
    What the Heck Is Going on With These U.F.O. Stories?

    enJune 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • UFO Debate: Hidden Evidence of Crashes and Recoveries?The debate over UFOs intensifies with claims of government hiding evidence of crashes and recoveries, requiring a balanced understanding to separate fact from fiction.

      The debate around the existence and government handling of UFOs or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) has intensified, with a recent whistleblower claim making waves. The Debrief's article, featuring former combat officer and intelligence officer David Grush, alleged that the US government has been hiding evidence of UFO crashes and recoveries from Congress. This claim was met with skepticism and dismissal by some, while others saw it as a groundbreaking revelation. The New York Times journalist Leslie Kane, who has covered governmental investigations into UFOs, shares her insights into the background of this story, including her first encounter with Luis Elizondo, the former head of a secret Pentagon program. The importance of this topic lies in its potential implications and the need for a balanced understanding, as it can fuel conspiracy theories or be ignored, hindering the public's ability to grasp the nuances of the issue.

    • Pentagon's Secret UFO ProgramThe Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, led by former counterintelligence operative Luis Elizondo, aimed to understand UFOs/UAPs from intelligence reports but lacked resources and attention, ultimately leading to Elizondo's resignation.

      The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATIP), a small, unfunded initiative within the Pentagon led by former counterintelligence operative Luis Elizondo, aimed to understand the technology behind unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) based on reports from intelligence agencies. The program, which was funded by about $22 million from Harry Reid, was a backwater operation that struggled to gain attention from the defense department. Elizondo resigned due to insufficient resources and his belief that the investigation was a matter of national security. Despite the classified nature of the findings, they did not warrant a large-scale program.

    • Disclosure of AATIP and UAP leads to shift in public awareness and government responseThe disclosure of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) to Congress resulted in the establishment of a UAP task force and increased public discussions, with the government acknowledging the need to investigate UAPs further and offering whistleblower protections.

      The disclosure of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) to Congress led to a significant shift in public awareness and governmental response. Luis Elizondo, the former program director, left the Pentagon in hopes of gaining more congressional interest and exposure. His efforts paid off, leading to the establishment of a UAP task force and increased public discussions about UAPs. The term UAP was preferred over UFO to avoid connotations of extraterrestrial life and give a broader definition to the phenomena. Over time, the government's response evolved, with the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act offering whistleblower protections and requesting reports on physical materials and psychological effects related to UAP encounters. This marked a significant change in the public discourse and governmental response to UAPs.

    • NDAA legislation acknowledges and investigates recent UFO sightings by navy pilotsThe NDAA legislation has led to increased investigations into recent UFO sightings by navy pilots, with reports of small, elusive objects exhibiting unusual behavior that are more challenging to explain using traditional methods.

      The NDAA legislation has been making significant strides in acknowledging and investigating reported encounters of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by navy pilots since around 2014. These objects, unlike classic UFO reports, are often small and exhibit unusual behavior, such as remaining aloft for extended periods and exhibiting shapes unlike traditional aircraft. The difference lies in the advancements in equipment and the increased attention given to these phenomena. Reports from the past, as documented in a 2010 book "UFOs, Generals, Pilots," focused on more traditional sightings of large, silent objects. However, the recent reports have small, elusive objects that are more challenging to explain. The ability to capture data on these objects through advanced sensors and technology has led to a better understanding of these phenomena. Government reports and hearings discussing multiple sensors detecting these objects further validate the legitimacy of these encounters.

    • Multiple sensors crucial for UAP investigation80 out of 144 UAP cases involved observation with multiple sensors, including radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation, providing stronger evidence for further investigation.

      The use of multiple sensors is crucial in investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). This was highlighted in a report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in June 2021, which revealed that 80 out of 144 investigated UAP cases involved observation with multiple sensors, including radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation. The report also mentioned that there was no definitive evidence that these phenomena were of Russian, Chinese, or American origin. The establishment of the UAP Task Force in late 2020 marked the first time an official body was formed within the defense department to investigate such sightings and investigate their possible explanations. The importance of having a substantial amount of data from multiple sensors cannot be overstated in reaching any conclusion about UAP, as it helps rule out conventional explanations and provides a stronger case for further investigation.

