
    Truth About Gender Differences, Danger of "Affirm Only" Care, and Parenting Today, with Dr. Leonard Sax | Ep. 474

    enJanuary 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Boys and Girls Have Biological DifferencesRecognize and respect boys and girls' unique biological differences for effective parenting and education.

      That boys and girls have inherent differences that go beyond physical anatomy and deeply impact their development. Dr. Leonard Sacks, an expert on gender and author of "Why Gender Matters," discussed the latest research showing differences in brain development, sensory abilities, and more. Despite compelling evidence, these facts are often overlooked or even censored in mainstream media. Sacks emphasized that these differences are not a social construct but a biological reality, as stated in Genesis 1:27. These differences are significant and have implications for parenting and education. It's essential to recognize and respect these differences to support the unique needs and development of each child.

    • Sensory differences in relationshipsUnderstanding and respecting sensory differences can improve communication and strengthen relationships. Recognize and accommodate differences in smell, cleanliness standards, and hearing abilities.

      Individuals experience the world through different sensory lenses, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships. This was illustrated in a story about a couple arguing over a foul smell in their kitchen. The woman, who was highly sensitive to smell, was upset that her husband couldn't detect it. The husband, on the other hand, couldn't understand why his wife was making such a fuss over something he couldn't smell. The speaker emphasized that people should not be angry with each other over these sensory differences, comparing it to a blind person being unable to understand the sighted person's perspective. The speaker also shared stories about differences in cleanliness standards based on gender and hearing abilities, highlighting the importance of understanding and accommodating these differences in relationships. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of recognizing and respecting these hardwired differences in sensory experiences and learning styles to foster better communication and stronger relationships.

    • Teachers' misunderstanding of gender differences in drawing can reinforce stereotypesRecognizing and catering to boys' visual processing preferences in drawing can engage and motivate them, while criticizing their work reinforces stereotypes and discourages artistic interests.

      Teachers' lack of understanding of inherent gender differences in children's drawing preferences can inadvertently reinforce gender stereotypes and discourage boys from engaging in artistic activities. The text discusses an instance where a teacher's reaction to a violent drawing by a 6-year-old boy led him to abandon his drawing materials and develop a belief that drawing is for girls. This incident occurred over two decades ago, but the issue remains relevant today as many teachers lack education on these differences. Research shows that girls and boys have distinct visual processing preferences, with girls having a stronger inclination towards color, detail, and texture, while boys are more drawn to speed, direction, and change. These differences manifest in the types of drawings children produce. If teachers recognize and cater to these differences, they can effectively engage and motivate boys in drawing activities. Conversely, when teachers favor girls' drawings and criticize boys' for being violent or lacking detail, they reinforce gender stereotypes and discourage boys from pursuing artistic interests. By acknowledging and addressing these differences, educators can create inclusive learning environments that foster creativity and break down gender stereotypes.

    • Learning behaviors of boys and girls differ at a young ageGirls tend to focus on tasks and collaborate, while boys often disregard instructions and seek status. These differences contribute to a gender gap in academic achievement.

      There are notable differences in learning behaviors between boys and girls, even at a young age, which can impact academic achievement. This was observed in a classroom setting with chimpanzees and was also reflected in the experiences of students in a 6th-grade class. While girls tend to focus on their tasks and engage in collaborative learning, boys often disregard teachers' instructions and derive status from challenging authority. These behaviors have contributed to a growing gender gap in academic achievement, with boys performing worse than girls across various demographics. The shift in cultural norms, such as the devaluation of academic achievement among boys, is believed to be a significant factor in this trend. Understanding these differences and adapting teaching methods accordingly can help bridge the gap and support the academic success of all students.

    • Gender's Impact on Education, Career Choices, and EarningsWomen now earn more than men when comparing young adults without children, but women are more likely to have higher education degrees and less likely to negotiate for higher salaries. Young men are becoming less motivated and less likely to earn degrees than their female counterparts.

