
    What You Need to Know About Water - with Mario Brainovic

    enApril 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Coherent Water for Health and Well-BeingCoherent water, believed to have positive impacts on the human body, microbiome, and even the planet, can enhance our neurotransmitter and hormonal systems, foster compassion and open thinking, and transform our lives in various ways.

      Water plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being, and the state of the water we consume can have profound effects on our bodies, minds, and spirits. On this episode of the Resetter Podcast, Mario Brainovich from Analema Water discussed the concept of coherent water, which is believed to have positive impacts on the human body, microbiome, and even the planet. Coherent water is not a new concept, but it can be confusing with all the different forms of water discussed in the health community. However, Mario made it clear that the science behind coherent water is solid, and it can bring numerous benefits beyond just hydration. From enhancing our neurotransmitter and hormonal systems to fostering compassion and open thinking, coherent water can transform our lives in various ways. The Resetter Podcast encourages listeners to approach this topic with an open mind and heart, as Mario's creation has the potential to change the world on multiple levels. If you're looking to empower yourself and take control of your health, consider exploring the concept of coherent water and its potential benefits.

    • The importance of high-quality water for health and well-beingInvesting in high-quality water is crucial for optimal health and wellness, as water's energetic properties significantly impact our biological systems. Discovering 'mother water' highlights the importance of prioritizing the best possible form of hydration.

      Water is not just a simple element for hydration, but its quality significantly impacts our overall health and well-being. The research shows that water's energetic properties play a crucial role in how our biological systems function. By focusing on finding the best possible form of water, scientists discovered "mother water," which is the most positively dominant frequency water, capable of canceling out negative frequencies. This discovery emphasizes the importance of investing in high-quality water for optimal health and wellness. Joining the Reset Academy, as mentioned in the podcast, can help individuals prioritize their health goals, including the importance of hydrating with the best possible water.

    • Water's response to dominant frequenciesWater can absorb and transmit frequencies, influencing its structure when exposed to dominant positive ones. Positive thoughts and emotions can impact water and the environment.

      Water, which makes up a large portion of our bodies, can absorb and transmit frequencies. The speaker discusses how water exists in a chaotic state, but when exposed to a dominant positive frequency, it can enter a coherent state that influences its structure. This concept is similar to the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who showed that water crystals can be influenced by thoughts and emotions. An experiment involving boiling rice and expressing love or negative emotions to the water in separate containers demonstrates the power of this effect. By understanding the connection between water and frequency, we can appreciate the importance of maintaining positive thoughts and emotions, as they can influence not only ourselves but also the environment around us.

    • Our thoughts and water impact our health at a cellular levelThoughts can affect water structure, our microbiome produces neurotransmitters, and using tools like the Alema wand can change water frequency to positively impact health.

      The water we consume significantly impacts our health at a cellular level, and our thoughts and microbiome play crucial roles in this process. Bruce Lipton's research demonstrates that our thoughts can affect the cellular membrane, potentially causing damage if our thoughts are negative. Emoto's work shows that our thoughts can change the structure of water, which we are largely composed of. Furthermore, the microbiome in our gut produces neurotransmitters that directly influence our thoughts and feelings. A study on Alema water revealed a 17% improvement on the dysbiosis index of the microbiome in just two months, with a 47% improvement in pathogenic bacteria. This suggests that the water can help restore balance within our ecosystem, which is essential as we are not just single species but entire ecosystems with trillions of microorganisms. While filtering out chemicals from our water is important, it does not affect the frequency of the water, which can still impact our health if it's not congruent with our cellular and microbial makeup. Therefore, using tools like the Alema wand to change the frequency of the water we drink could potentially positively influence our thoughts, cellular behavior, and microbiome.

    • Drinking coherent water leads to increased cellular energy and efficient hydrationDrinking coherent water for 2 months led to a 20% rise in ATP levels, indicating increased mitochondrial energy and potential improvements in hydration, detoxification, and agriculture.

      Drinking coherent water, which is water that has been changed to a more energetically aligned state, can lead to increased cellular energy and more efficient hydration in the body. This is because when water is brought into a coherent state, its molecules join hands and enter a harmonic state, releasing more power that can positively impact our biology. A study using a double-blind placebo controlled ATP (adenosine triphosphate) test showed a 20% rise in ATP levels in participants who drank coherent water for two months, indicating an increase in the entire mitochondrial energy of the body. This can lead to improvements in various areas of human health, including hydration, detoxification, and even agriculture. Additionally, even if the water contains chemicals, the positive effects of the water on biology can mitigate their harmful effects. The future of agriculture research also shows promising results, with coherent water being able to help restore infertile soil and potentially help in drought-stricken areas.

    • Improvements in plant growth and soil health with analemma waterAnalemma water enhances soil biodiversity, CO2 absorption, mineral retention, and produce quality, leading to faster growth, increased yield, and higher nutrient content for plants.

      Using analemma water for plant irrigation leads to significant improvements in soil biodiversity, CO2 absorption, mineral retention, and produce quality. This is due to the water's coherence and interaction with sunlight. The results include faster plant growth, increased yield, and higher nutrient content. Analemma water can be easily accessed through a whole-house system, making it a game-changer for home gardeners and farmers. The technology has already shown impressive results, with one gardener reporting inch-and-a-half taller plants and a Dutch farmer growing a previously unproductive type of cucumber for 24 weeks instead of 10-12. The creators of this technology are excited about its potential and plan to present it to agriculture giants to revolutionize the industry. Additionally, they have collaborated with Tony Horton to create a 60-day fitness program called PowerSync 60, designed to benefit people of all fitness levels and genders.

    • A new water filtration system called Analemma improves water quality and potentially impacts mood and mental healthThe Analemma water filtration system makes water coherent, which can alter the microbiome and increase serotonin levels, leading to improved mood and potential environmental impact.

      The new water filtration system, called Analemma, not only improves the quality of water but also has the potential to positively impact mood and mental health. The technology behind this system is based on making water coherent, which in turn can alter the microbiome and increase serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of fulfillment, love, and connection. The loss of estradiol during menopause can lead to a destroyed microbiome and depressed mood, but the addition of coherent water can help restore the microbiome and upregulate serotonin production. Furthermore, the creators of this technology aim to install it in the wells of major rivers to potentially change the consciousness of entire ecosystems and even the planet. The potential impact on human consciousness and the environment is significant, making this a passion project worth considering for those seeking better health and a more coherent world. To join the community and get a discount on the system, visit doctormindy.org and use the code ps 60pels.

    • Impact of Coherent Water on Microbiome and Hormonal LevelsCoherent water, like Alema water, may affect hormonal levels, particularly estrogen, and potentially improve mental health. It may also reduce hunger during fasting, suggesting microbial involvement.

      Coherent water, such as Alema water, may have a significant impact on both the microbiome and hormonal levels in the body, particularly in individuals in a fasted state or going through menopause. The study of the effects of coherent water on hormonal levels, specifically estrogen, and its potential impact on mental health is currently being explored. Additionally, the hypothesis that coherent water may reduce hunger during fasting is worth investigating, as hunger can be a microbial issue rather than a human cellular one. The potential implications of these findings are vast, from improving mental health to potentially reducing the need for pesticides and even contributing to climate change mitigation. As we are primarily composed of water, it holds great potential for transforming both the human body and mind.

    • Experience a balanced hydration with the Analemma wandUsing the Analemma wand can significantly alter the taste of water, bringing it closer to its natural state for improved health benefits, including a better microbiome and mood. Regular consumption of restructured water can lead to noticeable improvements.

      The Analemma wand can significantly alter the taste of water by restructuring its molecules, creating a more balanced and harmonized hydration experience. The speaker shares a personal anecdote of using the wand in a New York hotel room and noticing a dramatic difference in taste, even convincing a skeptical sister. The wand is said to bring water closer to its natural state, and regular consumption for an extended period can lead to noticeable health benefits, including improved microbiome and mood. Studies suggest that drinking at least 1 liter of water a day is a minimum for observable results. The water's effects can also extend to other beverages like coffee and wine. The key benefit is the restoration of equilibrium within the body, allowing it to function optimally.

    • Create coherent water with Alema wandThe Alema wand is an affordable device that generates coherent water, improving health and wellbeing through consumption or bathing, with ongoing research suggesting additional benefits.

      The Alema wand is a device that can create coherent water, a special liquid crystalline state, from any type of liquid. This coherent water, when consumed, can have a profound effect on the body and mind, as it remains in this state for an extended period of time, unlike other similar devices. The Alema wand is affordable and accessible to almost everyone, with two different wand options and a whole house filter available. The benefits of using the Alema wand include improved control over one's health and wellbeing, as well as potential biological effects from bathing in the coherent water. The wand is fragile and should be taken care of to ensure its longevity. The creators of the Alema wand intentionally priced it affordably to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Additionally, there is ongoing research suggesting that bathing in coherent water may have significant health benefits.

    • Alamo Water's Impact on Human HealthAlamo Water increases cardiac output, stroke volume, red blood cell count, decreases biological age, and improves inflammation levels.

      Alamo Water, a specific type of water, has been found to have significant effects on the human body when used regularly. This water, which can be added to a bathtub or filtered for household use, leads to increased cardiac output, stroke volume, and red blood cell count. These changes are not only noticeable in individuals who take a bath in the water, but also in those who drink it daily. The benefits extend beyond these measurable markers, as the water has been shown to positively impact overall health and wellness, as indicated by a decrease in biological age and an improved balance of anti- and pro-inflammatory glycans. This improvement in inflammation levels is crucial, as chronic inflammation is a contributing factor to various diseases. By influencing the most fundamental aspect of our bodies – water – Alamo Water is believed to have a wide-ranging, systemic effect on our health.

    • Discovering the benefits of coherent water for health and the natural worldCoherent water, with its unique properties, positively impacts seeds and human health by facilitating communication with nature and enhancing our connection to the natural world. Consuming it can improve our internal environment and microbial aura, benefiting ourselves and those around us.

      Water, and our connection to it, plays a significant role in our health and the health of the natural world. The discovery of Nalemma water, which contains coherent water molecules, has shown positive effects on various areas, including seeds and human health. This is due to the fact that water acts as a communication system and connects us to the natural rhythms and electromagnetic movements of life. Our bodies and the natural world are interconnected and symbiotic, and when we are in resonance with nature, we are healthy. Additionally, our microbial auras, which are influenced by our interactions with others, can also be affected by the quality of the water we drink and the energy we emit. By changing our internal environment and microbial aura through the consumption of coherent water, we can positively impact those around us and contribute to a better planet. The ultimate goal is to scientifically prove that drinking coherent water can change individuals and the world for the better.

    • Exploring inner joy and self-lovePractice daily self-care, find joy within, stay connected to oneself, and allow feelings to arise and pass without judgment for personal growth and positive impact on the world.

      Self-love and connection to one's inner self are essential for personal growth and contributing positively to the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding joy and love within oneself, which can be achieved through daily self-care practices like meditation and introspection. By tapping into this deep inner place, one can access a source of love and joy that is always present, even during difficult times. The speaker also highlights the importance of staying connected to oneself and allowing feelings, both positive and negative, to arise and pass without judgment. In essence, the journey to self-love and inner connection is a powerful tool for personal transformation and making a meaningful impact on the world.

    • The power to explain complex concepts accessibly is a valuable superpowerBy connecting deeply and communicating complex ideas in relatable ways, we can inspire hope, love, and possibility, collectively shaping a better future.

      We all have the power to explain complex concepts, particularly in the field of neuroscience, in a way that resonates and inspires others. This ability to make complex ideas accessible to all is a valuable superpower that can help raise consciousness and shift the world towards a more hopeful, loving, and possibility-focused place. However, this power doesn't belong to any one person, but rather is something that we all have access to if we are willing to go deep enough and connect with each other at a fundamental level. To learn more about this and explore the research behind it, visit coherentwater.com and sign up for their newsletter. Remember, we are all part of this collective journey towards a better future.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Analemma sponsored this episode.

    IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™… you’re listening to a new Upgrade Spotlight series. Once a month, these shorter episodes feature guests who get right into useful information in a Q&A style. You’ll find out how to improve your energy and upgrade your performance. You’ll also get the latest knowledge about powerful tools and technologies that allow you to change your biology and the environment around you. 

    Introducing Analemma! During this Upgrade Spotlight with Mario Brainovic, CEO of Analemma, you’re going to find out about a tool that transforms regular water into a supercharged, full-spectrum, coherent state. The kind of water you drink absolutely influences the quality of your life. You’ll learn the science behind Analemma and what it can do for your health and energy.

    Why water? You think you know the basics: stay hydrated daily, avoid plastic bottles and use a filtration system at home. Well, Analemma says water goes way beyond the basics—all the way down to your cellular level. You’re 70% water in body mass, but 99% water on a molecular level. You’re basically very clever water. 

    The Analemma device—similar in looks and function to a magic wand—radically changes the state of drinking water. Environmental forces cause H2O molecules in drinking water to behave chaotically. At an atomic level, water molecules crash into each other constantly. Your body’s susceptible to that influence.

    “We found a way to bring order to this chaos,” Mario says. “When you swirl an Analemma through the water, what happens is that those same H2O molecules start forming a liquid crystalline structure. They start behaving harmonically. They, colloquially speaking, join hands.”

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    SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE HUMAN UPGRADE LISTENERS: Go to https://analemma-water.com and use code dave10 to save 10%.

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    -The impact macro and micro nutrients have on microbiome diversity.



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    • The challenges to taking the microbiome approach, including the difficulty in manufacturing anaerobic strains and connecting microbiome science with actual health solutions
    • Recommendations for taking the Pendulum line of therapeutics

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by Thrive Market and Paleovalley.

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    00:00 Intro

    00:15 Jonathan’s Intro

    00:50 Quickfire round

    01:40 Jonathan’s accident 

    04:00 Unpacking clindamycin

    11:40 Antibiotic-associated diarrhea 

    14:45 Side effects prevention advice

    22:20 Jonathan’s gut at 7 days 

    27:50 Fermented foods

    27:00 Tips for building your gut back up

    41:30 Benefits vs. risks

    48:00 Summary 

    51:20 Outro

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Post-antibiotic gut mucosal microbiome reconstitution is impaired by probiotics and improved by autologous FMT from Cell

    Saccharomyces boulardii: What makes it tick as successful probiotic? From the Journal of Fungi

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    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com and we’ll do our best to cover it.

    Microbes and Mental Health – Mood-Enhancing Effects of Gut Microbes

    Microbes and Mental Health – Mood-Enhancing Effects of Gut Microbes
    Our bodies are dynamic ecosystems housing trillions of microbes that, while invisible to the naked eye, play a critical role in shaping human health. Scientists are beginning to understand the superpowers the microbiome holds.In this program, Dr. Ryan Rampersaud discusses mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder and how the microbiome impacts psychiatric diseases. Series: "Mini Medical School for the Public" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 38134]