
    Medical Practice Trends

    Medical practice management, marketing, ancillary and technology trends. The Medical Practice Trends podcast is brought to you by Emedikon, founded by Peter J Polack MD, author of "Navigating the EMR Jungle" and the soon-to-be-released "Ultimate Ophthalmic Marketing Machine" and technology columnist for Ophthalmology Management Magazine.
    aaMedical Practice Trends135 Episodes

    Episodes (135)

    86: The Empowered Patient Journey with Madeleine Silva, CEO of Freedom Switch

    86: The Empowered Patient Journey with Madeleine Silva, CEO of Freedom Switch

    Madeleine Silva, CEO of Freedom Switch talks about the Empowered Patient Journey and how physicians can leverage it to market their practices.

    This issue (23:51):

    • What is digital disruption and how is it affecting physicians?
    • What are some causes of physician burnout?
    • What is the Empowered Patient Journey?
    • Why the way physicians usually introduce themselves to patients may actually be turning them off
    • What are some ways that physicians can best utilize social media to attract their dream patients?

    For more information, please visit  Freedomswitch.com/practicetrends



    85: Why You Should Transition Towards a Process-Driven Practice with M. Ryan Williams, CEO of ProcessPlan

    85: Why You Should Transition Towards a Process-Driven Practice with M. Ryan Williams, CEO of ProcessPlan

    M. Ryan Williams, CEO of ProcessPlan, describes the benefits of transitioning your practice to a process-driven one including improved efficiency, discovering bottlenecks, and enhanced employee on-boarding and on-going training and how to decide on what tools can best help you make that transition.

    This issue (25:26):

    - What is a Process?

    - What does it mean to be process-driven?

    - What are some pitfalls businesses have experienced because of a lack of process documentation?

    - What are the three hardest things to overcome when shifting into a process-centric management perspective?

    - What are some things to look for in process capturing software?


    84: The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    84: The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM, introduces us to the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act, part of the recently signed Omnibus Act of 2018 and its potential effects on US companies and healthcare providers.

    This issue (8:03):
    - What is the CLOUD Act?
    - Who was promoting it and how did it end up in the Omnibus legislation?
    - What are the pros and cons of the CLOUD Act?
    - Should US healthcare providers be concerned?



    83: Ancillary Services to Help Physicians Meet MACRA with Michael Berg and Viv Hudson of Ancillary Medical Solutions

    83: Ancillary Services to Help Physicians Meet MACRA with Michael Berg and Viv Hudson of Ancillary Medical Solutions

    Michael Berg, CEO of Ancillary Medical Solutions and Vivien Hudson, pharmacist and Marketing Manager at Ancillary Medical Solutions discuss a variety of ancillary services that can help physicians boost their composite scores for MACRA and MIPS.

    This issue (8:56):

    • Understand how ancillary services can help doctors with MACRA and MIPS
    • What the top 5 ancillary services are to help physicians meet their scoring
    • How to build value with these programs for their practice and patients



    82: Top Information Security Concerns for Healthcare with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    82: Top Information Security Concerns for Healthcare with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM, discussed the top security concerns in healthcare today and why mobile is an especially significant vulnerability for medical practices.

    This issue (10:23):
    - What are the big three concerns in healthcare security?
    - Why is mobile especially a problem?
    - How is ransomware affecting healthcare?
    - What are some things the medical practices can do to mitigate the risks?



    81: Blockchain Technology and Healthcare with Chris Plance, Founder and CEO of Veris Foundation

    81: Blockchain Technology and Healthcare with Chris Plance, Founder and CEO of Veris Foundation

    Chris Plance, Founder and CEO of Veris Foundation explains blockchain technology and its potential applications in healthcare. Veris Foundation is a non-profit corporation focused on directly connecting payers with providers using blockchain with the goal of lowering healthcare costs for patients.

    Key Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

    • What is blockchain technology?
    • What is the relationship between blockchain and cryptocurrencies?
    • What are the benefits of blockchain transactional systems compared to traditional ones?
    • Who will regulate these emerging technologies?
    • How are more restrictive countries such as China dealing with blockchain?
    • What is Veris Foundation and what is its business model?



