
    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the Challenges of Co-Parenting and Raising KidsTom Arnold discussed the importance of loving and cherishing a child's mother, even during difficult co-parenting situations, and the value of embracing life's unexpected twists and turns to build resilience and adaptability in raising kids.

      Life can be unpredictable and chaotic, especially when raising young children. Tom Arnold shared stories from his experience of dealing with his ex-wife's attempts to take his cherished memories of her, while also managing the daily antics of his two young kids. Despite the challenges, he emphasized the importance of loving and cherishing the mother of one's children, as it is a natural part of the parent-child bond. Additionally, Tom shared his appreciation for his guests and the unexpected twists and turns in life, which he believes prepared him for the challenges of raising his kids. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience, love, and adaptability in the face of life's uncertainties.

    • Reminiscing about the past and bonding as a familySharing past experiences and creating new memories can strengthen family bonds, even when dealing with sensitive topics and unusual circumstances.

      A father and his kids spent a significant amount of time reminiscing about the father's past experiences, including his daughter's birth, and the addition of a young assistant to their household. The father shared stories and showed pictures, including a recording of his daughter's birth. The kids were fascinated by the old movies they found, some of which were about sensitive topics like child abuse. Despite the father's attempts to get rid of them, his son saved the VHS tapes and even had a movie night with them. The father's assistant, who lived with them and was great with kids, added to the family dynamic and brought some excitement to their daily routine. The father described him as a nice guy, but acknowledged that he could come across as unusual due to his past experiences and appearance. Overall, the family's bonding moments and shared interests brought them closer together, despite the challenges of their current situation.

    • Rediscovering the Past Shapes Future GenerationsOur past experiences and appearances, documented or not, can shape how we are remembered by future generations. Unearthing old media and reconnecting with past experiences can bring about unexpected connections and laughter.

      Our past experiences and appearances, no matter how forgotten or embarrassing, shape how we are perceived by future generations. Ted Danson shared stories of rediscovering old media featuring his past appearances, and how his children and grandchildren reacted to seeing him in different roles and stages of his life. He also spoke about unearthing old copies of his autobiography and how his family used them to create a makeshift wall. Danson's anecdotes highlight the importance of documenting our past and how it can bring about unexpected connections and laughter for future generations. Additionally, Danson mentioned working with notable actors such as John Malkovich and Kevin Zegers, and shared how their off-camera personalities contrasted with their on-screen personas.

    • People's humor translates differently between real life and on cameraIndividuals may excel in comedy in person or on screen, and cult classics prove the importance of giving films time to find their audience

      People's abilities to perform comedically can vary greatly between real life and on camera. Some individuals may be hilarious in person but struggle to translate that humor onto the screen. Conversely, others may not be particularly funny in everyday life but excel when acting in a comedic role. Ultimately, being funny in real life or on camera depends on the individual and their unique talents. Another interesting point from the discussion was the role of cult classics in entertainment. Movies that were initially panned by audiences and critics can later gain a devoted following and be regarded as some of the funniest or most beloved films. This phenomenon highlights the importance of giving films time to find their audience and the subjectivity of taste in art. Additionally, the conversation touched on the experiences of working with notable directors and actors in various projects, with some productions being more successful than others. Despite the ups and downs, the participants agreed that being involved in filmmaking was a rewarding experience.

    • Bonds formed amidst production chaosWorking on a dysfunctional production can lead to lasting memories and laughter, as colleagues bond over shared frustrations and find humor in unexpected situations.

      Despite the challenges and frustrations of working on a dysfunctional production, the bonds formed between colleagues can lead to lasting memories and laughter. The speaker shares a story from their experience working on an internet show together, where they bonded over shared frustrations and joked incessantly. They recall a particular instance where an actor, who was supposed to be a giant basketball player, broke his leg and couldn't play basketball as promised. The speaker and their friend, who helped them navigate the production, found humor in the situation and bonded over their shared experiences. The speaker also mentions that they lived and worked in a casino, which added to the distractions and interruptions they faced but also brought moments of recognition and connection with fans. Overall, the speaker values the experiences and memories they gained from the production, despite its challenges.

    • Creating a self-sufficient environmentSetting up a gym and kitchen in your hotel room can help you avoid distractions and maintain healthy habits while traveling for an extended period.

      Creating a self-sufficient environment, such as setting up a gym and a kitchen in your hotel room, can help you avoid distractions and negatively influencing habits, especially when staying in unfavorable surroundings for an extended period. This strategy can be particularly effective in avoiding temptations, such as alcohol or unhealthy food, which can be prevalent in seedy or casino settings. Additionally, having a clear and focused mindset, like the woman in the story, can help individuals navigate through challenging situations and maintain their composure when frustration builds up. However, even the nicest people can eventually snap under immense pressure, and it's essential to address the root causes of frustration to avoid prolonged periods of stress and potential project delays.

    • The complicated and lengthy process of making 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day'James Cameron's meticulous direction led to challenges, but team's dedication and Cameron's commitment resulted in a groundbreaking film.

      The making of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" was a complicated and lengthy process, with director James Cameron's meticulous attention to detail leading to numerous challenges and setbacks. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Cameron had a strong bond, with Schwarzenegger expressing gratitude for their friendship and Cameron's expertise. Bill Paxton, another cast member, was remembered fondly by the speaker for his sense of humor and camaraderie on set. Despite the challenges, the team's dedication and Cameron's commitment to the project resulted in a groundbreaking and successful film.

    • Arnold's Positive Attitude Towards SetbacksArnold turned a potential negative into a positive experience by giving a tour during unexpected delay, showing charisma and commitment to community.

      Arnold Schwarzenegger's dedication and professionalism, even in the face of criticism and unexpected delays, is a testament to his character. A story was shared about an incident where a light took longer than expected to change, causing a scene with director James Cameron. Arnold took the opportunity to give the crowd a tour of the monuments, showing his charisma and ability to turn a potential negative into a positive experience. Despite the teasing from his friend, Schwarzenegger remained gracious and continued to give back to his community, even surprising a podcast with a personal invitation. These actions demonstrate his commitment to his work and his genuine care for those around him.

    • Tom Arnold's Controversial Relationships and ThreatsTom Arnold shares stories of his complicated relationships with Sarah Palin and the NRA, and discusses the threats he has received as a result, including secret service and FBI protection.

      The speaker, Tom Arnold, discussed his complicated relationship with Sarah Palin and her involvement in a porn film, as well as his feuds with the NRA and the threats he has received as a result. He also shared his experiences with secret service and FBI protection due to these threats. Despite the controversies and dangers, Arnold continues to use humor and trolling as a way to engage with these issues on his show. He believes that Sarah Palin would have made disparaging comments about the film if she had been involved, and he defends the quality of the production. The speaker also mentioned a woman named Lisa Leland, who is a friend and a talented actress, and joked about her resemblance to Sarah Palin. The conversation touched on various topics, including the Russia story, James Cameron's movies, and the NRA's statistics. Overall, the conversation showcased Tom Arnold's bold and controversial approach to addressing current events and his willingness to face threats and challenges in the process.

    • Staying Safe in a Public LifeStay vigilant, be brave and tough, but also fair, everyone is replaceable, and prioritize safety while living life to the fullest.

      Living a public life comes with risks, and it's important to stay vigilant while also living your life to the fullest. The speaker shares his experience of receiving threats and the precautions he takes to ensure his safety. He emphasizes that everyone, including his assistants, is replaceable and could be in danger. Despite the risks, he encourages his team to be brave and tough, but also fair. His daughter, in particular, is described as vicious and brave, but also caring and loving. The speaker acknowledges that he has lived a long life at 23 and is tough enough to handle the challenges that come with his public persona. However, he emphasizes the importance of ensuring no one gets hurt, even in playful situations. Overall, the speaker's message is to stay strong, stay vigilant, and live your life with courage and care for others.

    • Father's dedication to being a great dad despite divorceDespite divorce, prioritize children's emotional needs and create positive experiences for them.

      Despite the challenges of co-parenting and the complexities of raising children, it's essential to prioritize their emotional needs and provide a stable environment for their growth. The father in this story shares an intimate bond with his younger daughter, who, despite her young age, demonstrates remarkable intelligence and intuition. However, she's struggling with the realities of her parents' divorce and the absence of a complete family. The father recognizes the impact of this on her and vows to make up for it by being an involved and loving parent. He acknowledges that kids can be affected by divorce, no matter their age, and that it's crucial to create positive experiences for them. The father's dedication to being a great dad and ensuring his daughter's happiness, despite the obstacles, serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing children's emotional well-being.

    • The joy and fulfillment of fatherhoodFatherhood brings immense joy, makes one happier and healthier, and is a continuous learning process. The bond between father and child is unbreakable and deeply cherished, making the journey of parenthood an incredibly rewarding experience.

      Becoming a father brings immense joy and fulfillment, making one feel happier and healthier, regardless of age. The experience of raising children is a unique and continuous learning process, where both the parent and child grow and change. Despite any challenges faced, the bond between father and child is unbreakable and deeply cherished. It's a privilege to witness the transformation of a child's character and personality, making the journey of parenthood an incredibly rewarding experience. Additionally, the experiences and lessons from our past shape us, and the memories we create with our children make life worth living. It's essential to appreciate the present moment and cherish the time spent with our loved ones.

    • Unexpected bond formed between speaker and a Catholic priestPeople's differences should not prevent us from forming meaningful connections, as demonstrated by the speaker's experience with a kind and understanding priest.

      Kindness and connection can transcend boundaries, even in the face of adversity and prejudice. The speaker's experiences of feeling ostracized and misunderstood led him to form an unexpected bond with a Catholic priest, who took the time to engage with him and make a positive impact on his life. This experience showed the speaker that it's not about religion, but about being a good person and reaching out to those in need. The priest's kindness and understanding made a lasting impression on the speaker and taught him that people's differences should not be a barrier to forming meaningful connections.

    • Confronting past traumas for empowermentConfronting past traumas can lead to empowerment and a sense of victory, even if it involves risk and fear.

      Confronting past traumas and seeking justice can lead to empowerment and a sense of victory, even if it involves risk and fear. The speaker, who had been victimized by a religious leader as a child, planned and executed a confrontation with the man after discovering his new plan to adopt another child. Despite feeling scared and uncertain, the speaker stood up for themselves and managed to prevent the man from adopting, with the help of their brother and the governor. This experience brought the speaker a sense of relief and validation, showing that taking action against past wrongs can lead to a significant improvement in mental and emotional well-being.

    • Confronting Child Abusers: Speaking Up is CrucialSpeaking up against child abusers is essential, even if it's difficult and met with disbelief. Predators can be manipulative and hide in plain sight, making it crucial to raise awareness and expose them.

      Child abuse is a pervasive issue that can go unnoticed for years, and perpetrators often use manipulation and deceit to avoid accountability. The speaker shared his experience of confronting a child molester in his community and the challenges he faced in getting people to believe him. He emphasized how important it is to speak up and expose abusers, despite the potential backlash and disbelief. The documentary "Abducted in Plain Sight" was mentioned as an example of how manipulative predators can hide in plain sight and how society sometimes fails to recognize or address the issue. The speaker also shared his own struggles with dealing with the trauma of abuse and the long-term impact it has on victims.

    • Facing Trauma Head-On for HealingTrauma survivors can find healing through therapy and healthy coping mechanisms, rather than escaping with substances or dissociation. Parents must set boundaries and make tough decisions for their children's wellbeing.

      Traumatic experiences can leave lasting impacts on individuals, and trying to escape from these experiences through substances or dissociation may provide temporary relief but won't erase the trauma. Instead, it's essential to face the trauma head-on through therapy and other healthy coping mechanisms. Dissociation, while helpful as a survival mechanism as a child, can become problematic as an adult and may lead to addiction. Additionally, being a responsible parent involves setting boundaries and making tough decisions, even if it's uncomfortable. Trauma is a complex issue, but with the right tools and support, healing is possible.

    • Embracing the unexpected joys of family lifeLife's unexpected twists can lead to cherished moments, even if they challenge initial plans. Cherishing family bonds is worth the challenges.

      Life's unexpected twists and turns can lead to cherished moments, even if they challenge our initial plans. The speaker shares how he once prioritized independence and personal freedom over starting a family, but later found joy in embracing the chaos of raising young children. He reflects on his past experiences, acknowledging that life was once harsh and brutal, but also fun. Now, he cherishes the bonding moments with his kids and is grateful for the timing of his family life. Despite the challenges, he concludes that it's all worth it and an honor to be a parent.

    • Support for Kathy Griffin's freedom of expressionThe speaker defends Kathy Griffin's right to express herself, even if it's not his sense of humor, and acknowledges the complexity of real-life harm versus symbolic actions.

      The speaker, despite not being close friends with Kathy Griffin, supports her freedom of expression regarding her controversial head photo, even if it's not his sense of humor. He also clarified that he was joking when answering questions about potentially harming the president, acknowledging the complexity and brutality of actually cutting someone's head off. The speaker also shared his experiences working in a packing plant, where he felt humanity was lost and some workers were sadistic, but they were dealt with accordingly. Ultimately, he emphasized the importance of understanding the context and intentions behind actions and words.

