
    The Vital Role of Ketones in Metabolic Health, Brain Function, & Fertility with Latt Mansor

    enAugust 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Benefits of Exogenous KetonesExogenous ketones can help stabilize blood sugar after meals and aid in exercise recovery, according to Dr. Latt Mansoor's research.

      Learning from this episode of the Resetter podcast is the potential benefits of using exogenous ketones for overall performance and recovery, even when not in a fasted state. Dr. Latt Mansoor, a brilliant scientist with a PhD from the University of Oxford, discussed his research on exogenous ketones and how they can be used to stabilize blood sugar after meals and aid in exercise recovery. This conversation changed the host's perspective on exogenous ketones and offers valuable insights for those interested in exploring this area further. Additionally, the Resetter podcast host, Dr. Bindi, announced the launch of her Reset Academy, a supportive community for those looking to customize a fasting lifestyle and reach their health goals.

    • Meeting in person enhances communication and learningIn-person connections provide unique energy and passion, emphasizing the importance of balance in understanding the body's metabolism and recognizing the value of different fuel sources.

      Connecting with people in person is a valuable experience that goes beyond virtual interactions. The speaker, who was the first guest on a podcast series, expressed her excitement about meeting the interviewee in person for the first time after hundreds of episodes. She emphasized the importance of energy and passion in successful communication and learning. The speaker also highlighted the need for balance in understanding the body's metabolism and the dangers of chasing one form of fuel, such as ketones, excessively. In the context of the conversation, a ketone is described as the brain's super fuel, derived from fat in the liver and entering the Krebs cycle to provide energy. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding different fuel sources and their roles in the body. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of in-person connections, the importance of balance in understanding the body's metabolism, and the significance of different fuel sources.

    • How Our Bodies Use Different Energy Sources During ExerciseDuring intense workouts, our bodies rely on glucose. During endurance activities or low-carb diets, they convert fat into ketones for energy. Brain can use both glucose and ketones. BHB is the main ketone used for energy. Different organs metabolize ketones efficiently, and our livers don't use them as efficiently as other organs.

      Our body uses different energy sources depending on the type and intensity of physical activity. During intense exercises, our bodies rely on glucose as it can be produced anaerobically. However, during endurance activities or when we're on a low-carb diet, our bodies tap into fat storage and convert it into ketones to use as energy. The brain, which primarily uses glucose, can also use ketones when they are present. The conversion of fat into ketones occurs in the liver, and the main form of ketone used for energy is beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). Our bodies have different organs, such as the heart and muscles, that metabolize ketones more efficiently than the liver. So, while our livers convert fat into ketones, they don't use them as efficiently as other organs. Understanding this process can help us make informed decisions about our diet and physical activity to optimize energy usage and overall health.

    • Ketones as an alternative energy source for the brainProviding extra ketones through a ketogenic diet or exogenous ketones can benefit the brain by increasing cognitive abilities, focus, and energy for high-performance activities. It also increases brain network stability, which is important for maintaining healthy brain function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

      The brain uses both glucose and ketones as energy sources, but when ketones are present, the brain can utilize them independently of glucose uptake. This means that providing extra ketones through a ketogenic diet or exogenous ketones can benefit the brain by increasing cognitive abilities and focus, as well as supplying energy for high-performance activities. Additionally, a study by Mujika Parodi showed that both a ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones increase brain network stability, which is important for maintaining healthy brain function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. The high concentration of mitochondria in the brain, heart, eyes, and ovaries suggests that these organs would particularly benefit from the increased energy provided by ketones. While further research is needed to explore the potential benefits of ketones for the eyes and ovaries, anecdotal evidence suggests that ketones may improve eyesight and contribute to overall health and longevity.

    • Exogenous ketone use and menstrual cycle timingDuring first half of menstrual cycle, exogenous ketones may improve fertility due to high energy demands of eggs. During second half, avoiding ketones could optimize hormonal balance and enhance ovulation.

      The timing of exogenous ketone use in relation to a woman's menstrual cycle could potentially improve fertility. During the first half of the cycle, when estrogen levels are high and eggs are maturing, ketones may be beneficial due to the high energy demands and mitochondrial activity of the eggs. However, during the second half of the cycle, when progesterone levels rise and the egg has been released, glucose becomes the preferred energy source. Therefore, avoiding exogenous ketones during this time could optimize hormonal balance and potentially enhance ovulation. This theory is supported by the observation that two women struggling to get pregnant experienced successful conception after following a high carb, low carb, and ketone cycling diet. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and determine the optimal method and duration of exogenous ketone use for fertility enhancement.

    • Measuring and adjusting ketone intake for personalized health benefitsExogenous ketones can help boost ketone levels for investigation and optimization of metabolism, particularly for those with infertility due to mitochondrial dysfunction in eggs.

      The use of exogenous ketones, such as those found in products like Ketone IQ, can help boost ketone levels in the body on a transient basis, allowing individuals to measure and adjust their intake for personalized health benefits. This is particularly relevant for those struggling with infertility, as mitochondrial dysfunction in eggs or eggs with non-viable mitochondria may require different dosing patterns. The use of exogenous ketones can also aid in the investigation of the science behind ketones and glucose, helping to pinpoint specific needs and optimize metabolism. However, it's important to note that metabolism is a complex beast, and finding the optimal level of ketosis can be a challenging process. Additionally, the brain, which has high mitochondrial activity due to constant DNA replication, may also benefit from the use of exogenous ketones. Overall, the use of exogenous ketones, when combined with personalized medicine and the feedback of individuals using the products, can help bridge the gap between scientific understanding and practical application.

    • Ketones and Brain HealthKetones boost brain health by increasing BDNF production, enhancing cognitive performance, reducing anxiety, and offering a focused energy source.

      Ketones, produced in the body during a state of fasting or through exogenous means, play a crucial role in various aspects of brain health. They increase the production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which directly affects the hippocampus, a region responsible for learning, memory, and mood. Studies suggest that ketones enhance cognitive performance, particularly in low oxygen levels, and even help alleviate anxiety by increasing GABA levels. Furthermore, Dr. Mindy, in collaboration with Tony Horton, has created PowerSync 60, a 60-day fitness program that incorporates hormonal considerations and fasting to optimize health and well-being. Overall, ketones provide the body with a calm and focused energy, akin to the survival mechanism of our ancestors when they needed to hunt and gather food.

    • Enhance performance and focus with exogenous ketonesExogenous ketones provide energy and calmness, improving performance in mentally and physically demanding tasks

      Exogenous ketones offer both physical and mental benefits, acting as a source of energy while also providing a calming effect. Unlike stimulants, they don't increase heart rate or blood pressure but rather signal the body to be calm and focused. This makes them ideal for physically demanding situations as well as mentally taxing ones, such as exams, interviews, or podcasts. The speaker shares a personal experience of giving a presentation after a 5-day water fast, demonstrating the mental clarity and focus achieved through ketosis. Exogenous ketones can enhance performance in various activities that require brain function, making them a versatile tool for improving overall well-being.

    • Impact of Physical Activity on Brain Health and Focus, Especially During MenopauseMenopause affects brain health and focus, but fasting and ketones may help. Research suggests ketones can bind to serotonin receptors, enhancing brain health and mood.

      Our brain health and focus are crucial during various forms of physical activity, including trail runs and anaerobic exercises. A significant issue for women going through menopause is the loss of estradiol, which activates serotonin receptors in the brain. Fasting for eight hours can activate these receptors, but research suggests that ketones, produced during a ketogenic diet or through exogenous sources, may also bind to these sites and have a positive effect on brain health and mood. The field of metabolites as signaling molecules is a new and exciting area of research, and the potential benefits of exogenous ketones as a supplement are still being explored. Ultimately, the decision to use exogenous ketones depends on individual goals and circumstances, and it's essential to consider the potential impact on blood sugar levels and overall caloric intake.

