
    Think Yourself Happy (LIVE from Yale)

    enJanuary 20, 2020
    What is the role of wellness coaches in California?
    How does habit stacking improve mental health habits?
    What are the benefits of mindfulness practices?
    How can mindfulness help with everyday stressors?
    What personal benefits has the author experienced from mindfulness?

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in mental health for young peopleLink a new behavior to an existing routine for easier adoption, known as habit stacking, to improve mental health and overall well-being.

      Investing in mental health and wellness, especially for young people, is crucial. California is addressing this issue by training certified wellness coaches to help children and youth improve their mental health skills. Meanwhile, making small behavioral changes, such as practicing gratitude or getting regular exercise, can significantly enhance overall well-being. However, sticking to these habits can be challenging. Enter an ancient yet scientifically-backed strategy called "habit stacking" – linking a desired behavior to an existing routine to make it easier to adopt. This technique, which involves minimal time and effort, can lead to better habits, reduced stress, improved focus, and increased happiness. For more information on habit stacking and the California wellness coaching program, tune in to the next episode of The Happiness Lab.

    • The Toxic Effects of StressStress interferes with cognitive performance, self-control, and body functioning. Practice mindfulness to manage stress and enhance well-being.

      Stress, which is a common experience for many people, can have toxic effects on our bodies and hinder our ability to achieve our goals. Stress, designed as a physiological response to real threats, can interfere with cognitive performance, control of urges and behaviors, and even impair body functioning when experienced in everyday situations for extended periods. However, there are ways to reduce stress, and mindfulness, which involves focusing attention on the present moment, is one effective method. By practicing mindfulness, we can improve our ability to manage stress and enhance overall well-being.

    • Practicing mindfulness in the present momentMindfulness improves decision making, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. It requires effort and consistency, and can be applied throughout the day to make the most of each moment.

      Mindfulness is the practice of fully engaging in the present moment with an open and accepting attitude. This can be achieved through various mindfulness practices, rooted in ancient Buddhist tradition, which involve interacting with life without arguing or wishing for things to be different. The benefits of mindfulness include making better decisions, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. Practicing mindfulness requires effort and consistency, much like going to the gym, and can be applied to various moments throughout the day. By focusing on the present and accepting it as it is, we can make the most of each moment and improve our overall experience of life.

    • Setting aside dedicated time to focus on a chosen object for mindfulness practiceMindfulness practice involves focusing attention on a chosen object to bring awareness to the present moment, improving mental clarity and focus

      Mindfulness practice, often perceived as hippie dippie or unscientific, is actually a serious and intentional practice that involves setting aside dedicated time and focusing one's attention on a chosen object, such as the breath. Mindfulness has ancient Eastern origins, but modern scientists and teachers are bringing rigor and inquiry to this tradition. Even if someone's natural orientation isn't hippie dippie, they can still benefit from the practice. To try it out, one can get comfortable, close their eyes, and focus their attention on their breath or a chosen physical element. The goal is to use this focus as an anchor to help bring awareness to the present moment and experience the constant shifting of the moment. Remember, it's just a practice.

    • Focusing on breath and accepting mind wanderingMindfulness practice enhances calmness, focus, and self-awareness by focusing on breath and accepting mind wandering

      Mindfulness practice involves focusing on the physical sensation of your breath while accepting and letting go of any mind wandering. It's natural for the mind to wander, and instead of trying to control it, the practice is to notice it and gently bring your attention back to the breath. Through this practice, we can develop the skills of attention and acceptance, which can help us learn from our experiences and respond effectively to challenges in our lives. Personally, I've found that regular mindfulness practice has led to increased calmness, improved focus, and a greater sense of self-awareness. It's a simple yet powerful tool for managing stress and enhancing overall well-being.

    • Mindfulness practices and their benefitsMindfulness practices like meditation reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. They improve focus, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Benefits extend to young people and can be monetized through hosting on Airbnb.

      Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, have been shown to have a positive impact on both mental and physical health. The benefits are not just anecdotal, but have been supported by a growing body of scientific research. Mindfulness has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, among other conditions. It can also help people who are not diagnosed with any mental health issues but are dealing with everyday stressors or chronic pain. The practice of mindfulness can lead to improvements in focus, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. The benefits of mindfulness are not limited to individuals, as there are efforts being made to bring mindfulness practices to young people through certified wellness coaches. Additionally, hosting on platforms like Airbnb can be a way for individuals to earn extra income while they are not at home.

    • Changes in brain function from mindfulness and meditationMeditating for just a few days can lead to reduced brain activity and altered connectivity in the default mode network, promoting stress reduction, increased happiness, and better well-being.