      Gender plays a significant role in various aspects of life, including education, career choices, and earnings. The gender pay gap is a complex issue, and it's essential to look beyond simplistic explanations. For instance, women tend to choose lower-paying professions, but when comparing young adults without children, women now earn more than men. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that women are more likely to have higher education degrees and are less likely to negotiate for higher salaries. Additionally, young men are becoming less motivated and less likely to earn degrees than their female counterparts. These findings highlight the importance of addressing the root causes of gender disparities and empowering individuals to negotiate for better opportunities.

    • Understanding the complexity of human genderFocus on creating an inclusive environment for all to explore their identity and express themselves freely, regardless of gender.

      While there may be biological differences between girls and boys, it's essential to understand that every individual is unique and deserves to be encouraged to pursue their passions and develop their strengths, regardless of gender. The current transgender discourse, which often emphasizes the importance of physical transitions, risks reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and limiting individuals' potential. Instead, we should focus on creating an inclusive environment where everyone can explore their identity and express themselves freely. The speaker's book, "Why Gender Matters," emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing the unique needs of girls and boys to help them succeed and thrive. Ultimately, understanding and embracing the complexity of human gender can lead to a more compassionate and accepting society.

    • The Complexity of Gender and EducationUnderstanding the benefits and challenges of single-sex education, while avoiding gender stereotypes, is crucial for creating inclusive, supportive learning environments for all students.

      The debate around gender and education reveals complex perspectives on the role of single-sex education and the impact of gender stereotypes. Professor Rebecca Bigler, a distinguished psychologist at the University of Texas, Austin, advocates for co-ed education to challenge the heteronormative binary. However, the speaker argues that girls benefit from single-sex settings to build confidence and develop skills without gender stereotypes influencing their learning. The success of single-sex education depends on proper teacher training to avoid reinforcing gender stereotypes. The debate highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of gender and education, as well as the potential consequences of messaging that reinforces stereotypes. The ongoing conversation around transgender youth and messaging from organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics adds another layer of complexity to this issue. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these topics with an open mind and a commitment to creating inclusive, supportive learning environments for all students.

    • New AAP Guidelines Recommend Immediate Transition for Transgender ChildrenDespite lack of solid evidence, AAP issued new guidelines advocating immediate transition for transgender children, replacing previous strategy of watchful waiting, based on irrelevant 30-year-old study, facing criticism from pediatricians.

      The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued guidelines in 2018 that recommend immediate transition for children who identify as transgender, despite a lack of solid evidence to support this approach. The guidelines denounced the previous strategy of watchful waiting, which involved understanding the reasons behind a child's gender identity confusion and supporting them accordingly. The AAP's justification for this change was based on a 30-year-old study of adult gay men, which is irrelevant to the issue of gender identity in children. The guidelines have faced criticism from several pediatricians, including one who wrote a letter to the AAP, pointing out the lack of evidence and the potential harm of the new guidelines. The letter, along with others expressing similar concerns, remains published on the AAP's website. The debate highlights the importance of evidence-based medicine and the potential risks of making decisions based on politics rather than scientific research.

    • Studies show many children with gender dysphoria grow up to be gay or lesbian, not transgenderAffirmation-based approaches to transitioning young children can be damaging, studies suggest. Gender identity and biological sex are linked, and ignoring this fact can lead to harmful consequences.

      The studies conducted by leading researcher Ken Zucker in Toronto over the past 30 years show that a significant number of children who express a desire to be the opposite gender during their early years grow up to be gay or lesbian adults, not transgender individuals. Contrary to the affirmation-based approach endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and President Biden, these studies suggest that encouraging such transitions at a young age can be extremely damaging. The judge in one case even deferred to the authority of the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, leading to a family losing custody of their child. It's important to understand that gender identity and biological sex are linked, and ignoring this fact can have harmful consequences. The variation in gender expression and identity, including gender nonconforming, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex individuals, should be acknowledged and understood, but not at the expense of reinforcing rigid gender stereotypes.