    • Claims of UFO crashes and extraterrestrial materialsFormer officials and scientists claim UFO crashes brought unknown materials, but skepticism and blowback persist due to sensitive nature and potential for fringe beliefs.

      The topic of UFOs and potential extraterrestrial materials discovered on Earth is a complex and contentious issue. Former government officials and scientists with security clearances have claimed, without physical proof, that unidentified objects of unknown origin have crashed on Earth, and materials from these incidents have been studied. These claims have been made by individuals like Eric Davis, a physicist and long-time associate of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). However, due to the sensitive nature of the topic and the potential for fringe beliefs, there is significant blowback and skepticism when credible people come forward. As a reporter, it is a challenge to navigate who is credible and who holds valid information. The line between what is considered mainstream and fringe can be blurred, especially when programs like those run by the CIA studying remote viewing have existed. Ultimately, it is important to approach this topic with an open mind and a critical eye, while recognizing the potential for valid information and the challenges of separating fact from fiction.

    • Evaluating Credibility: A Thoughtful ApproachTo assess credibility, verify sources' credentials, evaluate their demeanor, and scrutinize the evidence they provide. Don't rely solely on popularity or strange beliefs.

      When evaluating the credibility of information or individuals, especially in complex and secretive fields, it can be challenging to distinguish between credible sources and potential cranks. The popularity of a belief within a community, or the presence of seemingly strange beliefs, does not necessarily indicate its validity. Instead, it's crucial to spend time getting to know the person, verify their credentials, and assess their demeanor and the evidence they provide. For instance, David Grush, a former senior intelligence officer, recently claimed to have witnessed UFOs during his time at the National Reconnaissance Office and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. While his claims are intriguing, it's essential to thoroughly vet him and assess the evidence he presents before reaching any conclusions. Ultimately, making judgments about credibility requires a thoughtful and time-consuming approach.

    • Deeply classified government programs with UAP for decadesWhistleblower reveals info on secret gov't UAP programs, potential illegal activities, and violations of regs

      There are reportedly top-secret government programs, separate from the publicly known Pentagon UAP investigation, which have been in possession of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or their remains for decades. These programs, often referred to as "legacy programs," are deeply classified and have been the subject of whistleblower allegations. One whistleblower, who was part of a UAP task force, spoke to many individuals within the intelligence community and gathered information about these programs, including illegal activities and potential violations of federal acquisition regulations. He presented this information to Congress and the intelligence community inspector general, but not to the public, due to the classified nature of the information. The existence of these programs, and the fact that high-level officials may not be aware of them, raises questions about the organizational structure of the government's handling of UAPs.

    • Claims of Unidentified Objects in US Government's PossessionA journalist's investigation into unidentified objects of unknown origin in US government's possession, handled by aerospace companies, calls for Congressional investigation due to whistleblower's reputation and corroborated information.

      There are unidentified objects of unknown origin that have reportedly been in the possession of the US government, and these objects have been handled by aerospace companies outside of government jurisdiction, making them difficult to investigate. A journalist, who has spoken extensively with a whistleblower named Grush, is confident in the authenticity of Grush's claims due to Grush's reputation, the number of people who have corroborated his story, and the consistency of the information Grush has provided over the years. Notably, other individuals such as Christopher Mellon and Carl Nell have also publicly supported Grush's claims. The journalist believes that Congress should investigate these claims to determine their validity. The discussion also touched upon the lack of clear information regarding the structure and operation of these object handling programs, as well as the challenges of obtaining information due to corporate jurisdiction.

    • Sources claim US govt has UAP/UFOsRetired military personnel, scientists, and intelligence officers support the idea that the US govt possesses crashed UFOs or UAPs, based on their firsthand knowledge and connections to David Grush.

      There are multiple credible sources, including a retired army colonel, a former government official, a scientist, and an intelligence officer, who support the possibility that the US government has in its possession crashed UAP or UFOs. These sources have worked with or know David Grush, who has claimed to have firsthand knowledge of these objects, and have vouched for his credibility. Some of these sources, like the intelligence officer, have chosen to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of their work and the information they possess. Despite the anonymity of some sources, their claims add significant weight to the notion that the US government has encountered and studied extraterrestrial objects.

    • Urgent release of UFO information due to safety concernsTo protect a source and release UFO information quickly, it was published in a less established outlet instead of a more established one.