    80: Update on CyberSecurity Breaches with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    80: Update on CyberSecurity Breaches with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM, presents the latest in cybersecurity breaches including Spectre and Meltdown, Equifax, Financial Industry ransomware, and healthcare exposure.

    Key Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

    • Why fixing Spectre and Meltdown issues may worsen vulnerabilities
    • Recent cybersecurity breaches outside of healthcare and their relevance
    • Latest on the Equifax breach
    • Some notable breaches in the financial industry
    • Potential exposures in healthcare



    Medical Practice Trends
    aaApril 02, 2018

    79: How A Great Reputation and Five Star Reviews Can Boost Your Search Engine Ranking with Darren Shaw, President and Founder of Whitespark

    79: How A Great Reputation and Five Star Reviews Can Boost Your Search Engine Ranking with Darren Shaw, President and Founder of Whitespark

    Darren Shaw, President and Founder of Whitespark, an Edmonton-based firm specializing in search engine optimization, gives advice on how physicians and medical practices should optimize their online reviews, citations, and directory listings to improve their search engine ranking.

    This issue (27:10)

    • What exactly is SEO?
    • What questions should you ask a potential digital marketing agency?
    • What is the best way to ask for a review?
    • What is the ideal strategy for managing listings as a practice and a physician?
    • What do most practices get wrong when they manage their doctor listings?
    • What are the top medical practice listings sites?

    78: EU General Data Protection Regulation with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    78: EU General Data Protection Regulation with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM, discussed the new European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and how they can potentially impact healthcare here in the U.S.

    This issue (8:56):

    • What is the EU GDPR?
    • Why should medical practices and healthcare entities in the US care about them?
    • For those entities that are potentially impacted, what can they do to prepare?

    For more information, contact Mike Meikle at www.securehim.com or www.mikemeikle.com 


    77: Reputation Marketing Moneyball with Becky Smith, Managing Partner & Marketing Strategist, Emedikon Marketing Systems

    77: Reputation Marketing Moneyball with Becky Smith, Managing Partner & Marketing Strategist, Emedikon Marketing Systems

    Becky Smith, Managing Partner and Marketing Strategist at Emedikon Marketing Systems, describes a novel approach for managing physician and practice reviews and reputation based on the Moneyball system.

    This issue (32:00):
    - How reviews and reputation work together
    - Why simply soliciting patient reviews may work against you
    - Some pitfalls to avoid when it comes to review 'systems' and apps

    For more information, contact Becky Smith at bsmith@emedikon.com



    76: In-Office Neuroscience with John Armstrong, VP of Sales for Evoke Neuroscience

    76: In-Office Neuroscience with John Armstrong, VP of Sales for Evoke Neuroscience

    Viv Hudson and Michael Berg of Ancillary Medical Solutions speak with John Armstrong of Evoke Neuroscience regarding in-office neuroscience testing of cognitive disorders in the primary care setting.

    This issue (12:36):

    • How using brain mapping biomarkers can be used in the primary care setting
    • How to determine the impact of stress, pain and nutritional deficiencies on cognitive function
    • How early detection can change the course of a patient's condition in concussion and cognitive decline



    75: Ransomware Scares with Chris Johnson, Cybersecurity Compliance Strategist at onShore Security

    75: Ransomware Scares with Chris Johnson, Cybersecurity Compliance Strategist at onShore Security

    Chris Johnson, Cybersecurity Compliance Strategist at onShore Security, discusses the threats that ransomware incidents pose to medical practices and other healthcare entities and how they can protect themselves.

    This issue (21:35):
    - What is the difference between spyware, malware, and ransomware?
    - Why a little planning around disaster recovery could avert a major catastrophe
    - What effect cybercurrencies have had on ransomware incidents
    - A case study in what to do and what not to do

    For more information, contact Chris Johnson at chris.johnson@onshore.com


    74: Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring Reimbursement with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    74: Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring Reimbursement with Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM, discusses the ins and outs of telehealth and remote patient monitoring (RPM) Medicare reimbursement and whether it makes sense for your practice to consider them in the light of MACRA and MIPS.

    This issue (10:52):

    • What is Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring?
    • Has Medicare changed the way it reimburses it?
    • How do these fit into MACRA and MIPS?
    • Where is it most effective and which specialties are most likely to benefit?

