
    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Self-Care and Seeking Help for Mental HealthTaking breaks, seeking therapy, and prioritizing self-care are essential for our well-being. By listening to our bodies and asking for help, we can overcome our struggles and pave the way for a happier, healthier life.

      Taking breaks and prioritizing self-care is crucial for our mental and physical well-being. As Jemma shared her experience of pushing herself too hard and experiencing burnout, it serves as a reminder to listen to our bodies and give ourselves the rest we need. Jemma's vulnerability in discussing her struggles and her journey towards healing through therapy and self-improvement reminds us that it's okay to ask for help and to take the necessary steps to improve our mental health. Additionally, her triumph over claustrophobia shows the power of perseverance and personal growth. By prioritizing our own well-being and practicing self-care, we pave the way for a happier, healthier life in our twenties and beyond.

    • Stepping Outside Our Comfort Zones for GrowthAcknowledge and communicate our emotions, understand that happiness is not guaranteed by external success, embrace discomfort for positive change, and find long-lasting happiness in what we're doing.

      The pandemic has caused a sense of claustrophobia and fear of leaving our safe environments. However, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones can lead to incredible experiences and personal growth. While it's natural to have ups and downs in our emotions, it's important to acknowledge and communicate the smaller moments and impacts on our mental state. We may feel guilty for having negative emotions despite appearing to have a perfect life, but happiness and fulfillment are not guaranteed by external success. With every positive change, there may be discomfort and a need for adaptation. Lastly, the pressure we put on ourselves, imposter syndrome, career anxiety, and social comparison can contribute to a sense of existential crisis, but it's essential to have hope and find long-lasting happiness in what we're doing.

    • The pressure of perfectionism on overachievers, particularly young girls, and the importance of creating a safe space for self-acceptance and support.Overachievers, especially young girls, face immense pressure to constantly please others and meet high standards. It is important to recognize this toxic mindset and focus on self-acceptance while creating a supportive environment for others.

      There is immense pressure on overachievers and perfectionists, particularly young girls who are intelligent and emotionally aware. They often experience more weight and expectations placed on their shoulders than their male peers or siblings who aren't performing at the same level. This pressure to be a "golden child" and constantly please others can lead to exhaustion and feelings of inadequacy when they can't meet the high standards they internalized from childhood. It's important to recognize that this toxic standard of needing to make everyone like you and please everyone at all times is not sustainable or healthy. We should focus on allowing ourselves to be seen and creating a safe space for others to feel understood and supported. Imposter syndrome is also a common struggle, regardless of our accomplishments.

    • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Shifting Internal Beliefs and Finding True WorthImposter syndrome is a self-doubt that cannot be resolved through external validation. To overcome it, we must reprogram our core beliefs and recognize our worth beyond mere accomplishments.

      Imposter syndrome is a self-imposed doubt that can plague us in any aspect of life. Whether we're working in a corporate job, pursuing a creative career, or even just being a stay-at-home daughter, the feeling of not doing enough or being a fraud can persist. The problem with imposter syndrome is that no amount of external validation can undo it. It requires deep internal reprogramming and a shift in our core beliefs about ourselves. The unrealistic standards we impose on ourselves, often fueled by social comparison, rob us of joy and keep us constantly chasing an unattainable finish line. It's important to remember that our worth is not solely based on our accomplishments, but on our kindness, generosity, love, and resilience.

    • Freeing ourselves from the prison of others' opinions.Don't let others define your worth and focus on self-love. Surround yourself with those who truly support and appreciate you.

      We shouldn't let the opinions of others define our self-worth. It's natural to care about what others think of us, but getting caught up in the judgment of others can hinder our authenticity and progress. Whether it's a stranger on the internet or someone close to us, we must remember that their opinion is subjective and may not reflect reality. Instead of trying to change their perception, it's important to focus on reaffirming our own self-love and identifying the people who truly support and appreciate us. Sometimes, limiting the access these individuals have to our lives can be necessary for our own growth and well-being. Our worth should not be dependent on being liked by everyone, but on our journey towards being a better version of ourselves.

    • The Power of Self-Worth and HappinessEmbrace your own worth and happiness, and don't let the opinions of others define you. Focus on your own peace and prioritize your own happiness.

