
    russian interference

    Explore "russian interference" with insightful episodes like "The Mueller Report Episode", "Vindication # 962 (Ep 962)", "Of Course It Was a Setup # 933 (Ep 933)", "Ep. 900 We’ve Seen This Scandal Before" and "Ep. 865 Mike Flynn Was Set Up!" from podcasts like ""Behind the Bastards", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show" and "The Dan Bongino Show"" and more!

    Episodes (38)

    Vindication # 962 (Ep 962)

    Vindication # 962 (Ep 962)
    In this episode I address the vindication of Donald Trump and the ridiculous Mueller report, which goes out of its way to harm Donald Trump. News Picks: The Mueller report has been released.    Devin Nunes slams the Mueller report for ignoring the real scandal.    The Trump team warns the Obama era DOJ that Justice will be served.    The Trump legal team responds saying this is a total victory for the President.    Are US intelligence agencies dominated by liberals?   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.       Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Of Course It Was a Setup # 933 (Ep 933)

    Of Course It Was a Setup # 933 (Ep 933)
    In this episode I address the deeply troubling connections between the Democrats’ latest Russiagate target, the Clintons, and Barack Obama. I also discuss the inevitable Democrat implosion as they rush to the far left. News Picks: Voting for illegal immigrants is the next step for the radical Democrats.   CNN gets served with a massive lawsuit.   Dark money is funding the anti-Trump conspiracy theory network.   Trump reveals his proposed 2020 federal budget.   Erik Prince acknowledges that he attended the Trump Tower meeting. So what!   Paul Manafort has connections to Ukraine, but he was not a Russian agent.   Joe Biden’s shady family connections are coming back to haunt him.   Security expert is concerned about flying on April 6th because of GPS issues.    The University of Wisconsin sticks it to the social justice warriors.   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 900 We’ve Seen This Scandal Before

    Ep. 900 We’ve Seen This Scandal Before
    In this episode I address the astonishing new connections between the Clinton team’s attacks in the 2007 presidential election, and the same tactics used in 2016. I also address the selective use of edited videos by the liberal media to attack conservatives. News Picks: This Circa piece from last year tells us a lot about the “movie script.”   How the Clinton machine flooded the FBI with Trump/Russia dirt, until they bit.   The Trump White House is moving ahead with State of the Union planning, despite Nancy Pelosi’s nonsense.   Liberal California State Senator bans the use of “he” and “she” pronouns, and then immediately breaks her own rules.   The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a major Second Amendment case.    What if Bob Mueller doesn’t give the desperate Democrats what they want?   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 865 Mike Flynn Was Set Up!

    Ep. 865 Mike Flynn Was Set Up!
    In this episode I address the scheme to set up, and take down, Lt. General Mike Flynn. The details are both shocking and disturbing.    News Picks: What happened to Lt. General Mike Flynn is an abomination.   The Republicans on the NRCC hired this controversial cybersecurity firm, tied to the collusion hoax, to investigate a hack?   There’s still no evidence of collusion.   10 reasons to fire Rod Rosenstein.   Is Biden 2020 going to happen?   The liberal media attacks George H.W. Bush’s service dog?   These unions are defying the Supreme Court and, as a result, are being sued.   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 825 Can This Scandal Get Any Worse ?

    Ep. 825 Can This Scandal Get Any Worse ?
    Summary: In this episode I address the real origin of the operation to take down Trump. The origin story is so outrageous that you'll be astonished that it was taken seriously by the FBI and DOJ.    News Picks: In defense of “owning the Libs.”    Jeff Carlson’s latest piece addresses the astonishing origin story of the FBI and DOJ operation against Trump.    This September piece addresses the efforts to push the FBI to investigate Trump.    Here’s the latest ridiculous “conservatives pounce” narrative.    Who’s going to replace Nikki Haley?    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 820 The Panic on the Left Is Palpable

    Ep. 820 The Panic on the Left Is Palpable
    Summary: In this episode I address the stunning turn of events in the Kavanaugh case. The credibility of one of Kavanaugh’s accusers is in question as a new letter surfaces. I also address the growing calls to release Uranium One information that could expose deep corruption.     News Picks: This piece covers the troubling series of anti-Kavanaugh lies we’ve witnessed.    Christine Blasey Ford’s ex-boyfriend has come forward with some troubling new information.    Salena Zito’s new piece throws some water on the “Blue Wave” narrative.    Dennis Prager’s piece addresses the disturbing violent streak on the radical Left.    There’s a dispute among Senate Democrats about what should be done with the FBI report.   This piece addresses a series of hoax studies used to address the corruption of the sciences.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 770 The Liberal Rage Machine

    Ep. 770 The Liberal Rage Machine
    Summary: What is the Swamp hiding? This latest revelation by Republicans looking into Spygate offers us some tantalizing clues. In this episode I address the growing efforts by the Swamp to sweep the scandal under the rug.    News Picks: This Victor Davis Hanson piece addresses the limitless rage of the Left directed at President Trump.   This Chuck Ross piece discusses the questionable sourcing of the dirty dossier.   This Byron York piece addresses some questionable redactions in the FISA application.   What is going on in New York with the governor?   Escaping New York’s high taxes may be more difficult than you thought.   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 763 The Democrats Are Panicking

    Ep. 763 The Democrats Are Panicking
    Summary: In this episode I address the real purpose of the Mueller indictment of the Russian intelligence operatives. I also discuss the Russian summit and the corresponding liberal spin behind it.    News Picks: Does “socialism” work? Here’s Part 2   The information in the Mueller indictment sounds suspiciously familiar.    What happened to the other Russians Mueller indicted?    Despite the Trump tax cuts, income tax revenue continues to go up.   The Peter Strzok testimony did the FBI and the DOJ no favors.   Did the press help the Russians distribute propaganda?   Here’s a transcript of Barack Obama’s press conference where he downplays the significance of the Russia “hack.”   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The most clarifying conversation I’ve had about Trump and Russia (part 2)

    The most clarifying conversation I’ve had about Trump and Russia (part 2)
    What have we actually learned about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, and his administration’s efforts to cover those ties up? What role did Russia really play in the 2016 election? And what are special counsel Robert Mueller’s possible endgames — what can he really do, and when might he do it? In January, I had Lawfare’s Susan Hennessey on the podcast to guide me through the Trump-Russia case, and it’s one of the most helpful — and popular — episodes we’ve done. Now she’s back, and given how much more we know now than we did eight months ago, it’s an even crazier, more necessary, conversation. Enjoy!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 723 The Surveillance State and Its Media Allies

    Ep. 723 The Surveillance State and Its Media Allies
    Summary: In this episode I address the troubling tactics of surveillance state regimes. I also address how some of these same tactics were used against the Trump team.    News Picks: An illustrative piece by Andy McCarthy on The NY Times efforts to drive the new narrative on the spying operation against Trump.    More evidence that John Brennan knows more than he’s letting on.    An older piece that debunks the idea that Christopher Steele was the “source” of the dossier information.    The leaker in the Michael Cohen case will likely be prosecuted.    The president called MS-13 “animals.” They are.   Is Google looking to vacuum up personal data?    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 704 A Bombshell Interview You Must Hear

    Ep. 704 A Bombshell Interview You Must Hear
    Summary: Today’s edition of liberal myth-busting:  “Do Citizens of Countries With Socialized Medicine Live Longer?”    In this episode I address the multiple bombshells in Maria Bartiromo’s weekend interview with Devin Nunes about the Russia investigation. I also discuss the Left’s hooliganism and attacks on a country singer and a conservative woman.    News Picks: This is a must-see interview that questions the entire premise of the Russia investigation.    Here’s video of my fiery debate with a Clinton acolyte and mouthpiece.    The Southern Poverty Law Center blinks in response to a lawsuit.   A major setback for Mitt Romney in Utah.    This story is bigger than Kanye West.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.     Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 698 The Case Against Mueller

    Ep. 698 The Case Against Mueller
    Summary: In this episode I provide troubling evidence of Bob Mueller’s deep and profound conflicts in his investigation of the Trump operation.    News Picks: Is Loretta Lynch in serious legal trouble?   A disturbing account of Bob Mueller’s ties to Obama administration officials involved in the Obamagate scandal.    Bob Mueller is scrutinizing this meeting in his Russia investigation.    Read this piece and pay attention to the attorney representing a key figure in the Mueller probe.   This older piece describes Kathy Ruemmler’s involvement in the IRS scandal.   This BuzzFeed piece describes Kathy Ruemmler’s role in the Benghazi scandal.   Who is Susan Rice’s attorney? Oh, Kathy Ruemmler.   Kathy Ruemmler replaced Bob Bauer at the White House (who left for Perkins Coie, the law firm that paid Fusion GPS). Bauer replace Greg Craig, a Clinton impeachment attorney who left for Skadden (a law firm central to the Mueller probe).   Bob Mueller’s former colleague plays a central role in the Russian collusion narrative.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 685 More Cover-ups and More Suspicious Contacts

    Ep. 685 More Cover-ups and More Suspicious Contacts
    Summary: In this episode I address the explosive new details emerging about Obama administration dealings with Russia and Iran. I also discuss another deeply troubling piece about suspicious contacts between connected political insiders, Obama’s intelligence officials, and the Trump team.    News Picks: Did the Obama team know the Russians were helping the Iranians? Is the Trump investigation a smokescreen to hide this?    Another incredibly suspicious set of contacts with the Trump team. Were they being set up?   Background on Stefan Halper.    The census is going to ask a citizenship question, and the Left is losing its marbles.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 659 Are the Democrats Signaling Trouble Ahead?

    Ep. 659 Are the Democrats Signaling Trouble Ahead?
    Are the Democrats growing concerned that the Russia probe is going to blow up on them? In this episode I’ll address some of the warning signs. I also address the major problem with gun control initiatives and the government’s fascination with a cashless society. This Democrat senator is giving off some serious warning signs about the Russia probe.  Why is this influential Russian and Putin ally leaving his role in these companies?  The Democrats are worried about the increasing popularity of the tax cuts. Beware of a cashless society. Government loves this idea.  Spending is out of control, and these numbers are disturbing.  Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 658 What Are They Hiding?

    Ep. 658 What Are They Hiding?
    Suspiciously, the recent indictment of multiple Russians by the special counsel was missing something. Why are leading Democrats now turning on Obama?  Here’s the full transcript of the December 2016 press conference in which former President Obama downplayed Russian meddling in the 2016 election.  Are you absolutely sure the Russians hacked the DNC? This is an older piece that challenges that premise.  Can President Trump be charged with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional authority? A Facebook manager is acknowledging that parts of the media’s Russian narrative are not true. This piece debunks the growing liberal attacks on the NRA. Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 630 Exposing the coverup of the biggest scandal in American history

    Ep. 630 Exposing the coverup of the biggest scandal in American history
    Is this former Obama administration official covering up his role in the biggest scandal in American history? Either Fusion GPS was working as a political operation or they were working as FBI informants. Both of these things shouldn’t be true. Here’s the truth. Fusion GPS is claiming someone has already been killed as a result of the inquiry into their activities. Google is now “fact-checking” conservative web sites.   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices