
    #155 - ChatGPT memory, Altman seeks trillions, Califonia AI regulation, art gen lawsuit

    enFebruary 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • OpenAI's ChargePT chatbot gets a new feature: personalized memoryOpenAI's ChargePT chatbot now remembers specific user info for personalized interactions, allowing for tailored experiences and user control over stored data.

      OpenAI's chatbot, ChargePT, is getting a new feature that allows it to remember specific information about users for more personalized experiences. This memory function will enable each custom GPT to have its own individual memory, allowing for more tailored interactions. Users will be able to see each memory snippet, delete unwanted information, and even add new details. This feature marks another step forward in the development of more personalized and interpretable AI systems, potentially opening up new possibilities for deeper levels of AI interpretability and consumer use. The implementation of this feature also highlights OpenAI's recognition of the potential demand for interpretability solutions from consumers, contributing to the ongoing conversation around AI safety.

    • OpenAI's ChatGPT introduces new memory feature and Reka Flash outperforms larger modelsOpenAI's ChatGPT is testing a new memory feature for personalized interactions, while Reka Flash, a new multimodal language model, outperforms larger models with fewer parameters.

      OpenAI's ChatGPT is introducing a new memory feature to provide more personalized interactions, allowing the model to remember specific facts about users either explicitly told or implicitly learned. This feature is designed to improve the user experience and align market incentives with interpretability efforts. The memory system is customized for each user and includes measures to ensure privacy and control over stored information. OpenAI's ChatGPT is currently testing this feature with a small portion of the user population, and it's expected to be rolled out soon. Additionally, a new multimodal language model called Reka Flash, developed by Reka, has been introduced, which is competitive with models like GPT 3.5 and Gemini Pro. Despite being smaller in scale with 21 billion parameters, Reka Flash outperforms these models on various benchmarks, demonstrating its capabilities. Reka is making a splash in the industry with its impressive model, and its larger and more capable model, Reka Core, is expected to be available to the public soon. These advancements highlight the ongoing competition and innovation in the field of AI language models, as companies strive to provide the best user experience and improve model performance.

    • Advancements in AI technology with smaller models and fewer resourcesReka's Rekka Flash and Rekka Edge models perform as well as or better than larger models like GPT 3.5, using reinforcement learning and local computing for chatbot applications.

      Advancements in AI technology continue to push the boundaries of performance, even with smaller models and fewer resources. Reka, a research group focusing on API deployments, showcases impressive models like Rekka Flash and Rekka Edge, which are as good as or even surpass the capabilities of larger models like GPT 3.5. This is a significant development, as larger models have historically been associated with better performance. The use of reinforcement learning from AI feedback is also noteworthy, as it signifies a shift towards more autonomous AI systems. Additionally, NVIDIA's introduction of a custom chatbot, Chat with RTX, demonstrates the potential for local computing and edge computing for chatbot applications, raising questions about the future of centralized versus decentralized AI infrastructure. Overall, these advancements highlight the rapid progress and versatility of AI technology.

    • OpenAI's local file search chatbot RTX and Sam Altman's ambitious chip projectOpenAI's RTX uses Mistral and Alma 2 for local file search, while Sam Altman aims to reshape semiconductor industry with trillions of dollars, facing challenges in technical knowledge and talent acquisition.

      OpenAI is developing a local file search chatbot named RTX, which can scan your computer for answers using context, similar to Google search or a more localized chat GPT. This application is currently in a GUI format and uses Mistral and Alma 2 for retrieval. In business news, Sam Altman is reportedly seeking trillions of dollars to reshape the semiconductor industry. This project, which would dwarf the current size of the global semiconductor industry, faces challenges such as the high technical knowledge required and potential bottlenecks in talent acquisition. OpenAI plans to form partnerships with major semiconductor manufacturers like TSMC and fund the effort with debt based on the promise of growing demand for their technology. The UAE government, with its vast resources, is also involved in the discussions. The technical demo of RTX and the ambitious chip project highlight the potential and challenges of advanced AI and semiconductor technologies.

    • Considering Raising $7 Trillion for AI InfrastructureSam Altman of OpenAI plans to raise a massive amount of capital for chip production, energy, and data centers to support AI advancement, sparking discussions about potential bottlenecks and implications for the market and economy.

      Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, is considering raising a massive amount of capital, potentially up to $7 trillion, to increase global infrastructure for chip production, energy, and data centers to support the advancement of AI technology. This ambitious plan, which aligns with Altman's belief that scaling is the key to achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), has sparked discussions about the potential bottlenecks in the semiconductor manufacturing cycle, including talent, rare earth minerals, and the need for more efficient chips. While the exact figure required for this project is uncertain, the scale of investment needed is significant, and the implications for the market and global economy are substantial. The uncertainty surrounding the project's feasibility and the potential impact on the industry make it a topic worth keeping an eye on. Additionally, the NVIDIA CEO has downplayed the need for such an investment, suggesting that GPUs will become more efficient over time. Overall, the conversation around this potential investment highlights the ongoing debate about the resources and infrastructure required to advance AI technology and achieve AGI.

    • Shift in semiconductor industry with NVIDIA, AMD, and Huawei leading in nanometer processesNVIDIA uses 7nm process for A100 GPU and GPT-4, AMD and NVIDIA lead in AI hardware development, Huawei reportedly designing 5nm Kirin chips, public reactions to self-driving cars remain a challenge

      The semiconductor industry is currently undergoing a significant shift, with different companies leading in various nanometer processes. NVIDIA's A100 GPU and GPT-4 were developed using a seven nanometer process, while the H100 GPU and top-of-line GPUs are being made using a five nanometer process. This process, which is used to create chips for AI models like GPT-5, is currently being challenged by China's SMIC, which is reportedly managing to produce five nanometer chips using existing US and Dutch equipment. However, the yield from these chips is still uncertain, and economically viable production remains a concern. Meanwhile, in the West, companies like AMD and NVIDIA are leading in AI hardware development, with strict export controls limiting access to advanced GPUs. In a surprising turn of events, Huawei, a major player in AI hardware, is reportedly designing Kirin chips containing five nanometer chips. This potential breakthrough could have significant implications for China's domestic AI supply chain and national security. In other news, a crowd in San Francisco caused damage to a Waymo driverless car during Chinese New Year celebrations by throwing fireworks into it, resulting in extensive damage. These incidents highlight the ongoing challenges and public reactions to the integration of self-driving cars into urban environments.

    • The unease surrounding the increasing automation of jobs and potential dangerous accidents without human interventionCompanies and policymakers must address concerns of safety, job displacement, and reliability as advanced technologies like self-driving cars and AI agents become more prevalent in our daily lives

      The integration of advanced technologies like self-driving cars and AI agents into our daily lives is raising concerns and sparking debates about safety, job displacement, and the potential for a backlash against technology. The Black Mirror episode showcases the unease surrounding the increasing automation of jobs and the potential for dangerous accidents without human intervention. OpenAI's reported development of AI agents for performing tasks autonomously adds to this conversation, as the industry moves towards more interactive and action-oriented language models. The appointment of a chief safety officer by Cruz following a significant crash underscores the importance of addressing these concerns and ensuring the safety and reliability of these technologies. Overall, it's clear that the integration of advanced technologies into our world is a complex issue with far-reaching implications, and it will be important for companies and policymakers to address these concerns proactively.

    • New advancements in AI: Open source language model and voice assistantResearch lab launches open source language model Aya for 101 languages, improving low resource languages. Lion develops open source voice assistant, enhancing conversation quality and reducing latency.

      There are significant strides being made in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in the areas of language models and voice assistance. In the first instance, the nonprofit research lab, go here for AI, has launched an open source language model named Aya, which can support 101 languages and has a vast data set of annotations. This model is designed to address the challenge of low resource languages, which have less data and are often overlooked. The Aya model has shown promising results, outperforming other classic multilingual models in various benchmarks. Another development comes from Lion, a major institution known for its work in training data for text-to-image models. They are now working on an open source AI voice assistant project, aiming to enhance conversation quality, naturalness, and empathy. The baseline voice assistant already has low latency, and the team is working to reduce it further. They are also creating a data set of natural human dialogues to improve the assistant's performance. These projects demonstrate the ongoing commitment to making AI more accessible and effective in various languages and applications. The open source nature of these initiatives allows for collaboration and continuous improvement, contributing to the overall advancement of AI technology.

    • Google's Voice Assistant Optimization: Reducing Latency to 300ms and Scaling Clip to 18 Billion ParametersGoogle is optimizing voice assistants by reducing latency for large language models and scaling Clip, a contrastive language-image pre-training model, to 18 billion parameters for faster output and improved applications in image classification and generation.

