
    Podcast Summary

    • Kroger's mealtime inspiration with affordable prices and savings opportunitiesKroger provides a vast selection of affordable meal options and various savings opportunities, making it a preferred shopping destination for many.

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for mealtime inspiration, along with everyday low prices and various savings opportunities, making it a worthwhile shopping destination. Additionally, the host, Andrew Santino, shares updates on his upcoming tour dates, Patreon content, and merchandise, and introduces his guest, Taco from Odd Future, with whom he has worked on various projects. During their conversation, they discuss the origins of a potential TV show, "White People's Shit," which was ultimately not produced due to perceived sensitivities at the time. Despite this, they reflect on the evolving landscape of media and the changing perception of creative collaborations.

    • People can surprise us with their hidden talentsInitial impressions can be deceiving, and people have the ability to surprise us with their dedication and hidden talents.

      People can surprise us with their abilities and dedication in different areas, even when we initially have preconceived notions based on past experiences. For instance, a friend might seem uninterested or unprepared, but they could be serious and dedicated in other aspects of their life. In the case discussed, a friend initially came across as uninterested in acting and often showed up high to set, but when given the opportunity, they took it seriously and gave a great performance. It's essential to remember that people are complex and multifaceted, and we should not judge them based on one aspect of their life. Furthermore, the conversation touched on the topic of pursuing passions and the realization that one might not be good enough to reach a professional level. The friend shared how he initially wanted to be a basketball player but quit due to a lack of skill and motivation. He learned that being around professionals and understanding the level of dedication and discipline required to succeed can be eye-opening. It's essential to recognize our limitations and be honest with ourselves about whether we have the drive and discipline to pursue a particular passion at a professional level.

    • Stories of unexpected successPeople's futures are not set in stone by their past circumstances or academic records. Surprising achievements can come from unexpected places and people.

      Success can come from unexpected places and people. The speaker shares a story about his successful musician sister who dropped out of college and was criticized for her academic record. He also recalls an old friend, Taj, who was the most talented rapper he knew but ended up living in Kansas with seven kids. Despite their different paths in life, Taj was proud of the speaker's success and didn't hold any resentment. The speaker also reflects on other acquaintances from his past who surprised him with their accomplishments, such as a friend who became a firefighter. These stories illustrate that people's futures are not determined by their past circumstances or academic records, and that success can come from unexpected places and people.

    • Judging by Appearances Can Be MisleadingPeople's abilities and backgrounds may not align with their appearance. Practice and preparation are crucial for success.

      Appearances can be deceiving. A young man named Christian, dressed in the nicest golf gear, turned out to be a beginner who had never swung a golf club before. He revealed that he was a rapper and had bet $50,000 on a golf match against another artist. The speaker was surprised, as he had only heard of one rapper who was into golf that much. The incident serves as a reminder that people's abilities and backgrounds are not always apparent from their appearance. It also highlights the significance of practice and preparation, as Christian's lack of experience put him at a disadvantage in the upcoming golf match.

    • Sports: Assessing Individual Skill and UnpredictabilityDespite appearances, an individual's skill level in sports can be unpredictable. Basketball provides a better assessment, but even there, hype doesn't always translate to professional success. Ultimately, championships determine greatness.

      While some sports, like basketball, allow for a better assessment of an individual's skill level, other sports, such as golf, can be more unpredictable. The appearance or athletic build of a person does not necessarily indicate their ability in a particular sport. The discussion also touched upon the hype surrounding white college basketball players who often fail to live up to expectations in the professional league. The speaker emphasized that Luka Doncic, a European player, is an exception and could potentially challenge Larry Bird's position as the greatest white basketball player. However, the ultimate measure of greatness in sports often comes down to championships.

    • LeBron's journey of resilience and commitmentLeBron's career highlights his resilience, determination, and focus, inspiring us to stay true to ourselves and push through challenges.

      LeBron James has had an extraordinary NBA career marked by resilience, determination, and a unique ability to rise above adversity. His documented journey from leaving Cleveland to returning and winning a championship, despite facing intense hostility, showcases his unwavering commitment to achieving his goals. James' privacy and lack of involvement in off-court controversies have contributed to his reputation as a focused and dedicated athlete. In today's media-saturated world, it's easy to get lost in the noise, but LeBron's story serves as a reminder of the power of staying true to oneself and pushing through challenges. Additionally, the discussion touched on the impact of constant news consumption and the importance of balancing information with other aspects of life.

    • Embracing TikTok for creative opportunitiesUnderstand TikTok's unique opportunities for engagement, stay relevant in the digital age, embrace new platforms, and balance sharing content with self-care

      Creating content for social media platforms like TikTok is not about adhering to specific rules or expectations, but rather about connecting with new audiences and providing an entry point to your work. The speaker initially resisted the idea of joining TikTok due to generational biases and concerns about oversaturation. However, he came to understand that the platform offers unique opportunities for engagement and that it's essential to stay relevant in the digital age. The speaker also shared his fear of overexposure and the importance of taking time to reflect after a bad performance or experience. Ultimately, he recognized the value of embracing new platforms and striking a balance between sharing content and taking breaks for self-care.

