

    Explore "maca" with insightful episodes like "EP.154|媽阿!補給品有蟲!", "Maca per la virilità? Ti dico la mia.", "BEST OF #30 : Les Supers Aliments, 2e partie", "#274 Alles über Adaptogene - Interview mit Lisa Könings" and "21: Sue's Summer Super Energy Shake" from podcasts like ""運動人的 Pain Cave ", "Botanicals", "Conteuse Végétale I Sorcière en Herbe(s) le podcast", "SchnellEinfachGesund - Dein Gesundheitskompass" and "Sue's Healthy Minutes with Sue Becker | The Bread Beckers"" and more!

    Episodes (28)


    運動前後來跟能量棒,補充一下心理跟生理的能量正流行,你知道能量棒其實是來自NASA的黑科技產品嗎? 挑戰轉型美食節目,為各位聽眾揭密各種奇怪口味的能量棒,薄荷味、薑味、人參味、蟋蟀味,到底哪一種口味比較美味。還有各種號稱減少酒精吸收、提昇男性精氣神(?)、環保減碳的能量棒,到底背後又是什麼科學原理? 本集沒有業配,但聽完各種千奇百怪的補給品真的很想發起團購來做人體實驗,歡迎有使用經驗的聽眾跟我們分享心得~ 警語:本集有大量關於食用昆蟲的討論,蟲蟲過敏患者請小心服用 共同主持人 吳奕德 https://www.facebook.com/wuyite 配音員吳奕德 影音作品輯 https://reurl.cc/vq9rgL 段慧琳 Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/windylovefly Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamwindy 節目製作剪輯 吳奕德 合作洽談請聯繫katedog@ms35.hinet.net

    BEST OF #30 : Les Supers Aliments, 2e partie

    BEST OF #30 : Les Supers Aliments, 2e partie

    Pour m'aider à me renouveler, merci de  répondre à ces questions et participe au concours : https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/6JSL3ZP

    Tirage au sort dimanche 25 février.  Le/la gagnant.e sera prévenu.e par mail

     Cet épisode est la suite de celui publié le 11 octobre et consacré aux supers aliments.

    Je traiterai cette fois-ci, la Maca, le Guarana, l’Urucum et un rappel du cacao cru. 

    Un SUPER ALIMENT est le plus souvent exotique, dont les bénéfices pour la santé ont été confirmés traditionnellement par les anciens.

    Un super aliment a une très forte concentration en minéraux, vitamines, oligo-éléments, micro-nutriments, acides gras essentiels et antioxydants sous un faible volume. 

    Il ne s’agit ni de complément alimentaire (sauf exception), ni d’aliment enrichis. Les supers aliments sont souvent consommés en petites quantités et agrémentent une salade, une soupe, un dessert ou une boisson.  

    Dans l’épisode précédent, j’avais abordé les baies : Acérola, Açaï et Goji, et les algues d’eau douce, telles que la Chlorelle, la Klamath et la Spiruline. Je vais te parler aujourd’hui de 4 autres super-Food, aux supers pouvoirs.

    Des recettes seront disponibles sur le compte Instagram @conteuse.vegetale Sorcière En Herbe(s), après la diffusion des épisodes.

    21: Sue's Summer Super Energy Shake

    21: Sue's Summer Super Energy Shake

    Sue Becker continues with her love for summer by sharing that one of her favorite items during the summer is a cold, refreshing smoothie. As stated in a previous episode, these smoothies can be either yogurt or Kiefer-based and blended with some frozen fruit and sweetened with a bit of honey - making these smoothies a perfect combination of whole-grain fiber, with a healthy dose of good gut organisms.

    However, years ago, Sue was introduced to another kind of smoothie, and today, she shares this goodness with all of us. She also talks about the benefits of each of these ingredients, which include: Maca, Lacuma, and Raw Cacao. Although, this smoothie is more of a shake than it is a smoothie, it contains a lot of the nutrients that our bodies need and crave, and Sue is confident that you will love it too!

