
    Unpacking the Health Benefits of Sprouts - With Doug Evans

    enFebruary 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the Unique Nutritional Profile of SproutsSprouts, particularly chia and flax, have a high amount of ALA omega 3s and more nutrients than their seeds or legumes. Doubts about lectins and oxalates in sprouts were addressed, leaving a positive impression.

      Sprouts, specifically chia and flax, contain a high amount of plant-based ALA medium chain omega 3 fatty acids and have more nutrients than the seeds or legumes they come from. Doug Evans, an expert on sprouts, discussed their unique nutritional profile and the twist regarding lectins and oxalates in sprouts. Despite initial skepticism, the conversation left the host, Dr. Bindi, impressed, and she discovered a new way to use sprouts to break a fast. The Reset Academy, a supportive community for those interested in fasting and health, offers guidance and resources for customizing a fasting lifestyle.

    • Unlock Your Full Potential with the Reset AcademyJoin the Reset Academy for exclusive insights, answers, community support, and the power of sprouts for personal growth, health, and natural healing.

      Joining the Reset Academy offers more than just membership access; it's an investment in personal growth and health. Members gain exclusive insights, answers to burning questions, and community support to help them achieve their health goals. The focus on sprouts as a nutrient powerhouse is a key aspect of this journey, as they provide essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins that can't be found in other foods. Sprouts are also natural sources of medicine, offering detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and disease-fighting properties. By embracing the fasting lifestyle and incorporating sprouts into their diets, members can unlock their fullest potential together. To learn more and join the community, visit doctormindypels.com/resetacademy.

    • Boost Nutrition in Salads with SproutsSprouting legumes enhances nutrient density, lowers phytic acids and lectins, and increases protein content, making them a great addition to salads for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians

      Incorporating a variety of sprouts into salads not only provides additional nutrients but also increases the protein content. When we sprout legumes, we remove phytic acids, lower lectin levels, and enhance the nutrient density of the vegetable. This makes sprouts an excellent addition to a protein-rich meal, whether you're vegetarian or not. By growing your own sprouts and incorporating them into your salads, you're not only enhancing the nutritional value but also witnessing the transformation of a seed into a living organism. This simple addition to your meals can significantly boost your protein intake and support muscle growth. Additionally, eating living foods, such as sprouts, can provide extra health benefits that are often overlooked in nutrition.

    • Sprouting seeds and legumes enhance their nutritional valueSprouting increases vitamins, antioxidants, fibers, and essential nutrients while reducing harmful substances like lectins, phytic acid, and oxalates, making sprouts a nutrient-dense food source.

      Sprouting seeds and legumes offers significant nutritional benefits beyond the original seed itself. During the sprouting process, seeds and grains undergo biochemical changes, creating new compounds and sequestering nutrients. This results in an increase in vitamins, antioxidants, fibers, and other essential nutrients. Additionally, sprouting reduces the presence of harmful substances like lectins, phytic acid, and oxalates. This makes sprouts a powerful and nutrient-dense food source, especially for individuals seeking to add more protein and essential nutrients to their diets, such as menopausal and perimenopausal women. Furthermore, sprouting is a natural process that occurs without the need for soil or fertilizer, making it an accessible and sustainable food option. Overall, the science of sprouting reveals the incredible potential of these tiny seeds and legumes, offering numerous health benefits and adding depth to our understanding of the power of whole foods.

    • Consuming raw sprouts triggers health benefitsSprouts strengthen immune system, lessen neurological symptoms, maximize nutritional value when grown at home, and offer cost savings and convenience

      Consuming raw sprouts provides numerous health benefits due to their ability to trigger heat shock proteins in the body. These proteins help strengthen the immune system and can even lessen symptoms of specific neurological conditions, such as autism. The nutritional value of sprouts is maximized when grown at home, as opposed to buying them from the store where their freshness may deteriorate over time. The cost savings and convenience of store-bought sprouts can still make them a valuable addition to one's diet, especially for those who travel frequently. The Sprout book offers instructions on how to grow sprouts at home for optimal nutrition and cost savings.

    • Sprouting Seeds and Legumes for Omega-3sSprout various seeds and legumes for high plant-based omega-3s, consider supplementing with seaweed or algae for additional EPA and DHA, prioritize hormonal health with a customized meal plan, clean microbiome through fasting, properly prepare and chew sprouts for optimal nutrient absorption.

      Dr. Mindy Pelz emphasizes the importance of sprouting various seeds and legumes for their high plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, particularly ALA, which can be converted into EPA and DHA in the body. She encourages regular consumption of these sprouts, or supplementing with seaweed or algae for additional EPA and DHA. Dr. Pelz also shares her collaboration with Tony Horton on a new fitness program, PowerSync 60, which includes a customized meal plan and consideration of hormonal health. For those with gut health concerns, she suggests starting with a clean microbiome through various fasting methods and gradually incorporating sprouts and other nutrient-dense foods. Dr. Pelz encourages taking the time to properly prepare and chew sprouts to aid digestion and maximize nutrient absorption.

    • Benefits of Whole, Unprocessed Fats and SproutsEating whole, unprocessed fats from sources like coconut, avocados, and olives, and incorporating sprouts into your diet, can improve health and aid in microbiome repair. High-quality nutrition is crucial for preventing lifestyle diseases.