    • Nostalgia for Experiences in EntertainmentThe speaker misses the camaraderie, exploring new places, and trying new things in his past entertainment career more than the actual performances.

      The speaker misses the experiences and adventures that came with his past career in entertainment, more than the actual performances themselves. He mentions the camaraderie, exploring new places, and trying new things as the aspects he misses the most. The excitement and high of performing on stage is something that many in entertainment chase, even if they don't realize it. The speaker also touches upon the idea that people strive to achieve these experiences and once obtained, they can be difficult to let go of. The nostalgia for these experiences can be stronger than the actual performances themselves.

    • Embracing authenticity despite criticismStay true to oneself, even when faced with negative feedback, and find comfort in aligning with personal values and brands.

      Constructive criticism is a part of the entertainment industry, and it's essential to remain authentic to oneself. During a conversation, the speaker shared his experiences of receiving feedback on his past work, some of which was not favorable. He acknowledged that not everyone may like every character he portrays or even him as a person. However, he was grateful for the current project where he could be true to himself and his sarcastic nature. The speaker also highlighted the importance of staying comfortable, even if it means wearing unsuitable clothing for the weather, and embracing brands that align with one's values, such as Buffalo Trace, which donates hand sanitizer during the pandemic. Lastly, he encouraged exploring new ways to enjoy life at home, including taking advantage of discounts on adult toys from Adam & Eve.

    • Embracing True Self and New ExperiencesPeople may avoid fulfilling desires due to societal norms or personal biases, but it's important to embrace one's true self and be open to new experiences, even if it goes against societal pressures or personal biases.

      People can be uncomfortable with their own desires and may avoid fulfilling them due to societal norms or personal biases. The discussion touched upon this theme when the hosts talked about purchasing sex toys and dating individuals of various races. The hosts also shared experiences of being stereotyped based on their names and how it has impacted their perception of themselves. Another key point from the conversation was the ease of access to vices like drugs and alcohol while on tour, and how some individuals may use this as an opportunity to indulge despite the potential consequences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing one's true self and being open to new experiences, regardless of societal pressures or personal biases.

    • Impact of Past Experiences on Present PerceptionsPeople's past experiences shape their present perceptions, especially in relationships. Societal norms and expectations can also influence our experiences and perceptions.

      People often hold onto their past experiences and judgments, especially when it comes to relationships. The speaker shares anecdotes about his email addresses and the reactions they've elicited, highlighting the impact of past experiences on present perceptions. He also discusses how parents may have strong reactions to their children's relationships, drawing parallels between a father's protective instincts and a mother's desire to see her child happy. The speaker reflects on how societal norms and expectations can shape our perceptions and experiences, particularly in the context of dating and relationships. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the complexity of human relationships and the enduring influence of our past on our present.

    • Valuing independence and empowering partnersThe speaker values independence and supports partners in their goals, even if it means letting go. He empowers them with resources and admires their ambition.

      The speaker values independence and self-sufficiency in a partner, and is willing to support them in their goals, even if it means letting go of the relationship. He has learned from past experiences that trying to control or limit a partner can lead to resentment and ultimately, the end of the relationship. Instead, he prefers to empower his partner with the tools and resources they need to thrive, whether they continue to be with him or not. He admires women who hustle and work hard, and finds it attractive when they have clear goals and aspirations. Ultimately, he wants to be a partner who helps his loved one achieve their dreams, rather than holding them back.

    • From humble beginnings to great successStarting from a tough neighborhood, the speaker shares his journey of pursuing music while facing challenges, staying unique, and valuing relationships and creativity.

      Starting from humble beginnings can lead to great success, but the journey can be filled with challenges and hardships. The speaker shared his experiences of living in a tough neighborhood and struggling to make ends meet while pursuing his passion for music. He also discussed the importance of being unique and not letting others' opinions bring you down. The speaker also touched upon the topic of relationships and how they can deeply impact our lives, both positively and negatively. He concluded by expressing his disdain for being pigeonholed into playing certain types of music and the importance of creativity and freedom in one's work.

    • Understanding and valuing your worthIt's crucial to charge what you're worth and not undervalue your services, even if it means turning down opportunities or disappointing friends.

      Understanding and valuing one's worth is crucial in business, even if it means turning down opportunities that don't compensate fairly. The speaker shared his personal experience of starting out as a DJ and learning the hard way about charging for his services. He mentioned how he initially struggled with asking for payment, especially when it came to friends or acquaintances. However, he learned that it's essential to charge what he's worth and not undervalue his services. The speaker also shared an instance where he didn't charge Saladin, a producer and neighbor, for DJing his son's birthday party, but he regretted it later and wished he had asked for payment. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of knowing one's worth and not compromising it for the sake of personal relationships or fear of rejection.