      Practicing mindfulness and meditation can lead to reduced stress, increased happiness, and better well-being. This is due to changes in brain function, specifically in a network called the default mode network, which is associated with mind wandering and the default state of the mind. Studies have shown that experienced meditators, who have meditated for thousands of hours, show significant reductions in brain activity and altered connectivity within this network. Remarkably, even individuals who meditate for just a few days have shown similar changes, suggesting that the benefits of meditation begin almost immediately. So whether you're an expert meditator or just starting out, the practice can positively impact your brain and overall well-being.

    • Mindfulness practice leads to benefits like reduced mind wandering, increased happiness, and stress reduction.Mindfulness practice can help reduce mind wandering, increase happiness, and decrease stress. However, some individuals may not benefit immediately or to the same degree.

      Mindfulness practice, whether it's for improving concentration or emotional well-being, can lead to significant benefits. These benefits include reduced mind wandering, leading to increased happiness, and stress reduction. However, it's important to note that not everyone benefits immediately or to the same degree. Some individuals with high neuroticism may not benefit from the first 10 minutes of mindfulness practice. Research is ongoing to determine the minimal dose for these individuals. Mindfulness practice can also lead to reductions in negative experiences, such as pain, by reducing neural activity associated with these experiences. Overall, mindfulness practice can help individuals be more present, reduce stress, and experience greater happiness.

    • Noticing and accepting urges to improve tolerance and reduce discomfortPracticing mindfulness, specifically urge surfing, can help us tolerate and reduce discomfort and cravings, making it an effective tool for managing urges and improving overall well-being.

      Practicing mindfulness, specifically the skill of urge surfing, can help us tolerate and reduce discomfort and cravings associated with new behaviors or goals we're trying to adopt. Urge surfing involves noticing and accepting unpleasant emotions or urges as they arise, recognizing that they have an arc and will eventually pass. By practicing this skill, we can apply it to various aspects of our lives and improve our ability to cope with discomfort and make positive changes. Research shows that mindfulness practices can reduce craving and brain activity associated with craving, making it an effective tool for managing urges and improving overall well-being.

    • Practicing mindfulness reduces stress and increases motivationMindfulness practice helps manage uncomfortable feelings and emotions, leading to reduced stress and increased motivation to deal with challenges. Start with short sessions and gradually increase duration for improved focus and well-being.

      Practicing mindfulness, or the ability to sit with uncomfortable feelings and emotions, can lead to reduced stress and increased motivation to deal with challenges. This practice involves acknowledging and accepting feelings as they are, rather than trying to escape them. It's recommended to start with short sessions each day and gradually increase the duration as the benefits become apparent. Over time, this practice can help individuals become more present and focused, even in a distracted society. While it may not eliminate all sources of stress or unhappiness, it can provide a valuable tool for managing them and improving overall well-being. So, if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, give it a try and see if it makes a difference for you.

    • Investing in mental health and wellness for youthCalifornia trains coaches to help youth improve mental health and San Diego offers a rejuvenating environment. Tools like Canva Presentations can enhance work presentations.

      Investing in mental health and wellness, particularly for our youth, and taking time for personal rejuvenation are essential for happiness. The Happiness Lab, produced by Pushkin Industries, emphasizes the importance of mental health and wellness, with nearly half of the youth population struggling. California is addressing this issue by training certified wellness coaches to help children and youth build vital skills to improve their mental health and well-being. Meanwhile, San Diego offers an environment that can help individuals rest, recharge, and boost their spirits with its sunny weather, welcoming people, and beautiful scenery. Additionally, tools like Canva Presentations can help supercharge work presentations with AI-powered assistance, allowing users to focus on their presentations without the need for app switching.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

    How to Find Hope in a Cynical World

    How to Find Hope in a Cynical World

    It’s hard to stay hopeful these days. Stanford professor Jamil Zaki has been studying the incredible depth of human kindness for decades, but even he gives in to cynicism when he doubts our ability to be civil and cooperative. 

    That’s a shame - because shedding cynicism and grasping hope will make you happier and healthier. Jamil and Dr Laurie Santos look at the scientific evidence showing that we should be more trusting of other people and optimistic about our facility to work together. 

    Jamil's book Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness is out now.

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    Find Hope and Banish Cynicism... Coming Sept 9

    Find Hope and Banish Cynicism... Coming Sept 9

    It's hard to stay hopeful sometimes. Things can look pretty bleak and divided, especially around election time. But if you're losing hope in your fellow humans, stop and listen to the science. Other people are kinder, friendlier and more co-operative than you might think.   

    Using insights from his new book Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness, Stanford's Jamil Zaki joins Dr Laurie Santos for a special season to show why we shouldn't be so cynical about our fellow citizens and why being more open and trusting can help us live happier and healthier lives. 

    The series begins Sept 9.

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    "Happiness Is Like A Leaky Tire" from Immigrantly

    "Happiness Is Like A Leaky Tire" from Immigrantly

    We're bringing you an episode of Immigrantly, where Laurie joined host Saadia Khan to discuss the psychology of happiness education and the expansive realm of happiness. Is happiness a fleeting moment or a sustained state of being? Can it be actively cultivated, or is it an innate aspect of human existence? How do our backgrounds, personalities, and choices influence our perceptions of happiness? Laurie and Saadia openly discuss cultural considerations when exploring happiness, the difference between contentment and happiness, Gen Z’s perception of happiness, and how to achieve zen mode.

    Immigrantly is a weekly podcast that celebrates the extraordinariness of immigrant life. They do this by providing their listeners with authentic, unvarnished insights into the immigrant identity in America. Immigrantly has garnered significant recognition and has been featured in renowned media outlets such as the Nieman Storyboard, The Guardian, The Slowdown, and CNN. You can get more information at http://immigrantlypod.com

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    The Happiness Lessons Helping Win Olympic Medals

    The Happiness Lessons Helping Win Olympic Medals

    America's top athletes need coaches. And those coaches themselves need guidance. It's a hard and stressful job - and one where coaches can easily become burned out and unhappy. And stressed coaches can't help their athletes win medals. 

    Christine Bolger and Emilie Lazenby of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee teach happiness lessons - many they heard on this podcast - to America's elite coaches. They share their story with Dr Laurie and tell us what regular folk can learn from top coaches. 

    Check out more Olympics related content from Pushkin Industries and iHeartPodcasts here.

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    Pushkin Goes to the Olympics

    Pushkin Goes to the Olympics

    Legends are made at the Olympics and this summer shows across the Pushkin network are bringing their unique takes to Olympic stories. This special episode includes excerpts from a few: a Cautionary Tale about underestimating female marathoners, a Jesse Owens story from Revisionist History’s series on Hitler’s Olympics, and—from What’s Your Problem—the new technology that’s helping Olympic athletes get stronger.

    Check out other show feeds as well, the Happiness Lab and A Slight Change of Plans are also going to the Games.

    Sylvia Blemker of Springbok Analytics on What’s Your Problem

    The Women Who Broke the Marathon Taboo on Cautionary Tales

    Hitler’s Olympics from Revisionist History

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    The Happiness of the Long Distance Runner

    The Happiness of the Long Distance Runner

    Georgia Bell was a great runner as a child - but in college she fell out of love with the sport. She hung up her running shoes - and they gathered dust until Covid hit and she began to run again for fun. Turns out that aged 30, she's one of the fastest women in the world and is now headed to the Olympics!

    Georgia tells Dr Laurie Santos how she regained her enthusiasm for the 1500m race - and reflects on the happiness lessons she's picked up in her dramatic return to the very pinnacle of her sport.  

    Check out more Olympics related content from Pushkin Industries and iHeartPodcasts here.

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    How Talking to a Friend Helps (Live at The International Festival of Arts and Ideas)

    How Talking to a Friend Helps (Live at The International Festival of Arts and Ideas)

    Making shows about her own happiness challenges was both fun and instructive for Dr Laurie, but it also took guts to be so vulnerable and open. She later spoke to her close friend at Yale Dr Tamar Gendler about the experience. This private chat threw up lots of interesting insights, so when the duo were asked to speak at the 2024 International Festival of Arts and Ideas... they decided to share parts of that private conversation with the public.  

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    A Matter of Life and Death

    A Matter of Life and Death

    Dr Laurie HATES thinking about her own death. It's scary, creepy and morbid, right? Wrong. Thinking about our finite lives can makes us better, happier people.  The shadow of death makes us behave more kindly towards others, and can motivate us both to enjoy the little joys of life and seek out greater fulfilment in our careers and in our relationships. 

    But you need to look death square in the face - and that's not easy for a thanatophobe like Dr Laurie. To help her, she enlists psychologist Jodi Wellman (author of You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets) and death doula Alua Arthur (author of  Briefly Perfectly Human: Making an Authentic Life by Getting Real About the End).

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    Why Don't We Have a 15-hour Work Week?

    Why Don't We Have a 15-hour Work Week?

    By 2030 we'll only work 15 hours a week, predicted the legendary economist John Maynard Keynes back in 1930. He thought advances in technology and wealth would let us earn enough money to live in a day or two - leaving the rest of the week for leisure and community service. 

    How wrong he was. We seem to be working more than ever - with technology adding extra tasks to our workdays (like answering emails and monitoring Slack). Dr Laurie longs for more leisure time, but how can she tame her fear of being "unproductive"? 

    Computer scientist Cal Newport explains how we all got into this mess - and why we still treat modern employees as if they were farm laborers or assembly line workers. Reformed "productivity junkie" Oliver Burkeman also offers tips on how to concentrate our minds on fulfilling and important work - and not little tasks that chew up so much of our days. 

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    Does the You of Today Hate the You of Tomorrow?

    Does the You of Today Hate the You of Tomorrow?

    We often do things now that will make our lives more difficult or stressful in the future. We spend money, when we should save. We eat junk food, when we should exercise. We agree to commitments, when we should protect our free time. We act so thoughtlessly that it's almost like we hate our future selves. 

    Dr Laurie asks UCLA's Hal Hershfield to help her find the happiness balance between listening to what she wants now, and the preferences she might have in the future. And she steps into an AI time machine to get some happiness advice for herself decades from today. 

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    Related Episodes

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    The Green Path to Resilience:How Nature Inspires and Supports Your Inner Strength

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    Some tips for incorporating nature into daily life include going on walks, gardening, engaging in outdoor activities mindfully, taking nature retreats, and bringing nature indoors. 

    Examples of nature used to build resilience include forest bathing, healing gardens in healthcare facilities, and outdoor therapy programs.

    Key Takeaway:

    • Connecting with nature. 

    • How nature can lower stress? 

    • Grow your own garden. 

    • The power of forest bathing in Japan. 

    • Outdoor therapy programs.


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    Hello beautiful souls, welcome back to TBC you&me! In today's episode, we're diving deep into the magic of gratitude. If you thought you knew it all from our 2021 episode, “Gratitude makes life easy,” get ready for a fresh perspective!

    Today, we explore new studies and insights that unveil the extraordinary effects of gratitude practice. From protecting your soul like a superhero cape to reshaping your world, gratitude holds immense power.

    Join me on Instagram, search aparnasoodvibes, and connect to build a beautiful community. Share your grateful journal with me every day as I do. Sharing affirms things and gives more vibrations to it. Try this out and watch the sparks fly.

    We'll discuss groundbreaking research, including a study by Harbaugh and Vasey in 2014, which revealed how gratitude positively impacts mental health, regardless of one's natural disposition. Plus, we'll uncover the transformative potential of gratitude cultivation, supported by studies from 2017 and 2019.

    But let's not forget ancient wisdom. The Bhagavad Gita teaches us the profound connection between contentment and gratitude. And the timeless advice to 'Be grateful to everyone' reminds us of the transformative power of embracing every experience, whether good or bad.

    As we wrap up, remember that gratitude is not just a word—it's a force that can reshape your world. Join me in cultivating gratitude and creating a ripple effect of positivity.

    Thank you for joining me today. Share your insights, experiences, and thoughts—hit that subscribe button and become a part of this vibrant community. Until next time, stay grateful, stay positive, and keep thriving.

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    Do you want to reduce your stress in just 7 minutes a day? 

    Do you want to learn how to make meditation easy and accessible for you?

    Today, I welcome my good friend Michael Acton Smith. Michael is the co-founder and co-Executive Chairman of Calm, the leading mental wellness brand with the #1 App for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation. Calm has grown to over 100 million downloads, was the Apple 2017 app of the year, and is the world's first mental health unicorn. Long fascinated by neuroscience, flow states and mental fitness, Michael is passionate about spreading meditation as a simple but valuable skill around the world. 

    Michael discusses the interesting twist of putting an entertainment voice in meditation, challenging myths, and misconceptions surrounding this powerful practice. We tap into the future of mental health, exploring why sometimes we need to step back to find the answers. Patience has always been the secret to success.

    As the conversation progressed, we stirred into the potential of AI and its role in the next evolution of Calm and potentially address the question: How can technology be harnessed to serve humanity better? There is a future in AI and how it immensely helps spread mental health awareness and promote mindfulness practice. 

    In this interview, you will learn:

    • The many benefits of meditation
    • How to practice mindfulness
    • How to sit in silence and calm your mind
    • How to leverage your creativity
    • The connection between AI and mental health

    It's an episode packed with insights, laughter, and a sprinkle of mindfulness. Together, let's explore the boundless possibilities of a calm and balanced life together! 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:18 How Did the Calm Partnership Come About?
    • 05:26 Making Meditation and Mindfulness More Accessible
    • 09:06 The Impact of Daily Calm and Sleep Story on People
    • 11:53 Putting an Entertainment Voice in Meditation
    • 15:27 Myths and Misconceptions About Meditation
    • 18:27 What is the Future of Mental Health?
    • 22:01 Why You Need to Step Back to Find Answers
    • 26:29 Why Patience is the Secret to Success
    • 29:46 How Do You Combine Business and Creativity?
    • 32:19 How Can AI Help Humanity?
    • 39:37 The Potential of AI and The Next Evolution of Calm
    • 42:03 How to Find Balance Between Digital and Physical Activities
    • 47:02 The Benefits of Reacting Instead of Responding to Triggers
    • 51:41 How to Positively Introduce Meditation to Children
    • 55:52 How to Develop the Practice of Sitting in Silence

    Episode Resources:

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

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