommendations:

    Take Back the Game by Linda Flanagan

    1177 B.C. by Eric H. Cline

    The Rise of the G.I. Army, 1940-1941 by Paul Dickson

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Rollin Hu. Fact-checking by Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Mixing by Isaac Jones, with Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero, Adam Posen and Michael Strain.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 21, 2024

    The Biggest Political Divide Is Not Left vs. Right

    The Biggest Political Divide Is Not Left vs. Right

    The biggest divide in our politics isn’t between Democrats and Republicans, or even left and right. It’s between people who follow politics closely, and those who pay almost no attention to it. If you’re in the former camp — and if you’re reading this, you probably are — the latter camp can seem inscrutable. These people hardly ever look at political news. They hate discussing politics. But they do care about issues and candidates, and they often vote.

    As the 2024 election takes shape, this bloc appears crucial to determining who wins the presidency. An NBC News poll from April found that 15 percent of voters don’t follow political news, and Donald Trump was winning them by 26 points.

    Yanna Krupnikov studies exactly this kind of voter. She’s a professor of communication and media at the University of Michigan and an author, with John Barry Ryan, of “The Other Divide: Polarization and Disengagement in American Politics.” The book examines how the chasm between the deeply involved and the less involved shapes politics in America. I’ve found it to be a helpful guide for understanding one of the most crucial dynamics emerging in this year’s election: the swing to Trump from President Biden among disengaged voters.

    In this conversation, we discuss how politically disengaged voters relate to politics; where they get their information about politics and how they form opinions; and whether major news events, like Trump’s recent conviction, might sway them.


    The ‘Need for Chaos’ and Motivations to Share Hostile Political Rumors” by Michael Bang Petersen, Mathias Osmundsen and Kevin Arceneaux

    Hooked by Markus Prior

    The Political Influence of Lifestyle Influencers? Examining the Relationship Between Aspirational Social Media Use and Anti-Expert Attitudes and Beliefs” by Ariel Hasell and Sedona Chinn

    One explanation for the 2024 election’s biggest mystery” by Eric Levitz

    Book Recommendations:

    What Goes Without Saying by Taylor N. Carlson and Jaime E. Settle

    Through the Grapevine by Taylor N. Carlson

    Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want to Come by Jessica Pan

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Annie Galvin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Efim Shapiro and Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Rollin Hu, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 18, 2024

    The View From the Israeli Right

    The View From the Israeli Right

    On Tuesday I got back from an eight-day trip to Israel and the West Bank. I happened to be there on the day that Benny Gantz resigned from the war cabinet and called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to schedule new elections, breaking the unity government that Israel had had since shortly after Oct. 7.

    There is no viable left wing in Israel right now. There is a coalition that Netanyahu leads stretching from right to far right and a coalition that Gantz leads stretching from center to right. In the early months of the war, Gantz appeared ascendant as support for Netanyahu cratered. But now Netanyahu’s poll numbers are ticking back up.

    So one thing I did in Israel was deepen my reporting on Israel’s right. And there, Amit Segal’s name kept coming up. He’s one of Israel’s most influential political analysts and the author of “The Story of Israeli Politics” is coming out in English.

    Segal and I talked about the political differences between Gantz and Netanyahu, the theory of security that’s emerging on the Israeli right, what happened to the Israeli left, the threat from Iran and Hezbollah and how Netanyahu is trying to use President Biden’s criticism to his political advantage.


    Biden May Spur Another Netanyahu Comeback” by Amit Segal

    Book Recommendations:

    The Years of Lyndon Johnson Series by Robert A. Caro

    The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig

    The Object of Zionism by Zvi Efrat

    The News from Waterloo by Brian Cathcart

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Claire Gordon. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris with Kate Sinclair. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Rollin Hu, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. And special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 14, 2024

    The Economic Theory That Explains Why Americans Are So Mad

    The Economic Theory That Explains Why Americans Are So Mad

    There’s something weird happening with the economy. On a personal level, most Americans say they’re doing pretty well right now. And according to the data, that’s true. Wages have gone up faster than inflation. Unemployment is low, the stock market is generally up so far this year, and people are buying more stuff.

    And yet in surveys, people keep saying the economy is bad. A recent Harris poll for The Guardian found that around half of Americans think the S. & P. 500 is down this year, and that unemployment is at a 50-year high. Fifty-six percent think we’re in a recession.

    There are many theories about why this gap exists. Maybe political polarization is warping how people see the economy or it’s a failure of President Biden’s messaging, or there’s just something uniquely painful about inflation. And while there’s truth in all of these, it felt like a piece of the story was missing.

    And for me, that missing piece was an article I read right before the pandemic. An Atlantic story from February 2020 called “The Great Affordability Crisis Breaking America.” It described how some of Americans’ biggest-ticket expenses — housing, health care, higher education and child care — which were already pricey, had been getting steadily pricier for decades.