    For more information on any of the ingredients mentioned in this episode and to get your own Summer Super Energy Maca Shake Recipe, visit https://www.breadbeckers.com/blog/sues-summer-super-energy-maca-

    Follow us on:

    Facebook @thebreadbeckers

    Instagram @breadbeckers

    *DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this podcast or on our website should be construed as medical advice. Consult your health care provider for your individual nutritional and medical needs. The information presented is based on our research and is strictly that of the author and not necessarily those of any professional group or other individuals.


    【本集內容】 去庫斯科不吃藥真的不行啊 / 飛往庫斯科的飛機大延誤 / 探索文化的聖谷行程 / 高山症大發作的彩虹山行程 / 庫斯科不能錯過的San Pedro市集 / 秘魯壯陽藥Maca 🤢 / 天竺鼠肉和羊駝肉很普通 / . 第12集的Podcast上架啦! 這集主要是分享在秘魯庫斯科的旅遊經驗 在海拔3400公尺的庫斯科真的有超多景點可以玩 想去庫斯科旅遊的千萬不要錯過這集喔😀 . 🌴【設備】 收音器材:Blue Yeti 編輯軟體:iPad Pro & MacBook Pro GarageBand 音樂來源:【soundstripe】 Chantry Smith-Tonight We're Immortal https://app.soundstripe.com/songs/8770 . 🌴【聯絡我們】avv56880@yahoo.com.tw . Hosting provided by SoundOn

    029: What Are Adaptogens? w/ Shelese Pratt, ND

    029: What Are Adaptogens? w/ Shelese Pratt, ND

    In today’s episode we are talking all about adaptogenic herbs (like ashwagandha). 

    Our guest today is Dr. Shelese Pratt, who believes in integrative and holistic medicine. Her practice and clinic are focused on neurology and complex medical conditions relating to metabolic disease.

    Dr. Pratt uses functional medicine and her expertise in biochemistry (methylation) and physiology to help her patients get to the root cause of their symptoms through a strategic approach.

    The modalities used in her practice are are nutrition (diet and nutritional supplements), botanicals, environmental medicine, classical homeopathy, and hydrotherapy.

    La Maca: un super cibo per aumentare forza e resistenza

    La Maca: un super cibo per aumentare forza e resistenza
    La Maca è una radice che si coltiva, in base ad alcuni dati archeologici , da 2600 anni sulle Ande peruviane. La maca è stata domesticata da una feroce tribù di guerrieri migrati nelle Ande dalla giungla amazzonica.

    Oggi i loro discendenti continuano a coltivarla alla sua altezza naturale di 3000m sul livello del mare, fino ai 4300m, caratteristica che fa della Maca il prodotto agricolo coltivato alla maggior altitudine di tutta la terra.

    Fa parte della famiglia delle crucifere, come i broccoli, i cavoli, la rapa: la parte commestibile è la radice, molto vicina a quella del ravanello. La Maca è uno dei potenti super cibi in grado di aumentare la forza e la resistenza oltre alla libido (come le bacche di Goji) è un potente adattogeno, quindi ha la capacità di equilibrare e stabilizzare il sistema endocrino, così come quello nervoso, cardiovascolare e muscolare. Guarda il video per scoprire gli innumerevoli effetti benefici di questo superfood!

    Targeting Sexual Dysfunction with Maca

    Targeting Sexual Dysfunction with Maca

    Maca is a powerful nutrient that offers support for the brain and GI tract, but it is most well known for helping men and women with sexual dysfunction. Learn more about this Peruvian superfood from Amanda Williams, MPH.

    Take advantage of an exclusive podcast offer today by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast or by clicking here.

    For more information on the products or studies mentioned in this episode, click here. 

    Doris' (62 J.) Kopfgefängnis

    Doris' (62 J.) Kopfgefängnis
    Die 62 jährige Doris ist auf der Suche nach ihrer Libido. Ob sich diese hinter dem beruflichen Stress versteckt oder sich zusammen mit den weiblichen Sexualhormonen still verbschiedet hat? Wir haben ein paar Tipps zusammengestellt, welche Doris ausprobieren kann, damit die Libido vielleicht schon bald wieder hinter der Ecke hervorblinzelt und Doris aus ihrem Kopfgefängnis befreit wird.

    The Miracle Mindset

    The Miracle Mindset

    Dr. Anna Cabeca empowers the modern women to escape the suffering and stereotypes of menopause, returning her to an energetic body, a clear mind, a connected spirit, and a shining example of feminine love. Come along on a fantastic health journey with Dr. Anna Cabeca and join our thriving community to learn tips to keep you happier, healthier and thriving!!!

    Join her community to gain knowhow, pure inspiration and motivation with Dr. Anna at DrAnnaCabeca.com


    Dr. Anna Cabeca is an Emory University trained and board certified Gynecologist and Obstetrician. In addition, she is board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and an expert in Functional Medicine and Women’s Health. She specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and natural alternatives, successful menopause and age management medicine. Dr. Cabeca is a frequent national and international speaker on restorative and women’s health issues. She serves as a consultant and trainer for other physicians in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Functional Medicine Principles.

    Dr. Cabeca is the creator of the highly acclaimed virtual transformational programs:

    WomensRestorativeHealth.com, SexualCPR.com, and MagicMenopause.com.

    She is also the creator of the superfoods drink Mighty Maca™ and the new feminine anti-aging cream, Julva™. Dr. Cabeca is passionate about supporting women (and the men that love them) in creating health and hormone balance for themselves as well as many generations to come.


    Discover Julva®!

    https://drannacabeca.com/products/julva-trial-pack Julva® is an all-natural, anti-aging cosmetic cream for your delicate feminine parts.

    Find out more about Mighty Maca® Plus! https://drannacabeca.com/products/mighty-maca  Mighty Maca® Plus — the superfood green drink with 40+ amazing ingredients

    Check out our programs here: Sexual CPR: http://sexualcpr.com/helpdoctor/ 

    Magic Menopause: https://go.magicmenopause.com/waiting-list 

    Catch up with Dr. Anna’s Latest News: http://drannacabeca.com/blog/ 

    Need help with something else? Email us at Team@DrAnnaCabeca.com 


    Website: http://drannacabeca.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Drannac/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/annacabeca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/cabecahealth

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/drcabeca/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drannacabeca/ 

    The Girlfriend Doctor Community, Magic Menopause & More!

    The Girlfriend Doctor Community, Magic Menopause & More!
    This week on The Girlfriend Doctor Show, Dr. Anna has on some fantastic guests who are also part of The Girlfriend Doctor community!

    From members of the Magic Menopause program, to every day users of Mighty Maca®, Julva and more, we hear directly from the community about how The Girlfriend Doctor has helped change their lives!

    Join Dr. Anna and friends to hear all about the different programs and products you can try to get your health back on track, and feel better than you ever have before.

    Don't forget, The Girlfriend Doctor Club is coming in January!
    Sign up for the club now at: www.dranna.com/club

    *Always seek the advice of your own physician or qualified health professional before starting any treatment or plans. Information found here and results are provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice.


    Dr. Anna Cabeca is The Girlfriend Doctor! She helps women before, during and after menopause thrive. You can ask or tell her anything you would tell your best girlfriend if she was a triple board certified Gynecologist and Obstetrician.


    Discover Julva®! https://drannacabeca.com/products/julva-trial-pack
    Julva® is an all-natural, anti-aging cosmetic cream for your delicate feminine parts.

    Find out more about Mighty Maca® Plus! https://drannacabeca.com/products/mighty-maca

    Mighty Maca® Plus — the superfood green drink with 40+ amazing ingredients

    Check out our programs here:
    Sexual CPR: http://sexualcpr.com/helpdoctor/
    Magic Menopause: https://go.magicmenopause.com/waiting-list
    Catch up with Dr. Anna’s Latest News: http://drannacabeca.com/blog/
    Need help with something else? Email us at Team@DrAnnaCabeca.com


    Website: http://dranna.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegirlfrienddoctor
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thegirlfrienddoctor
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegirlfrienddoctor
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/annacabeca
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/thegirlfrienddoctor

    What's Maca? Is it right for you?

    What's Maca? Is it right for you?
    Some people are stressed these days, need a boost to their energy levels, mood, and mental state. If your hormones are out of whack, you may want to research maca since it is an alternative to HRT. Maca powder is a superfood, and several studies have shown that it can enhance your mood. It also helps you gain muscle, increases strength, and improves exercise performance. Lastly, it may enhance one's memory, cognition, and brain function.
    Just because it's a superfood does not mean it's right for everyone. Here's the caveat since maca impacts the endocrine system that rules your body's hormones. If you have a thyroid disorder, you may want to avoid it unless it's Peruvian maca. Raw maca is a goitrogen and can slow down your thyroid gland.
    80% of maca sold in the United States is not authentic Peruvian maca but from China and grown at a much lower altitude than in Peru. Growing maca at lower altitudes does not yield the same beneficial properties. The majority of supplements and products available in the United States are from raw maca, and not recommendedfor people with hypothyroidism. There's been great success with Peruvian maca as an alternative to HRT therapy, peri, and post-menopausal and prostate health. Remember, all herbs are not created equal but heard many good reviews about a brand named Femmenessence.


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    Be Happy! Make Healthy Choices today and Stay Healthy!
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    If you want to reduce your inflammation, boost your immune system, learn natural ways to weight loss and optimize your health, listen now, ✅ Subscribe to the podcast to gain insight into boosting your health.

    Want to gain insight with functional medicine lab testing? https://nancyguberti.com/services/

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    Follow on IG: https://www.instagram.com/nancyguberti/

    Some of my favorite supplements: https://nancyguberti.com/purchase-quality-supplements/

    Get a copy of Healthy Living Everyday your wellness blueprint book offering an array of alternative healing and preventive therapies, with more than 365 pages of reflective questions, empowering truth, and simple steps covering many alternative factors to wellness. Available on Amazon:


    Share this podcast with a friend. #Maca #keto #boostImmune #sweeteners #weightloss #health #youmatter #allulosereviews

    The Hormone Fix with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    The Hormone Fix with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    Dr. Anna Cabeca is triple board-certified and a fellow of gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine.  She is known for her work using natural alternatives and traditional healing modalities for managing menopause successfully.  Her newest book "The Hormone Fix" along with her other empowering transformation programs have helped women of all ages become their best selves again.

    In this episode, Dr. Anna shares with us her story of reversing a diagnosis of early menopause at the age of 38 and how she then used her knowledge to help clients reverse their own disease issues.  Listen in to hear what the 3 major hormones are and how her new book can teach you how to command them.  Plus she gives us some tips for balancing our female hormones and to deal with the side effects of menopause.

    The Hormone Fix and Restoring Libido with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    The Hormone Fix and Restoring Libido with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    In this week’s podcast, I am talking with Dr. Anna Cabeca, author of the Amazon best selling book The Hormone Fix

    Dr. Anna Cabeca, is triple board-certified and a fellow of gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine. She has special certifications in functional medicine, sexual health, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

    She is known for her work using natural alternatives and traditional healing modalities for managing menopause successfully. She is the creator of the highly acclaimed virtual transformation programs Women’s Restorative Health, Sexual CPR, and Magic Menopause. The creator of the alkaline superfoods drink Mighty Maca Plus and the vulvar anti-aging cream Julva, she has been interviewed by all major television networks and has been featured inInStyle, HuffPost, and Mind Body Green. She lives on Saint Simons Island, Georgia, with her four daughters and her dog, Sandy.

