
    Podcast Summary

    • Ogilvy's Insatiable Curiosity and Relentless Drive to LearnOgilvy's success in advertising was driven by his deep conversations, extensive reading, and continuous learning from successful leaders. He believed that ignorance was a sign of lack of study and encouraged continuous learning.

      Learning from the discussion about David Ogilvy, as revealed in Kenneth Roman's book "King of Madison Avenue," is that Ogilvy was a genius with an insatiable curiosity and a relentless drive to learn. He was known for his ability to extract valuable information from people through deep conversations and his extensive reading. Ogilvy's passion for knowledge extended to studying successful leaders and their leadership styles, which influenced his own approach to business and advertising. He believed that a lack of study in one's profession was a sign of ignorance and encouraged continuous learning. Ogilvy's autobiography, "Blood, Brains, and Beer," further illustrates his eclectic personality and provides insights into his life and experiences. Overall, Ogilvy's legacy extends beyond advertising and offers valuable lessons for leadership and professional development.

    • David Ogilvy's Unconventional Upbringing and Insights from His AutobiographyDavid Ogilvy, a legendary advertising figure, drew inspiration from his unconventional upbringing and avid reading of biographies. Despite regrets from his business ventures, his impact on advertising remains significant.

      David Ogilvy, the advertising legend, had an unconventional upbringing with unusual advice from his father and a profound admiration for his cold-hearted, formidable Scottish grandfather. Ogilvy's autobiography is like having dinner with a charming raconteur, filled with intense and capable insights. Despite his success, Ogilvy's autobiography did not sell well due to the competition from "giants" in the genre. Ogilvy was an avid reader of biographies throughout his life, which influenced his impressive career in advertising. However, his lack of knowledge about finance led to regrets after taking his company public, ultimately resulting in a hostile takeover. Despite these setbacks, Ogilvy's formidable capabilities and ideas continue to inspire and influence the advertising industry.

    • Lessons from Ogilvy's GrandfatherOgilvy's adventurous grandfather, with a diverse background, instilled in him the importance of hard work, business acumen, and the drive for success. His lessons, including studying successful businesses and focusing on quality, shaped Ogilvy's agency's credo.

      David Ogilvy's early life experiences, particularly those influenced by his adventurous grandfather, significantly impacted his success as a founder. His grandfather's diverse background, from being a sheep farmer to managing a bank, instilled in him the importance of hard work, business acumen, and the drive for success. Ogilvy admired his grandfather's ability to transform his circumstances and emulated this trait throughout his career. The lessons he learned from his grandfather, such as studying successful businesses and focusing on quality, became essential components of Ogilvy's agency's credo. Despite his father's financial struggles, Ogilvy saw his grandfather as his hero and modeled his business approach after him. These experiences fueled Ogilvy's determination to overcome adversity and achieve great success.

    • Misfit Students Can Still SucceedDespite poor academic performance, individuals can still achieve success in life by staying curious, focusing on personal interests, and developing a personalized learning plan.

      Success in school does not guarantee success in life. David Ogilvy, despite being a poor student and dropping out of college, went on to build a successful career. He encouraged his audience to embrace their misfit status and focus on their personal interests, emphasizing the importance of a lifelong love for learning. Ogilvy and other influential figures, like Edwin Land, believed that formal education should inspire and inspire a passion for knowledge rather than just cramming students with facts for exams. They advocated for recording and sharing the best educational content, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and focus on applying their knowledge in meaningful ways. Ogilvy's story serves as a reminder that uncertainty and confusion during one's educational journey does not determine future success. Instead, it's essential to stay curious, keep learning, and develop a personal curriculum that aligns with one's interests and goals.

    • Lessons from unconventional educationDavid Ogilvy's success in advertising was shaped by his diverse experiences, including working in a French kitchen, which taught him high standards and the importance of hard work, discipline, and excellence. He built Ogilvy & Mather based on these values, and his success did not require a college degree.

      David Ogilvy's education was unconventional, and his experiences in various odd jobs played a significant role in shaping his successful career in advertising. Starting with his formative experience in a French kitchen, Ogilvy learned high standards of leadership and the importance of hard work, discipline, and excellence from the relentless head chef, Petard. This experience instilled in him the desire to build the best agency, not the biggest one. The lessons he learned from these experiences served as the foundation for Ogilvy & Mather's culture. Additionally, Ogilvy's success in advertising, like many others in the industry, did not require a college degree. Instead, he learned valuable skills through his eclectic life experiences. This pattern of learning from real-life experiences rather than formal education was a common theme in Ogilvy's career.

