
    Unravelling the Connection Between Your Gut, Mood, Stress, & Energy with Tina Anderson (Just Thrive)

    enJune 30, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Probiotics and Mental Health: The Role of PsychobioticsCertain probiotic strains, or psychobiotics, can improve mental health by impacting neurotransmitter production, especially beneficial for women during menopause.

      Certain probiotic strains, or psychobiotics, can significantly impact mental health by influencing the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. For women going through menopause, the loss of estrogen and progesterone can lead to a decrease in these neurotransmitters, causing depression, anxiety, and a lack of joy. Psychobiotics can help restore these neurotransmitters, leading to improved mental health. Tina Anderson from Just Thrive shares the science behind this discovery and provides practical tips on incorporating these beneficial bacteria through food and supplements. Additionally, Mindy Pels discusses the importance of community and support in pursuing health goals, especially through her Reset Academy, which offers exclusive resources and guidance for those interested in implementing a fasting lifestyle.

    • From litigation to probiotics: Tina's journey to improve mental healthTina, a former litigator, founded Just Thrive to promote mental health through probiotics, focusing on the gut's role in producing serotonin and the gut-brain connection.

      Our gut bacteria play a significant role in our mental health. Tina, the founder of Just Thrive, a supplement company, shares her journey from litigation to creating a business focused on probiotics. She was driven by her concerns about the pharmaceutical industry's abuses and her belief in the power of natural solutions. Tina and her husband saw an opportunity to license unique probiotic strains and help people improve their mental health by focusing on the gut. The gut produces 95% of our serotonin, the "happy hormone," and the gut-brain connection through the vagus nerve is crucial. Psychotherapists have been primarily focusing on the brain for mental health solutions, but the real breakthroughs might be in the gut. The concept of psychobiotics highlights the importance of understanding the bacteria that keep us happy and mentally healthy.

    • The gut's role in mental health and mood regulation80% of adults may have leaky gut, impacting mental health by releasing toxins into the bloodstream, causing inflammation. Seal up gut leakiness through lifestyle choices for better mental health.

      The gut plays a crucial role in mental health and mood regulation, producing important neurotransmitters like dopamine and GABA. Stress can impact gut health, leading to leaky gut and the release of LPS toxins into the bloodstream. These toxins can cause inflammation in the brain and other organs, contributing to mental health issues. Up to 80% of adults may have leaky gut. To improve gut health and reduce the risk of LPS toxins, focus on sealing up the gut leakiness through lifestyle choices, such as reducing gut disruptors and promoting gut diversity.

    • Antibiotics and glyphosate disrupt gut healthIntermittent fasting protects and improves gut health by allowing beneficial bacteria to thrive

      The use of antibiotics and glyphosate, found in our food supply, can significantly disrupt our gut health. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, while glyphosate specifically targets and kills good bacteria. This disruption can lead to an increase in allergies, autoimmune issues, and other health problems. However, intermittent fasting can help protect and even improve gut health by allowing beneficial bacteria to proliferate in the starved state. Despite common rhetoric, fasting does not destroy the microbiome, but rather leads to a reorganization and potential increase in diversity. It's important to note that more research is needed to determine the effects of using a product like Just Calm during intermittent fasting to accelerate the growth of good bacteria. Personal experience and research have shown that intermittent fasting can lead to increased energy and improved digestive health.

    • Fasting and gut health improvements lead to mental benefitsFasting and using psychobiotics can improve gut health, reduce sugar cravings, and enhance mental clarity. The strain Bifidobacterium longum 1714 is effective for gut-brain access, reducing cortisol, and improving cognitive function.

      Fasting and improving gut health through the use of psychobiotics can lead to significant improvements in mental health and wellbeing. The speaker shared her personal experience of noticing a black line on her tongue during fasting, which she learned was candida dying off. She also mentioned her reduction in sugar cravings and improvement in mental clarity. The psychobiotic strain Bifidobacterium longum 1714 was mentioned as particularly effective for gut-brain access, reducing cortisol levels, and improving cognitive function. The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing the root cause of mental health issues and offered psychobiotics as a potential alternative to traditional medications.

    • Menopause and Gut Health: A Powerful ConnectionImproving gut health through probiotics can help women better handle menopausal symptoms and promote overall well-being during this stage of life.

      Menopause can bring about significant hormonal shifts, leading to mental health issues for women. These issues can be exacerbated by the lack of focus on gut health during this stage of life. Gut health plays a crucial role in hormone production, and taking care of it can help women better handle the stressors that come with menopause. A simple step like adding a probiotic to one's routine can make a significant difference in managing menopausal symptoms. It's essential to understand that the transition after 40 requires a lifestyle shift, and looking at menopause as a positive time in life can lead to less suffering. Women in their forties and beyond are often dealing with the needs of their growing children and aging parents, making good mental health even more important. By focusing on gut health, women can improve their menopausal journey and overall well-being.

