
    quit alcohol

    Explore " quit alcohol" with insightful episodes like "3 Things Everyday", "Q & A - Is life really fun without alcohol", "Messy Middle", "Q & A Day - How Long Was Debi's Journey & Why Don't You Drink" and "When It Feels Really, Really Hard to Drink Less or Stop" from podcasts like ""Aging Flipped - Defying the Norms and Celebrating Every Chapter of Life", "Aging Flipped - Defying the Norms and Celebrating Every Chapter of Life", "Aging Flipped - Defying the Norms and Celebrating Every Chapter of Life", "Aging Flipped - Defying the Norms and Celebrating Every Chapter of Life" and "Aging Flipped - Defying the Norms and Celebrating Every Chapter of Life"" and more!

    Episodes (77)

    Messy Middle

    Messy Middle

    It takes time and patience to really do this work. The space between awareness you are indeed drinking too much alcohol for your life and figuring out how to make alcohol small and irrelevant in your life requires  the skills of delaying gratification, leaning into discomfort, being OK with trying new things, and be ok with going against the grain.  

    In order to navigate all the way to success, the journey requires resilience. 


    • How to apply EXIT to help make the navigation less messy
    • Why more than 1 compelling reason is necessary 
    • A simple process to create as many compelling reasons as you need. 


    The 2021 Annual Gift
    Podcast review giveaway

    Q & A Day - How Long Was Debi's Journey & Why Don't You Drink

    Q & A Day - How Long Was Debi's Journey & Why Don't You Drink


    • About my own personal blooper 
    • Examples of how I applied the EXIT tools
    • How long it actually took me to exit the drinking life
    • What I'm discovering from other people 
    • What alcohol actually is 
    • Why I no longer put it into my body. 

    Mentioned in Today's Episode: 

    The giveaway
    Other free resources

    When It Feels Really, Really Hard to Drink Less or Stop

    When It Feels Really, Really Hard to Drink Less or Stop

    Hey my friend, how are you? So glad to have you here, so glad to be recording this for you today.

    Listen, if you want to get started exiting the drinking life and I’m pretty sure you do or you would not be listening to this podcast, I want to make sure that you get my Jumpstart Guide. This is a beautiful starting off point for you.

    It’s a really quick easy read with some powerful tools you can start using right away to help you change what you drink.

    Simply go to JumpseatCoaching.com


    • How to get the EXIT Quick Start Guide 
    • What happens in our minds that gets us off course, even when we’re doing everything right.
    • How to get past the discouragement.
    • Why you should expect and embrace the “hard.”
    • The benefits of getting through hard things.
    • Why you should return to your breath 

    Today, I want to talk about when it’s really hard to choose something to drink other than alcohol. I believe all of us have been there at one time or another because if it was always easy, then we wouldn’t still be talking about it, we wouldn’t have all the sober curious books, the mindful drinks movement, the variety of podcasts about getting, staying, remaining sober or drinking less alcohol.

    When it feels really hard to make a different choice, our primitive brains, that part of our brain that’s just wanting to keep us alive, just really starts to go into overdrive.

    We can start to let it take over and run the show, and then it’s all drama, it’s all horror, it’s all, “This is terrible. It’s too hard, I can’t do it,” and then before we know it, we’re back in our old patterns of avoiding our emotions and numbing out of our life with alcohol.

    I want to talk to you about what to do when the journey of change really feeling challenging.

    When you’re doing all of the things: examining your thoughts and beliefs, processing your urges and your negative emotions, you’re doing the thought work, you’re deciding to drink from a conscious decision instead of an unconscious automatic one, you’re taking care of yourself personally by moving your body more, getting as much rest as you can and choosing healthier foods and it is still just hard.