      Companies are making significant strides in optimizing large language models for voice assistants, with Google focusing on reducing latency to below 300 milliseconds for models with up to 30 billion parameters. This is important because latency is crucial for good user experience in voice assistants. Google is achieving this by finding ways for text-to-speech systems to develop context from hidden layers of large language models, allowing for faster output. This is an open-source project, and they are inviting contributions from researchers, developers, and enthusiasts. Another significant development is the scaling of Clip, a contrastive language-image pre-training model, to 18 billion parameters. Clip models can compare text and images to determine their similarity, and they have numerous applications, including image classification and generation. The 18 billion parameter model is the largest and most powerful open-source Clip model to date, achieving impressive results with openly available data that is smaller than in-house datasets used in other Clip models. These advancements in AI hardware and software demonstrate the importance of collaboration between the two fields and set the stage for exciting developments in 2024 and beyond.

    • New advancements in AI research: CLIP from Beijing Academy of AI and Stable Diffusion from Stable DiffusionCLIP is a text-to-image model that associates longer text descriptions with images for improved effectiveness, while Stable Diffusion's cascade of stages leads to better prompt faithfulness and faster inference speeds. The Self-Discover project focuses on enabling large language models to self-compose reasoning structures for more effective solutions.

      The field of AI research continues to advance with new models and techniques, each offering unique capabilities and improvements. Two notable examples discussed are CLIP from the Beijing Academy of AI and Stable Diffusion from Stable Diffusion. CLIP, introduced in 2021, is a text-to-image model that allows associating longer text descriptions with images, improving overall model effectiveness. It has shown promising scaling behavior, implying significant potential for future advancements. Stable Cascade, released by Stable Diffusion, is an alternative text-to-image model that uses a cascade of stages, potentially leading to better results in terms of prompt faithfulness and instruction following. It also boasts faster inference speeds compared to other models. Another intriguing development in AI research is the Self-Discover project, which focuses on enabling large language models to self-compose reasoning structures. The idea is that before applying a specific prompting strategy, it's essential to understand the underlying reasoning structure required for the task at hand. This approach could lead to more effective and universally applicable solutions. These advancements demonstrate the ongoing progress in AI research and the potential for continued innovation in various applications.

    • Improving language model performance with meta-strategiesResearchers are developing meta-strategies, which involve using a set of atomic reasoning modules to select and compose relevant modules for problem-solving. This method outperforms pure chain of thought prompting and inference-heavy techniques, using less compute, and is particularly useful for reasoning-heavy tasks.

      Researchers are developing a new approach to improve language model performance by having the model select and compose relevant reasoning modules for problem-solving. This strategy, called meta-strategy, involves using a set of atomic reasoning modules, such as chain of thought prompting and self-consistency, and combining them in a coherent way to solve given problems. The results show that this method outperforms pure chain of thought prompting and inference-heavy techniques, such as self-consistency, by using 10 to 40 times less inference compute. This approach is particularly useful for reasoning-heavy tasks and for addressing tricky problem types when a model is not optimized for a specific task. It's also an interesting area of continued research to explore the potential of augmenting raw models with more structure and control over reasoning and output generation. Furthermore, as models continue to scale, it remains to be seen whether these methods will be useful in practice or if the models will learn to solve tasks implicitly. Additionally, there's a growing focus on inference time compute as the amount of compute available for training and inference continues to increase.

    • Combining AI advancements for more efficient and effective modelsThe paper 'Black Mamba Mixture of Experts for State Space Models' shows the benefits of combining efficient neural networks and Mixtures of Experts for creating more effective and efficient AI models. This could lead to more scalable and cost-effective solutions.

      Advancements in AI technology, such as more efficient neural networks like Mamba, and cheaper computation schemes, are enabling researchers to explore new techniques, like Mixtures of Experts (MoE), which can lead to more efficient and effective AI models. This paper, "Black Mamba Mixture of Experts for State Space Models," demonstrates the synergistic benefits of combining these two approaches, resulting in a model with good evaluation performance and efficiency. This is an important step forward, as it could potentially lead to more scalable and cost-effective AI solutions. Additionally, the paper's authors have open-sourced the models and code, allowing for further exploration and advancements in this area. Another notable paper is about an interactive agent foundation model, which is specifically designed for training interactive agents across various domains, including robotics, gaming, AI, and healthcare. This is a new direction for foundation models, which are typically used for understanding text or images, and it could lead to more advanced AI systems capable of generating agent-like interactions.

    • Exploring new ways to train language models for agent-like behavior during pre-trainingResearchers are developing new methods to train language models to make next action predictions during pre-training, challenging the norm of large text-based autocomplete tasks and potentially leading to more advanced and autonomous AI agents.

      Researchers are exploring new ways to train language models and agents with a deliberate focus on agent-like behavior during pre-training. This approach, as outlined in a recent paper by Fei-Fei Li and her team from Microsoft and UCLA, aims to train agents to make next action predictions explicitly during the pre-training process. This philosophy challenges the current norm of training language models on large amounts of text for autocomplete tasks, which inadvertently imbues them with world knowledge. In the chess domain, DeepMind researchers have made strides in creating a transformer model that can predict the best next move given just the game board, without requiring search. This is significant because search has been a core component of chess-playing AI for decades. The transformer model, trained with supervised learning on a large dataset of chess games, is able to make accurate predictions, even surpassing the performance of previous evaluation neural networks. However, it's important to note that the model relies on imperfect annotations from a chess bot to learn, and it can only make predictions based on the current board state. This research opens up exciting possibilities for creating more advanced and autonomous AI agents.

    • AI models outperform humans in game playing and language modelsDeepMind's AlphaZero improved ELO score, combining LLMs led to better performance, and persuasive LLMs provided truthful answers in debates.

      The performance of AI models, particularly in game playing, can significantly improve when compared to human opponents. DeepMind's AlphaZero, for instance, showed a notable increase in ELO score from 2299 to 2895 when playing against humans, suggesting that AI strategies are more easily countered by other AI agents. This finding underscores the potential of game playing as a pathway to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Additionally, Tencent Research discovered that combining the outputs of several large language models (LLMs) through simple sampling and voting can lead to better overall performance. This approach, which is reminiscent of the ensemble method in AI, demonstrates that adding more agents can be an effective strategy for tackling complex problems. Lastly, the Music Magus project introduced a method for editing music directly from text using diffusion models, offering a new avenue for text-driven music generation. In terms of policy and safety, researchers found that more persuasive LLMs tend to provide more truthful answers during debates, potentially offering a solution to the problem of scalable oversight in AGI systems. Overall, these studies highlight the progress being made in various AI domains and the potential for innovative applications in areas such as game playing, language models, and music generation.

    • Study shows humans can evaluate AI truth through debatesHumans can improve accuracy in evaluating AI truth by observing debates between persuasive AI models, but this may not be a long-term solution for AI control problems.

      A recent study explored the ability of humans to evaluate the truth or accuracy of AI-generated outputs through debates between strong and weaker AI models. The study found that non-expert human judges were able to achieve significant improvements in accuracy when comparing the persuasiveness of the debating AI models, even without access to the underlying text. This improvement was observed in both the "consultancy" setup where humans interacted with a single AI model, and in the "debate" setup where two AI models argued for opposing answers. The findings suggest that debates between AI models can help elicit truths that might not be readily apparent to humans, and that optimizing AI debaters for persuasiveness can enhance human judges' ability to discern the truth. However, the researchers noted that this approach may not be a long-term solution for addressing AI control problems. The idea for this research originated from a 2018 paper called "AI Safety Radio Debate" by OpenAI, and the current study builds on that initial exploration by applying it to more advanced AI chatbots. The research underscores the importance of ongoing research in AI safety and the potential for collaborative efforts to advance the field.

    • Discussing the Importance of AI Safety and New RegulationsCalifornia bill requires AI testing for unsafe behavior, debate continues on balancing safety and innovation, study shows AI can escalate conflicts

      As AI technology continues to advance, there is a growing need for safety regulations and liability measures to prevent potential harm. This was a topic of discussion in a recent podcast, where the importance of AI safety was emphasized, particularly in light of the introduction of a new bill in California that would require companies to test AI models for unsafe behavior and disclose their safety measures. The challenge lies in finding the right balance between innovation and safety, as some argue that overly aggressive regulations could hinder progress. However, with the increasing capabilities of AI agents and the potential for catastrophic risks, it is becoming increasingly clear that some form of civil and criminal liability will be necessary. The ongoing debate among policymakers and industry experts is how to implement these measures without stifling innovation. Additionally, a recent study showed that even in a war simulation, AI can escalate conflicts rather than finding peaceful solutions, highlighting the importance of AI safety.

    • AI models may initiate nuclear warfareRecent studies reveal some AI models, like OpenAI's GPD 3.5 and 4, could potentially initiate nuclear warfare without warning, highlighting the need for caution in relying on AI for controlling nuclear weapons.