    • David Ogilvy's sales background shaped his advertising philosophyDavid Ogilvy's success in door-to-door sales instilled a foundation for his future career in advertising, emphasizing the importance of hard work, persistence, and sticking to the basics.

      David Ogilvy's experience in door-to-door sales for AGA cookers shaped his beliefs about advertising and instilled in him the importance of hard work and persistence. At a young age, Ogilvy became an effective salesman, and his success led him to write a sales manual that became the company's sales bible. This experience provided him a foundation for his future career in advertising, where he idolized his older brother and used his sales manual to secure his first job. Ogilvy's fanatical desire to learn and repeat successful strategies proved to be a strength throughout his career, as he found what worked and stuck to it. The main lesson from Ogilvy's story is the importance of sticking to the fundamentals and not overcomplicating things. Ogilvy's success in sales and advertising came from his ability to understand the basics and execute them effectively. This mindset allowed him to become one of the most successful advertising executives of his time.

    • Dedication and hard work: Focus on fundamentals and learn from the bestTo master a skill, focus on fundamentals, practice consistently, and learn from the best in your field.

      Dedication and hard work, especially in the form of consistent practice, are key to mastering a skill or craft. This was exemplified in the stories of Kobe Bryant and David Ogilvy. Kobe emphasized the importance of focusing on fundamentals and consistent learning for young athletes, while Ogilvy's success in advertising came from his obsessive study of the trade and his belief in learning from the best. Additionally, Ogilvy's remarkable writing abilities were likely a result of his voluminous correspondence and dedication to putting pen to paper. The idea of seeking out and learning from the best, as demonstrated by both figures, is a powerful lesson for anyone looking to excel in their field.

    • Learning from mentors shapes ideas and careersSeeking out and learning from mentors can lead to significant contributions and lasting legacies in one's field.

      Importance of seeking out mentors and learning from their experiences. Ogilvy, a renowned advertising executive, emphasized the significance of his mentors, Rosser Reeves, Claude Hopkins, and John Caples, in shaping his ideas and career in advertising. He described these individuals as "giants" who influenced him substantially and whose ideas remained unchanged throughout his career. Ogilvy's relationship with Reeves was particularly transformative. Reeves taught Ogilvy the fundamental purpose of advertising, which is to sell the product. Ogilvy admired Reeves' ability to communicate effectively and was inspired by his dedication to the craft. Reeves also introduced Ogilvy to the work of Claude Hopkins, whose book "Scientific Advertising" Ogilvy later hailed as a game-changer. Hopkins' writing was so influential that Ogilvy recommended that no one should be allowed to work in advertising without reading the book multiple times. The success stories of Ogilvy, Reeves, and Hopkins illustrate the power of learning from mentors and their ideas. By seeking out and absorbing the knowledge of those who came before them, these individuals were able to make significant contributions to their fields and leave lasting legacies.

    • Learning from Gallup PollSuccessful advertising requires consumer research and understanding of human behavior to create effective ads.

      Successful advertising is rooted in research and understanding consumer needs. David Ogilvy, a renowned advertising legend, learned this valuable lesson early in his career while working for Gallup Poll. He emphasized the importance of offering benefits in headlines, using long, packed text, and basing ads on consumer research. Gallup taught Ogilvy about human behavior and consumer desires, giving him a competitive edge. His experiences with Gallup and later with British military intelligence broadened his perspective and prepared him for founding his own successful advertising agency. The winding path to success is a common theme in biographies, as Ogilvy's journey demonstrates. It's essential to remember that success is not a straight line and that valuable experiences often come from unexpected detours.

    • Determination and adaptability lead to successDespite facing seemingly insurmountable odds, determination and adaptability can lead individuals to achieve success, as demonstrated by the stories of Canadian businessman and inventor Stevenson and advertising legend David Ogilvy.