    • Exogenous ketones signal liver to reduce glucose productionExogenous ketones may help maintain stable blood glucose levels during sleep by signaling the liver to produce less glucose

      Exogenous ketones can help lower blood glucose levels by signaling the liver to reduce gluconeogenesis, a process of making sugar from other sources. This effect is especially significant during a ketogenic diet or fasting when the body produces less glucose naturally. Exogenous ketones, such as BHB, are recognized by the body as the same molecules produced during endogenous ketosis. By taking exogenous ketones before bed, it is hypothesized that the liver may not need to produce as much glucose, potentially preventing the "dawn effect" and resulting in more stable blood glucose levels throughout the night. While further research is needed to confirm this theory, some individuals have reported experiencing this benefit.

    • Exploring new uses for ketonesKetones, produced during ketosis, can improve sleep quality for menopausal women, function as a pre-workout supplement, help retain muscle during fasting, and upregulate enzymes for easier ketosis.

      Ketones, which are produced when the body enters a state of ketosis, can be used in various ways to enhance health and wellness. Two new ways to utilize ketones, discussed in the conversation, are before bed for menopausal women to improve sleep quality, and as a pre-workout supplement to maintain muscle and avoid a glucose spike during physical activity. Research suggests that ketones help retain muscle, especially during a water fast or calorie restriction. Additionally, taking exogenous ketones can upregulate the necessary enzymes for ketosis, making it easier for the body to burn its own ketones. Further research is needed to explore the potential benefits of ketones for conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia. Overall, incorporating ketones into one's lifestyle may lead to improved health and wellbeing.

    • Exploring the use of ketones for fertilityKetones, a natural fuel source, can enhance fertility by providing an optimal hybrid fuel system when used in conjunction with glucose. Aim for a therapeutic level of around 1 millimolar, but be cautious of potential effects on blood pH and long-term use.

      Our bodies are meant to reproduce, but when there are issues with fertility, it's essential to find solutions. One potential solution is the use of ketones, a molecule as innate in our bodies as our blood. While the taste may not be appealing at first, the benefits are worth it for many people. For therapeutic use, studies suggest a level of around 1 millimolar for optimal effects, and it's important to note that ketones should not replace glucose but rather work together to provide a hybrid fuel system. However, it's important to be mindful of the dosage and the potential effects on blood pH levels. Ketone esters, which can quickly spike ketone levels, may cause increased acidity and cardiorespiratory stress. Therefore, finding the optimal level and considering the long-term effects is crucial for maximizing the benefits of using ketones for fertility or other therapeutic purposes.

    • Understanding Keto Flu and OverloadFeeling unwell on keto could be due to keto flu or high ketone levels, exogenous ketones can help diagnose, but dietary changes and electrolyte balance are necessary for long-term success.

      The body tries to maintain homeostasis and optimal zones for various energy sources, including glucose and ketones. Feeling unwell in ketosis could be due to an overload of ketones or the keto flu, which may be caused by electrolyte imbalances and dehydration during the initial adaptation period. Exogenous ketones can help determine if someone is experiencing keto flu or high ketone levels. While exogenous and endogenous ketones have the same molecular benefits, specific reasons for following a ketogenic diet, such as lowering insulin levels, may not be achievable with exogenous ketones alone.

    • Supporting a low-carb lifestyle with exogenous ketonesExogenous ketones can aid in appetite suppression, focus, and potentially lowering blood sugar, but they don't replace healthy habits like regular exercise and proper nutrition. They should be seen as tools to make the low-carb journey easier, not a magic solution.

      Exogenous ketones, such as Ketone IQ, should be seen as tools to help support a low-carb lifestyle, whether it's through fasting or a ketogenic diet, rather than a magic solution on its own. While they can help with appetite suppression, focus, and potentially lowering blood sugar, they don't replace the need for a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper nutrition. The body produces endogenous ketones when it burns fat, so weight loss still requires effort. Research is ongoing into the potential benefits of exogenous ketones, including their effect on hunger hormones and calorie intake. Ultimately, they can make the journey easier by helping to maintain focus and suppress hunger, allowing individuals to stick to their low-carb lifestyle more effectively.

    • Enhance Performance and Boost Health with KetonesKetones, a fuel source, can boost performance by 15% and aid in brain health, weight loss, infertility, depression, neurodegenerative diseases, self-love, and cardiovascular health.

      Ketones, a type of adaptive fuel, can enhance performance by up to 15% when used for recovery after exercise. This fuel source, which can be consumed intentionally before workouts or as a daily ritual, has various health benefits including improving brain health, aiding in weight loss, and helping with infertility, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases. Ketones are also important for self-love as they can help individuals embrace their bodies and prioritize health for the sake of self-care. Additionally, ketones have been linked to cardiovascular health, making it a versatile tool for overall wellness.

    • Finding happiness from within and connecting with othersRealize that true happiness and fulfillment come from within, reflect on internal conversations, love ourselves unconditionally, connect with others, and cherish life's lessons

      Self-love and self-worth are often tied to external factors, such as material possessions or accomplishments, but true happiness and fulfillment come from within. The speaker shares her personal journey of realizing this and the importance of connecting with others to find meaning and joy in life. She encourages us to reflect on our own internal conversations and strive to love ourselves unconditionally, regardless of external circumstances. Ultimately, the goal is to live a life full of love for ourselves and others, with no regrets. The speaker's superpower is her ability to connect with people, which helped her overcome feelings of isolation and develop her personality. She encourages us to be intentional about connecting with others and cherish the lessons we learn, both good and bad, throughout our lives.

    • What matters is nowFocus on the present moment and take action to grow personally and make a positive impact on the world. Find what lights you up and pursue it.

      Focusing on the present moment and taking action now is crucial for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world. As the speaker emphasized, "What matters is now." Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, we should focus on what we can do for ourselves and those around us. The speaker encouraged listeners to find what lights them up and pursue it, as the world needs more people who are passionate and motivated. To connect with the speaker, listeners can find him on social media as @Lattmanso or check out his HVMM podcast on various podcast platforms. Don't hesitate to leave feedback and engage in thoughtful discussions about the topics covered in the podcast.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    It’s the middle of winter, and your heating has just been cut off.
    You have no food in the house - in the very literal sense.
    In the pantry, there are 1.5 loaves of bread, 5 potatoes, a tiny bit of cheese left in the block, and a dribble of oil in the bottle.
    Somehow, you’re going to have to scrape together dinner for you, your husband and your toddler. Oh, and you’re pregnant with your second baby.
    You clearly need to go out to the shop and get some more stuff … but they all closed weeks ago. So what you have is going to have to last for the next couple of weeks at least.
    You consider heading out to look for some more potatoes, maybe even a turnip or a cauliflower, from the nearby farm.
    But honestly, you’re just bone tired, nauseous, your back hurts, and it’s freezing outside.
    Looks like it’s boiled potatoes for dinner again.
    Perhaps you’ll even go all out and add a scrape of cheese on top.

    The year is 1944, you’re in the Netherlands, and it’s the middle of the second world war, and you’re right in the thick of what we now call the Dutch Famine.
    Now, I’m no historian so I can’t vouch for the accuracy of my little story here - but if wikipedia is anything to go by, it was a dark dark dark time to be in the Netherlands.

    Why am I bringing it up?

    Well, it’s one of the very clear examples we have of the significance of your diet during pregnancy.
    You might expect that the babies of the women who survived during this time to be tiny.
    But what we actually saw was normal or heavy babies, who had a strong tendency to develop metabolic conditions, like diabetes and heart disease later in life.

    The Dutch Famine has been extensively studied, and we now understand that miserable diet influenced the way their children’s genes were expressed - we call this epigenetics.
    THANKFULLY, we can leave famine in 1944, but this (and further research) does tell us that your diet matters. A lot. 

    I was so lucky to chat all about how you can harness the power of nutrition during pregnancy with the incredible Stef - founder of the Dietologist.
    She is an expert in all things fertility and pregnancy, and her brain is just like an encyclopaedia. I could have talked to her for hours. 

    You will DEFINITELY DEFINITELY learn something from this chat.




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    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

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    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes.

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    請支持我繼續創作吧! https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/1d10c51f-eadb-414c-826f-35e893d9b255 • 今天來聊聊 糖尿病和飲食失調症的關係 - 內容提到了 1. 飲食失調症重點摘要 2. 糖尿病重點摘要 3. 糖尿病個案身上隱藏著失序的飲食行為 4. 飲食失調症可能會造成糖尿病酮酸中毒 (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) 5. 如何幫助糖尿病x飲食失調症個案 - 參考資料哪裡找 https://yawenrd.com/episode/episode_34.html - 相關單集:EP18 認識飲食失調症; EP19 台灣和美國的飲食失調症現況; EP25 碳水化合物是敵是友?; EP33 認識糖尿病 • 你有在身邊的糖尿病個案身上看到失序的飲食行為嗎?聽完這一集以後,有改變你的想法嗎?留言或寫信和我分享吧! • Email: yawenrdn@gmail.com Website: https://yawenrd.com Facebook/Instagram搜尋: 張雅雯 營養師 (ID: yawenrd)

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    Real Food for Fertility with Lily Nichols

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    Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based prenatal nutrition. Drawing from the current scientific literature and the wisdom of traditional cultures, her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and sensible.

    Her work and books have not only helped tens of thousands of women manage their gestational diabetes (most without the need for blood sugar-lowering medication), but has also influenced nutrition policies internationally. Check out LilyNicholsRDN.com, which explores a variety of topics related to real food, mindful eating, and pregnancy nutrition.


    This podcast content does not constitute an attempt to practice medicine and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and personal health questions.

    Prior to beginning a new diet you should undergo a health screening with your physician to confirm that a new diet is suitable for you and to out any conditions and contraindications that may pose risks or are incompatible with a new diet, including by way of example: conditions affecting the kidneys, liver or pancreas; muscular dystrophy; pregnancy; breast-feeding; being underweight; eating disorders; any health condition that requires a special diet [other conditions or contraindications]; hypoglycemia; or type 1 diabetes. A new diet may or may not be appropriate if you have type 2 diabetes, so you must consult with your physician if you have this condition. Anyone under the age of 18 should consult with their physician and their parents or legal guardian before beginning such a diet. Use of Ketogenic Girl videos are subject to the Ketogenicgirl.com Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer. All rights reserved. If you do not agree with these terms, do not listen to, or view any Ketogenic Girl podcasts or videos.

    Hidden Causes of Your PCOS | Biocanic Interview with Meg Richichi from The Hormone Lifestyle Zone

    Hidden Causes of Your PCOS | Biocanic Interview with Meg Richichi from The Hormone Lifestyle Zone

    In this episode, join Meg Richici, an Integrative Women's Health Practitioner providing Telehealth services for PCOS, Infertility, and other women's health concerns, will be joining Jeremy Malecha to discuss The Hidden Causes of Your Cleint's PCOS.

    Learn more about Meg Richichi at:


    Come join Biocanic's HIX (Health Intelligence Exchange), where we highlight leading practitioners and technology in integrative approaches and how they solve the most challenging health issues. These live Q&A discussions are designed to deep dive into case studies and approaches to elevate the knowledge of both experienced and brand new practitioners.