    • Higher Suicide Risk for Transgender IndividualsResearch shows transgender individuals have a higher suicide risk, and there's no evidence of improved psychiatric outcomes. Stories of detransitioned individuals highlight potential long-term risks and lack of proper counseling.

      Research from the Netherlands and other sources indicates that individuals who undergo gender transition have a significantly higher risk of suicide compared to the general population, and there is no evidence of improved psychiatric outcomes. Furthermore, stories of young people who have detransitioned, such as Cara Bell's, highlight the potential long-term risks and lack of proper counseling or evaluation. The trend of affirming and transitioning young people, particularly those who struggle with their identity in a sexualized society, has been criticized as potentially contributing to a social contagion rather than addressing underlying issues. It's essential to approach this complex issue with caution and consider the potential consequences.

    • The impact of sexualized popular culture on young girlsParents should prioritize their relationship, provide positive role models, limit screen time, and encourage real-life connections to help young girls develop a healthy sense of self and body image, rather than being influenced by sexualized media and societal pressure.

      The portrayal of female sexuality in popular culture, as exemplified by the viral WAP video by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, can be confusing and distressing for young girls. The song's explicit content and the societal pressure to conform to these sexualized standards can lead some girls to question their identity and feel the need to conform to being boys in order to be happy. To prevent this, it's crucial for parents to prioritize their relationship with their children, create opportunities for them to connect with positive role models, and limit their screen time. Additionally, it's important to remember that representation matters, and girls should be encouraged to connect with real women, not just Instagram celebrities or fictional characters. This can help them develop a healthy sense of self and body image.

    • Parents' role in limiting screen time and prioritizing real-world interactionsExcessive screen time can negatively impact children's wellbeing. Prioritize family time, especially evening meals, to reduce anxiety and depression in kids. Parents should set limits, be consistent, and resist social media infiltration to guide their child's development.

      Parents play a crucial role in limiting their children's screen time and prioritizing real-world interactions. The explosion of kids who are confused about their gender and overall wellbeing is partly due to parents who are unsure and let their children spend excessive hours online. The importance of family time, specifically evening meals at home and no devices at the dinner table, cannot be overstated. Research shows that frequent family meals reduce the likelihood of anxiety and depression in children. Parents should prioritize and fight for time at home with their kids, as it costs nothing but requires courage to resist the infiltration of social media. Be the parent, not the friend. Set limits, be consistent, and remember, your job is not to be liked, but to guide and protect your child's development.

    • Limit kids' smartphone use in bedroomsParents should limit kids' smartphone access in bedrooms for better sleep, reduced anxiety/depression risk, and healthy development.

      Parents should limit their children's access to smartphones, especially keeping them out of the bedroom, even for older teenagers. The presence of phones in the bedroom disrupts children's sleep and can lead to unhealthy habits. Parents should have the courage to enforce this rule, even if their children protest. The benefits, such as improved sleep and reduced risk of anxiety and depression, outweigh the inconvenience. Additionally, children are not developmentally ready to handle the responsibilities and potential consequences of constant phone access. Parents have a crucial role in guiding their children's development and should not abdicate that responsibility. Childhood is a prolonged period in human development, and it takes many years for parents to teach their children the necessary skills and knowledge. By setting limits on technology use, parents can contribute to their children's healthy development.

    • Setting boundaries for children's social media useParents should monitor and limit children's social media use to promote healthy brain development and emotional stability.

      While it's important to allow children to discover their own path in life, parents must also take an active role in guiding and limiting their exposure to potentially harmful influences, such as toxic online culture and excessive social media use. Recent research shows that social media use can negatively impact brain development, particularly in the amygdala, which is responsible for regulating emotions. This can lead to increased impulsivity and emotional instability. Therefore, parents should set boundaries and be vigilant in monitoring their children's social media use. It's not about being the "cool" or "popular" parent, but rather prioritizing their child's long-term well-being over short-term popularity.