    Listen in as Dr. Anna shares how she overcame premature ovarian failure and early menopause at 38, and through studying traditional and spiritual healing modalites combined with her vast clinical experience was inspired to help women find natural ways for women to heal themselves. 

    We dive into some of the common struggles women suffer as we age hormonnaly and how to overcome them, the importance of viewing menopause as an empowering transformation, the challenge of the "devil's pitch fork", inflamation, hormone imbalance, and adrenal fatigute, and what to do to reverse these problems,  men have viagra, what women can do, how to nourish your vaginal health, sexual health, and how to revive your libido, the ABCs of Sexual CPR, and so much more.  There is such wisdom in this episode!

    This episode gives you insight on how Dr. Anna ‘s new book will demystify the hormones that control your weight, sleep, mood and libido.  Her amazing book, The Hormone Fix, is available now!

    Dr. Cabeca has graciously offered some fabulous gifts for you:

    What's Happenig To My Hormones Ebook: Get it HERE.

    Free Julva  Trial: Get it HERE

    Mighty Maca Trial: Get it HERE
    Thank you for listening!  If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe, leave a rave review and share with your friends!
    Please join in the discussion on this episode and more in my free Facebook Group, Find Your Feminine Fire HERE.

    EP 089: Make America Krit Again + album reviews from Snoop Dogg, Yo Gotti & Big K.R.I.T.

    EP 089: Make America Krit Again + album reviews from Snoop Dogg, Yo Gotti & Big K.R.I.T.

    Motorsport, Nicki Minaj vs Cardi B, Eminem's new album title, Andre 3000 not confident, New CyHi The Prynce & album reviews for Snoop Dogg, Yo Gotti & Big K.R.I.T.

    What it dew Trillions! Back again with episode 89 of the Truth Be Told Podcast from Trillmatic.com hosted by Riffa & Bigg UU. Thanks for supporting your favorite Hip Hop podcast! Be sure to leave a 5 star review!

    Show support for the podcast!
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    This episode we kick off with 1 Gotta Go: Boyz n The Hood, Menace II Society, Juice and New Jack City. We also talk briefly about Kevin Spacey pedophile/sexual assault allegations. 

    Boom Trap: The new track Motorsport from Migos, Nicki Minaj and Cardi B. Did Nicki Minaj go harder? Xxxtentacion is done with making music and trying to get his friendship with Ski Mask the Slump God back. 

    Respect Your Elders: Eminem rolls out his new album title, sort of. Andre 3000 of Outkast recently did an interview and he doesn't sound as confident as he should be. What's up with with 3 Stacks?

    For The Culture: Rappers dropping documentaries needs to happen more often. After watching Yo Gotti and Young Dolph's we get clarity in who they are as people and artists. The beef has to stop. 

    Artist Ignorance Award: CyHi The Prynce is releasing a new song with Kanye West. What can we expect from CyHi The Prynce and what the hell is Kanye West working on?

    Album Reviews this week: Snoop Dogg, Yo Gotti and Big K.R.I.T.

    Snoop Dogg - Make America Crip Again
    Apple Music: http://apple.co/2xUTn74
    Tidal: https://tidal.com/album/80165420

    Yo Gotti - I Still Am
    Apple Music: http://apple.co/2A4Nx5i
    Tidal: https://tidal.com/album/80385165

    Big K.R.I.T. - 4Eva is a Mighty Long Time
    Apple Music: http://apple.co/2xXbKfP
    Tidal: https://tidal.com/album/80185606

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    Subscribe to our channel on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2kqGzzP

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    Website: http://www.trillmatic.com
    Mixtapes: http://www.trillmatic.com/mixtapes
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    Videos: http://www.trillmatic.com/videos

    Riffa on Twitter - http://twitter.com/Riffa254
    Bigg UU on Twitter - http://twitter.com/BiggUU254

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