    • A prank gone wrong: Reflecting on past actionsConsidering past actions' impact on others and reflecting on their potential harm is essential for personal growth and empathy.

      The discussed anecdote involves a group of people engaging in a prank that involved applying a permanent blue dye to a friend before his wedding, which they now recognize as a potentially harmful and inappropriate act. The prank was carried out on Hormel premises, leading to a chaotic scene and potential consequences. Although they found the situation amusing at the time, they now understand that it may have constituted a form of sexual assault. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of reflecting on past actions and considering their impact on others. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the group's camaraderie and their shared memories, as well as the potential consequences of their actions, such as losing a potential Hormel sponsorship. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-reflection, empathy, and accountability.

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    Psychologist Shows You How to Reset Your Personality and Redefine Yourself | Benjamin Hardy on Impact Theory

    Psychologist Shows You How to Reset Your Personality and Redefine Yourself | Benjamin Hardy on Impact Theory
    On this episode of Impact Theory, Tom Bilyeu is joined by organizational psychologist and author Benjamin Hardy, PhD to discuss such matters and more as they explore why your personality and self-identity is an ever-changing thing that you have the control to reshape and reform. They discuss why most of us are trapped in our personalities, how your personality is always changing, how trauma shapes us, how to move forward in life, why your past never defines your future, the power of reframing your past and future, why pain tolerance is key to growth, how to become cognitively flexible, and how pressure creates traction to move forward in life.  SHOW NOTES: Personality | Benjamin shares why the conversation needs to shift on personalities. [0:12] Trapped | Benjamin reveals why we get trapped in the identities we’ve created. [1:30] Change | Benjamin reveals why your personality will change no matter what in life. [3:33] Trauma | Benjamin discusses how we hold onto and interact with our trauma. [8:09] Healing | Benjamin discusses how he healed from trauma and mended his relationships. [11:23] Moving Forward | Benjamin reveals how we can move beyond our own trauma. [13:22] Giving Up | Benjamin discusses why you shouldn’t give up on your idea of your future. [17:03] Your Past | Benjamin discusses why your past never defines your future. [17:55] Reframe | Benjamin reveals why you must reframe both your past and your future. [22:26] Future | Benjamin discusses how to craft a beautiful vision for your future. [25:28] Next Steps | Benjamin discusses the power of journaling and thinking ahead. [29:07] Self-Expansion | Benjamin discusses how our environment influences our visions. [30:49] Pushing Through | Benjamin reveals why pain tolerance is key to growth. [34:51] Flexibility | Benjamin discusses the power of being cognitively flexible. [38:51] Commitment | Benjamin shares how you should redefine commitment. [39:45] Pressure | Benjamin shares how pressure creates traction to move forward in life. [41:26] Acceptance | Benjamin discusses acceptance and commitment therapy. [44:50] Connect | Benjamin shares how you can connect and continue to follow him. [45:50]  FOLLOW BENJAMIN: Twitter: twitter.com/benjaminphardy Facebook: facebook.com/benjamin.hardy.18 Instagram: instagram.com/benjamin_hardy_phd Check out our Sponsors Teachable: teachable.com/impact Joovv: Get an exclusive discount on your first order at Joovv.com/impact and use code IMPACT Blinkist: Go to https://blinkist.com/impact Try it FREE for 7 days and save 25% off your new subscription. Grammarly: Get 20% off Grammarly Premium when you sign up using your desktop or laptop computer by visiting grammarly.com/TOM Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact? If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. Subscription Benefits: New episodes delivered ad-free Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement Money Mindset: Business & Finance Relationship Theory: Relationships Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    If I Believe It, I Can Be It: Rocìo Pèrez

    If I Believe It, I Can Be It: Rocìo Pèrez

    Rocío Pèrez, international speaker, best selling author, inclusion and diversity thought leader and trainer, believes that she was built for hard times and that the inconceivable blows that life threw her way, made her tough - made her resilient. We invite you to listen to this remarkable story of hope and endurance as Rocío shares with Kristin how she made her way from horrific child abuse and neglect to being a 12 year old runaway...to soon after becoming a mother at 15. What she learned along her journey, she shares, was that she, and she alone gets to choose what she believes is possible, not what others tell her: whether that was her education, parenting, career or even her health. She embraced that ultimately, she was responsible for her own healing through taking courageous action and stepping out of her comfort zone, knowing that if she was not scared, she was not learning and growing and leading the way for others to do the same.


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    SUBSCRIBE to How I Made It Through on Apple Podcasts!

