
    Podcast Summary

    • From scripted sales to genuine connectionsInstead of relying on scripts and manipulative tactics, focus on building genuine connections and offering value through empathetic communication in sales.

      Sales is not just about persuading people to buy a product or service, but rather about building genuine connections and understanding the needs of others. Colin Coggins, a sales instructor at USC and author of "The Unsold Mindset," shares his experience of struggling with sales in his early career. He reveals how he turned things around by rejecting the traditional sales approach and instead focusing on being human. By abandoning the script and ignoring the dress code, he managed to break sales records and change the way his customers and employers viewed him. Colin emphasizes that sales is a skill applicable to all aspects of life and encourages us to rethink our approach to it. Instead of seeing sales as a manipulative or pushy tactic, we should strive to connect with others and offer value through genuine communication and empathy.

    • Greatest salespeople don't always hold the titleEffective communication and persuasion skills are essential for everyone, not just those with the 'sales' title, to successfully advocate for themselves and their work.

      Our perceptions of salespeople and the role of selling in our lives may be misguided. According to Colin Coggins, author of "The Unsold Mindset," the greatest salespeople are often those who don't hold the title, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and even our loved ones. The term "sales" can be redefined as the ability to effectively communicate and persuade others to understand and value what we have to offer. Progressive Insurance, for instance, uses this concept to help customers compare car insurance rates from multiple companies, making the process simple and transparent. By shifting our mindset and recognizing the importance of effective communication and advocacy for ourselves and our work, we can become better salespeople and navigate uncertainty with more confidence.

    • Building meaningful relationships through authentic sellingGreat sellers build connections by being hyper-authentic, allowing people to see themselves in them, and involving the other person in decision-making.

      Effective selling goes beyond manipulation and coercion. Instead, it's about authentic connection and empowering others to make decisions. Everyone is selling something, whether it's an idea, themselves, or a product. Great sellers are hyper-authentic, allowing people to see themselves in them, and they create agency by involving the other person in the decision-making process. They ask questions, listen to concerns, and respond authentically. The focus should be on building a human connection, rather than relying on tactics. The greatest sellers are also the greatest leaders, as they inspire ownership and ideation in others. For decades, selling has been misunderstood, with a focus on tactics instead of human connection. However, by truly caring about the person and engaging in authentic dialogue, sellers can build meaningful relationships and influence others effectively.

    • Sharing imperfections builds connectionsAuthenticity and vulnerability help differentiate salespeople, create relatability, and build stronger relationships. Sharing imperfections can lead to immediate connections and humanize interactions, especially in remote work environments.

      Authenticity and vulnerability are powerful tools for building connections in sales and other interpersonal interactions. The practice of "showing your work," or sharing your thought process and imperfections, can help differentiate you from others and create a sense of relatability. Great salespeople understand that everyone has imperfections and are not afraid to show their own, which can lead to immediate connections with potential clients. This concept was exemplified by a top trial lawyer who, in a moment of vulnerability, admitted to forgetting what he had said in court, which earned him the jury's favor. Authenticity and vulnerability can also be especially important in remote work environments, such as during lockdowns, where maintaining human connections can be more challenging. By embracing our imperfections and allowing ourselves to be human, we can build stronger, more authentic relationships with those around us.

    • Authenticity and empathy build connectionsDuring the pandemic, sellers and prospects found common ground in imperfect situations, leading to effective sales interactions. In comedy, acknowledging real-life situations and imperfections can lead to bigger laughs and stronger connections with audiences.

      Authenticity and empathy go a long way in building connections, whether it's in comedy or sales. During the pandemic, sellers and prospects found common ground in their imperfect situations, leading to quicker and more effective sales interactions. Similarly, in comedy, acknowledging real-life situations and imperfections can lead to bigger laughs and stronger connections with audiences. This authenticity and empathy help build trust and belief, which are essential for successful sales and entertaining performances. So, remember to look for the good in your audience or customers, and they will be more likely to reciprocate and believe in you.

    • Show genuine curiosity and excitement to build connectionsFinding three things you love about someone can lead to unexpected discoveries, common ground, and successful outcomes.

      Building genuine connections is crucial in various situations, such as interviews, sales, and even everyday conversations. It's essential to show curiosity and excitement about the other person, just like falling in love. This approach not only helps in making a real connection but also in convincing people to join your team or buy your product. The example given in the discussion illustrates how even the most skeptical and uninterested person can be won over by taking just three minutes to find three things they love about the other person. This simple exercise can lead to unexpected discoveries and common ground, ultimately leading to a successful outcome.

    • Successful salespeople focus on value, not emotional connectionFocus on providing value and being authentic to sell effectively, regardless of personal background or industry.

      Successful people, regardless of their background or industry, all share the same sales approach. They don't rely on falling in love with their customers or being inauthentic. Instead, they focus on having a valuable product or service that meets the customer's needs. The speaker shares an exercise called the "fall in love exercise" where people are encouraged to ask questions to find common ground and potentially fall in love. However, the real reason for the sale is the value of the product or service, not the emotional connection. The speaker interviewed various individuals from different fields, including Snoop Dogg, chef Roy Choi, and General Stanley McChrystal, and found that they all sold in the same way, even if they didn't realize it. The advice for anyone listening is to understand that who people hope you are and who they expect you to be are two different things. Focus on providing value and being authentic to yourself.

    • Authenticity, love, and joy are keys to success and growthStrive for authenticity, find joy in passions, and connect with others through love and understanding to achieve success and personal growth.

      Being authentic, loving others, and finding joy in what we do are essential components of success and personal growth. People want to connect with genuine and interesting individuals, so ask yourself impactful questions and strive to be the person others hope you are. The "love 3 by 3" concept encourages finding three things to love about someone in any situation. Furthermore, our passions and work may not always align, but identifying and focusing on the aspects we love can help us find fulfillment in our jobs. As an author writing a book about selling, I applied these principles to my own experience. Celebrating the process, even in failure, was crucial to maintaining motivation and perseverance throughout the long sales cycle of publishing a book. By embracing the journey and finding joy in the small victories, we can become better salespeople and more resilient individuals.

    • Securing a publishing deal requires more than just writing a bookAspiring authors should be prepared for a lengthy and dedicated process, including writing a proposal, rewriting the entire book, and working closely with a publisher to bring their vision to life.

      Getting a publishing deal involves more work than just writing a book. Colin Coggins, a successful author, shared his experience of falling in love with five literary agents in New York but being taken aback by the last one's feedback. She told them that they would need to write a proposal, which could be up to 100 pages long, and then rewrite the entire book once they secured a deal. After signing with her, they spent a year and a half writing and revising thousands of pages. Although it was challenging, they persevered and eventually received multiple bids from publishers. Coggins was amazed by the support they received from HarperCollins, who took a chance on two unknown authors and treated them like debut Wall Street Journal list contenders. The celebration felt worth it when they had a reason to celebrate, and eventually, their book was published. So, if you're an aspiring author, be prepared for the hard work and dedication required to secure a publishing deal.

    • Streamline Business Operations with Odoo and SlackIntegrating Odoo and Slack can help businesses save time and money by streamlining operations with an affordable all-in-one management software and an AI-powered communication platform.

      Odoo and Slack are powerful tools designed to help businesses streamline their operations and save time. Odoo is an affordable all-in-one management software with a library of fully integrated business applications. It allows businesses to get more done in less time for a fraction of the price. Visit odoo.com/betterhuman to learn more. On the other hand, Slack is a platform where work happens with all your people, data, and information in one AI-powered place. It offers features like instant calls through huddles and automation through workflow builder, making routine tasks easier and more efficient. No coding is required. By integrating Odoo and Slack, businesses can enhance their productivity and focus on growth. To get started with Slack, visit slack.com.

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