      We should not let the judgment and perception of others define our worth and happiness. It is important to remember that not everyone will like us, but that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. The world is vast and our time here is short. The opinions of others are fleeting and insignificant in the long run. We must keep things in perspective and realize that our value and happiness lie within ourselves, not in the opinions of others. It is unnecessary to change or internalize negative opinions, but rather focus on moving forward and prioritizing our own peace and happiness.

    • Rethinking the Meaning of ClothesOur clothes hold no inherent significance beyond their function, and we have the power to choose clothes that make us feel comfortable and confident, regardless of societal expectations.

      We often attach unnecessary social worth to our clothes, allowing them to define our value and sense of self. However, clothes are simply inanimate objects made of fabric, serving the practical purpose of shielding us from the elements. In a society heavily influenced by social media and comparison, we tend to assign deeper meaning to our clothing choices. But we should remember that our clothes hold no inherent significance beyond their function. If a particular item of clothing consistently makes us feel uncomfortable or insecure, we have the power to change it. Just as we would avoid a food that causes allergic reactions or distance ourselves from a toxic friend, we can choose clothes that make us feel good about ourselves. Our comfort and confidence should take priority over societal expectations.

    • Embracing our true worth beyond our physical appearance.Our bodies do not determine our value as individuals. Instead, we should focus on treating our bodies with respect and love while recognizing that how we look should not define our actions.

      Our bodies are just tools and vessels for our souls, personalities, values, and love. They are not representations of our worth as individuals. While it is important to treat our bodies with respect and love, it is equally important to remember that how we look should not define how we act. It may be easier said than done, but if we struggle with body image issues, we are not alone. Self-shaming and trying to shame ourselves out of these beliefs only bring more harm. It is comforting to know that many others are going through similar experiences. Additionally, it's important to embrace new experiences, such as experiencing healthy love and venturing out to places like Tokyo Disneyland, and to look forward to exciting episodes with guest speakers on the podcast in December.

    • Finding joy and connection through podcastingEmbrace podcasting as a creative outlet, connect with passionate individuals, prioritize self-care, and acknowledge that even in good times, it's okay to have down days.

      Treating the podcast as a creative project rather than a job has relieved the pressure to always be perfect and think about what's next. It has allowed for genuine enjoyment and the opportunity to connect with others who share a passion for the topics discussed. Meeting people who are passionate about something is incredibly valuable and uplifting. Those individuals who care deeply about issues and experiences beyond themselves are like gold. Additionally, it's important to remember that feeling fine and having everything go perfectly in life is not a prerequisite for feeling good. Self-care and rest are essential, and it's okay to have down days even when everything seems to be going well.

    Recent Episodes from The Psychology of your 20s

    210. The 5 BIGGEST red flags for relationships in our 20s

    210. The 5 BIGGEST red flags for relationships in our 20s

    We all know what red flags are, they tend to be universal at any age, but there are some redflags that are specific to our 20s, certain features of a relationship during this decade to look out for even if they don't look concerning at first. On today's episode we talk about the five biggest red flags for relationships in our 20s, including: 

    1. Relationships that stop you from having experiences
    2. Relationships that cause emotional chaos 
    3. Relationships that don't celebrate or encourage you
    4. All or nothing relationships 
    5. Fatal attractor relationships 

    We also explore the psychology and of course the research behind why these can be so damaging to help us find more sustainable and healthy love during this decade. Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    209. Navigating post-graduation blues ft. Therapist Liz Kelly

    209. Navigating post-graduation blues ft. Therapist Liz Kelly

    The period after graduation can be really difficult, filled with emotions like grief, anxiety, worry about the future, loneliness and nostalgia as we leave the structure and comfort of college and university for the big, confusing real world. In today's episode we break down the psychology of the post-graduation blues, including: 

    • What defines this experience
    • How long does it last? 
    • The loss of friends as well as security and stability 
    • What triggers our unease
    • How we can embrace the fear and uncertainty 
    • Setting realistic goals for our first year post graduation 

    This and so much more, all with some amazing advice and wisdom from our guest, the therapist Liz Kelly, author of the book 'This Book Is Cheaper Than Therapy'. Listen now! 

    Buy Liz book here: https://www.amazon.com.au/This-Book-Cheaper-Than-Therapy/dp/1962305007 

    Follow Jemma here: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast here: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    Very few of us ever receive an education on coping. We are taught bad things happen, we are taught pointless math equations, we are taught to grin and bear it, but not effective psychological ways of integrating stressful, painful, frustrating experiences. In this episode, we break down the psychology of coping mechanisms, including: 

    • Problem focused vs. emotion focused coping
    • Maladaptive vs. adaptive coping 
    • Our most common defence mechanisms 
    • How to stop numbing ourselves to our experiences 
    • How to consciously deal with hard things in life 
    • Our coping statements 
    • Freud, Carl Jung and many more 

    Listen now for a comprehensive deep dive into coping in your 20s and beyond. 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    207. How to have better conversations

    207. How to have better conversations

    Conversations seem like they should be the easiest thing in the world, but we all know that sometimes that is not the case! Mental distractions, running out of things to talk about, feeling a bit off, all some of the roadblocks we face. In today's episode we break down FIVE tips to have better conversations: 

    1. The 2:1 question ratio
    2. The fast friends protocol 
    3. Story topping and bright siding 
    4. The 5 minute urge 
    5. The liking gap 

    Listen now for more so we can all be having better conversations in whatever area of life!

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    206. The psychology of love bombing

    206. The psychology of love bombing

    Love bombing has been a hot topic as of recent, but what does it ACTUALLY mean or entail? In today's episode we are breaking down all of the psychology of love bombing, including: 

    • The cultish origin of love bombing
    • The three stages of love bombing 
    • Why people love bomb?
    • The interaction between narcissism and love bombing 
    • Intensity addiction and love bombing 
    • The five questions for determining: is it love or lovebombing? 

    We also dive into why it can be so easy to get swept up by these individuals and behaviours, how to know it when you see it and the strength it takes to walk away. 

    Listen now! 

    For online help: https://whiteribbon.org.au/helplines/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    205. A mental health update

    205. A mental health update

    Since the beginning of this show I've been super open about my mental health so I thought I'd share an update (the bad, the good and the really good). Let's normalise talking openly and honestly about what we're going through even when its not pretty  or aesthetic. Thank you for all the support!

    Mental Health support in your area: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    204. Should we be thinking about kids in our 20s?

    204. Should we be thinking about kids in our 20s?

    The thought of having children in our 20s feels like an incredibly adult decision, and is one a lot of us probably don't consider. We want to protect our youth and our freedom a little bit longer, or perhaps have decided we probably will never want children.

    But whether you want to have children or not, having a clear understanding of your future intentions or choices, your reproductive health, the kind of person who might make a good partner, and therefore parent, is important. More information, more foresight actually equals greater freedom and sometimes time to decide. 

    We break down: 

    • Why you should be thinking in your 20s
    • The pros and cons of having children in your 20s 
    • The argument for NOT having children 
    • Fertility
    • Milestone anxiety and the pressure to find someone 
    • Your stories of pregnancy, parenthood and fertility in your 20s

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    Struggling with our self worth can often impact how deserving we feel of love. This sense that we may be 'unloveable' causes us to miss out on healthy, fulfilling relationships, self sabotage and stay with people who don't deserve us. In today's episode, we discuss: 

    • The origins of why we feel unworthy of love
    • Childhood wounds 
    • Early romantic scripts and teen romance 
    • Repeated rejection and shame
    • The consequences of feeling unloveable 
    • Repetition of toxic relationships
    • How to restore or rediscover your sense of self worth and self love 

    And so much more. Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    202. Body dysmorphia

    202. Body dysmorphia

    All of us have insecurities when it comes to our appearance, but what happens when these become obsessive and a point of fixation? In today's episode we break down the psychology and pathology of body dysmorphia, including: 

    • The origins in childhood experiences
    • Family history and influence 
    • The differences in expression between men and women
    • The relationship between body dysmorphia and cosmetic surgery 
    • The influence of toxic gym, diet culture and 'bigorexia'
    • How false beliefs influence behaviour 
    • Dating with body dysmorphia, and more

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    201. 5 scientific ways to ACTUALLY be happier

    201. 5 scientific ways to ACTUALLY be happier

    We all want to be happier, but are probably sick of hearing about 'exercising more, eating better, sleeping 8 hours'. In today's episode we break down FIVE evidence based tips that are simple, accessible, actionable and inexpensive for becoming a happier person and the research that proves it: 

    1. Focus on platonic love over romantic love
    2. Small acts of kindness + how we are spending our money wrong and why its making us less happy 
    3. The importance of a project 
    4. The healing power of nature + what bacteria and dirt have to do with it 
    5. Let yourself wallow 

    Listen now! 

    Buy notebooks here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast Instagram here: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Related Episodes

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    The Journey to Self-Love and Body Positivity for Black Women

    Hey Beautiful souls! Dive into this episode of our Self-care Summer Series, crafted especially with the resilient Black woman in mind. 🌻

    Let’s journey together, touching on the raw truths of mental health, self-care, and the powerful magic of self-love. Picture a world where our struggles are simply bridges to our triumphs and where we, as Black women, redefine beauty and success on our terms.

    Explore with us the undeniable strength found in therapy, meditation, and journaling. We'll get real about the unique hurdles we face in our skin, emphasizing the beauty of creating sacred spaces to just feel and be. We're not just talking self-love and body positivity – we're living it, teaching it, and spreading it.

    Sisters, our legacy is steeped in grace, resilience, and tenacity. Each step we take heals not just us, but the beautiful souls that came before us and the queens that will come after. Let’s sprinkle a little self-care sunshine on our paths and shine brighter together. 🌟💛✨

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    Supercharge Your Self-Esteem

    Supercharge Your Self-Esteem
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    Making the simple change allows you to supercharge your sense of self-esteem and self-worth. This new positive self-esteem mindset can improve confidence and performance in virtually every area of life including professional achievements, personal happiness, and improved relationships.

    Host: Stephen Carter, CEO of Stress Solutions, LLC.
    Main Stress Solutions, LLC website: https://www.EFT-MD.com.

    Website to subscribe or listen to previous episodes:

    Email host: CarterMethod@gmail.com.

    Mic: BY, recorded in Twisted Wave and edited in Hindenburg Journalist Pro.

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/confidence-self-esteem-podcast--3128218/support.

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    In true Confidence and Self Esteem style; if you are looking to become more confident or have increased self esteem; you have to get slightly out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself and I'm no different when it comes to this. I'm certainly not prepared to hide behind some carefully edited recording! So as ALWAYS you get the raw - unedited version. Just like with all shows - I need your feedback. Let me know what you want me to talk about what you want to hear. Happy listening

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/confidence-self-esteem-podcast--3128218/support.

    Are You An "Almond Mom?"

    Are You An "Almond Mom?"

    Are you stuck in the "almond mom" cycle, struggling with your relationship with food, your body, and the impact it has on your children? This heartfelt episode dives deep into recognizing the signs of a disordered relationship with food and body image, sharing valuable insights on breaking free from these harmful patterns.

    I open up about my own journey and the stories of my clients, highlighting the importance of cultivating healthier relationships with ourselves and our bodies for our well-being and that of our children. Learn about the transformative benefits of developing a healthier relationship with food and body, including increased body confidence, boosted self-esteem, and an overall sense of peace and self-acceptance. 

    Discover practical tools and strategies such as intuitive eating, body acceptance, self-care, and positive self-talk to help you on your journey toward a more fulfilling and content life. Let's break the "almond mom" cycle together and create a better world for ourselves and our children.

    Chapter Summaries:

    Breaking the Almond Mom Cycle (0:00:04) 

    Exploring the nature of being an almond mom, breaking the cycle, recognizing disordered relationships, and navigating with grace and freedom.

    Healthy Relationship With Food & Body (0:17:29)

    I discussed disordered relationships with food and body, and the benefits of nurturing a healthier relationship through intuitive eating, body acceptance, self-care, and positive self-talk.

    “Invest in yourself and break free from the 'almond mom' mindset to cultivate a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and your body, setting a positive example for your children." - Elizabeth Sherman

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/128