
    UFYB 94: Thought Avoidance

    enAugust 15, 2019
    What is the sticker reward system technique?
    How can the technique help with procrastination?
    What is thought work and its significance?
    How does thought avoidance affect individuals?
    What lesson can be learned from the speaker's experience?

    Podcast Summary

    • Sticker reward system for focus and productivityUse a sticker reward system to stay focused on tasks by placing a sticker on a motivational quote or word whenever you resist distractions.

      Increasing focus and productivity can be achieved through a simple yet effective technique called "sticker reward system." This idea was shared by a member of the Clutch community named Lauren Pittinger. The technique involves setting up a frame or a piece of paper on your desk with a motivational quote or a word that inspires you. Whenever you feel an urge to distract yourself from your work, instead of giving in, you reward yourself with a sticker placed on the frame or the paper. This serves as a visual reminder of your progress and helps train your brain to stay focused on the task at hand. This technique is particularly helpful in overcoming procrastination and habituated urges to check notifications or social media. It's an easy, low-cost solution that can be applied by anyone looking to improve their focus and productivity.

    • Overcoming Fear of Alone Time with Self-Compassion and MindfulnessPracticing self-compassion and mindfulness can help us enjoy being alone with our thoughts, while using stickers as a reward system can modify behavior and reinforce positive thoughts.

      Practicing self-compassion and mindfulness can help us overcome our fear of being alone with our thoughts. Before discovering thought work, the speaker used to be afraid of being alone with her mind due to painful thoughts. But after managing her mind, she now craves the peace and quiet to be with herself. The use of stickers as a reward system is a simple yet effective hack to redirect the brain's desire for dopamine and modify behavior. The accumulation of stickers serves as visual evidence of progress and reinforces positive thoughts. The speaker encourages listeners to try this hack and discover the benefits for themselves. Additionally, she shares her experience of craving solitude and peace during a recent vacation, highlighting the importance of self-care and self-compassion.

    • The importance of self-connection and introspectionPracticing thought work to observe and manage thoughts can deepen self-connection and enhance well-being, but avoiding difficult thoughts can hinder progress.

      Just as we value and prioritize connecting with loved ones when we feel disconnected, it's essential to make time for self-connection and introspection. Our thoughts shape our feelings and experiences, and neglecting them can lead to a sense of disconnection from ourselves. The habit of observing and managing our thoughts, also known as thought work, can help us improve our relationship with ourselves and enhance overall well-being. However, many people struggle with practicing new thoughts due to thought avoidance. This phenomenon occurs when we intentionally or unintentionally avoid confronting difficult or uncomfortable thoughts. By acknowledging and addressing thought avoidance, we can make progress in changing our thought patterns and fostering a deeper connection with ourselves.

    • Understanding Thought AvoidanceTrying to avoid negative thoughts before they fully manifest can make it harder to effectively challenge and change them. Recognizing this pattern can help us develop more effective thought-changing strategies.

      Thought avoidance is a common mental pattern where we try to avoid or suppress negative thoughts before they fully manifest. This can happen when we're trying to change a thought and the old thought resurfaces. The urge to avoid the thought can be strong and may lead to a frantic or agitated feeling. Thought avoidance is problematic when we have a negative thought that we don't want to have and try to replace it with a new thought before the old one has finished. It's like interrupting someone before they can finish speaking. This pattern can make it harder to effectively challenge and change our thoughts. Understanding thought avoidance can help us recognize it and work on developing more effective thought-changing strategies.

    • Impact of thoughts and emotions on past experiencesRecognizing the impact of thoughts and emotions on past experiences is crucial for growth. While we cannot change the past, we can learn from it and use it as an opportunity for growth by acknowledging and addressing emotions and seeking help.

      Our thoughts and emotions can significantly impact our perception of past experiences and our current situation. The speaker shared how the discovery of a muscle issue, the psoas, that had been causing her pain for over a decade brought about a wave of thoughts about how her life could have been different if she had known earlier. However, she also recognized the potential harm in dwelling on these thoughts and the importance of acknowledging and addressing the emotions attached to them. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of being mindful of our thought patterns and the potential consequences of suppressing or avoiding negative emotions. It's a reminder that while we cannot change the past, we can learn from it and use it as an opportunity for growth. Additionally, the speaker's experience emphasizes the value of seeking help and being open to new solutions, even if they come later than we might have hoped.

    • Facing uncomfortable thoughtsAcknowledging and understanding thoughts instead of avoiding them gives us power over them. Thoughts are just mental constructs, not reality.

      Avoiding thoughts, no matter how uncomfortable or difficult they may be, only gives them more power. According to the discussion, when we resist or ignore thoughts, we unconsciously grant them a dangerous and problematic status. This thought avoidance mode makes it impossible for us to change our thoughts effectively. Instead, we should acknowledge and understand that thoughts are just mental constructs, not reality. They don't have any inherent power unless we believe and act on them. By examining and addressing our thoughts directly, we can truly understand and change them. So, if there's a thought in your life that you've been avoiding, consider facing it head-on. Engage with it, understand it, and don't let it control you. Remember, thoughts are just thoughts – they're not circumstances, feelings, actions, or objective truths. They're just mental constructs that can be examined, understood, and changed.

    • Learning to shift your thoughtsAcknowledging and observing thoughts as just sentences in our minds allows us to change them, improving overall well-being. Practice is required.

      The ability to change a thought comes from acknowledging and observing it as just a thought, rather than avoiding it or believing it to be a dangerous or true circumstance. When we make eye contact with our thoughts and accept them, we gain the power to shift them. However, this is easier said than done, and it requires practice. If you find yourself struggling to change a thought and feeling agitated, it's likely that you're in thought avoidance mode, trying to get away from the thought rather than allowing it. To help you learn how to apply this concept, I'm hosting a free webinar on August 26 at 1:30 pm Eastern. During the webinar, I will teach you a coaching tool that you can use right away to start noticing and observing your thoughts, allowing you to shift them and gain greater control over your mind. To register, text your email address to 347-997-1784 and use the code word "August." By attending live, you'll also receive a special bonus. Remember, thoughts are just sentences in our minds, and by acknowledging and observing them, we can change them and improve our overall well-being.

    • Invest in Personal Growth with Katherine HansenAttend live webinars, register for self-coaching course The Clutch, and prioritize personal growth for a better present and future.

      Katherine wants to encourage listeners to prioritize personal growth and attend her live webinars, which are offered at various times to accommodate different time zones. Those unable to attend live can register online. Katherine emphasizes the value of learning thought work concepts through her self-coaching course, The Clutch, which comes with expert coaching and a 5-week program to guide individuals in applying these techniques effectively to their lives. The course is accessible by visiting yourbrain.comforward/theclutch or texting your email address to 347-934-8861. Overall, Katherine's message is about seizing the present moment and investing in personal growth through her resources and guidance.

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