    We often think like, “I thought by this point, it should be easier.” We start thinking, “Something’s going wrong. It shouldn’t be this hard. It’s easier for other people. I wish it were that easy for me. Look at that girl, she’s drinking wine all the time and look how good she has it. It’s not fair. Why do I have to suck at making this easy? Everyone else seems to be thinking this is easy and it’s still not for me. I’ve been at this a long time. It shouldn’t require so much mental effort anymore. I shouldn’t have to work so hard at this. It’s really discouraging that this seems so challenging still. I don’t know if I can keep this up forever.”

    These are the stories that our brain offers us. Oftentimes my clients will say, “I don’t want to have to live like this forever. I want to be able to just not want it. I want to be able to have a drink every once in a while and not go off the deep end.

    And those are our thoughts about our experience of doing what it takes to exit the drinking life and make alcohol a small and irrelevant part of our lives.

    We think we’re just telling it like it is, “Like it is hard. I’m just being real. I’m just telling the truth. I’m just sharing what it’s like for me,” but in actuality what we’re doing is we’re stacking the pain, we’re stacking the discomfort and the difficulty and the challenge. We’re stacking the resistance and making the experience of changing what you drink even more uncomfortable with the way that we’re thinking about it.

    So many of us believe life with less or no alcohol in it is too hard or not something that we can sustain.

    And if you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while or if you’ve known you needed to exit the life of drinking, over-drinking, shame, and regret for a while and you just haven’t been doing it, I’m talking to you.

    We just have this idea of like, “It’s going to be too hard,” or “There’s going to be a right time to do it,” or “I just need to get through this difficult period, then I’m going to be able to focus on it.”

    But what’s actually too hard to sustain is doing all of the things that help us change what we drink while thinking terrible feeling thoughts about ourselves our lives, our bodies, and the process of exiting the drinking.

    Focusing on what we’re missing out on and how other people are responding to us making this change all of that.

    It’s the way that we are choosing to interpret the journey that causing the true pain and suffering.

    One way of approaching this is encouraging yourself to say yes to the process, to all of it.

    It kind of reminds me of being pregnant. Saying yes to the entire experience.

    The morning sickness, the tiredness, the extra weight, the mood swings, the moving growing human inside of us.

    How about that? Say yes to the entire process saying yes to the process, especially the hard parts.

    For those of you who’ve never been pregnant. Think of a time in your life when you signed on for something. Something you know would involve saying yes to the sucky parts as well as the wonderful parts.

    This is how I like to think about doing hard things.

    But….let’s just talk about it in the framework of exiting the drinking life. Ending that over-drinking cycle. I truly do get it. I’ve been on it, in it. I tried changing what I drank for 7 years. Trust me, I get it.”

    But this is the way I believe committing to and saying yes to the entire process is a really great way to thinking about it. A way that can really serve you when it feels hard.

    Imagine you’ve signed on to get your Masters. You’re there for the degrees. You know you’re going to have to take some classes that you really aren’t going to like it because it’s part of the program. It’s just how it is. You take a certain number of classes every semester or maybe you’re just taking it, one class, at a time…..

    And your current class might be allowing urges. Last semester maybe you took Examining Your Beliefs  and maybe you took Fully Dialing in on your emotions.

    So if you were taking these classes to get your Master’s Degree would you expect it to be easy?

    Most people wouldn’t go into this journey of getting their Master’s Degrees and believe or think things like “What do you mean this is challenging?

    I thought this was just going to be something I was going to completely coast through.

    Like I’m completely shocked. Why is this so hard? Why isn’t it getting easier? I mean, Gosh, now I’m doing this thing and this seems hard too. Now I’m in this class, this class seems even harder than the classes I took last semester.”

    They get harder as you go along sometimes. Of course, we would expect it to be hard. We would, of course, expect ourselves to work hard.

    Most people go into this thinking and believing “Okay, this is the real deal. Like I’m going to have to buckle down. I’m going to really have to make sure I focus and study.”

    What if that was the way you approached your exit journey. As though nothing was going wrong when it was hard? When allowing urges is hard, you’re like, “Yes,” yes to this, because you know why? Because I want the results of being in control of alcohol instead of it being in control of me.

    Yes, I really want to master trusting myself to figure this out. I want to untangle the beliefs and thoughts keeping me stuck. I want to achieve my goal of exiting the drinking life, ending the love-hate relationship I have with myself.

    This journey is not one you can “cheat the system” with. You can’t sneak your way through the course or copy your neighbor to get the end results you want. In order to exit the drinking life for good, to make alcohol small and irrelevant, you have to say yes to the hard work. Yes to all of it.

    You have to say yes to the days when your urges are pretty easy to process and they’re pretty mild and they’re really not that strong and yes to the days where they feel super intense.

    You have to say yes to the days where you are so restless and all you want to do is drink wine to calm your body down and yes to the days where it was really a great day and it was really pretty easy and things were simple for you.

    You have to say yes to having your thoughts totally dialed in and yes, to create a creatively constructed plan to attend an event in order to stay with your plan of not consuming alcohol. Probably extremely uncomfortable the first time, maybe even the 2nd, or 3rd time but you commit to making it work because of the end result you want.

    You have to say yes to getting enough sleep when you can and yes to sleepless nights and exhaustion the next day. By saying yes to all of it, we’re dropping the resistance, we’re dropping the belief that something is going wrong and then it should be different than it is.

    It shouldn’t be any different than it is.

    The belief that it should be different, it should be easier, it shouldn’t be so challenging is what’s making it so much more challenging.

    It’s the opposite of what we think.

    We think we’re just telling the truth, but if it was supposed to be different, it would be different.

    It’s not different, it is exactly how it should be.

    In fact, the harder it is, the more of an amazing accomplishment it is on the other side when you’ve achieved it.

    The more chances you have to evolve as a human being into your highest and best self.

    This is how you really grow.

    Think about how great it will feel when you’ve come through this class.

    Like you’ve gone through this process, this program. You’re going to come out on the other end feeling so accomplished, but this opportunity is only there for you if you say yes to the experience.

    What many of you do is you take a couple of classes or maybe you start your first class and then you’re just like, “This seems hard. I’m just going to back out of it. This isn’t a good time. I can’t focus on this.” And then you have to start again. Your credits don’t transfer. You have to start all over again.

    Some of you make it to the second semester, senior year, and then you go, “You know what? Forget it,” and then you have to start at the beginning again, and that’s completely fine, but just recognize what you’re doing when it’s the second semester, senior year and you’re just going, “Yeah, screw it.” You’re not saying yes to the experience. The key is to make this journey feel “less hard” is to say yes to the easy and the hard, the wins and the losses, the failures upon failures, the mistakes upon mistakes. It’s all part of the process.

    Besides saying yes, what else can we do to keep ourselves going forward in the face of incredible challenges?

    Sometimes it’s really, really hard.

    Things are happening in your life or you’re trucking along and now there are some significant challenges. Maybe you’ve had the loss of a close family member or friend, maybe it’s something really big that is happening. Maybe you’re having a big relationship change. Maybe there’s some big-time stuff happening at work and it’s so easy then to be like, “I can’t take on one more thing. I barely was holding it together with this drinking less thing anyway. I’m just going to have to take a break,” and you know what taking a break means, it means just getting in the way back.

    Another tool you can use when you catch yourself wanting to break away and quit moving towards your desired outcome is to bring the focus back to just this one present moment. The easiest way to do that is to focus on your breath.

    Truly focus on it. Bring your mind to your breath and let yourself notice right where you are right then. When we are in the “I can’t take it any long” mindset, we’ve taking our focus too far out into the future. We’re projecting the worst case in our heads, even if we aren’t saying it out loud.

    By bringing yourself to your own breath, this brings you into the current, present moment.

    Because when it’s hard we can tend to catastrophes about the challenge.

    We think, “Well today was really hard, so there’s no way I’m going to be able to keep this up long term,” or “This whole week has been hard,” or “This whole month has been hard. There’s no way I’m going to be able to keep this up on going.” “I can’t see myself being able to do this month after month, week after week.” “I don’t know how I’m going to hold it together while I’m on vacation,” or through the holidays or over the summer or whatever is a challenge.

    What I want to offer to you is that you don’t have to entertain any of those concerns in your head. They seem really important and necessary to think about, but I promise you, you really don’t. All you need to think about is what you’re going to do today.

    And when your brain tells you it’s too hard and you’ll never be able to keep it up, you can just agree with this.

    That’s again saying, yes, you’re not it, you’re not going, “Oh, I shouldn’t be thinking that I’m not going to be able to keep it up,” instead going, “Yeah, maybe I won’t be able to keep it up forever, but I will keep it up today.”

    That is saying yes to the hardship and the difficulty. It’s acknowledging your experience and not asking yourself to think any differently about the future. You’re not saying that the way that you’re thinking about it as wrong or that it ought to be different. Instead, you’re just reminding yourself that you don’t have to make any of those decisions today.

    Some people will say, “We'll wait, if I decide that I’m not going to really drink anymore, seriously, I’m not going to like have a champagne toast at my daughter’s wedding?” Well, considering that she’s three right now, we probably don’t need to worry about it. It’s probably not something that you have to decide on right now, but your brain is going to go to that. Like, “What about this? What about that? You’re never going to have this. What if you go to Italy, you’re not going to have any wine?” I don’t need to know. I don’t need to decide that today. When that opportunity and that experience arises, I will make the best decision for myself for that day.

    Many of us talk about living in the present and all you have is the present moment. And there’s a lot of truth to that, and we can apply that to our experience of changing what we are drinking too.

    because so much of what feels the most uncomfortable is when we’re looking into the future and creating a story of how awful it’s going to be and/or when we look to the past and we tell ourselves a story of how awful and horrible and difficult it was and uncomfortable. And then we project that into the future and go, “Well, that’s exactly how it’s going to be. I wasn’t able to keep it up then so I won’t be able to keep it up in the future as well.”

    This way you don’t have to resist your experience so much. You say yes to today. Today is an unplanned day. The end. That is what you’re doing. Combine saying yes to all of it, the whole experience, to dropping the resistance and then to just committing to doing what you said you were going to do today and knowing that you don’t need to worry about the rest of that. When your brain offers up, “What about this? What about that? What am I going to do here? What am I going to have then?” Just remember, “I don’t need to decide that right now. I will decide when it’s necessary for me to decide that.”

    This is huge, huge stuff. Really, really helpful.

    Remember to get that Jumpstart your Exit Guide by heading to JumpseatCoaching.com/jumpstart.

    Right now EXIT & Beyond Life Coaching Membership is not accepting new members but we will be opening up again the first week of January. The best way to make sure you are notified when we are accepting members again is to get on my email list. By getting your own Jumpstart Guide you will be added to my email list. PLUS the Jumpstart Guide will get you going on your own unique exit journey.

    Have a wonderful week and I will talk to you very soon. Take care of bye-bye.

    Q & A Day - Uncovering Beliefs

    Q & A Day - Uncovering Beliefs

    Keep noticing the thoughts that come up for you when drinking shows up in your consciousness - they all point to your beliefs. You may notice it in the patterns of thoughts or how your moods shift throughout the day. 

    Make sure you are journaling and recording how you feel each day. If possible, record your thoughts and emotions around the parts of the day when you experience the most triggers. Being aware of how you're reacting mentally and emotionally can go a long way toward getting a sense of your beliefs. 

    • ​List your triggers and get very curious about them - what is it about that situation, that triggers you? The belief is underneath the trigger, and it’s driving the conscious thoughts of alcohol that are creating your urge to drink.
    • Ignite curiosity while hanging out with friends. Notice their conversations, verbalize the thoughts you have about alcohol, discuss it all with someone. 

    Have questions - Bring them to me at here - https://www.jumpseatcoaching.com/AskDebi

    Ep. #57 Not Wanting It

    Ep. #57 Not Wanting It

    Today we pose the question: What do you really want your relationship with alcohol to look like and why? It's good to start with a question to start to understand the process of what you want. I review the 5 shifts to  getting alcohol out of your way that I teach my clients.
     I also give you the recipe to my favorite holiday elixir also.

    For Podcast Inquiries: mary@marywagstaffcoach.com

    Schedule your Free Alignment session with Mary HERE!

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    Ep. #52 Evolving Past Alcohol

    Ep. #52 Evolving Past Alcohol

    Do you ever stop to ask yourself, how will I know when I have arrived, that moment where I can be at peace and I have made it? What if THIS is the moment? How would you know? Alcohol has a way of keeping you ANYWHERE but the present moment, which is the only place where true peace can exist. Either we are nostalgic about the subjective past of the "good old days", or terrified of the future yet to be told. Every moment is the opportunity to experience the fruits of your labor, until you step into that place of the compassionate witness, you will never be honouring you, and your life as it is in this moment, alcohol will always win the illusion of better.
    Today, you get the change to hear me interview on the Podcast The Evolutionary, by David Knox. My journey evolving past alcohol and my passion for helping Women find freedom on the other side of their desire.

    Please check out and Subscribe to David's Amazing Show HERE!

    Remember, taking your last sip isn't your first step!
    Schedule a time to talk about my 1:1 Coaching mentorship HERE

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    Benzodiazepines and Alcohol Withdrawal

    Benzodiazepines and Alcohol Withdrawal

    Am I an alcoholic? www.peoplewithalcoholism.com teaches about alcoholic symptoms, alcohol dependence, and what to do if you have an alcohol problem. Learn strategies to stop drinking, the health effects of alcohol abuse, and signs of alcoholism from people with alcoholism. Get help and learn how to stop drinking, about benzodiazepines and drugs for alcohol withdrawal from our channel on substance abuse recovery. We provide alcohol detoxification strategies, alcohol use disorder treatment overviews, and other free resources to help you quit drinking and overcome alcoholism. Live a sober lifestyle without AA Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Top 20 Alcohol Withdrawal Supplements and Vitamins:


    Social Links:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/People-With-Alcoholism-102070891672710

    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/GabrielleKeen3

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peoplewithalcoholism

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/palcoholism

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRp7vUoPjxvMlViDpQu1x4A

    Ep. 33 Live Coaching Session

    Ep. 33 Live Coaching Session

    In this episode you will get to experience what a life coaching session with me is like. Of course all clients and circumstances are different, but the process is the same. We identify the thoughts and feelings that are connected and keeping you stuck. With consistent effort, I create consistent results. From there, we get curious and interrupt the thought and if it's appropriate at the time, create a new, believable one to live into.  This particular client has been through the 5 shifts process, at times still comes up with alcohol triggers, but knows the truth about the best version of her life. A coach helps you identify thoughts you are unable to see. I work with embodiment tools to add in supporting practicing a present moment experience.
    Shout out to my AMAZING Client! xoxo

    To sign up for a complimentary alignment session with me click HERE
    To get on my email list for weekly goodies and the 5 essential shifts workshop click HERE

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    Ep. #30 Your Unflinching Why

    Ep. #30 Your Unflinching Why

    Week 4 in 40 Days To Freedom From Alcohol, we stand in the light of the Resolution. Being Seen and Grounding into our personal Truth.
    This truth comes from your Unflinching WHY: Your resolve, your deep inspiration our hearts desire of what tethers you to do this work at all.
    You can reflect back on the confronting the story with a new frame work, outside of fear, and into the light of your unflinching WHY, in Sanskrit it's called a Sankalpa or resolve: From Wikipedia:
    Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body.

    This IS the ultimate resolution.

    You can not keep up inspiration and momentum without some bigger force or reason behind you.

    Something you will unapologetically stand for.

    Week 4 Self Inquiry: 

    How can I take a stand in this journey. 

    What is Your Unflinching WHY? 

    Who are you without Alcohol? The biggest and best version?

    What are you willing to be wrong about?

    Where have you been playing the victim and how can you take personal responsibility?

    What form of abundance are you calling into your life?

    Who is SHE is everyway now that alcohol is no longer in yourway?

    Who are your ally’s?

    What are your tools and resources?

    What are you celebrating about yourself?

    Are you willing to acknowledge limitations as well as your gifts?

    See yourself in the eyes of those who appreciate you. 

     "Your lack of commitment is an insult to those who believe in you." -Conor McGregor

    How can you create the sacredness to meet yourself everyday in ritual?

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    Ep # 29 Embodied Emotions w/ Sarah Sibley

    Ep # 29 Embodied Emotions w/ Sarah Sibley

    I love this conversation so much!  The talented and sweet, Sarah Sibley talks of emotional support through embodiment, unpacking Mental Health, the importance of experiencing a full cycle of emotion to heal, Holistic Maintenance of the Mind and special herbal remedies to sooth the mind, heart and soul. How quarantine, has been an opportunity to dive deeper into the exploration of her own healing journey, Sarah is a skilled certified Herbalist and Human Design Reader. Please enjoy this vulnerable and very relatable interview.

    The Class By Taryn Toomey

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    Ep. #28 Claiming Personal Responsibility

    Ep. #28 Claiming Personal Responsibility

    We are half way through the 40 days to freedom from alcohol! Have you committed to your sacred self? This episode is PACKED full of examples and the EXACT process to get you out of thought loops, that ultimately end up in drinking, into allowing emotion and get you in control of your life instead of riding the trigger happy emotional roller caster of reactivity!

    Personal Responsibility in a nut shell, is your ticket to ultimate freedom. By staying 100% accountable for you thoughts, feelings and actions, you have to opportunity to explore the direct process that gets alcohol in your hand and body, or anyother result in your life. It is the building block of how you show up and claim your power, by CHOOSING thoughts on purpose! You can interrupt the process by choosing new thoughts or allowing emotions to happen. 
    Personal responsibility is non-negotiable if you want to make REAL Change in your drinking. It is the stage of emergence in our healing journey of the self. Now that you have brought light by confronting the story, you can give some energy to how you relate to the outer world and make a plan to lay actionable steps to get there.

    The Personal Responsibility Cycle:
    Life Happens (trigger)-thought-emotion-drink alcohol
    This can be used for anything.

    This weeks Self Inquiry:

    How do I feel right now?: EXPAND Your vocabulary

    Why do I feel this way?  What is the EXACT circumstance anyone would agree on it's objective? (ie it's raining out, NOT: my partner is mean)

    ( about what situation or circumstance, get VERY specific)

    What was the thought that created this emotion? If you need to list as many as are present.

    How do I show up when I feel this way/ what actions do I take?

    What are the sensations of this emotion in my body? 

    If I allow them and stay in the place of observation will they change?

    How do you WANT to feel?

    I know at least one thought that will take me in that direction I want to go in...

    What people, places and things bring me trues joy? 
    What brings satisfaction?



    Highlighting your gifts:

    What are my talents & gifts?

    Abilities, skills?


    What inspires me?

    www.marywagstaffcoach.com to get on my mailing list for extra inquiries and for your alignment session.
    Also, email me with any questions, feedback, inquiries for the 40 days to freedom.
    This work will change how you show up for yourself, and the injustices on the rest of the world.

    In Truth and Justice,

    Here is a great resource to expand your awareness for undoing racism.