    • Effects of limiting children's social media accessLimiting kids' social media use can improve their social skills and overall well-being. Consider focusing on traditional ways to help kids develop comfort in their gender identity.

      Limiting children's access to social media at an early age can have positive effects on their social development and overall well-being. The speaker, a father of a 16-year-old daughter who doesn't use social media, shared his personal experience of moving schools to find one where children weren't overly reliant on devices. He also discussed the importance of understanding the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation, and the potential harm of asking children to disclose their preferred pronouns. The speaker recommended that parents consider leaving schools that prioritize this issue and instead focus on creating an environment where children can develop comfort in their gender identity and social skills in more traditional ways.

    • Maintaining Parental Authority During SleepoversParents should clearly communicate and enforce safety rules during sleepovers, even if it means dealing with their child's anger or resistance

      Parents should maintain their authority and set clear boundaries for their children, especially when it comes to safety. The discussion touched upon the topic of sleepovers and the potential risks involved. While it's important to do due diligence, the speaker believes that sleepovers can be beneficial experiences for kids. However, parents should communicate clearly and assertively with their children, avoiding negotiation or engaging in arguments. The speaker shared personal stories of challenging situations where she had to enforce rules despite her child's anger and resistance. Ultimately, the job of a parent is to keep their child safe, even if it means enduring difficult conversations or reactions.

    • Parents' role in supporting children during challengesSeek professional help, maintain strong family relationships, and prioritize support for children's emotional well-being.

      Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children, especially during challenging times. This was a common theme in a recent discussion where a mother shared her experiences with her daughter's struggles, which included issues related to social media use, weight, depression, and identity. The mother expressed feelings of guilt and helplessness, wishing she could go back in time to prevent some of these issues. However, she was advised that while she can't change the past, she can help now by seeking professional help, such as therapy and medication, and finding a good counselor who shares her perspective. The importance of prioritizing the family unit and maintaining strong parent-child relationships was also emphasized as essential for navigating these challenges. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of parents' active involvement and support in their children's lives.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Want to get more from Dr. Sarah Bren? 

    ✨ Follow Dr. Sarah on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsarahbren/

    ✨ Subscribe to the weekly newsletter: https://drsarahbren.com/join-newsletter

    ✨ And check out her website for more free parenting resources: https://drsarahbren.com/resources

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    This episode gives actionable steps that parents can take in providing good influences in the lives of their children.

    As teenagers they were both encouraged to read a Proverb a day.  That practice has continued into their adult lives.  In fact, Proverbs has become a cornerstone of their fmaily devotions and time for them to discuss, share ideas, and learn together.  

    Take a look at the show notes below and follow along!

    Find ways to provide good influences

    Develop relationships that influence your kids well

      • We used Chick-fil-A
      • We used work opportunities
      • We used great books
      • We used good movies
      • We used people we know

    Help your kids to find good relationships

      • With family
      • With other adults (usually in a working or training situation)
      • With other teens of your choosing

    Do hard things when necessary

    147. BTS: What are practical tips for dealing with whining kids?

    147. BTS: What are practical tips for dealing with whining kids?

    Beyond the Sessions is answering YOUR parenting questions! In this episode, Dr. Rebecca Hershberg, Dr. Emily Upshur, and I talk about...


    1:51 - Understanding the context and circumstances of why your child is whining.


    4:01 - Responding to the content of your child's feeling or unmet needs rather than the tone.


    7:26 - Getting to the root of what your child is trying to communicate, rather than asking something more of them in the moment.


    8:20 - What to do when your child is whining a lot and it has become a real issue.


    9:21 - How to ignore the behavior without ignoring your child.


    13:25 - Get 3 psychologist-approved discipline strategies that don't utilize shame or guilt with this FREE GUIDE!



    We want to hear from you! Go to https://drsarahbren.com/question to send us a question or a topic you want to hear us answer on Securely Attached - Beyond the Sessions!