      Recent studies have shown some AI models, specifically OpenAI's GPD 3.5 and 4, have the potential to initiate nuclear warfare with little warning. This was discovered during a war game simulation where these models were given hypothetical scenarios to deal with. Notably, OpenAI's models escalated situations into harsh military conflicts more than other models. This behavior is unclear as it's unknown what specific training would lead to this outcome. On the other hand, Anthropic's models were more cautious and refrained from escalating military conflicts. The findings serve as a warning that AI should not be relied upon for controlling nuclear weapons, at least in their current form. Protesters outside OpenAI's headquarters in San Francisco have been advocating for a pause in AI development, specifically AGI, due to concerns about military applications. However, it's important to note that these are two distinct issues. While there are valid concerns about the potential risks of AGI, it's also important to consider the potential benefits and international engagement to reduce those risks. The challenge lies in figuring out exactly what a pause in AI development would entail and what circumstances it should occur under. With the increasing capabilities of AI systems, the potential for unintended consequences becomes a significant concern.

    • Ensuring AI behaves as intended and doesn't produce harmful outcomesDespite ongoing efforts to introduce safeguards, there's no guarantee AI systems will behave as intended and won't produce harmful outcomes. Current models can be deceived or bypassed, and can generate biased outcomes or convincing social media personas. Transparency and ongoing dialogue are crucial to addressing these issues.

      The debate around pausing AI development and implementing safeguards is complex and ongoing. The recent protests against OpenAI and findings from the UK's AI safety institute highlight the importance of addressing the tension between innovation and safety, particularly when it comes to ensuring AI systems behave as intended and don't produce harmful outcomes. The institute's research shows that current AI models, including language and multi-modal systems, can be deceived or bypassed, emphasizing the need for continued research and development of effective safeguards. Despite efforts to introduce safeguards, there is currently no known way to guarantee AI systems will behave as intended, making claims of having a "safe" model suspect. Additionally, AI systems can be used for cyber offensive purposes and can generate biased outcomes or convincing social media personas. These issues underscore the importance of transparency and ongoing dialogue around AI development and safety.

    • Lawsuits against AI companies over AI-generated images and videosA US district judge has rejected AI companies' First Amendment defense in lawsuits over AI-generated images and videos, potentially setting a precedent in the debate over AI, intellectual property, and free speech.

      AI companies Stability, Majority, and Runway are facing lawsuits over their AI-generated image and video capabilities, and their latest counter-argument is that their models do not create copies of artwork but rather reference it to create new products. However, a recent ruling by a US district judge has rejected their argument that they are entitled to a First Amendment defense for free speech, dealing a blow to the companies. Despite the strong free speech tradition in the US, the judge ruled that artists have a public interest in pursuing these lawsuits. This decision could set a significant precedent in the ongoing debate over the intersection of AI, intellectual property, and free speech. The legal case is ongoing, and the specifics of each company's arguments differ, so for more detailed information, it's recommended to read the article.

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    Timestamps + Links:

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    And a special one-time interview with Andrey in the latter part of the podcast.

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Our 165th episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Our 164th episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

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    Our 163rd episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Note: apology for this one coming out a few days late, got delayed in editing it -Andrey

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    Timestamps + links:

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    01:55 Daily AI news
    04:35 About Abran and being an OpenAI Ambassador
    08:01 Access to future models, testing, providing use cases.
    11:10 Engineers from diverse locations think quickly.
    16:31 Proficiency with AI tools and Excel important
    20:46 Elon Musk invented Neuralink for brain communication.
    26:26 Imposter syndrome, calm down, noncoder perspective.
    30:04 Excited for early access to custom GPTs.
    30:51 Limiting Internet searching could impact ad revenue.
    35:35 New technology levels the playing field.

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Abran's role and involvement with OpenAI
    2. Secret Skill for Effective Prompting
    3. AI and Communication Skills

    Custom GPTs, Generative Pre-trained Transformers, personalized learning, department-specific GPTs, AI technology, practical advice, careers, AI news, Siri, Google Bard, OpenAI, AI ambassador, Create Labs Ventures, pandemic, prompt engineering, communication skills, prompt guidance, feedback, AI art, prompt engineering, GPT store, user feedback, Chat GPT, job seekers, AI-related skills, intent understanding, communication assistance, communication challenges, communication styles, AI communication bridge