    For more information, contact Mike Meikle at www.mikemeikle.com



    72: Spectre & Meltdown Vulnerabilities with guest Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    72: Spectre & Meltdown Vulnerabilities with guest Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM

    Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM, brings us up to date on the latest cybersecurity threat Spectre which can potentially impact any computer or mobile device that uses common Intel chips.

    This issue (9:39):

    • What is Spectre and how did it start?
    • Who has been impacted?
    • Can this be mitigated with anti-virus software?
    • What impact might this have on healthcare and medical devices?

    For further information, contact Mike Meikle at www.mikemeikle.com



    71: How to Ethically Game Online Physician Reviews, with guest Becky Smith, Emedikon Marketing Systems

    71: How to Ethically Game Online Physician Reviews, with guest Becky Smith, Emedikon Marketing Systems

    Becky Smith, Managing Partner and Marketing Strategist, Emedikon Marketing Systems, talks about the difference between reputation and reviews and how to ethically improve your doctor and practice online reviews.

    This issue (24:23)

    • Online reviews vs reputation: what's the difference?
    • Why you should avoid those review widgets placed on your website
    • What are some ways to encourage 5-star reviews?
    • What can you do about bad reviews when the service won't remove them?
    • Is there a way to know if a bad review is coming?
    • What to look for when comparing online review services



    70: Conducting Clinical Research Trials with guest Michelle Alex, DPM, President and Founder of Conduct Clinical Trials

    70: Conducting Clinical Research Trials with guest Michelle Alex, DPM, President and Founder of Conduct Clinical Trials

    Michael Berg and Viv Hudson of Ancillary Medical Solutions speak with guest Dr. Michelle Alex, DPM, President and Founder of Conduct Clinical Trials about the benefits of participating in clinical research trials.

    This issue (7:20)

    • why only about 15% of physicians participate in clinical research
    • what physicians who do participate in clinical studies say they about being involved in research trials
    • how much the typical physician could expect to earn in revenue by incorporating clinical research into their practice


    69: Medical Practice Marketing: Golden Triangle or Bermuda Triangle? with guest Becky Smith, Emedikon Marketing Systems

    69: Medical Practice Marketing: Golden Triangle or Bermuda Triangle? with guest Becky Smith, Emedikon Marketing Systems

    Click Here to read about a Free Trial of Emedikon's Reputation Marketing System

    Becky Smith, Managing Partner and Marketing Strategist, Emedikon Marketing Systems, introduces the concept of the Golden Triangle for medical practice marketing: Reputation, Reviews, and Referrals.

    This issue (18:44)

    • Why you should allocate marketing dollars instead of budgeting them
    • How a marketing portfolio is like an investment portfolio
    • What are the 3 core marketing strategies?
    • Google's ZMOT and why you should know what it means
    • What most digital marketing agencies get wrong about this
    • 5 action items for the Golden Triangle


    68: Social Media Marketing for Medical Practices, with guest Matt Coffy, CEO Customer Bloom

    68: Social Media Marketing for Medical Practices, with guest Matt Coffy, CEO Customer Bloom

    Matt Coffy, CEO of Customer Bloom, demonstrates his patient engines model for social media marketing for medical practices and offers advice on how to effectively leverage social media to increase new patients.

    This issue (47:03):

    • How to properly utilize social media for your practice marketing
    • Constructing an effective offer
    • Multichannel digital marketing tips
    • Integrating your marketing efforts with your website

    67: Incorporating Regenerative Medicine into Your Practice with guest Jordan Jozwick of Catalyst

    67: Incorporating Regenerative Medicine into Your Practice with guest Jordan Jozwick of Catalyst

    Viv Hudson and Mike Berg of Ancillary Medical Solutions speak with Jordan Jozwick, VP of Sales and Network Marketing for Catalyst, about the benefits of incorporating Regenerative Medicine into your medical practice.

    This issue (13:52):

    • How Regenerative Medicine empowers physicians with new options to manage and treat chronic conditions
    • Why the market trend for Regenerative Medicine is positive
    • How Regenerative Medicine avoids the insurance-driven pay model.