
    UFYB 267: Being in Charge & Working Motherhood: A Conversation with Sarah Nicole of The Papaya Podcast

    enDecember 08, 2022
    What does Cara Lowenthal's feminist practical philosophy encourage?
    How do societal expectations impact women's self-perception?
    What inner conflicts do working moms often face?
    Why is recognizing limiting thought patterns important for women?
    How can women find joy amidst societal pressures?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Women's Inner ConflictsWomen can challenge societal norms and reclaim their power by recognizing and addressing inner conflicts rooted in societal beliefs

      Women often experience feelings of being "in charge" or not, despite being adults, which can be linked to societal beliefs instilled in us that our value fluctuates. This can lead to inner conflicts, especially for working moms. Cara Lowenthal, a life coach, and the host of The Papaya Podcast, discuss these issues in depth. Cara's approach, called "feminist practical philosophy," encourages women to question their beliefs and values, enabling them to rewire their brains and feel empowered despite insecurities and anxiety. The conversation touches on core issues related to women's empowerment and the disconnect between high achievements and inner struggles. By recognizing these feelings and seeking to understand their roots, women can begin to challenge societal norms and reclaim their power.

    • Impact of societal expectations on women's livesWomen can rewire their brains to overcome societal conditioning and embrace their authority and leadership abilities.

      Societal expectations and socialization impact the way women think and approach their lives, often leading to feelings of impostor syndrome and uncertainty about decision-making as they enter adulthood. The speaker, a life coach, shares her personal journey from a successful legal career to becoming a coach, driven by her desire to help women identify and change limiting thought patterns instilled by societal norms. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing that women are in charge of their lives and have the power to navigate and find joy and peace in their experiences. The speaker's work focuses on helping women rewire their brains to overcome societal conditioning and embrace their authority and leadership abilities.

    • Historical gender roles and financial independenceHistorically, women have faced discomfort and anxiety when expected to be financial providers due to societal expectations and lack of financial experience. It's crucial to acknowledge and challenge these historical roots to promote financial equality.

      Historical gender roles have shaped women's perceptions and experiences of financial independence. For centuries, women were considered second-class citizens or property, and their decision-making abilities were doubted. This mindset has persisted, leading to discomfort and anxiety when women are expected to be financial providers. Women have historically been shielded from financial responsibilities, and the transition to financial independence can be challenging. Despite the desire for equality, the weight of financial provision can feel overwhelming, especially when it's a new experience. It's important to recognize and address the historical roots of these feelings and work towards creating a more equitable financial landscape for all.

    • Impact of societal expectations on women's financial controlSocietal norms prioritize family over women's financial independence and careers, leading to unequal earnings and control over money in relationships

      Societal expectations and gender roles continue to impact the financial dynamics in relationships, with women often having less control over their earnings and career paths compared to men. Historically, women did not have the same legal rights to their own money, and even today, there is a socialization for women to prioritize family over careers or financial independence. However, it's important to recognize that not all women have the luxury to make these choices based on personal preference, and financial necessity often plays a significant role. Additionally, there is a lack of acknowledgment of the value of women's work, particularly in caring for children, leading to an unequal distribution of economic power in relationships.

    • Women's worth is influenced by external validationSocietal conditioning can make women believe their worth is based on others' opinions, leading to low self-esteem and anxiety

      Women are socialized to believe they have no inherent value beyond external validation. This belief manifests in various areas of their lives, leading to feelings of sadness, low self-esteem, anxiety, and difficulty in relationships. Women are taught that their worth is like a running average of everyone's thoughts about them, making it challenging to disconnect and value themselves independently. This societal conditioning is pervasive and can be seen in various aspects of life, including online spaces. It's essential to recognize and challenge this belief to foster self-worth and value, regardless of external validation.

    • Changing negative thoughts to positive onesBy recognizing our negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive ones, we can change our perception of ourselves and the world around us.

      Our thoughts about what others are thinking of us are a reflection of our own internal thoughts. The speaker shares her personal experience of constantly worrying about others' perceptions of her body image and how she managed to change her thought patterns. She explains that trying to stop thinking a thought doesn't work because our brains have to think it first to identify if we're thinking it or not. Instead, we need to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Our thought patterns are habits, and by training our brains to think new thoughts, we can change our perception of ourselves and the world around us. The speaker also emphasizes that it's essential to remember that others' thoughts are not always positive or negative towards us, but our internal dialogue often shapes our beliefs about their opinions.

    • Our thoughts and habits are shaped by neural connections in our brainsWith repetition, new thoughts and actions become habitual and automatic, whether positive or negative. It takes effort and consistency to cultivate new, healthier thought patterns, especially when societal expectations make it challenging.

      Our thoughts and habits, whether mental or physical, are shaped by the neural connections in our brains. At first, new thoughts or actions require conscious effort, but with repetition, they become habitual and automatic. This is true for both positive and negative thought patterns. For instance, when learning to drive, the process is overwhelming at first, but with time, it becomes second nature. Similarly, when trying to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations, it takes effort and consistency, but over time, the new thought pattern becomes the default. It's important to recognize and forgive our initial thoughts, as they are a result of our conditioning, and focus on cultivating new, healthier thought patterns. Additionally, societal expectations and guilt can make it challenging for women to reconcile their roles as mothers and workers, but it's essential to remember that these roles don't have to be mutually exclusive, and both are valid and important.

    • Accepting our humanness and complex emotionsEmbrace your humanness, accept conflicting emotions, and challenge self-judgment for self-acceptance and confidence.

      Acknowledging our humanness and the complexities of our emotions, rather than judging ourselves, is essential for reducing suffering. This concept, called "acknowledging your own humanness," comes from Buddhist teachings and encourages us to accept that we cannot do or be everything at once. It's natural to have conflicting desires and feelings, and this is part of the human experience. However, society often socializes women to judge themselves harshly when they experience conflicting emotions or desires, particularly related to their bodies and sexuality. It's important to recognize that we cannot completely undo socialization, but we can challenge the thoughts that push us to judge ourselves and consider the impact of those thoughts on our lives. Instead of focusing on external validation, we can strive for self-acceptance and confidence, recognizing that desirability is not inherently tied to societal norms or male validation.

    • Understanding our complex relationship with beauty and self-imageRecognize the importance of internal motivation for self-love and respect others' choices, while finding balance and doing what genuinely feels right for us.

      Our relationship with beauty and self-image is complex and deeply personal. We may feel good about ourselves when we look good, but it can also be a source of insecurity and dependence. The desire for beauty is a natural human instinct, but it's important to consider if our motivation comes from within or external validation. The lack of judgment towards others' choices is crucial, as everyone's journey towards self-love is unique. It's essential to acknowledge and respect the inherent feelings that come with our choices, whether it's wearing makeup or going makeup-free. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance and doing what genuinely feels right for us, rather than societal pressure or expectations.

    • Addressing systemic issues in beauty cultureInstead of judging individuals, focus on changing systemic issues in beauty culture and supporting body autonomy. Use the thought ladder to change beliefs and work towards a more inclusive society.

      Instead of focusing on judging and criticizing individuals' choices related to their bodies or appearances, we should address the systemic issues in beauty culture and the negative impacts it has on our lives. Body autonomy is essential, and we should support each other's choices while working towards changing the cultural narrative. The problem lies in the pressure and penalties people face in their personal and professional lives due to societal expectations. Instead of targeting individuals, we should focus on understanding the root causes and taking collective actions. A useful tool for changing our beliefs is the thought ladder, which can help us move from our current thoughts to desired beliefs. By recognizing the importance of personal responsibility and addressing the systemic issues, we can work towards unfucking our daily lives and creating a more inclusive and supportive society.

    • Transitioning to new beliefs requires patience and persistencePractice neutral thoughts to gradually move towards new beliefs, focusing on feeling 10% less shitty for long-term progress

      Attempting to believe something significantly different from our current thoughts without gradually transitioning can be ineffective. Our brains have deeply ingrained neural networks from years of thinking the same way, making it challenging to adopt new beliefs without emotional or chemical payback. Instead, practicing neutral thoughts that move us a little closer to our desired belief is the key to progress. This process requires patience and persistence, as it won't feel good right away. It's important to remember that change takes time and effort, and we should not expect immediate results. Additionally, underestimating what we can accomplish in the long term is a common human bias. By focusing on thoughts that make us feel 10% less shitty, we can make significant progress towards achieving our goals. This approach is not about positive affirmations but rather neutral ones that help us feel a tiny bit better in our bodies. This concept resonates with the societal shift we've seen on social media, where once-jarring images of imperfections have become more mainstream, representing a collective move towards being 10% less shittier.

    • Acknowledging small improvements in managing thoughts and emotionsSmall improvements in managing thoughts and emotions can lead to significant positive impacts on well-being and quality of life. Acknowledging the value of feeling '10% less shitty' can foster personal growth, stronger relationships, and increased passion.

      Small improvements in managing our thoughts and emotions can have a significant impact on our overall well-being and quality of life. It's not about seeking grand transformations overnight but rather focusing on making incremental changes over time. The speaker, Carolyn, emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the value of feeling "10% less shitty" and the positive impact it can have on our personal growth, relationships, and passions. She encourages listeners to explore her resources, such as the "Unfuck Your Brain" podcast and her coaching community, "The Clutch," to learn more about thought work and apply these concepts to their own lives. Ultimately, the goal is to create a supportive community where individuals can grow and learn together, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic existence.

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    To connect further with Rashida:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/lu8Qp2pZx6o
    Read the show notes: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/56
    Read the transcript: https://dradiagooden.squarespace.com/s/UWP-EP-56-RASHIDA-THOMAS-TRANSCRIPT.pdf

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    To connect further with Dr. Naieema Jackson:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/eB9h7Xf_mRY
    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/82

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    How Are You Prioritising Your Time?

    How Are You Prioritising Your Time?
    In true Confidence and Self Esteem style; if you are looking to take more action in your life, have more motivation and self love, have increased levels of self esteem or greater confidence; you have to get slightly out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself and I'm no different when it comes to this. I'm certainly not prepared to hide behind some carefully edited recording! So as ALWAYS you get the raw - unedited version. Just like with all shows - I need your feedback. Let me know what you want me to talk about what you want to hear. Happy listening.

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