
    what do you want

    Explore "what do you want" with insightful episodes like "Advent Series: What do you want", "What Do You Want", "What Do You Want", "What Do You Want" and ""Who do YOU say that I am?" | Jesus asks" from podcasts like ""Have More Fun with Mandy Arioto", "Let's Get Metaphysical: Connecting Heart and Mind", "Let's Get Metaphysical: Connecting Heart and Mind", "Let's Get Metaphysical: Connecting Heart and Mind" and "Gospel Spice | Christian faith, God's love & the Bible"" and more!

    Episodes (18)

    Advent Series: What do you want

    Advent Series: What do you want

    In today's episode...

    What do you want?

    Today we’ll talk about one simple concept and then wrap up with an opportunity to contemplate and pray about an important question from Jesus that might make us a little uncomfortable. The question is, ‘What do you want?’

    Wanting is a tricky thing isn’t it? Sometimes we’re afraid of wanting the wrong thing. Or we’ve become convinced that wanting is bad or selfish. But what if instead of ignoring our needs or desires, Jesus offers us a better way- inviting us to know and understand them? Because seven times in the Bible Jesus asks, “What do you want?”...

    Read the full blog at: www.mandyarioto.co

    Song: Would You Forgive, by Jorm @iamjorm

    Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs


    What Do You Want

    What Do You Want
    Rev. Ali Bierman asks,” When you know you want something  in your life, how do you make it happen for you?”

    Sharing techniques she uses and teaches clients and followers, you can incorporate what fits for you now and tuck the rest away within to use when the timing is right in your life.

    She leaves us with the message that we receive non-stop guidance from our Guides, Angels, , and the Universe. Learning how to tune in makes life flow in the direction of your dreams.

    For easy to make fun edible 3D sculptures get Rev. Ali’s book Christmas Art To Eat

    Get the how-to make the sculptures videos. It’s like having Rev. Ali by your side every step of each recipe.

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Ali makes it easy.

    This week’s Audible recommendation is Super Gut by William Davis, MD
    You can get it for free by making it your free download when you use Rev. Ali’s link to start your FREE 30 day trial 

    Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

    What Do You Want

    What Do You Want
    Rev. Ali Bierman asks,” When you know you want something  in your life, how do you make it happen for you?”

    Sharing techniques she uses and teaches clients and followers, you can incorporate what fits for you now and tuck the rest away within to use when the timing is right in your life.

    She leaves us with the message that we receive non-stop guidance from our Guides, Angels, , and the Universe. Learning how to tune in makes life flow in the direction of your dreams.

    For easy to make fun edible 3D sculptures get Rev. Ali’s book Christmas Art To Eat

    Get the how-to make the sculptures videos. It’s like having Rev. Ali by your side every step of each recipe.

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Ali makes it easy.

    This week’s Audible recommendation is Super Gut by William Davis, MD
    You can get it for free by making it your free download when you use Rev. Ali’s link to start your FREE 30 day trial 

    Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

    What Do You Want

    What Do You Want
    Rev. Ali Bierman asks,” When you know you want something  in your life, how do you make it happen for you?”

    Sharing techniques she uses and teaches clients and followers, you can incorporate what fits for you now and tuck the rest away within to use when the timing is right in your life.

    She leaves us with the message that we receive non-stop guidance from our Guides, Angels, , and the Universe. Learning how to tune in makes life flow in the direction of your dreams.

    For easy to make fun edible 3D sculptures get Rev. Ali’s book Christmas Art To Eat

    Get the how-to make the sculptures videos. It’s like having Rev. Ali by your side every step of each recipe.

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Ali makes it easy.

    This week’s Audible recommendation is Super Gut by William Davis, MD
    You can get it for free by making it your free download when you use Rev. Ali’s link to start your FREE 30 day trial 

    Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

    "Who do YOU say that I am?" | Jesus asks

    "Who do YOU say that I am?" | Jesus asks

    “Who do YOU say that I am?” Jesus asks this powerful question to His disciples in Matthew 16. It is the most important question any of us is called to answer - and make no mistake. We are all to answer it. 

    The question unpacks a lot about who we are, and how we define our lives. We do not get to tell Jesus who He is -only acknowledge it. But He defines us. That is true freedom. 

    Stephanie shares, "He doesn’t need to know who he is to you. And he surely doesn’t need us to tell him who he is. So, How do you feel, knowing he is actively seeking out your very own personal answer? Does it feel like it’s a quiz? Is this a test of your theology? Is this a test of your bible knowledge or your relationship with Him? Is this a test you may fail? Or could it be more like an invitation to unearth one of the most meaningful treasures in the world?"

    Jesus told a parable one day. Matthew records it just a few paragraphs before this question, in chapter 13. Here is what Jesus says. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Our understanding of Jesus’ identity is like that treasure. It will change our lives.

    Let’s go back to the context in the original text. First he asked what others were saying about him. Again, obviously he knew. He wasn’t seeking information. He was seeking relationship – as always. Being Jewish through and through, he asks questions to enter into relationship, into dialogue. Who do others say He is? The disciples can answer this one easily, there is nothing personal. And the answer is rather positive, it tells us about the people’s perception of who Jesus was at that point in his ministry. But you can quickly tell, this is not Jesus’ goal. He is only getting started. Then he asks the real question – the other one was just a primer. Who do YOU say that I am? Now that is completely different. Now they are in the spotlight. Now it’s their turn.

    Who we understand Jesus to be, determines who we are. Please hear this. Knowing who Jesus is, will determine the course of your life on earth, in heaven, and every moment spent here and there. Knowing who Jesus is tells you who you are. Jesus’ identity defines your identity – and this cannot be said of any one else. He alone claims this level of power, authority, and utter allegiance.

    Who your kids are doesn’t determine who you are. Who your parents or husband or best friend is, doesn’t determine who you are. Your enemies or your friends or your colleagues or your neighbors or your boss don’t define you.

    Jesus defines you.

    Where you were born, where you live, your ethnicity or your nationality, your income or your health, your size or your looks – these don’t define you.

    Jesus defines you.

    You don’t define yourself. If you are His disciple, then you have effectively renounced the right to define yourself. It means you don’t get to choose the criteria that define you. None of the above.

    Jesus defines you.

    This is truly the most freeing thing anyone can tell you.

    Who Jesus is defines who you are, because you are IN Christ. You cannot be apart from Him. That is the whole purpose of relationship.

    If Jesus is truly the King of all kings, and the God of the universe who can hold everything you can see and touch and feel, and everything you can’t, just by the power of His word, then being defined by Him is the most glorious thing and the highest possible calling.

    It is not reductive. It is enlarging. It is not confining. It is freeing. It is not limiting. It is boundless.

    You are who you are, because Jesus is who He is. And who He is to you, determines who you are.

    Ground yourself in Him. The greatest quest you can ever embark on is to take Him at His word when he promises to make Himself your greatest treasure and reward.

    Make sure to listen to get all the treasures and nuggets of wisdom from this episode.

    In this series, Stephanie takes us deep in Scripture through three powerful Greek words today. God is inviting you to capture your imagination, heart, soul and spirit through a deeper longing for Him. It is an intellectual search, a deep desire for Him, and also a need of our body. We will connect the dots and find that Jesus gives us the blueprint to answer this question the way the Father would invite us to. Let’s embrace Jesus’ invitation to ask, seek and knock – only to receive, find and have the door be opened. It is the same trio of Greek words, and it will inspire us to answer His question in the way that will bring us delight, for His glory.

    We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Identity in the battle | Ephesians


    Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience


    Shades of Red | Against human oppression


    God's glory, our delight 




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    - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours.

    - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours.


    Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status.

    Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support.

    We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum.

    Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170.

    We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

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    "What do you want?" | Jesus asks

    "What do you want?" | Jesus asks

    “What do you want?” Jesus asks this powerful question on several occasions.

    What do YOU want? If Jesus asked you this, how would you answer? How would you feel?

    In the Greek and Hebrew, to “want” is a multifaceted word that speaks to the heart, the mind and the body. In Psalm 23 when we read, The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want” it means I am made whole, complete, so that I have no more need or unmet longing. It is the state of heaven – and, occasionally, heaven on earth.

    “What do you want?” Jesus asks.

    Stephanie takes us deep in Scripture through three powerful Greek words today. God is inviting you to capture your imagination, heart, soul and spirit through a deeper longing for Him. It is an intellectual search, a deep desire for Him, and also a need of our body. We will connect the dots and find that Jesus gives us the blueprint to answer this question the way the Father would invite us to. Let’s embrace Jesus’ invitation to ask, seek and knock – only to receive, find and have the door be opened. It is the same trio of Greek words, and it will inspire us to answer His question in the way that will bring us delight, for His glory.

    Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    Girl, What DO You Want?

    Girl, What DO You Want?

    Girl, What DO you want?? Honestly, I spent a lot of time talking about what I DONT want, but never taking the time to explore what I do want. This lead to me coming with the problems but never the solution.. Lets get into it!

    If you are new here you may not know who I am and what I’m doing here.. as my intro says we are here to explore your inner HER- HER stands for Health Empowerment and Reverence- with that I am here to encourage you so that we are evolving, building our sense of self, and growing in our faith. Join me on this journey as we heal and become our fuller selves. Lets support each other.

    Did you know you can find me on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram @HavewordswithHer- Be sure to follow and subscribe to have access to the latest Have Words with HER episodes, video and content.

    129 How I Deal with Grief Waves

    129 How I Deal with Grief Waves

    In just a few weeks we are celebrating the tenth birthday of our stillborn daughter, Lauren. I've noticed a heaviness leading up to this important milestone and I wanted to share with you how I handle waves of grief. Whether you are deep in the storm of fresh loss or a little further out you will be able to be kinder to yourself and have a plan for how to deal with grief waves. We know that they will come, but it's a lot less scary when you are ready for them.

    To schedule a free connection call, click HERE

    Follow me on Instagram! @amy.smoothstonescoaching

    Visit my website.

    Photo by Britanee Jean Photography

    Music by ZingDog on Pond5


    Ali Bierman What Do You Want?

    Ali Bierman What Do You Want?

     Ali Bierman asks, "What do you want?" Take a moment to respond. Notice how you phrase your desire and how you feel.

    Watch or listen to any episode on our show site

    JoIn our Facebook group to let us know where in the world you are listening to show. Is there a particular question you want me to explore? Just ask and if it is in my realm of expertise and pertinent to our theme of revealing how the invisible forces drive our life experiences, I will do a show on it and maybe even, if you like, invite you on as a guest to pose the question and why it interests you!

    Contact Ali to build your own stem cells with no chemicals, no supplements - affordable and clinically proven safe and effective

    Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

    Ali Bierman What Do You Want?

    Ali Bierman What Do You Want?

     Ali Bierman asks, "What do you want?" Take a moment to respond. Notice how you phrase your desire and how you feel.

    Watch or listen to any episode on our show site

    JoIn our Facebook group to let us know where in the world you are listening to show. Is there a particular question you want me to explore? Just ask and if it is in my realm of expertise and pertinent to our theme of revealing how the invisible forces drive our life experiences, I will do a show on it and maybe even, if you like, invite you on as a guest to pose the question and why it interests you!

    Contact Ali to build your own stem cells with no chemicals, no supplements - affordable and clinically proven safe and effective

    Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

    Ali Bierman What Do You Want?

    Ali Bierman What Do You Want?

     Ali Bierman asks, "What do you want?" Take a moment to respond. Notice how you phrase your desire and how you feel.

    Watch or listen to any episode on our show site

    JoIn our Facebook group to let us know where in the world you are listening to show. Is there a particular question you want me to explore? Just ask and if it is in my realm of expertise and pertinent to our theme of revealing how the invisible forces drive our life experiences, I will do a show on it and maybe even, if you like, invite you on as a guest to pose the question and why it interests you!

    Contact Ali to build your own stem cells with no chemicals, no supplements - affordable and clinically proven safe and effective

    Everyone who is excited to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

    15. The Death Deck | Lori LoCicero & Lisa Pahl

    15. The Death Deck | Lori LoCicero & Lisa Pahl

    "It's hard to imagine that playing a game about death can be fun, even hilarious. It is. It's an ingenious way to talk about the hard stuff without any awkwardness, formality, or weirdness."

    (BakerMom1). She's talking about the Death Deck, a new party game that lets you explore a topic we’re all obsessed with but often afraid to discuss.

    It’s guaranteed to tap into stories and ideas you’ve never heard your friends and family share before, and give you an experience you won’t forget!

    Join me as I chat with Lori and Lisa, the co-creators of the Death Deck, as we explore what nobody (much) wants to talk about.


    You don’t want to miss:

    • Hearing how the Death Deck came about
    • How having those conversations you don't want to have REALLY make a difference
    • Don't miss us play it out in real-time

    PLUS, Get your code to get a great discount and hold a party!


    Links and resources:


    Death Deck's links

    Limited time only!!! Use GRIEFPOD5 to get your Death Deck now

    Website: https://thedeathdeck.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedeathdeck

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/thedeathdeck/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedeathdeck

    Need to know more about how to have conversations for any situation? Check out https://theconversationproject.org/



    "There's just so few conversations, like the most that I can get families to tell me is, okay, they want to be cremated" ~ Lisa Pahl


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!


    Do you know? How many times do you even actually consider what you want? Aren't we taught to ignore our wants. But what if you were to learn that our desires are the closest thing to the divine within us. In fact, one of the ancient root words for the divine means desire. But how do we know what we want, with all the shoulds, ought tos, have tos and obligations of everyday living to sort through? How do we know when its a real desire as opposed to a compulsion, or an ego aggrandizement? And if we start paying attention to our desires, aren't peope going to think we are selfish? Tune in this week, to learn more about what we want and why that is important.