    • Taking care of gut health during menopauseMenopause affects gut health and communication between gut and brain. Focus on calming the body, improving gut bacteria, and utilizing vagus nerve tools for better wellbeing.

      Understanding our bodies during menopause and taking care of our gut health are crucial for overall wellbeing. The trillions of bacteria in our gut, particularly one strain like bifida longum 1714, can have a significant impact on our health. Furthermore, the vagus nerve, which connects the gut and brain, often becomes underutilized during menopause due to a constantly activated sympathetic nervous system. By focusing on calming the body and improving communication between the gut and brain through tools like probiotics and the vagus nerve, women can better navigate menopause and improve their overall health. It's essential to recognize the importance of rest and reducing stress, as the neurotransmitter GABA, which aids in relaxation, is linked to progesterone, a hormone women lose during menopause. By prioritizing rest and utilizing tools like probiotics, we can support our bodies during this transition and improve our quality of life.

    • Focusing on nutrient absorption for optimal healthMaximize benefits of nutrient intake by prioritizing gut health and microbiome function, particularly for menopausal women, and consider cannabis for stress and cognitive function support. Use code ps60pels to access the PowerSync 60 program for holistic well-being.

      For optimal health, particularly for menopausal women, it's crucial to focus on both the consumption of nutrients and the ability to effectively absorb and utilize them. The discussion highlighted the importance of certain strains of cannabis in addressing specific health concerns, such as stress and cognitive function, and the role of b vitamins in neurotransmitter production and energy levels. However, if the microbiome, which plays a key role in extracting and utilizing b vitamins, is depleted, then supplementation may not be effective. Therefore, prioritizing gut health and microbiome function is essential for maximizing the benefits of nutrient intake. The PowerSync 60 fitness program, designed with hormonal health in mind, offers a solution to support overall well-being through exercise, nutrition, and fasting. By visiting doctormindy.org and using the code ps60pels, individuals can access this program and join a community dedicated to improving their health during this challenging time.

    • Understanding the role of supplements in a healthy dietWhile supplements can aid, a balanced diet is crucial for good health. Focus on diverse, fiber-rich foods, especially for gut health. Inform yourself about food sources and farmers' practices for optimal nutrition.

      While supplements can be helpful, they should supplement a healthy diet, not replace it. The foundation of good health lies in eating clean, organic, and diverse foods. Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits, especially those high in fiber and prebiotics, can support gut health. However, for those with a dysbiotic gut, focusing on rebalancing it with probiotics before introducing high-fiber foods is crucial. The food industry in America has made things complicated, making it essential to be informed consumers. Getting to know farmers and their practices, especially at farmers markets, can lead to healthier and more nutritious food choices. Soil health and the microbes it contains play a significant role in food production, and supporting local farmers who prioritize soil health is a step towards better overall health.

    • Soil quality affects food nutrients and gut bacteriaThe use of pesticides has harmed soil health, reducing nutrients and beneficial bacteria in food. Probiotics, once optional, are now essential for gut health. Choose probiotics that survive stomach acid and stay alive long enough to be effective.

      The quality of the soil our food is grown in has significantly deteriorated due to the use of pesticides like glyphosate, leading to a depletion of good bacteria. As a result, the vegetables we consume no longer contain the same nutrients and beneficial bacteria as they did in the past. This means that probiotics, which were once considered optional, have become essential for maintaining good mental health and restoring the gut bacteria that our ancestors had. The probiotics we consume are not live microorganisms when we buy them but become active once they reach our intestines, making it crucial to choose probiotics that can survive the stomach acid and stay alive for an extended period. In essence, the health of our soil and the food we eat are interconnected, and restoring the good bacteria in our gut requires a focus on improving the quality of the soil and the food we consume.

    • Bacteria in our gut communicate and change gut floraJust Thrive's spore-based probiotics can shift gut ecosystem for better health, while fermented foods provide benefits but not the same effect.

      The bacteria in our gut are highly intelligent and can communicate with each other to change the makeup of our gut flora. The bacillus strains used in Just Thrive have the ability to make this shift, leading to a healthier gut ecosystem. Fermented foods are beneficial but cannot provide the same effect as spore-based probiotics, which deliver live microorganisms directly to the gut. Additionally, research is being conducted on the role of certain bacteria, such as L. Reuteri and L. Ramanose, in breaking down estrogen and the importance of supporting gut health for hormonal balance. While Just Thrive has not yet conducted studies on their strains in relation to hormone breakdown, it is a topic of interest due to the increasing use of HRT and the need for supporting gut health for proper hormonal function.

    • Focus on individual probiotic strains, not just the numberChoose probiotics with specific strain IDs and studies for optimal benefits, as different strains have unique functions and some may negate each other's effects.

