
    UFYB 150: Compromising: How and When

    enSeptember 10, 2020
    What did Tara Lowenthal describe as a 'wormhole' experience?
    Why is mental flexibility important for personal growth?
    How does Tara define compromise in personal interactions?
    What role does enthusiasm play in personal and professional growth?
    How can thought work influence our decisions on compromise?

    • Embracing diverse experiences and methods for personal growthMaintain mental flexibility towards various approaches for personal growth and recognize that there isn't a single definitive answer to life's challenges

      Life offers various experiences and tools for personal growth, and it's essential to maintain mental flexibility towards different approaches. Tara Lowenthal, the podcast host, shared her experience of going through a transformative meditation practice, which she described as a "wormhole" experience. Her teacher, Sally Kempton, casually acknowledged this as a common occurrence. This anecdote underscores the importance of embracing diverse experiences and being open to various methods for navigating life. Additionally, mental rigidity can hinder personal growth. It's essential to recognize that there isn't a single definitive answer to life's challenges. Instead, it's crucial to focus on finding what works best for us individually. In this spirit, Tara discussed compromise, acknowledging that it's a straightforward concept, but one that people often confuse. The key is to find a balance that satisfies all parties involved.

    • Understanding the thoughts behind our actionsExamine thoughts leading to compromise or resistance, make conscious choices based on values and needs, break free from societal conditioning for greater personal empowerment

      Thought work is not about compromising or not compromising for the sake of it. It's about understanding the thoughts that drive our actions, whether they lead us to compromise or not. When we feel guilty for not compromising, it may stem from societal conditioning or a belief that we're a bad person if we don't. Alternatively, some people may feel the need to never compromise as a rebellion against societal expectations. However, neither extreme is empowering. Instead, thought work encourages us to examine the thoughts that lead us to compromise or resist, allowing us to make conscious choices based on our values and needs. By understanding the thoughts behind our actions, we can make informed decisions and break free from societal conditioning, ultimately leading to greater personal empowerment.

    • Fearless CompromiseAvoid compromising out of fear or ego. Instead, focus on understanding underlying thoughts and feelings to make empowered decisions that benefit both parties.

      Compromise should not be based on fear or avoiding negative emotions. Compromising out of fear of losing a relationship or upsetting someone, or because of a belief that you should always compromise, can lead to feelings of rebellion, resentment, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. Instead, it's essential to identify the underlying thoughts and feelings that lead to the desire to compromise or not compromise. If the thought is based on scarcity or ego, it will not lead to a positive or empowering outcome. By focusing on understanding our own thoughts and feelings, we can make decisions that come from a place of empowerment and authenticity. Compromise should be a mutual agreement that benefits both parties, not a means to control emotions or avoid negative feelings.

    • Understanding Compromise: Good or Bad?Individuals should consider their personal goals and values when deciding to compromise, rather than seeking external justification or approval.

      Compromise is not inherently good or bad, it depends on the specific situation and the results it produces. Women, in particular, are often taught to feel the need to justify their decisions, but ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide whether to compromise or not, based on their own values and desired outcomes. It's important to understand why we make certain choices, but we don't need an external justification or approval to make them. Compromise can be a way to have our own back, but it can also come from fear or scarcity. The key is to consider the impact on our results and make decisions that align with our personal goals and values.

    • Understanding internal thoughts and feelingsThought work is an internal inquiry, focusing on understanding thoughts, feelings, and actions, without external validation or justifications. Decide if you want to keep your thoughts and focus on internal experience.

      Thought work is an internal inquiry, not driven by external validation or justifications. It's about understanding our thoughts, feelings, and resulting actions, and deciding if we want to keep them or not. There's no need for a good enough reason to compromise or not compromise, and no score to keep. Instead, ask yourself what you're thinking about the situation and if you want to keep that thought. Keep it simple and focus on your own internal experience. This approach can help you handle various types of brains, including human brains, and is a key aspect of the thought work methodology. For more in-depth learning and support, consider joining The Clutch, a feminist coaching community where you can apply these concepts to your own life and connect with other thought work enthusiasts.

    • Looking forward to the upcoming eventApproaching events with excitement and eagerness can lead to productive outcomes and personal growth

      The excitement and anticipation expressed towards a future event or meeting. The speaker's eagerness to be present is a clear indication of the importance and value they place on the interaction or occasion. This enthusiasm can help build momentum and create a positive energy that can lead to productive outcomes. It's a reminder that our engagement and participation in events and activities can have a significant impact on our personal and professional growth. So, whether it's a business conference, a networking event, or a simple catch-up with friends, approaching it with a positive attitude and a sense of excitement can make all the difference. I cannot wait to see you there.

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    Being gentle with yourself right now is a non-negotiable.

    Many of us did gain weight, or didn’t live up to our promises of working out every day or journaling every day during quarantine or maybe you didn’t finish the goals you wanted. Grace. Lots of grace my friend! You have a lot on your plate so don’t let the itty-bitty-shitty-committee drag you into a shame spiral. Breathe, be with yourself and extend yourself kindness.


    As we transition into fall, where personally, for me it’s a time to cozy up and go inward, I invite you to cozy up to yourself and go inward to generously listen to yourself so you can be with yourself and honor yourself through kindness, humor and compassion to touch your innate warmth, love and strength.


    I want to hear from you – what do you think about this discussion? What way do you belittle yourself and what ways can you give yourself grace right now? Also, please post only positive comments that are helpful to us all. We don’t need to judge this woman or any other woman for that matter. We’re all showing up where we are, doing the best we can. Let’s rise up to meet each other and lift each other up.

    At the beginning of this pandemic, I said we’re in this together, and we still are. We’ve risen through uncertainty and are still here, and now it’s time to be kinder towards ourselves so we can be kinder towards each other. Together.

    If you want to join me, I’ve created the #selfkindnessproject which starts on sept 21st, a free 4-day challenge with self-inquiry prompts and easy mindfulness tools to be kinder and more loving to yourself. This challenge kicks off my self love lab which starts oct 5th. Hope you can join me for any or all of it. Link is in my bio if you’re interested.  www.audreysuttonmills.com 

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