    At the time, prices weren’t the big topic in the economy; the focus was more on jobs and wages. So it was easier for this trend to slip notice, like a frog boiling in water, quietly, putting more and more strain on American budgets. But today, after years of high inflation, prices are the biggest topic in the economy. And I think that explains the anger people feel: They’re noticing the price of things all the time, and getting hammered with the reality of how expensive these things have become.

    The author of that Atlantic piece is Annie Lowrey. She’s an economics reporter, the author of Give People Money, and also my wife. In this conversation, we discuss how the affordability crisis has collided with our post-pandemic inflationary world, the forces that shape our economic perceptions, why people keep spending as if prices aren’t a strain and what this might mean for the presidential election.


    It Will Never Be a Good Time to Buy a House” by Annie Lowrey

    Book Recommendations:

    Franchise by Marcia Chatelain

    A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel

    Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Rollin Hu. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Efim Shapiro and Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones and Aman Sahota. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 07, 2024

    The Republican Party’s Decay Began Long Before Trump

    The Republican Party’s Decay Began Long Before Trump

    After Donald Trump was convicted last week in his hush-money trial, Republican leaders wasted no time in rallying behind him. There was no chance the Republican Party was going to replace Trump as their nominee at this point. Trump has essentially taken over the G.O.P.; his daughter-in-law is even co-chair of the Republican National Committee.

    How did the Republican Party get so weak that it could fall victim to a hostile takeover?

    Daniel Schlozman and Sam Rosenfeld are the authors of “The Hollow Parties: The Many Pasts and Disordered Present of American Party Politics,” which traces how both major political parties have been “hollowed out” over the decades, transforming once-powerful gatekeeping institutions into mere vessels for the ideologies of specific candidates. And they argue that this change has been perilous for our democracy.

    In this conversation, we discuss how the power of the parties has been gradually chipped away; why the Republican Party became less ideological and more geared around conflict; the merits of a stronger party system; and more.


    Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” by The Ezra Klein Show

    Here’s How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work” by The Ezra Klein Show with Elaine Kamarck

    Book Recommendations:

    The Two Faces of American Freedom by Aziz Rana

    Rainbow’s End by Steven P. Erie

    An American Melodrama by Lewis Chester, Godfrey Hodgson, Bruce Page

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show’‘ was produced by Elias Isquith. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Mary Marge Locker, Kate Sinclair and Rollin Hu. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Aman Sahota and Efim Shapiro. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 04, 2024

    Your Mind Is Being Fracked

    Your Mind Is Being Fracked

    The steady dings of notifications. The 40 tabs that greet you when you open your computer in the morning. The hundreds of unread emails, most of them spam, with subject lines pleading or screaming for you to click. Our attention is under assault these days, and most of us are familiar with the feeling that gives us — fractured, irritated, overwhelmed.

    D. Graham Burnett calls the attention economy an example of “human fracking”: With our attention in shorter and shorter supply, companies are going to even greater lengths to extract this precious resource from us. And he argues that it’s now reached a point that calls for a kind of revolution. “This is creating conditions that are at odds with human flourishing. We know this,” he tells me. “And we need to mount new forms of resistance.”

    Burnett is a professor of the history of science at Princeton University and is working on a book about the laboratory study of attention. He’s also a co-founder of the Strother School of Radical Attention, which is a kind of grass roots, artistic effort to create a curriculum for studying attention.

    In this conversation, we talk about how the 20th-century study of attention laid the groundwork for today’s attention economy, the connection between changing ideas of attention and changing ideas of the self, how we even define attention (this episode is worth listening to for Burnett’s collection of beautiful metaphors alone), whether the concern over our shrinking attention spans is simply a moral panic, what it means to teach attention and more.


    Friends of Attention

    The Battle for Attention” by Nathan Heller

    Powerful Forces Are Fracking Our Attention. We Can Fight Back.” by D. Graham Burnett, Alyssa Loh and Peter Schmidt

    Scenes of Attention edited by D. Graham Burnett and Justin E. H. Smith

    Book Recommendations:

    Addiction by Design by Natasha Dow Schüll

    Objectivity by Lorraine Daston and Peter L. Galison

    The Confidence-Man by Herman Melville

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Rollin Hu and Kristin Lin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Mary Marge Locker and Kate Sinclair. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Isaac Jones and Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin and Elias Isquith. Original music by Isaac Jones and Aman Sahota. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enMay 31, 2024

    ‘Artificial Intelligence?’ No, Collective Intelligence.

    ‘Artificial Intelligence?’ No, Collective Intelligence.

    A.I.-generated art has flooded the internet, and a lot of it is derivative, even boring or offensive. But what could it look like for artists to collaborate with A.I. systems in making art that is actually generative, challenging, transcendent?

    Holly Herndon offered one answer with her 2019 album “PROTO.” Along with Mathew Dryhurst and the programmer Jules LaPlace, she built an A.I. called “Spawn” trained on human voices that adds an uncanny yet oddly personal layer to the music. Beyond her music and visual art, Herndon is trying to solve a problem that many creative people are encountering as A.I. becomes more prominent: How do you encourage experimentation without stealing others’ work to train A.I. models? Along with Dryhurst, Jordan Meyer and Patrick Hoepner, she co-founded Spawning, a company figuring out how to allow artists — and all of us creating content on the internet — to “consent” to our work being used as training data.