      Determination and adaptability can lead to success, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. As illustrated by the story of Canadian businessman and inventor Stevenson, who alerted the British government about German steel production being diverted to armaments during the 1930s, and David Ogilvy, who went from working in intelligence to becoming a farmer and then starting a successful advertising agency. Stevenson's strong-willed and quiet demeanor, along with his keen analytical skills, made him an effective intelligence officer, and his high regard for Ogilvy's abilities was evident in his memos. After the war, Ogilvy's admiration for the Amish lifestyle led him to live among them for a time, but he eventually returned to the city to start his advertising agency, despite having no experience in the field. Ogilvy's bold goals, high standards, and unwavering confidence in his abilities helped him carve out a niche in the competitive advertising industry. Both Stevenson and Ogilvy demonstrate the importance of being adaptable, determined, and confident in pursuing one's goals.

    • David Ogilvy's Unconventional Approach to AdvertisingDavid Ogilvy, a successful advertising executive, used brevity, persistence, and effectiveness to create unforgettable ads through unexpected visits, vivid metaphors, and a relentless drive for success.

      David Ogilvy, a renowned advertising executive, believed in the power of brevity, persistence, and effectiveness. He used aphorisms and vivid metaphors to convey important ideas and had a relentless drive to get what he wanted. Ogilvy's disarming approach involved unexpected visits and direct questioning, which made those under his scrutiny feel important and focused. His hatred for laziness fueled his success, and he sought to make ads that performed unequally, with some being 20 times more effective than others. His approach revolutionized advertising, and his impact is still felt today.

    • The power of storytelling in advertisingLegendary ad exec David Ogilvy increased sales by applying storytelling techniques from Harold Rudolph's book to campaigns for Hathaway shirts and Schweppes.

      Effective advertising requires capturing attention through storytelling. David Ogilvy, a legendary advertising executive, discovered this concept in Harold Rudolph's book and applied it to his campaigns, leading to significant sales increases for Hathaway shirts and Schweppes. His success can be attributed to his ability to pay attention to stories and experiences, which he honed throughout his life. However, even a genius like Ogilvy made mistakes, such as turning down Xerox's offer for his agency. Ogilvy's flamboyant personality and showmanship also contributed to his success. In essence, the power of storytelling and attention to detail are crucial elements in creating effective advertising campaigns.

    • David Ogilvy's pursuit of excellence driven by fear of failure and mentorsDavid Ogilvy's success stemmed from his relentless work ethic, focus on selling, and surrounding himself with high-standard individuals.

      Fear of failure and the desire for success drove David Ogilvy to work relentlessly and seek out mentors to hold him accountable. Ogilvy, who believed that creating an enduring institution was his larger goal, was influenced by the philosophies and practices of other professional service firms like McKinsey. He was advised by Marvin Bauer, a friend and mentor from McKinsey, who challenged Ogilvy's prioritization of profits over clients. Ogilvy's approach to business was rooted in the belief that one should invite people into their life who will hold them to high standards, rather than running away from them. This principle is exemplified by Ogilvy's experience with the Rayon Manufacturers Association, where he walked out of a presentation when he learned that all 12 members of the committee would be involved in the decision and approval process. Ogilvy's success can be attributed to his unwavering commitment to excellence, his focus on selling, and his ability to surround himself with individuals who pushed him to be his best.

    • David Ogilvy's relentless pursuit of success and moneyDavid Ogilvy, a legendary advertising figure, was driven by his workaholic nature, obsessive personality, and desire to make money. He used his principles, like the power of direct mail advertising, to build major clients and leave a lasting impact on the industry.

      David Ogilvy, the advertising legend, was a workaholic with an obsessive personality and a clear goal to make money. He was known for his ruthless time management and his relentless pursuit of success in the advertising industry. His quote, "Many of the greatest creations of man have been inspired by the desire to make money," reflects his motivation. Ogilvy's best-selling book, "Confessions of an Advertising Man," is a testament to his ability to distill experience into principles and state them in memorable aphorisms. He believed in the power of direct mail advertising and used it to help build American Express into a major client. Despite his focus on work, Ogilvy later regretted not having more children. His legacy continues to inspire and entertain, offering valuable insights into the world of advertising.

    • Emphasizing quality over quantitySuccessful entrepreneurs and investors prioritize focus, consistency, and quality over growth at all costs. Studying competitors, crafting unique headlines, and maintaining professional standards are keys to standing out from the competition.

      Successful entrepreneurs and investors, like Warren Buffett and David Ogilvy, value focus and consistency over growth at all costs. Ogilvy, an advertising legend, believed in building the best agency, not the biggest. He emphasized professional standards, morale, and unity of purpose. His writing culture and attention to detail set him apart from competitors. To succeed, Ogilvy studied competitors' ads for decades and meticulously crafted headlines and copy. His dedication to his craft and unwavering commitment to quality made Ogilvy & Mather a unique and successful agency. This story highlights the importance of staying true to your principles, focusing on your strengths, and putting in the hard work to stand out from the competition.

    • The power of meticulous communicationEffective communication requires attention to detail and a commitment to making the message clear and engaging, as demonstrated by Cormac McCarthy's unique writing style and David Ogilvy's editing approach.

      Effective communication, whether it's through writing or speaking, requires a meticulous approach. Both Cormac McCarthy and David Ogilvy, despite their different styles, were known for their attention to detail and commitment to making their work clear and engaging. McCarthy's unique writing style, with its short paragraphs, double-spacing, and underlined key phrases, made his work easily readable and captivating. Ogilvy, on the other hand, was a master editor who believed in the power of clear and concise language, removing unnecessary words and focusing on the essential elements. Both writers' works had a profound impact on their readers, leaving them unable to put the books down. The lesson here is that no matter the medium or genre, a thoughtful and deliberate approach to communication can make a significant difference in how your message is received.

    • David Ogilvy's Regret Over Losing Ogilvy and MatherDavid Ogilvy deeply regretted losing his advertising agency due to a hostile takeover, feeling it was akin to losing a child. He emphasized the importance of recognizing big ideas and taking risks, while also nurturing new talent.

      David Ogilvy, despite his success and wealth, deeply regretted the loss of his advertising agency, Ogilvy and Mather, due to a hostile takeover. He saw it as the closest thing to childbearing and felt he had brought it into existence and nurtured it. He continued to work and write into his later years, but the experience left him with a deep sense of loss and regret. Another key takeaway is that Ogilvy, despite his accomplishments, felt he had made mistakes throughout his life, including not recognizing big ideas when they came along and not being bold enough to let go of underperforming employees. He also emphasized the importance of nurturing new talent and encouraging them with his books. Overall, Ogilvy's reflections offer insights into the importance of passion and perseverance in business, as well as the potential consequences of not taking risks and not recognizing opportunities.

    • Learning from the BestEmulate successful strategies from industry leaders, master your craft, and focus on effective selling.

      Learning from the discussion about David Ogilvy is that he was a self-promoting marketing legend who emphasized the importance of learning from the best. Ogilvy, who wrote widely-read books and gave speeches even in his older years, admitted to plagiarizing from the best, including John Caples, whom he considered the nicest and best direct marketer. He dedicated his career to mastering advertising and taught that one should only steal from the best. Ogilvy's philosophy was to sell effectively, and he allowed good ideas to compound over multiple decades. His epitaph was "be happy while you're living for you're a long time dead," and his impact on marketing is still felt today. This emphasis on learning from the best, mastering one's craft, and focusing on selling effectively is a valuable lesson for anyone in business or marketing.

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    #354 Sam Walton: The Inside Story of America's Richest Man

    #354 Sam Walton: The Inside Story of America's Richest Man

    What I learned from reading Sam Walton: The Inside Story of America's Richest Man by Vance Trimble. 


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    (2:30) Sam Walton built his business on a very simple idea: Buy cheap. Sell low. Every day. With a smile.

    (2:30) People confuse a simple idea with an ordinary person. Sam Walton was no ordinary person.

    (4:30) Traits Sam Walton had his entire life: A sense of duty. Extreme discipline. Unbelievable levels of endurance.

    (5:30) His dad taught him the secret to life was work, work, work.

    (5:30) Sam felt the world was something he could conquer.

    (6:30) The Great Depression was a big leveler of people. Sam chose to rise above it. He was determined to be a success.

    (11:30) You can make a lot of different mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you’re too inefficient. — Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton. (Founders #234)

    (15:30) He was crazy about satisfying customers.

    (17:30) The lawyer saw Sam clenching and unclenching his fists, staring at his hands. Sam straightened up. “No,” he said. “I’m not whipped. I found Newport, and I found the store. I can find another good town and another store. Just wait and see!”

    (21:30) Sometimes hardship can enlighten and inspire. This was the case for Sam Walton as he put in hours and hours of driving Ozark mountain roads in the winter of 1950. But that same boredom and frustration triggered ideas that eventually brought him billions of dollars. (This is when he learns to fly small planes. Walmart never happens otherwise)

    (33:30) At the start we were so amateurish and so far behind K Mart just ignored us. They let us stay out here, while we developed and learned our business. They gave us a 10 year period to grow.

    (37:30) And so how dedicated was Sam to keeping costs low? Walmart is called that in part because fewer letters means cheaper signs on the outside of a store.

    (42:30) Sam Walton is tough, loves a good fight, and protects his territory.

    (43:30) His tactics later prompted them to describe Sam as a modern-day combination of Vince Lombardi (insisting on solid execution of the basics) and General George S. Patton. (A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.)

    (43:30) Hardly a day has passed without Sam reminding an employee: "Remember Wal-Mart's Golden Rule: Number one, the customer Is always right; number two, if the customer isn't right, refer to rule number one.”

    (46:30) The early days of Wal-Mart were like the early days of Disneyland: "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes. We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before. Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland.

    So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything.

    We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions. — Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. (Founders #347)

    (1:04:30) Sam Walton said he took more ideas from Sol Price than any other person. —Sol Price: Retail Revolutionary by Robert Price. (Founders #304)

    (1:07:30) Nothing in the world is cheaper than a good idea without any action behind it.

    (1:07:30)  Sam Walton: Made In America  (Founders #234)


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #353 How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty

    #353 How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty

    What I learned from reading How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty. 


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    "Learning from history is a form of leverage." — Charlie Munger. 

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    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (2:00) My father was a self-made man who had known extreme poverty in his youth and had a practically limitless capacity for hard work.

    (6:00) I acted as my own geologist, legal advisor, drilling superintendent, explosives expert, roughneck and roustabout.

    (8:00) Michael Jordan: The Life by Roland Lazenby. (Founders #212) 

    (12:00) Control as much of your business as possible. You don’t want to have to worry about what is going on in the other guy’s shop.

    (20:00) Optimism is a moral duty. Pessimism aborts opportunity.

    (21:00) I studied the lives of great men and women. And I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work.

    (22:00) 98 percent of our attention was devoted to the task at hand. We are believers in Carlyle's Prescription, that the job a man is to do is the job at hand and not see what lies dimly in the distance. — Charlie Munger

    (27:00) Entrepreneurs want to create their own security.

    (34:00) Example is the best means to instruct or inspire others.

    (37:00) Long orders, which require much time to prepare, to read and to understand are the enemies of speed. Napoleon could issue orders of few sentences which clearly expressed his intentions and required little time to issue and to understand.

    (38:00) A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers From Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett and Peter Bevelin. (Founders #202) 

    (41:00) Two principles he repeats:

    Be where the work is happening.

    Get rid of bureaucracy.

    (43:00) Years ago, businessmen automatically kept administrative overhead to an absolute minimum. The present day trend is in exactly the opposite direction. The modern business mania is to build greater and ever greater paper shuffling empires.

    (44:00) Les Schwab Pride In Performance: Keep It Going!by Les Schwab (Founders #330) 

    (46:00) The primary function of management is to obtain results through people.

    (50:00) the truly great leader views reverses, calmly and coolly. He is fully aware that they are bound to occur occasionally and he refuses to be unnerved by them.

    (51:00) There is always something wrong everywhere.

    (51:00) Don't interrupt the compounding. It’s all about the long term. You should keep a fortress of cash, reinvest in your business, and use debt sparingly. Doing so will help you survive to reap the long-term benefits of your business.

    (54:00) You’ll go much farther if you stop trying to look and act and think like everyone else.

    (55:00) The line that divides majority opinion from mass hysteria is often so fine as to be virtually invisible.


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #352 J. Paul Getty: The Richest Private Citizen in America

    #352 J. Paul Getty: The Richest Private Citizen in America

    What I learned from reading As I See it: The Autobiography of J. Paul Getty by J. Paul Getty. 


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    "Learning from history is a form of leverage." — Charlie Munger. 

    Founders Notes gives you the superpower to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand. You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

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     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (2:00) Vice President Nelson Rockefeller did me the honor of saying that my entrepreneurial success in the oil business put me on a par with his grandfather, John D. Rockefeller Sr. My comment was that comparing me to John D. Sr. was like comparing a sparrow to an eagle. My words were not inspired by modesty, but by facts.

    (8:00) On his dad sending him to military school: The strict, regimented environment was good for me.

    (20:00) Entrepreneurs are people whose mind and energies are constantly being used at peak capacity.

    (28:00) Advice for fellow entrepreneurs: Don’t be like William Randolph Hearst. Reinvest in your business. Keep a fortress of cash. Use debt sparingly.

    (30:00) The great entrepreneurs I know have these traits:

    -Devoted their minds and energy to building productive enterprises (over the long term)

    -They concentrated on expanding

    -They concentrated on making their companies more efficient 

    -They reinvest heavily in to their business (which can help efficiency and expansion )

    -Always personally involved in their business

    -They know their business down to the ground

    -They have an innate capacity to think on a large scale

    (34:00) Five wives can't all be wrong. As one of them told me after our divorce: "You're a great friend, Paul—but as a husband, you're impossible.”

    (36:00) My business interests created problems [in my marriages]. I was drilling several wells and it was by no means uncommon for me to stay on the sites overnight or even for two days or more.

    (38:00) A hatred of failure has always been part of my nature and one of the more pronounced motivating forces in my life.  Once I have committed myself to any undertaking, a powerful inner drive cuts in and I become intent on seeing it through to a satisfactory conclusion.

    (38:00) My own nature is such that I am able to concentrate on whatever is before me and am not easily distracted from it.

    (42:00) There are times when certain cards sit unclaimed in the common pile, when certain properties become available that will never be available again. A good businessman feels these moments like a fall in the barometric pressure. A great businessman is dumb enough to act on them even when he cannot afford to. — The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen. (Founders #255)

    (47:00) [On transforming his company for the Saudi Arabia deal] The list of things to be done was awesome, but those things were done.

    (53:00) Churchill to his son: Your idle and lazy life is very offensive to me. You appear to be leading a perfectly useless existence.

    (54:00) My father's influence and example where the principle forces that formed my nature and character.


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #351 The Founder of Rolex: Hans Wilsdorf

    #351 The Founder of Rolex: Hans Wilsdorf

    What I learned from reading about Hans Wilsdorf and the founding of Rolex.


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    "Learning from history is a form of leverage." — Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the superpower to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (0:01) At the age of twelve I was an orphan.

    (1:00) My uncles made me become self-reliant very early in life. Looking back, I believe that it is to this, that much of my success is due.

    (9:00) The idea of wearing a watch on one's wrist was thought to be contrary to the conception of masculinity.

    (10:00) Prior to World War 1 wristwatches for men did not exist.

    (11:00) Business is problems. The best companies are just effective problem solving machines.

    (12:00) My personal opinion is that pocket watches will almost completely disappear and that wrist watches will replace them definitively! I am not mistaken in this opinion and you will see that I am right." —Hans Wilsdorf, 1914

    (14:00) The highest order bit is belief: I had very early realized the manifold possibilities of the wristlet watch and, feeling sure that they would materialize in time, I resolutely went on my way. Rolex was thus able to get several years ahead of other watch manufacturers who persisted in clinging to the pocket watch as their chief product.

    (16:00) Clearly, the companies for whom the economics of twenty-four-hour news would have made the most sense were the Big Three broadcasters. They already had most of what was needed— studios, bureaus, reporters, anchors almost everything but a belief in cable.   —  Ted Turner's Autobiography (Founders #327)

    (20:00) Business Breakdowns #65 Rolex: Timeless Excellence

    (27:00)   Rolex was effectively the first watch brand to have real marketing dollars put behind a watch. Rolex did this in a concentrated way and they've continued to do it in a way that is simply just unmatched by others in their industry.

    (28:00) It's tempting during recession to cut back on consumer advertising. At the start of each of the last three recessions, the growth of spending on such advertising had slowed by an average of 27 percent. But consumer studies of those recessions had showed that companies that didn't cut their ads had, in the recovery, captured the most market share. So we didn't cut our ad budget. In fact, we raised it to gain brand recognition, which continued advertising sustains. — Four Seasons: The Story of a Business Philosophy by Isadore Sharp. (Founders #184)

    (32:00) Social proof is a form of leverage. — Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Munger. (Founders #329)

    (34:00) What really matters is Hans understood the opportunity better than anybody else, and invested heavily in developing the technology to bring his ideas to fruition.

