
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Joy in Customization and ResourcefulnessTodd Glass shares his joy in customizing items to fit his preferences and being resourceful in achieving desired outcomes, from replacing shoe soles to shortening jacket hems, and even considering a minimalist book concept.

      Todd Glass is a creative problem-solver who finds joy in customizing items to fit his preferences, whether it's shoes, jackets, or even a potential book concept. He's not afraid to invest a little money and time to make things work for him, and he's not deterred by the opinions of others. His story illustrates the importance of finding joy in the small things and being resourceful in achieving desired outcomes. Todd shared that he's not a fan of shopping for shoes and hates the process of buying new ones. However, he knew he liked a particular pair, but the soles were subpar. Instead of giving up, he took them to a local shoe repair shop and had the soles replaced for $60. Similarly, he bought a jacket from Target that didn't fit perfectly. Instead of returning it, he took it to the dry cleaner and had the lining removed and the hem shortened for $40. When it comes to his potential book concept, Todd revealed that he enjoys doing stand-up comedy and isn't interested in writing a full-length book. Instead, he thought of a possible book with just three pages, each containing a single sentence of advice or concept. He added a new idea last night - always have a microwave in your house. Throughout the conversation, Todd's unique perspective and resourcefulness shone through, inspiring us to find joy in the little things and make the most of what we have.

    • Quick and Easy Potluck DishesInstant mashed potatoes and gravy are simple, cost-effective, versatile options for potlucks. They require minimal preparation and can be kept in the pantry for extended periods. Bringing hot chocolate is also an affordable and appreciated gesture.

      Instant mashed potatoes and gravy are a simple, cost-effective, and versatile solution for hosting guests or bringing a dish to someone's house. These items require minimal preparation, as all you need to do is add water and butter for the potatoes, and heat up the gravy. Instant mashed potatoes can be kept in your pantry for an extended period, and they're a crowd-pleaser, suitable for both meat-eaters and vegetarians. Additionally, you can bring hot chocolate as an affordable and appreciated gesture for your hosts or friends. Having these items on hand or ready to bring to someone's house can make you feel like the "king" of the gathering.

    • Speaker's love for Rita's Water IceSpeaker shares his deep affection for Rita's Water Ice, praises its unique texture and taste, and discusses his interaction with the brand on social media.

      During the conversation, the speaker expressed his deep affection for Rita's Water Ice, a popular water ice brand from Philadelphia. He praised its unique texture and taste, and shared his experience of tweeting about it on his podcast, which led to the brand favoring his tweet but not following him back. The speaker also compared Rita's Water Ice to other East Coast staples like Wawa and Sheetz, expressing his preference for the former. Throughout the conversation, the speaker's enthusiasm for Rita's Water Ice was clear, highlighting the emotional connection people can have with food and brands.

    • Preference for Wawa over Sheetz, but a history of overindulging in alcoholThe speaker has a preference for Wawa over Sheetz, but has a history of overindulging in alcohol, specifically Captain Morgan's Spice Rum, which makes him sick. He is not a frequent drinker at home and only consumes alcohol when he is out of town.

      The speaker has a preference for Wawa over Sheetz when it comes to convenience stores, but has a history of overindulging in alcohol, specifically Captain Morgan's Spice Rum, which makes him sick. He is not a frequent drinker at home and only consumes alcohol when he is out of town. The speaker also mentioned a mean prank called Fournette that involves giving someone a shot of a drink that tastes like pine needles as a joke. He expressed his love for the city of Chicago and its people, but had to leave the conversation suddenly due to a misunderstanding about an incoming ride.

    • Chicago's shared background creates instant connectionsChicagoans bond over blue collar work ethic, Irish and Catholic heritage, love for food and heavy drinking, and collective pride in sports teams.

      Chicago shares a unique sense of camaraderie and common experiences among its residents, leading to a strong bond and instant connections when meeting people from the city. This shared background, often rooted in blue collar work ethic, Irish and Catholic heritage, and love for food and heavy drinking, creates a sense of familiarity and understanding that goes beyond geographical boundaries. The speaker's experiences of meeting like-minded individuals in Chicago, whether at improv shows or at someone's house, have reinforced this sense of connection. The Chicago Bears' Super Bowl win in 1985 and the Chicago Bulls' championships in the 1990s serve as symbols of the city's collective pride and spirit. Despite occasional misunderstandings or disagreements, the underlying bond among Chicagoans remains strong.

    • Connecting with others leads to lasting friendshipsMaking an effort to connect with new people can lead to meaningful friendships. Focus on creating welcoming and enjoyable social spaces, and appreciate the value of good customer service.

      Making an effort to connect with others can lead to lasting friendships. This was demonstrated through a story about how the speakers met a man named Mike (possibly Mike Susa) and became friends after inviting him out for the night. The conversation also touched upon the idea of owning a bar and implementing rules, such as removing stools after a certain hour and focusing on simpler, less showy drinks. The speakers also shared their appreciation for atmospheric bars and the importance of good customer service. Overall, the conversation emphasized the value of friendship and the importance of creating welcoming and enjoyable social spaces.

    • Efficiency and meeting customer demands in the food industryServing customers efficiently and meeting their demands leads to repeat business and a positive customer experience. Hiring enough staff to maintain a high turnover rate, as in the 'Starbucks theory', can contribute to this success.

      The key to running a successful business, especially in the food industry, is efficiency and meeting customer demands. The speaker shares a story about a bar in Chicago that served mashed potatoes every night, and the way they were served made a lasting impression on him. The bar had a large staff to ensure quick service and met the customers' needs, which is a crucial aspect of keeping them satisfied and coming back. The "Starbucks theory" mentioned refers to the idea of having enough staff to maintain a high turnover rate, leading to quicker service and a better customer experience. The speaker also expresses his love for Chicago, mentioning its iconic deep-dish pizza and the city's pride in its unique food offerings. Despite having a preference for thin crust pizza, he respects the diversity of pizza styles and acknowledges that everyone can have their own favorite. The overall message is that providing excellent service, meeting customer demands, and embracing diversity are essential elements of running a successful business.

    • The speaker's favorite foods are Thai drunken noodles and a hot roast beef sandwichThe speaker cherishes their personal experiences with Thai drunken noodles and a hot roast beef sandwich, making them their top food choices for life.

      The speaker's food preferences, particularly for Thai drunken noodles and a hot roast beef sandwich, would be their choices if they had to eat only one food for the rest of their lives. The speaker's love for these foods is based on their personal experiences and strong associations with them. The speaker also expresses a preference for Geno's over Pat's for Philly cheesesteaks, but acknowledges that both are delicious. Another notable point is the speaker's late introduction to alcohol in their life, which they describe as a vivid experience that didn't occur until they were in college.

    • Embracing new experiencesBeing open to new experiences, even if they're scary or unfamiliar, can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities.

      Starting new experiences, even at a young age, shows courage and authenticity. The speaker shares an example from his high school days when he went to a bar, Smokey Joe's, after his friends left for college. Despite his lack of drinking experience, he was discovered by the owner's son, who recognized him as a stand-up comedian. That night, he drank for the first time and ended up crashing at a bartender's house. This experience was a turning point for him, as it helped him break out of his comfort zone and embrace new opportunities. The story highlights the importance of being open to new experiences and not letting fear hold us back.

    • Cherishing Memorable Experiences with Food and Social GatheringsThe speaker values experiences that bring joy, even if they involve food and alcohol, and appreciates the unexpected in social settings.

      The speaker cherishes memorable experiences, especially those involving food and social gatherings, even if they include the consumption of alcohol. These experiences bring joy and a sense of connection, despite any potential negative consequences. The speaker also values surprises and the unexpected, as seen in his plan to serve mashed potatoes and gravy late at night in their hypothetical bar. The atmosphere of this bar would be unique, with blue lighting, cool music, and a relaxed, unpretentious vibe. Overall, the speaker's musings reveal a fondness for creating and sharing enjoyable moments with others.

    • Emphasizing love and respect for family despite differencesAccept and value people for who they are, even with quirks or unconventional habits, to foster strong relationships.

      Despite family tensions and differences, the importance of love and respect for all family members, even those with quirks and unconventional habits, was emphasized in the conversation. The speaker shared stories about his parents and a close friend, Ari, highlighting the unique dynamics of their relationships. While his parents have their issues, they continue to live in the same city, and the speaker expressed his love for them. Ari, who is like a cousin to the speaker, was praised for his cleanliness and dedication to presenting stand-up comedy in his home, creating a welcoming environment for performers. The speaker's open-mindedness and appreciation for Ari's eccentricities underscored the importance of accepting and valuing people for who they are, regardless of their quirks or unconventional lifestyles.

    • Living Life to the Fullest vs Prioritizing HealthAfter experiencing health issues, the speaker learned the importance of prioritizing health while still valuing living life to the fullest. Making healthier choices, like quitting smoking and juicing daily, can lead to a sense of pride and improved well-being.

      The speaker values living life to the fullest and making memories, even if it means making unhealthy choices at times. However, after experiencing health issues, such as a heart attack, the speaker began to reconsider the importance of health and made a conscious effort to make healthier choices, such as quitting smoking and juicing daily. Despite the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the speaker feels a sense of pride in their progress and the positive impact it has on their overall well-being. The speaker also mentioned the importance of not wanting to "spit on a second chance at life" by giving in to unhealthy habits. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex relationship between living life to the fullest and prioritizing health.

    • The importance of balance in health and well-beingDespite efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the speaker values the communal experience of smoking joints and sees it as a bonding activity. He emphasizes the importance of stretching and consistent workouts, but also finds joy in social experiences.

      The speaker values the communal experience of smoking joints and sees it as a bonding activity, despite his efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He has made changes to reduce harmful substances in his life, such as quitting cigarettes and using a vaporizer for pot instead, but still enjoys the social aspect of smoking joints. He also emphasizes the importance of stretching and maintaining a consistent workout routine, even if it's not the most intense one. The speaker sees health as a balance between physical fitness and mental well-being, and finds joy in the communal experience of smoking joints with others.

    • Embrace Positivity on Social MediaFocus on heartwarming content, unfollow negativity, and surround yourself with positivity to enhance your social media experience and improve your well-being.

      Social media, specifically platforms like Twitter, can be a source of both negativity and positivity. However, it's important to focus on the good and surround ourselves with positive content. The speaker shared an example of heartwarming videos, such as those featuring people surprised by puppies, which can bring joy and even tears. He emphasized the importance of soaking in the good and not letting the negative overshadow it. The speaker also encouraged unfollowing negative accounts and seeking out positive content to create a more uplifting social media experience. Ultimately, perception is reality, and focusing on the good can help improve our outlook and overall well-being.

    • Ari expresses gratitude for Twitter's positivity and connectionTwitter allows people to express themselves, connect, and find positivity despite differences. Ari appreciates the love and support he receives on the platform, and sees it as an opportunity to be a host and bring joy to others.

      Twitter is a source of positivity and connection, where people can express themselves and reach out to others, regardless of differences. Ari expressed gratitude for the love and support he receives on the platform. During their conversation, they discussed hypothetical questions, and Ari chose to be a refrigerator due to the ability to carry and store things. Despite the unconventional choice, Ari saw it as an advantage and an opportunity to be a host. They also touched on Ari's tendency to collect hotel washcloths, which he sees as a small indulgence during his travels. Overall, their conversation showcased the unique dynamics of Twitter, where people can connect, share, and have fun with each other.

    • Embracing Unique HabitsRespect and appreciate people's choices, even if they differ from ours, as unique habits can save time and money in the long run.

      People have unique preferences and habits, even if they seem impulsive or unnecessary to others. The speaker in this conversation shares their love for instant coffee and hot washcloths, despite some people's skepticism or surprise. These habits have become part of their routine, saving them time and money in the long run. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of following simple rules when sharing these practices with others to ensure a positive experience. Ultimately, it's essential to respect and appreciate people's choices, even if they don't align with our own.

    • Sharing a hot washcloth creates communitySharing a hot washcloth in silence brings people together and promotes relaxation, following rules ensures a meaningful experience, and this tradition fosters spiritualness and community

      The simple act of sharing a hot washcloth in silence can bring people together and create a shared experience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following rules, like quieting down and not talking, during this ritual. The hot washcloths are passed from person to person, and everyone eventually puts it on their face, allowing the heat to relax them. The speaker also mentions that this tradition, which they call "The Nick Thune," can bring a sense of spiritualness and community. However, the speaker acknowledges the potential wastefulness of this tradition and hopes to reduce their participation in it in the future. The speaker also promotes their Netflix special, "Act Happy," and encourages people to be comfortable and dress however they feel most comfortable at their events.

    • Todd Glass's Dedication to Live Shows and PodcastComedian Todd Glass puts effort into live shows, values band cooperation, tours at comedy festivals, and has a podcast. Check tileglass.com for tickets and listen to The Todd Glass Show.

      Todd Glass is a dedicated performer who puts a great deal of effort into his live shows and podcast. He values his band's cooperation and enjoys collaborating with them. Glass is currently touring, performing at various comedy festivals and clubs, including South by Southwest Comedy Festival, Stress Factory in New Brunswick, and House of Comedy in Phoenix. He encourages fans to check his website, tileglass.com, for ticket information. Glass also shared his love for butter and whisking it, and expressed his admiration for ginger beards. His podcast, The Todd Glass Show, is available on all platforms. Despite his busy schedule, Glass remains grateful for his fans and looks forward to connecting with them at his shows.

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    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson
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    We’ll dive deep into what the Bible reveals about the power of the tongue and how to control it. We’ll talk about how to build up the people in your own life and share how we speak to each other in stressful times to edify our marriage.

    Join us today to learn how to unleash the power of words so you can speak life to those around you – and yourself!



    • Topic Intro and what’s in our diffuser (1:56)
    • News and announcements: book and film! (6:17)
    • What do you say when bad things happen? (9:41)
    • Biblical truths about your words (15:48)
    • Do you truly honor the power of your tongue? (20:30)
    • Using the power of words to edify others – and yourself! (26:01)
    • Reprogram yourself and your life (33:14)
    • Testimonial time (36:26)
    • Being judicious with your confession (38:05)
    • Do you use your mouth to tear others down? (46:30)
    • A word of prayer and more on your confession (55:34)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (59:35)