    • Embracing Unique Talents and Building an EmpireSuccess often comes from staying true to one's vision, embracing unique talents, and seizing opportunities. Tyler Perry and Byron Allen's unconventional approaches to entertainment and business led to significant wealth. Perry's relatability and Allen's shrewd licensing demonstrate the power of staying true to one's vision.

      Success often comes from embracing one's unique talents and building an empire through hard work and persistence, even if it means doing things unconventionally. Tyler Perry and Byron Allen are prime examples of this, using their distinct approaches to entertainment and business to amass significant wealth. Perry's relatability and ability to connect with audiences, despite the perceived "badness" of his movies, and Allen's shrewd licensing of music libraries demonstrate the power of staying true to one's vision and seizing opportunities. Ultimately, it's not just about making money, but using it wisely and generously, as well as understanding that life is short and unpredictable.

    • Enjoying the journey of making and spending moneyAppreciate memories from past purchases, invest in real estate, and enjoy the money you have now

      Money can disappear and it's important to enjoy it while you have it. The speaker shares his perspective on making and spending money, expressing that he doesn't understand the judgment towards extravagant purchases and that everything won't last forever. He shares an example of a $1500 Hermes poncho he bought at 18, which he no longer has but still appreciates the memory of it. The speaker's parents influenced him to save money and buy real estate at a young age, but he regrets not taking advantage of the opportunities when he had the means. He encourages buying a house if you have the means, as it's an investment and a better alternative to renting. The speaker acknowledges the disconnect between having the money for a house but not having the house itself yet. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying the money you have and not being afraid to make purchases that bring you joy.

    • Impact of Housing Costs and Location on Lifestyle and Social DynamicsChoosing a place to live can significantly influence lifestyle, social connections, and daily experiences. High housing costs and undesirable locations can lead to compromises and impact social dynamics.

      Housing costs and location preferences can significantly impact one's lifestyle and social dynamics. The speaker shared his personal experience of living in Hollywood, where high rent forced him to make compromises between accommodating guests and affording his living expenses. He now aims to move to a more affluent area, Larchmont, seeking a more grounded and humble community. The conversation also touched upon the importance of considering the impact of housing choices on social connections. The speaker's go-to phrase, "Go Lakers," reflects his enthusiasm for the local community and basketball team. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of considering various factors when choosing a place to live and how it can influence our daily lives and relationships.

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    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
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    • Being a dedicated boxer has led to many amazing opportunities, such as winning medals and championships. The medals, trophies and belts which are on display in a trophy room are a reminder of all the hard work it took to get to that stage. It is a reminder that all the gruelling training programmes paid off and the rewards were reaped.

    • The best advice for life is to stay focused, keep working hard and never give up. It is important for people to have dreams and goals that they wish to achieve in life. If you have goals and ambitions, chase them, they allow you to wake up in the morning with purpose and determination. Think where you would like to be in ten years’ time and use goals to drive you.

    • Don’t allow hate comments on social media to get to you, do not rise to their words and waste your energy on them. If you have a large social media following you are bound to have haters.  When you are successful in life, the haters are always going to be there. The love received from social media from fans destroys all the hate.

    • Money is the motivator for everyone in life. You use it as motivation because you want your family and those around you to live a good life. Some people are not honest about money being their motivator but it comes down to the question, would you work for free? There is no shame in being money motivated, you don’t have to be motivated by money only for yourself, but to provide those you love with the means to live a good life.

    • Appreciate every penny you earn. There are many people out there in the world who don’t have much money and who struggle to get by each day. Spending large quantities of money on material items such as watches makes you think ‘what could that money do for these people?’ You start to think that that money could be spent on better things, such as food for the poor. Rather than buying expensive items like jewellery, it is better spent on charity.



    “I was 16 when I won gold at the Junior Olympics, I won the gold medal, and the best boxer award”

    “The day you stop getting haters is the day you think to yourself, have I still got it?”

    “It is nice when people know you, and they treat you a little bit more special”

    “ Never let people get to you. Just say thank you very much and just let it be.”



    Amir Khan is a British professional boxer, promoter and philanthropist. He is a former unified light-welterweight world champion, having held the WBA (later Super) title from 2009 to 2012, and the IBF title in 2011. Outside of boxing, he is a philanthropist with his own charity organisation, Amir Khan Foundation. He is also a promoter and sponsor, the owner of Khan Promotions and Pakistan's Amir Khan Academy, and a co-owner of India's Super Fight League (MMA) and Super Boxing League. As a celebrity, he has also participated in several reality television and game shows. In 2017, Khan appeared on the seventeenth series of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com