      The decision to publish a UFO story in a less established publication, The Debrief, was due to concerns for the safety of the source and the urgency to release the information before it was leaked or undermined by others. The source, Grusha, had applied for whistleblower status and testified under oath, but the information had not been made public due to national security laws. The Pentagon cleared Grusha to make the statements, but this did not imply endorsement of the content. The delay in publication at a more established outlet, The Washington Post, led to threats and hostile actions towards Grusha, prompting the need for a quick release.

    • Pentagon's Approval of UFO Article Raises QuestionsThe Pentagon's approval of a journalist's claims about UFO crashes and extraterrestrial bodies, despite potentially harmful classified information, raises questions about the definition and protection of national security secrets.

      The Pentagon's approval of a journalist's publication of claims about UFO crashes and extraterrestrial bodies raises questions about the definition and protection of classified information. The speaker, who has worked with national security reporters, noted that the Pentagon has a broad definition of what could harm national security. However, the speaker was surprised that they approved the journalist's statements, which included claims about closely guarded secrets, without any apparent redactions or objections. The speaker suggested that the Pentagon may not have believed the story to be true, or that they may have allowed the publication as a way to dispel rumors. Alternatively, it could have been a reverse psychology ploy. The speaker also pointed out that the second review of the article, which included the most significant statements, happened overnight, which could indicate a lack of thoroughness in the review process. Overall, the speaker found the situation confusing and intriguing, and expressed a desire to learn more about the Pentagon's pre-publication review process.

    • US Government's Secret UFO Program SkepticismDespite doubts about government's ability to keep secrets, credible UFO witness accounts warrant further investigation.

      The discussion revolves around the alleged existence of a long-running, secretive US government program involving unexplained aerial phenomena. The speaker expresses skepticism about the feasibility of such a conspiracy due to the US government's history of incompetence in keeping secrets. However, they also acknowledge the existence of credible witnesses and the importance of further investigation to uncover the truth. The speaker supports the public disclosure of information from whistleblower David Grush, hoping it may encourage others to come forward and shed light on this intriguing and curious situation.

    • Group of individuals with high-level clearances share UFO knowledge with each other and take it to CongressA group of individuals with credible clearances claim to have knowledge about UFOs and related phenomena, and have found it compelling enough to share with Congress

      A group of individuals, including Nell, Grush, Elizondo, and others, have come forward with claims of having knowledge about UFOs and related phenomena, based on information from multiple high-level sources with credible clearances. They have shared this information with each other, sometimes through documentation, and have found it compelling enough to take it to Congress. The credibility of these sources is the foundation of their belief in these phenomena. While skepticism is understandable, the sheer number of people involved and the consistency of their stories add weight to their claims. It's important to note that any information about bodies or the Vatican that emerged after the initial reporting was not part of the original story and should be treated separately. However, the fact that the same individual is making these new claims adds relevance to the overall narrative. The complexity of the situation arises when one is in a position to question the credibility of sources previously dismissed and sort between them, especially when encountering new and seemingly outlandish theories.

    • Fear of reprisals keeps UFO witnesses quietDespite digital age, fear of job loss and harassment deters UFO witnesses from coming forward, with patience and congressional hearings being potential solutions.

      Despite rumors of recovered UFO files being in government possession, those with firsthand knowledge of such incidents are hesitant to come forward due to various risks, including job security and potential harassment. While some have shared information with congress and provided documentation, they prefer to remain anonymous. The ease of document leaks in today's digital age has led to speculation about why human sources haven't come forward, but the fear of reprisals and spending years in jail seems to be a significant deterrent. As Grush's experience shows, the process of releasing classified information can be slow and uncertain. Ultimately, it appears that patience and congressional hearings may be the best ways to bring these stories to light in a protected and credible manner.

    • UFO crashes and Russian involvement under investigation by US CongressCongress investigating UFO crashes and Russian involvement, potential hearings or declassification of documentation, historical context from J. Allen Hynek's 'The UFO Experience', Roswell crash exploration in 'The Day After Roswell', scientific perspective in Carl Sagan's 'The Search for the Limits of Science'.

      The allegations of UFO crashes and Russian involvement are currently under investigation by the US Congress. The testimony provided by a Russian source, Grisha, has been circulated among senior members of the intelligence committees, and there is interest from some members to hold a hearing on the matter. However, Congress is not yet forthcoming about which members have seen the information or their thoughts on it. The hope is that Congress will follow up on this information and potentially make it public through hearings or declassification of documentation. As for recommendations, I'd suggest "The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry" by J. Allen Hynek, which provides historical context on the UFO phenomenon from the perspective of a former Project Blue Book scientist. Another recommendation is "The Day After Roswell" by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, which delves into the alleged Roswell UFO crash and the subsequent cover-up. Lastly, I'd recommend "The Search for the Limits of Science" by Carl Sagan, which offers a scientific perspective on unexplained phenomena and the importance of maintaining a healthy skepticism.

    • Exploring UFOs through different perspectivesExplore UFOs from various angles with 'The UFO Evidence', 'American Cosmic', and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon.

      The exploration of various perspectives on UFOs and their potential significance. Lesa Kane recommended three books that offer unique insights into this topic. The first one is "The UFO Evidence" by Richard Hall, which is a comprehensive collection of UFO case evidence. The second book is "American Cosmic" by Diana Posulka, which delves into the intersection of technology, religion, and mythology in the context of UFOs. Lastly, Lesa suggested "American Cosmic" as a must-read due to its unique perspective, even though it does not directly relate to her work. These recommendations underscore the multifaceted nature of the UFO phenomenon and the importance of considering various viewpoints to gain a more complete understanding.

    Recent Episodes from The Ezra Klein Show

    Are Democrats Right to Unite Around Kamala Harris?

    Are Democrats Right to Unite Around Kamala Harris?

    An open convention or a coronation aren’t the only two options.  


    Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” by The Ezra Klein Show

    What Is the Democratic Party For?” by The Ezra Klein Show

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com. You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs

    This audio essay for “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Claire Gordon. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair, Mary Marge Locker and Kristin Lin. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Rollin Hu, Elias Isquith and Aman Sahota. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 23, 2024

    I Watched the Republican Convention. The Democrats Can Still Win.

    I Watched the Republican Convention. The Democrats Can Still Win.

    This year’s Republican National Convention was Donald Trump’s third as the party’s nominee, but it was the first that felt like a full expression of a G.O.P. that has fully fallen in line with Trumpism. And the mood was jubilant. Speakers even made efforts to reach out to unions, Black voters and immigrants — imagining a big-tent Republican Party that could be far more formidable at the ballot box.

    But if the Democrats were running a strong candidate right now, no Democrat would look at that convention with fear.

    In this conversation, moderated by the show’s senior editor, Claire Gordon, we dissect the themes and undercurrents of the convention and what they might signal about a Republican Party in the midst of change. We discuss how the party is messaging about race, immigration and populism; what JD Vance believes and represents for the party; what all this means for a Democratic Party that is divided about President Biden’s candidacy; and more.


    Bernie Sanders Wants Joe Biden to Stay in the Race” by Isaac Chotiner

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Elias Isquith. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Mary Marge Locker, Jack McCordick and Kristin Lin. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin and Rollin Hu. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 20, 2024

    The Trump Campaign’s Theory of Victory

    The Trump Campaign’s Theory of Victory

    The Trump campaign isn’t just expecting to win this election; it’s expecting to win it in a landslide. And top Trump campaign officials were feeling that confident even before Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance. So what’s their strategy to achieve the blowout they’re imagining? And is their confidence justified?

    Tim Alberta is a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of “American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump.” He recently spent months profiling Trump’s campaign managers, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita. In this conversation, Alberta offers an inside look at the Trump campaign and their theory of victory. We discuss how the campaign has tailored its messaging to capitalize on Joe Biden’s weaknesses; LaCivita’s and Wiles’s personal backgrounds and approaches to the campaign; what Trump’s vice-presidential pick, Senator J.D. Vance, signals about Trump’s vision for his presidency; and more.


    Trump Is Planning for a Landslide Win” by Tim Alberta

    How J.D. Vance Won Over Donald Trump” by Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman

    Book Recommendations:

    Tired of Winning by Jonathan Karl

    Kingdom of Rage by Elizabeth Neumann

    Romney by McKay Coppins

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Rollin Hu. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 18, 2024

    The Economic Theory Behind J.D. Vance’s Populism

    The Economic Theory Behind J.D. Vance’s Populism

    When Donald Trump on Monday chose Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate it excited populists — and unnerved some business elites. Later that evening, the president of the Teamsters, Sean O’Brien, gave a prime-time speech at the Republican National Convention. “Over the last 40 years, the Republican Party has rarely pursued strong relationships with organized labor,” O’Brien said. “There are some in the party who stand in active opposition to labor unions — this too must change,” he added, to huge applause.

    There’s something happening here — a real shift in the Republican Party. But at the same time, its official platform, and the conservative policy document Project 2025, is littered with the usual proposals for tax cuts, deregulation and corporate giveaways. So is this ideological battle substantive or superficial?

    Oren Cass served as Mitt Romney’s domestic policy director in the 2012 presidential race. But since then, Cass has had an evolution; he founded the conservative economic think tank American Compass, which has been associated with J.D. Vance and other populist-leaning Republicans, like Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton. In this conversation, we discuss what economic populism means to him, what it looks like in policy, and how powerful this faction really is in the Republican Party.


    The Electric Slide” by Oren Cass

    This Is What Elite Failure Looks Like” by Oren Cass

    Budget Model: First Edition” by American Compass

    Book Recommendations:

    The Path to Power by Robert Caro

    Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

    The Green Ember by S.D. Smith

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Annie Galvin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris with Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld with additional mixing by Aman Sahota and Isaac Jones. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Rollin Hu, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 17, 2024

    The Real Danger Within the Democratic Party of a Fundamental Crack-Up

    The Real Danger Within the Democratic Party of a Fundamental Crack-Up

    It was once a fringe opinion to say President Biden should drop his re-election bid and Democrats should embrace an open convention. That position is fringe no more. But when the conventional wisdom shifts this rapidly, there’s always the danger of overlooking its potential flaws.

    My colleague, the Times Opinion columnist Jamelle Bouie, has been making some of the strongest arguments against Biden dropping out and throwing the nomination contest to a brokered convention. So I invited him on the show to talk through where he and I diverge and how our thinking is changing.

    Book Recommendations:

    Into the Bright Sunshine by Samuel G. Freedman

    Wide Awake by Jon Grinspan

    Illiberal America by Steven Hahn

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Elias Isquith. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Efim Shapiro and Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Rollin Hu and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 09, 2024

    Is Kamala Harris Underrated?

    Is Kamala Harris Underrated?

    If Joe Biden steps aside for the Democratic presidential nomination — still a very big if — the favorite to replace him is Vice President Kamala Harris. In recently leaked post-debate polling from Open Labs, Harris polled better than Biden in matchups against Trump.

    In 2019, Dana Goodyear wrote in The New Yorker, “As a Black, female law-and-order Democrat, Harris creates a kind of cognitive dissonance.” The profile Harris inhabited then would be welcome in an election year where disorder is on voters’ minds and the Republicans are nominating a convicted felon. But Harris hasn’t inhabited that political profile for years. And since becoming Biden’s vice president the conventional wisdom on her has shifted: She’s gone from rising star — many thought her “the next Obama” — to political underachiever.

    So I’ve had a few questions about Harris. What accounted for the fast fall from grace after she took the vice presidency? What happened to the smart-on-crime prosecutor we once saw? What has the White House done — or not done — to build her profile? And are critics of Harris fair, or is she underrated now?

    I’m joined by Elaina Plott Calabro, a staff writer at The Atlantic who traveled with Harris extensively for a major profile last year. I left this conversation with a very different theory of who Harris is, what her politics are and what led to the confusions of her vice presidency.


    The Kamala Harris Problem” by Elaina Plott Calabro

    Biden Plunges in Swing States in Leaked Post-Debate Poll” by Peter Hamby

    Smart on Crime by Kamala D. Harris, with Joan O'C. Hamilton ·

    Book Recommendations:

    Southerners by Marshall Frady

    The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles

    The Company She Keeps by Mary McCarthy

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Elias Isquith. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Isaac Jones and Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Rollin Hu and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Carole Sabouraud.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 05, 2024

    How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work

    How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work

    After President Biden’s rough performance at the first presidential debate, the question of an open convention has roared to the front of Democratic politics. But how would an open convention work? What would be its risks? What would be its rewards? 

    In February, after I first made the case for an open Democratic convention, I interviewed Elaine Kamarck to better understand what an open convention would look like. She literally wrote the book on how we choose presidential candidates, “Primary Politics: Everything You Need to Know About How America Nominates Its Presidential Candidates.” But her background here isn’t just theory. She’s worked on four presidential campaigns and on 10 nominating conventions — for both Democrats and Republicans. She’s a member of the Democratic National Committee’s Rules Committee. And her explanation of the mechanics and dynamics of open conventions was, for me, extremely helpful. It’s even more relevant now than it was then. 


    The Lincoln Miracle by Ed Achorn

    Book Recommendations:

    All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren

    The Making of the President 1960 by Theodore H. White

    Quiet Revolution by Byron E. Shafer

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Annie Galvin. Fact checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair and Kristin Lin. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Rollin Hu. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. And special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

    This conversation was recorded in February 2024.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJuly 02, 2024

    What Is the Democratic Party For?

    What Is the Democratic Party For?

    Top Democrats have closed ranks around Joe Biden since the debate. Should they? 


    This Isn’t All Joe Biden’s Fault” by Ezra Klein

    Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” by The Ezra Klein Show

    Here’s How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work” with Elaine Kamarck on The Ezra Klein Show

    The Hollow Parties by Daniel Schlozman and Sam Rosenfeld

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This audio essay was produced by Rollin Hu and Kristin Lin. Fact-Checking by Jack McCordick and Michelle Harris. Mixing by Efim Shapiro. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld, Elias Isquith and Aman Sahota. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    After That Debate, the Risk of Biden Is Clear

    After That Debate, the Risk of Biden Is Clear

    I joined my Times Opinion colleagues Ross Douthat and Michelle Cottle to discuss the debate — and what Democrats might do next.


    The Biden and Trump Weaknesses That Don’t Get Enough Attention” by Ross Douthat

    Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!” with Matthew Yglesias on The Ezra Klein Show

    Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden” on The Ezra Klein Show

    Here’s How an Open Democratic Convention Would Work” with Elaine Kamarck on The Ezra Klein Show

    Gretchen Whitmer on The Interview

    The Republican Party’s Decay Began Long Before Trump” with Sam Rosenfeld and Daniel Schlozman on The Ezra Klein Show

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com. You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!

    Trump’s Bold Vision for America: Higher Prices!

    Donald Trump has made inflation a central part of his campaign message. At his rallies, he rails against “the Biden inflation tax” and “crooked Joe’s inflation nightmare,” and promises that in a second Trump term, “inflation will be in full retreat.”

    But if you look at Trump’s actual policies, that wouldn’t be the case at all. Trump has a bold, ambitious agenda to make prices much, much higher. He’s proposing a 10 percent tariff on imported goods, and a 60 percent tariff on products from China. He wants to deport huge numbers of immigrants. And he’s made it clear that he’d like to replace the Federal Reserve chair with someone more willing to take orders from him. It’s almost unimaginable to me that you would run on this agenda at a time when Americans are so mad about high prices. But I don’t think people really know that’s what Trump is vowing to do.

    So to drill into the weeds of Trump’s plans, I decided to call up an old friend. Matt Yglesias is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and the author of the Slow Boring newsletter, where he’s been writing a lot about Trump’s proposals. We also used to host a policy podcast together, “The Weeds.”

    In this conversation, we discuss what would happen to the economy, especially in terms of inflation, if Trump actually did what he says he wants to do; what we can learn from how Trump managed the economy in his first term; and why more people aren’t sounding the alarm.


    Trump’s new economic plan is terrible” by Matthew Yglesias

    Never mind: Wall Street titans shake off qualms and embrace Trump” by Sam Sutton

    How Far Trump Would Go” by Eric Cortellessa

    Book Recommendations:

    Take Back the Game by Linda Flanagan

    1177 B.C. by Eric H. Cline

    The Rise of the G.I. Army, 1940-1941 by Paul Dickson

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Rollin Hu. Fact-checking by Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Mixing by Isaac Jones, with Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero, Adam Posen and Michael Strain.

    The Ezra Klein Show
    enJune 21, 2024

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