      When it comes to probiotics, the focus should be on the power of each individual strain rather than the number of strains present in a product. Strains with different IDs can have vastly different functions, and some may even negate the benefits of others. It's essential to ensure that the strains in studies match those in the actual product. High-dose multi-strain probiotics can pose risks, as strains may compete with each other or create new strains with unknown effects. The gold standard is to look for probiotics with strain IDs and studies that use the exact formulation and strains found in the product. Additionally, antibiotic use can wipe out up to 90% of gut bacteria, and the effects can last for years. Probiotics can help replenish these beneficial bacteria, but it's crucial to use ones with studied strains and formulations.

    • Preserve gut bacteria with probiotics and prebiotics during antibiotic useConsume probiotics during antibiotic intake to protect gut bacteria. Continue probiotic use and add prebiotics for gut health restoration. Our specific probiotic and prebiotic products target beneficial bacteria.

      When taking antibiotics, it's beneficial to consume probiotics at the same time to help preserve the good bacteria in the gut. Our specific probiotic strain, studied with one of the strongest antibiotics, has been shown to survive completely in the presence of the antibiotic. To ensure proper gut bacteria replenishment, it's recommended to take two probiotics a day during antibiotic use and continue with that dosage for several months afterward. Prebiotics, which are essentially the fertilizer for beneficial bacteria, are also crucial for gut health. However, not all prebiotics can effectively distinguish between beneficial and detrimental bacteria, potentially feeding the harmful bacteria instead. Our prebiotic product, which only targets beneficial bacteria, can be introduced after the probiotic has started its work. Some favorite prebiotic foods include artichokes, asparagus, onions, and raw, unpasteurized nuts and seeds.

    • Probiotics with spore-forming strains can help SIBOIndividuals with SIBO can benefit from probiotics with spore-forming strains, but should introduce them gradually with prebiotics.

      Probiotics, specifically those with spore-forming strains like those in Just Thrive, can be beneficial for individuals with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), contrary to the common advice of avoiding probiotics in such cases. This is because these strains have the ability to sense their environment and avoid contributing to overgrowth in the small bowel. However, it's important for individuals with SIBO to approach introducing prebiotics and probiotics gradually. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes that the medical community's focus on pharmaceuticals is due to their funding sources, and encourages individuals to take an active role in their health by being informed and empowered when interacting with healthcare professionals.

    • Find a supportive doctorSeek out open-minded doctors, ask questions, and start with a high-quality probiotic for better health outcomes.

      It's essential to find a doctor who is open-minded, supportive, and willing to learn with you about your health. Some doctors may shut down or shame their patients, but it's important to seek out those who are genuinely interested in helping you understand your body and find solutions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking questions and not accepting answers without understanding the "why." She also recommends starting with a high-quality probiotic, such as Just Thrive, as a foundation for improving gut health and overall well-being. Empowering yourself with knowledge and working collaboratively with your healthcare provider can lead to better health outcomes and a more resilient body.

    • Exploring gut health improvements with probiotics and supplementsConsistently use probiotics and supplements for 90 days to see full benefits, observe effects individually, and commit to a subscription for best value.

      Improving gut health through the use of probiotics and other supplements is a gradual process that requires consistency and patience. While some people may experience immediate relief from symptoms like bloating or gas, the full benefits, such as increased energy and better sleep, may take up to 90 days. It's important not to introduce multiple supplements at once, but rather to journal and observe the effects of each one individually. Die off, a common side effect of probiotic use, may cause additional digestive issues but is a temporary process as the body adjusts to the new bacteria. The best value and results come from committing to a 90-day subscription, which offers the greatest discount. Walking is a self-love practice for the speaker, providing mood boost and a connection to nature. The unique contribution of the speaker is their expertise and passion for helping people improve their gut health and overall well-being.

    • The Power of Human Connection and Helping OthersAssisting others during tough times strengthens relationships and creates a better world. Quality products and positive messages spread compassion and integrity.

      The power of connection and helping others is crucial for personal fulfillment and building strong relationships. The speaker, who is passionate about relationship building and helping people, went out of her way to assist someone in need, even during a difficult business transaction. She appreciates the integrity and compassion of those who create high-quality products and spread positive messages. By coming together and supporting each other, we can make a difference and create a better world. The speaker's genuine love for people and her determination to bring them together is an inspiring reminder of the power of human connection.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    This episode is brought to you by AG1, AirDoctor, HigherDOSE, and Super Simple Protein

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    Dr. Elizabeth Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices Functional Medicine at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing she has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimum health and wellness. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing.

    This episode is brought to you by AG1, AirDoctor, HigherDOSE, and Super Simple Protein.

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    Full-length episodes (and corresponding links) of these interviews can be found here:

    3 Things That Destroy Your Gut Health

    Underweight, Overtired, and Malnourished: How To Get Your Health Back On Track

    Why Gut Issues Are On The Rise And How To Fix It

    Bloating: Getting Rid Of Your Food Baby With Functional Medicine

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.