    If you're interested in working with Kristin as an Executive coach, visit her website, https://www.kristintaylorconsulting.com/

    Be sure to check out EIQ Media Group's latest podcast series, The Mentor Files. Join host Monica Royer, Founder and CEO of Monica + Andy as she chats with leaders across the fields of entrepreneurship, parenthood, health, lifestyle, and more. This season, we're digging deeper than ever before to learn the story behind their stories. SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.

    3 Self-Healing Tools to Help Usher in the Golden Age

    3 Self-Healing Tools to Help Usher in the Golden Age

    If we’re on the brink of a golden age, self-healing can help us get there quicker. In this episode, I'll talk about what I mean by that, and 3 steps for regularly healing yourself at many levels.  





    04:30 – A 3-step regular practice for self-healing           

    13:40  – The difference between the personality and the true self   

    19:00 – Example of healing your low back using your mind   

    23:15 – How to use your imagination in constructive versus destructive ways 






    MindStory Inner Coach Book 

    Discover the 5-Step AVARA Model for Self-Healing 




    MindStory Blueprints [online course] 

    66 Days to Retrain Yourself in Good Habits of Self-Healing 








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    #260: Life is a Blank Canvas with Craig Stanland

    #260: Life is a Blank Canvas with Craig Stanland

    #260: Life is a Blank Canvas with Craig Stanland

    Today we are speaking with Reinvention Architect, Craig Stanland.  After hitting rock bottom, Craig was forced to make a choice: give up or rebuild. He thought he had "it all" until he lost sight of what's truly important and made the worst decision of his life, losing everything along the way, including his own self-worth. Through the painful, terrifying process of starting over, Craig ultimately discovered that when you have nothing, anything is possible. 


    Today, Craig is an author, speaker, and Reinvention Architect. He specializes in working with people who want to reinvent themselves so they can create the extraordinary lives they've always wanted. He is celebrating the release of his upcoming book, “Blank Canvas - How I Recreated My Life”, releasing on May 25th, 2021.

    In this episode we discuss:

    1) The difference between internal and external fulfillment. External fulfillment comes from outside of us and chasing monetary items or status in order to feel that fulfillment. Internal fulfillment comes from inside of ourselves. This was one of the most powerful lessons that Craig learned during his time in federal prison. 

    2) We always have a choice and learning how to own and exercise our choices is the path to our freedom. We can choose to change our story at any time.

    3) Embracing vulnerability is the path to creating freedom.  It can also lead us to the most incredible relationships and people who are meant to make a difference or an impact in our lives. 

    Connect with Craig
    Website: www.craigstanland.com
    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/craigstanland
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cstanland
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craig_stanland/
    Craig’s TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrkG9VQzqIo

    Link to Craig’s New Book:

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker and Life Coach

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation. Through her programs, coaching and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support and impact others.

    Holy F/ck My Husbands A Narcissist + I'm Codependent 😬 - Leaving Disfunction After 22 years + Finding Freedom

    Holy F/ck My Husbands A Narcissist + I'm Codependent 😬 - Leaving Disfunction After 22 years + Finding Freedom

    In this episode I sit down for a very real and raw conversation with Ilana Worsham, a brave woman who had a MASSIVE WAKE UP moment that led her to leave a 20+ year marriage with  what she calls a "classic narcissist".  She got a divorce, got her kids on track, and lost sixty pounds. She also took control of her finances and is now in a much better place where she can reflect on how her codependent state got her into this mess (and kept her there for so long)


    We also cover:

    * How her childhood experiences shaped her beliefs about herself, and how she was taught to take care of everyone else and not to shine too brightly. This led to bypassing her own inner knowing.

    *How growing up with a narcissistic father led to her attracting that type of man in her adult relationships (the pattern showing up to be healed).

    * Tools and tips to manage the many challenging transitions life brings (these are helpful for everyone!)

    * Her darkest hour and how she finally woke up to the disfunction that was real and rampant in her relationship.

    * The importance of protecting and making all children feel loved and important, especially during times of chaos or change.

    * The importance of tending to the body, and the energy stored within it, in order to heal from trauma and move forward in life.

    *Finally, they discuss the idea of finding oneself after experiencing a period of loss, and the concept of addiction and how it can manifest in different ways



    If you desire to learn more about Ilana and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    IG + TIK TOK : https://www.in@yes.mamailana

    Website: www.yesmamawithmissilana.com

    Podcast: YES MAMA https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yes-mama/id1670729960

    (you can find on all major platforms).


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB