
    Podcast Summary

    • Change your perspective with languageUsing 'get to' instead of 'have to', 'I' instead of 'you', and turning negatives into positives can improve perspective, communication, and attitude.

      The way we use language can significantly impact our mindset and approach to daily tasks and interactions. Here are three language tricks from Kate Cochrane of Everyday Positivity on the Volley network to help improve your week: Firstly, changing just one word can alter your perspective and make a task seem more enjoyable. Instead of "have to," use "get to." For instance, instead of "I have to clean down the shower curtain," say "I get to clean down the shower curtain." This simple shift in language can make a chore feel like a privilege. Secondly, when communicating your needs, use the word "I." Setting clear boundaries is essential, and using "I" makes it more assertive and less confrontational. For example, instead of "You always leave the dishes for me," say "I need your help with the dishes." Lastly, turn negative statements into positive ones. Instead of "Don't forget to go to the shops," say "Remember to go to the shops." This simple language trick can help reframe your mindset and make tasks seem less daunting. By using these language tricks, we can change our mindset, communicate more effectively, and approach daily tasks with a more positive attitude. Remember, you have 100% got this!

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