    In this conversation, we discuss how Herndon collaborated with a human chorus and her “A.I. baby,” Spawn, on “PROTO”; how A.I. voice imitators grew out of electronic music and other musical genres; why Herndon prefers the term “collective intelligence” to “artificial intelligence”; why an “opt-in” model could help us retain more control of our work as A.I. trawls the internet for data; and much more.


    Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt” by Holly Herndon

    xhairymutantx” by Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst, for the Whitney Museum of Art

    Fade” by Holly Herndon

    Swim” by Holly Herndon

    Jolene” by Holly Herndon and Holly+

    Movement” by Holly Herndon

    Chorus” by Holly Herndon

    Godmother” by Holly Herndon

    The Precision of Infinity” by Jlin and Philip Glass


    Book Recommendations:

    Intelligence and Spirit by Reza Negarestani

    Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky

    Plurality by E. Glen Weyl, Audrey Tang and ⿻ Community

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Annie Galvin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Rollin Hu, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. And special thanks to Sonia Herrero and Jack Hamilton.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enMay 24, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Best Of: The ‘Quiet Catastrophe’ Brewing in Our Social Lives

    Best Of: The ‘Quiet Catastrophe’ Brewing in Our Social Lives

    The holidays are one of the most social times of the year, filled with parties and family get-togethers. Many of us see friends and loved ones who we barely — or never — saw all year. Maybe we resolve to stay in better touch in the new year. But then somehow, once again, life gets in the way. 

    This is not an accident. More and more people are living lives that feel lonelier and more socially isolated than they want them to be. And that’s largely because of social structures we’ve chosen — wittingly or unwittingly — to build for ourselves.

    Sheila Liming is an associate professor of communications and creative media at Champlain College and the author of “Hanging Out: The Radical Power of Killing Time.” In the book, Liming investigates what she calls the “quiet catastrophe” brewing in our social lives: the devastating fact that we’ve grown much less likely to simply spend time together outside our partnerships, workplaces and family units. What would it look like to reconfigure our world to make social connection easier for all of us?

    This conversation was recorded in April 2023. But we wanted to re-air it now, at a moment when many of us are spending more time in the company of people we like and love, and remembering how good that feels (at least some of the time). If you feel motivated to have a more social life next year, hopefully this episode provides a clearer sense of the structures that might be standing in the way, what it would look like to knock a couple down, and what you could build instead.


    You’d Be Happier Living Closer to Friends. Why Don’t You?” by Anne Helen Petersen

    The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake” by David Brooks

    Full Surrogacy Now by Sophie Lewis

    Regarding the Pain of Others by Susan Sontag

    Letters from Tove by Tove Jansson

    Book Recommendations:

    Black Paper by Teju Cole

    On the Inconvenience of Other People by Lauren Berlant

    The Hare by Melanie Finn

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Annie Galvin, with Jeff Geld, Rogé Karma and Kristin Lin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, Mary Marge Locker and Kate Sinclair. Mixing by Jeff Geld. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero and Kristina Samulewski.

    #114 The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World with Dr Vivek Murthy

    #114 The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World with Dr Vivek Murthy

    My guest on today’s conversation is Vivek Murthy. Vivek was the US Surgeon General under the Obama administration and is now author of the fantastic book, Together, about the healing power of human connection. And connect is exactly what Vivek and I did during this conversation in a really deep and profound way. During this conversation, we talk about what authenticity really means and how powerful it is to be truly vulnerable.

    We also talk about the consequences of this pandemic causing a social recession as well as an economic recession and how lockdown is making an already chronic problem of loneliness much worse. But this conversation is about hope and optimism - could the outcome of our separation in fact be a social revival? Are we realising more than ever before that we need to put people first?

    When he was in office, Vivek realised that the thread running through so many social and health problems, touching people of all ages, was loneliness. As doctors, we share the conviction that lack of connections is a major factor in many modern health conditions. We discuss how loneliness can manifest as irritability, anger, depression and disturbed sleep. It can also be behind ailments from anxiety to addiction and even obesity. And, of course, in the current pandemic, its effects are amplified.

    So, could it be time for us to take stock of how much we’ve missed our family, friends, even strangers – and decide how we want those relationships to be going forwards? Vivek believes we need to make an explicit commitment to other people – reaching out to others and giving our undistracted time when we do. Service, he says, is a powerful antidote to loneliness – it’s you adding value to the world.

    Vivek’s guiding principle is to ‘put people first’ in society, as well as in our individual lives and to let love and compassion be our path out of loneliness and suffering. It’s really hard to disagree with this when you hear this conversation, and I hope you find it as meaningful as I did.

    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/114

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Don't Let Loneliness Choose Your Partner

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