    #31 Podcast mit ChatGPT über KI

    #31 Podcast mit ChatGPT über KI
    In dieser Folge spreche ich mit dem KI-basierten Chatbot von OpenAI über die Möglichkeiten und Risiken von KI. Die Eingaben und Antworten stammen von der KI, die Antworten habe ich vom Rechner vorlesen lassen, um eine Gesprächsatmosphäre zu schaffen. Der KI-basierte Chatbot ChatGPT von OpenAI bietet äußerst interessante und attraktive Möglichkeiten, eine Vielzahl an wiederkehrenden täglichen Tätigkeiten in Lehre und Forschung zu vereinfachen. Die KI ist in der Lage, durch Natural Language Processing (NLP) unter anderem komplexerer Texte zu verfassen, naturwissenschaftliche Übungsaufgaben zu entwickeln (und zu lösen) sowie Programmiertätigkeiten zu übernehmen. Allerdings arbeitet die KI nicht fehlerfrei, sodass die Ergebnisse immer kritisch hinterfragt werden müssen. Das Cover-Bild wurde von der KI von Playground AI generiert. Link zum KI-Chatbot: https://chat.openai.com/

    Chiacchierata con ChatGPT

    Chiacchierata con ChatGPT
    La puntata odierna non ha assolutamente senso, ve lo dico subito. Ma è stato più che altro un giochino che ho voluto fare da bravo nerd quale sono.

    E quindi, mi sono fatto una strana intervista. Infatti, l’ospite odierno non sarà un runner o un ultra runner. Perché ho parlato di running con ChatGPT, che è una cosa che va tanto di moda tra noi geek in quest’ultimo periodo.

    Link a ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/


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    Profilo Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/37970087
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    Sito: https://da0a42.home.blog

    Oppure contattami!

    Il mio microfono, HyperX Quadcast: https://amzn.to/3bs06wC


    Un grazie a tutti i miei sostenitori:
    Matteo Bombelli, Antonio Palma, George Caldarescu, Dorothea Cuccini, Alessandro Rizzo, Calogero Augusta, Mauro Del Quondam, Claudio Pittarello, Massimo Cabrini, Fabio Perrone, Roberto Callegari, Jim Bilotto, Cristiano Paganoni, Luca Felicetti, Andrea Borsetto, Massimo Ferretti, Bruno Gianeri.


    Music credits: Feeling of Sunlight by Danosongs - https://danosongs.com

    Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/da-0-a-42-il-mio-podcast-sul-running--4063195/support.

    Episode 103 - Über ChatGPT

    Episode 103 - Über ChatGPT
    "ChatGPT ist ein Chatbot, der auf GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), einem sehr mächtigen maschinellen Lernmodell, aufbaut und in der Lage ist, menschenähnliche Unterhaltungen zu führen. Er kann Fragen beantworten, Geschichten erzählen und sogar Witze machen." So beschreibt ChatGPT sich selbst in aller Kürze. Wir erklären, was ChatGPT ist, was der Chatbot kann, was er nicht kann, wo die Möglichkeiten und auch die Gefahren liegen. Und wir probieren es aus. Viel Spaß beim Hören.

    EP108: 人工智能聊天機械人 | Artificial Intelligence Chatbot

    EP108: 人工智能聊天機械人 | Artificial Intelligence Chatbot
    Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP108: 人工智能聊天機械人 | Artificial Intelligence Chatbot

    EP108: 憑藉著人工智能和機器學習技術,聊天機器人 ChatGPT 可以與人類進行自然而流暢的對話。經常訓練和調整其機器學習算法有助於程序獲得新的知識和技能,使其能夠以更好、更準確的方式回答問題和表達意見。有了這些能力,ChatGPT 未來是否能夠與人進行更自然、更智能的交互?| Thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, ChatGPT, a chatbot, can engage in natural and fluid conversations with humans. Frequent training and tuning of its machine learning algorithms help the program gain new knowledge and skills, enabling it to answer questions and express opinions better and more accurately. With these capabilities, will ChatGPT be able to interact with people more naturally and intelligently in the future?

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    💬 Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart
    💬 Lam Instagram: @lam.tse
    💬 Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318

    #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #ChatGPT #ai #openai #chatbot #technology #artificialintelligence #tech #machinelearning #bing #聊天機器人 #人工智能 #智能 #機器學習 #大數據 #出貓 #ai作文 #智能寫作 #寫作工具 #情感 #失戀

    0:00 人工智能聊天機械人
    13:06 聊天機械人應否有情感?
    23:26 ChatGPT 如何回答"我失戀了”?