      Whole, unprocessed sources of healthy fats, such as coconut, avocados, and olives, are beneficial for our health, and they provide additional nutrients like polyphenols and fiber. Additionally, incorporating sprouts into your diet, even if they cause initial digestive discomfort, can aid in microbiome repair. It's important to remember that not all plant compounds, like lectins and oxalates, are harmful if you have a healthy microbiome. Furthermore, the speaker emphasized the importance of high-quality nutrition in preventing lifestyle-induced diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. They shared their personal experiences with family members who suffered from these conditions and how they made a conscious decision to prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods in their diet.

    • Considering the Consequences of Food ChoicesPlant-based diets can offer complete protein and have less impact on health and the environment than unsustainable meat diets, but individual needs and genetics play a role.

      While there are benefits to both plant-based and meat diets, it's important to consider the consequences of our food choices. Meat, especially when produced unsustainably, can have negative impacts on health and the environment. On the other hand, plant-based diets can provide complete protein if consumed in variety and sufficient quantities. However, genetics and individual needs play a role in determining the best diet for each person. Ultimately, it's essential to consider sustainability and the impact on all creatures and resources when making food choices. For instance, producing one pound of beef requires 1500 gallons of water, while producing the same amount of sprouts only requires one gallon. Additionally, epigenetics and lifestyle choices can influence genetic outcomes, making it possible to improve health despite genetic predispositions.

    • Sprouts as a Protein PowerhouseSprouts offer more protein than typical veggies, are a complete protein, and can challenge the notion that plants can't provide sufficient protein. They also offer psychological benefits and can be a game-changer for those seeking nutrient-dense foods.

      Sprouts offer a unique solution to the protein debate in the plant-based versus carnivore diet argument. Sprouts have more protein than typical vegetables and are a complete protein, challenging the notion that plants cannot provide sufficient protein. Additionally, the psychological benefits of living a simple, austere life, as the speaker experienced while living in a tent and consuming an abundance of sprouts, should not be overlooked. Sprouts can be a game-changer for those looking to add more nutrient-dense foods to their diet, with many people reporting weight loss, gain, and positive experiences on social media. While raw meat may not taste good to some, sprouts can be delicious and flavorful when prepared properly, making them a viable alternative for those seeking a plant-based diet that goes beyond processed foods. Ultimately, the choice between diets is a personal one, but adding sprouts to one's diet can provide numerous benefits.

    • Long-term health consequences of a carnivore dietA carnivore diet's absence of phytonutrients, micronutrients, polyphenols, bioflavonoids, and prebiotics could negatively impact gut health over time. Proper preparation of plant-based foods is crucial to minimize potential gut issues, and there's a plan to explore muscle building on a sprout-filled diet.

      While a carnivore diet can have initial gut healing benefits, long-term health consequences should be considered. The absence of phytonutrients, micronutrients, polyphenols, bioflavonoids, and prebiotics in a carnivore diet could negatively impact gut health over time. The speaker, who follows a plant-based, mostly raw, mostly sprouts, fruits, seaweeds diet, emphasizes the importance of proper preparation of these foods to minimize potential gut issues. Regarding muscle building, there is a plan to explore the possibility of building muscle on a sprout-filled diet, as muscle wasting is a common issue for women during menopause. The speaker is committed to experimenting with breaking their fast with sprouts and sharing the results with their community.

    • Practicing Self-Love: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual CareSelf-love involves nurturing oneself physically through healthy habits, mentally through affirmations, emotionally through activities, and spiritually through connection with nature. It's not deprivation but a form of love and respect for the body.

      Self-love is about taking care of oneself in all aspects - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Doug, a guest on the podcast, shared his practices of self-love, which include reciting affirmations, eating high-quality nutrients, engaging in activities like ice baths and hot springs, and being persistent. He also emphasized that taking care of oneself is not deprivation but a form of love and respect for the body. Doug's passion for sprouts is an example of this, as he sees growing and consuming them as a way to co-create with nature and provide his body with the best possible nutrition. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-love and the various ways it can be expressed and practiced.

    • Doug Evans' Mission to Spread Plant-Based LivingDoug Evans, author of 'The Sprout Book,' is passionate about sharing his message of plant-based living through various platforms and invites everyone to connect with him for more resources.

      Doug Evans, the author of "The Sprout Book," is not only passionate about sharing his message of plant-based living through his book but also through social media platforms like Instagram (@dougevans) and TikTok (@sproutwiz). He engages with his audience, even those who initially were antagonistic, and has seen transformative results. Evans' dedication to spreading his message of health and wellness extends beyond the pages of his book, and he invites everyone to connect with him for more information and resources. His mission to bring a real and good message to the world is truly inspiring. If you're intrigued by this discussion, please consider leaving a review, sharing it with your friends, and letting us know your biggest takeaway.

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    Connect with Virginia: https://virginiasolesmith.com

    Social media: @v_solesmith

    For full episode information and links discussed in the episode, please go to www.momgenesthepodcast.com. To connect with the Mom Genes community, check out our Instagram @momgenesthepodcast or Facebook group: Mom Genes The Podcast. Please email us your questions or thoughts for future episodes at momgenesthepodcast@gmail.com

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    The information presented in this podcast does not replace individual therapy or nutrition recommendations.