

    Explore "#burnout" with insightful episodes like "Rewiring Success: The Relationship Between Your Brand, Your Business, And Your Nervous System", "Perfectionism is a Trauma Response", "The Flight Trauma Response" and "Trauma and the Inability to Rest" from podcasts like ""Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired" and "Trauma Rewired"" and more!

    Episodes (4)

    Rewiring Success: The Relationship Between Your Brand, Your Business, And Your Nervous System

    Rewiring Success: The Relationship Between Your Brand, Your Business, And Your Nervous System

    “These tools and drills create the results that we're actually looking for, and that allows us to show up more empowered, to show up more embodied, to take risks.” This quote by today’s guest, Carrie Montgomery, perfectly sums up the transformative power of neurosomatic intelligence for both personal growth and professional success.

    As a transformational leadership coach, Carrie has embraced these tools to help others align their nervous system health and career development. Now an NSI educator, her approach demonstrates how neurosomatic practices can lead to more authentic business practices, impactful leadership, and healthy collaboration.

    In this episode, Carrie shares her life-changing experience with NSI and how she’s integrated the work into her business. She dives into the role of nervous system regulation in business, addressing how to overcome burnout, navigate big emotions like shame, and more.

    Tune in to learn more about the potential of neurosomatic intelligence in the business space!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Self-growth and business alignment
    • The role of nervous system health in business success
    • How Carrie brings NSI work into her business
    • Carrie’s personal experience with NSI
    • The importance of defining your ideal client
    • Carrie’s chronic health issues and journey to recovery
    • Integrating nervous system regulation with business development


    Connect with Carrie Montgomery:




    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching:



    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com/?utm_medium=aff-traumarewired&utm_content&utm_source


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site:



    Connect with us on social media:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846

    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com

    Perfectionism is a Trauma Response

    Perfectionism is a Trauma Response

    Our society rewards those who work hard, appear to never make mistakes, and seem to have everything under control. We’ve collectively decided on what perfect looks like and attributed perfectionism with the ideal person.

    What if we told you that perfectionism is actually a protective measure used to prevent oneself from feelings of rejection, abandonment, and worthlessness? These words don’t quite scream “perfect” do they?


    Trauma Rewired hosts Jennifer and Elisabeth have touched upon this trauma response before, but today’s episode is a deep dive into how it can develop and lead to harmful avoidance behaviors. They deconstruct perfectionism, including defining the three types of perfectionism and how it interplays with CPTSD elements like the inner critic.


    You’ll learn the many health consequences that the chronic stress of perfectionism can cause, and how to distinguish excellence from perfectionism. Jennifer and Elisabeth also share their experience with perfectionism, and how it can push us into burnout or freeze states.


    Perfectionism is not an attainable goal, which makes it debilitating and a hindrance to healing trauma. To take the first step towards moving out of perfectionism, tune in!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Defining the 3 types of perfectionism

    • Perfectionism as a trauma response

    • Jennifer’s example of setting yourself up for failure

    • The effects of perfectionism on our health

    • Maladaptive coping mechanisms for perfectionism

    • How to recognize perfectionist behaviors and thinking

    • Jennifer on taking action against her perfectionism

    • Trauma healing, neurosomatic intelligence, and integration

    • Limiting beliefs push the loop of perfectionism

    • Elisabeth on the importance on self-regulation tools in her life

    • How perfectionism negatively affects organizations and employees

    • Steps Elisabeth has taken to heal her perfectionism and workaholism


    Claim your two FREE weeks on Brain Based Wellness

    Our society rewards those who work hard, appear to never make mistakes, and seem to have everything under control. We’ve collectively decided on what perfect looks like and attributed perfectionism with the ideal person.

    What if we told you that perfectionism is actually a protective measure used to prevent oneself from feelings of rejection, abandonment, and worthlessness? These words don’t quite scream “perfect” do they?


    Trauma Rewired hosts Jennifer and Elisabeth have touched upon this trauma response before, but today’s episode is a deep dive into how it can develop and lead to harmful avoidance behaviors. They deconstruct perfectionism, including defining the three types of perfectionism and how it interplays with CPTSD elements like the inner critic.


    You’ll learn the many health consequences that the chronic stress of perfectionism can cause, and how to distinguish excellence from perfectionism. Jennifer and Elisabeth also share their experience with perfectionism, and how it can push us into burnout or freeze states.