    Dr Joe Dispenza
    Brooke Castillo of the Life Coach School
    Kia Miller Radiant Body Yoga

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    Ep. # 27 In Service Of with Willo Sana

    Ep. # 27 In Service Of with Willo Sana

    This engaging conversation with guest, Willo Sana, is such a wonderful companion to our invitation of Confronting The Story (ep.26).  We talk about her spiritual awakening as the catalyst for changing her relationship with alcohol, which propelled her forward to creating the frame work for which to lead from. The pure science behind the pathways of the brain that create belief from a false pleasure and how can you find your deep center and your own knowing inside, answering a call to something bigger than yourself, to become a vessel for that divine creative force to come through. We also discus the importance of sisterhood and seeing the reflection of the other to fully see ourselves.  Willo was such a wonderful guest to have on that truly exemplifies what it means to stop drinking and start living. To go beyond the story and use your growth to inspire that in others. Thank you Willo! xxoo

    Willo Sana is a transformational business coach, master facilitator, and international keynote speaker who empowers visionary entrepreneurs to birth their big ideas into the world. For more than 18 years, she has shared her special mix of emotional and strategic support - cultivating clarity, courage, and compassion - through multiple e-courses and online trainings, immersive retreats, and large-scale events. She has worked with thousands of ambitious, purpose-driven individuals, helping them to thrive in all areas of life. 

    Her upcoming book, Double Down on Your Genius: Own Your Gifts, Align Your Actions, and Flourish in Your Calling, will be released in 2020. 

    Learn more about her at WilloLovesYou.com

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    Ep #10 Expanding Resilience

    Ep #10 Expanding Resilience

    In this episode we explore why quarantine time is an amazing opportunity for anyone who as been wanting to quit drinking. It's such a powerful time to show up to a brand new reality and expand your capacity for resilience from tapping into your own internal resources. The normal association triggers of your day to day may have changed greatly, and instead of creating new ones around alcohol, you can explore new ways to be of service to your life, mind, body and soul. We will explore four key areas that make your ability be move through adversity so much greater when you change your relationship to alcohol. #alcoholfree

    Join us for our Transformational Women's retreat in Mexico in April! Create the intentional space to reconnect with yourself in a community of like minded women. Follow the link here to register and say YES to yourself. 

    My private coaching program, which combines a feminine with holistic perspective, guides you towards a easeful and sustainable sobriety so you can make alcohol unimportant. Learn the #1 tool to sustainable sobriety: Schedule a discovery call here.

    Join our On-Line community sanctuary here!

    James Swanwick - Is your health being affected by poor quality sleep?

    James Swanwick - Is your health being affected by poor quality sleep?

    Thank you for joining in on an amazing episode!

    In Episode 14 James Swanwick Co founder of Swanwick sleep joins me to discuss the chronic impact that artificial lights have on our health and in particular our ability to sleep.

    James also is on a mission to help people reduce their dependence on Alcohol. With his 30 and 90 day programs he is assisting people to lose their grip on alcohol and find a whole new vitality and even look better.

    Want my detox program ABSOLUTELY FREE?!? For a limited time only subscribe to Amplified Wellness and receive my 7 day detox FREE! It's my way of saying thank you for improving your health and following along with the show! Enjoy :)

    To amplify your wellness make sure to follow me-

    To purchase a pair of stylish blue light blocking glasses go to-

    If you would like access to his FREE guide you are able to download this at the below link-

    How I Ended My Emotional Eating and Stopped Abusing Myself with Alcohol (Part 2)

    How I Ended My Emotional Eating and Stopped Abusing Myself with Alcohol (Part 2)
    The Fitness Whisperer Podcast Episode #23: PART 2 of How I Ended My Emotional Eating and Stopped Abusing Myself with Alcohol In this podcast episode, I’ve created the “rough draft” audio version of a written piece I’m working on, to create something a little heftier, maybe a short book – to help others navigate a […] The post How I Ended My Emotional Eating and Stopped Abusing Myself with Alcohol: Part 2 appeared first on Joey Atlas.

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