    Perfectionism is not an attainable goal, which makes it debilitating and a hindrance to healing trauma. To take the first step towards moving out of perfectionism, tune in!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Defining the 3 types of perfectionism

    • Perfectionism as a trauma response

    • Jennifer’s example of setting yourself up for failure

    • The effects of perfectionism on our health

    • Maladaptive coping mechanisms for perfectionism

    • How to recognize perfectionist behaviors and thinking

    • Jennifer on taking action against her perfectionism

    • Trauma healing, neurosomatic intelligence, and integration

    • Limiting beliefs push the loop of perfectionism

    • Elisabeth on the importance on self-regulation tools in her life

    • How perfectionism negatively affects organizations and employees

    • Steps Elisabeth has taken to heal her perfectionism and workaholism


    Learn more about Elisabeth Kristof and her company, Brain-Based Wellness, here: 



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!


    Do you describe yourself as a perfectionist? Have you thought about why and what the cost is? If you're ready to invest in yourself for high accountability transformation book your free consultation with Jennifer WAlalce here and get the tools to work with your nervous system and make it possible to be present for life and feel safe as a FULL, messy human then book here 





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired





    The Flight Trauma Response

    The Flight Trauma Response

    “Living a life of growth and expansion is as simple as living in your nervous system.” - Jennifer

    Arriving early, leaving late, overthinking, can’t sit still, breathing quickly, and always keeping
    busy, are just a few examples of how the flight trauma response can manifest in our lives. This
    response is biologically built in to keep us safe from harm, but what if that harm is perceived anddoesn’t require fleeing the scene? This can be detrimental to our personal and professional livesand keep us in a state of high alert with stress hormones coursing through our bodies that canbe quite harmful.

    In order to combat this trauma response, the nervous system must be regulated, but it is difficult to do that when we can’t pinpoint whether the response is flight or what the trigger is. The first step is to understand the response, and come back to the body to understand the sensations that come with it.

    This is where applied neurology has proven beneficial to create a safe container for nervous
    system regulation to allow those of us with this response to come out on the other side with the tools and ability to self regulate. Regulate so we can have that hard conversation without
    leaving half way through or to be able to finally relax and dig our feet in the sand while soaking
    up the sun.

    In this episode, hosts Jennifer Wallace and Elisabeth Kristoff founder of Nero-Somatic Intelligence and Brain Based Wellness share their personal experiences with flight response and how it affected their lives when they didn’t
    have the tools to regulate.

    Tune in for information about tools on how to recognize and regulate the flight trauma response sensations to be able to live a full and expansive life!

    Topics discussed in this episode:
    ● What is a flight trauma response
    ● What you can do to develop an awareness of this response and how to regulate it
    ● What role does respiration play
    ● Behaviors associated with flight response
    ● Jennifer and Elisabeth’s personal experiences with flight
    ● The physiological response that happens during flight response
    ● How applied neurology can help regulate the nervous system
    ● How breathwork during flight may not be right for you

    ● Best tools to get out of flight response
    ● How to deal with triggers in relationships

    Head to brain-basedwellness.com for a free consultation to identify trauma responses in your
    own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving

    Two Free Weeks www.rewiretrial.com

    If you can’t feel or express your emotions this could be holding you back from being present, connected in your relationships, and having the capacity to experience the good stuff like joy and pleasure. join us at rewiretrial.com to get free two weeks of NS training and emotional processing tools, work with Me & Jennifer live, we would love to meet you!

    Work with Jennifer:



    Work with Elisabeth:




    Trauma and the Inability to Rest

    Trauma and the Inability to Rest

    We briefly talked about the death cycle of winter and rebirth in the “Trauma & the Holidays” episode, but today, Trauma Rewired is addressing how trauma inhibits our ability to rest — which is a crucial element to healing and changing maladaptive behaviors.


    Hosts Jennifer Wallace and Elisabeth Kristoff of Brain-Based Wellness discuss the consequences of poor rest, including derailing the brain’s functioning. Similar to when you’re fatigued and at your full capacity, constantly running on high alert can make us more susceptible to triggers and result in stress responses.


    Most of us already know that sleep is necessary for our overall health and wellbeing, but letting the mind and body truly rest is also crucial to healing. Memory integration and nervous system regulation are infinitely harder to achieve when we don’t leave time for rest and recovery.


    Tune in to learn why slowing down is sometimes hard to do, and how to support yourself in the process!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • How trauma affects our internal states
    • Why rest is crucial to our health, but can also feel threatening
    • Actions Elisabeth is taking to change her behaviors and let herself rest
    • Reasons it’s difficult to rest and recover, and its effects
    • The loop of trauma and inability to rest
    • Trauma and Stress responses
    • Experiences with insomnia
    • Is rest a privilege?
    • Rest vs. freeze/shut down
    • The role of rest in the healing process


    Subscribe to the free Brain Training Video Series: https://brainbased-wellness.com/free-subscription/


    Learn more about Elisabeth Kristof and her company, Brain-Based Wellness, here: https://brainbased-wellness.com/about/


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique http://podcastboutique.com