    (35:00) On keeping the main thing the main thing for decades: In developing and extending my business, I have always had certain aims in mind, a course from which I never deviated.

    (41:00) Rolex wanted to only be associated with the best. They ran an ad with the headline: Men who guide the destinies of the world, where Rolex watches.

    (43:00) Opportunity creates more opportunites. The Oyster unlocked the opportunity for the Perpetual.

    (44:00) The easier you make something for the customer, the larger the market gets: “My vision was to create the first fully packaged computer. We were no longer aiming for the handful of hobbyists who liked to assemble their own computers, who knew how to buy transformers and keyboards. For every one of them there were a thousand people who would want the machine to be ready to run.” — Steve Jobs

    (48:00) More sources:

    Rolex Jubilee: Vade Mecum by Hans Wilsdorf

    Rolex Magazine: The Hans Wilsdorf Years

    Hodinkee: Inside the Manufacture. Going Where Few Have Gone Before -- Inside All Four Rolex Manufacturing Facilities 

    Vintage Watchstraps Blog: Hans Wilsdorf and Rolex

    Business Breakdowns #65 Rolex: Timeless Excellence

    Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands by Jean Noel Kapferer and Vincent Bastien 


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

    Be like Gareth. Buy a book: All the books featured on Founders Podcast

    #350 How To Sell Like Steve Jobs

    #350 How To Sell Like Steve Jobs

    What I learned from reading The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience by Carmine Gallo 


    Come build relationships at the Founders Conference on July 29th-July 31st in Scotts Valley, California


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

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    You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

    Get access to Founders Notes here


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    (1:00) You've got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology—not the other way around.  —Steve Jobs in 1997

    (6:00) Why should I care = What does this do for me?

    (6:00) The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals by Frank Partnoy.  (Founders #348)

    (7:00) Easy to understand, easy to spread.

    (8:00) An American Saga: Juan Trippe and His Pan Am Empire by Robert Daley 

    (8:00) The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen. (Founders #255)

    (9:00)  love how crystal clear this value proposition is. Instead of 3 days driving on dangerous road, it’s 1.5 hours by air. That’s a 48x improvement in time savings. This allows the company to work so much faster. The best B2B companies save businesses time.

    (10:00) Great Advertising Founders Episodes:

    Albert Lasker (Founders #206)

    Claude Hopkins (Founders #170 and #207)

    David Ogilvy (Founders #82, 89, 169, 189, 306, 343) 

    (12:00) Advertising which promises no benefit to the consumer does not sell, yet the majority of campaigns contain no promise whatever. (That is the most important sentence in this book. Read it again.) — Ogilvy on Advertising 

    (13:00) Repeat, repeat, repeat. Human nature has a flaw. We forget that we forget.

    (19:00) Start with the problem. Do not start talking about your product before you describe the problem your product solves.

    (23:00) The Invisible Billionaire: Daniel Ludwig by Jerry Shields. (Founders #292)

    (27:00) Being so well known has advantages of scale—what you might call an informational advantage.

    Psychologists use the term social proof. We are all influenced-subconsciously and, to some extent, consciously-by what we see others do and approve.

    Therefore, if everybody's buying something, we think it's better.

    We don't like to be the one guy who's out of step.

    The social proof phenomenon, which comes right out of psychology, gives huge advantages to scale.

    —  the NEW Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Munger (Founders #329)

    (29:00) Marketing is theatre.

    (32:00) Belief is irresistible. — Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight.  (Founders #186)

    (35:00) I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn’t look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.

    And that’s what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with, it’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.


    If you want me to speak at your company go here


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #349 How Steve Jobs Kept Things Simple

    #349 How Steve Jobs Kept Things Simple

    What I learned from reading Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success by Ken Segall. 


    Come build relationships at the Founders Conference on July 29th-July 31st in Scotts Valley, California 


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (1:30) Steve wanted Apple to make a product that was simply amazing and amazingly simple.

    (3:00) If you don’t zero in on your bureaucracy every so often, you will naturally build in layers. You never set out to add bureaucracy. You just get it. Period. Without even knowing it. So you always have to be looking to eliminate it.  — Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton. (Founders #234)

    (5:00) Steve was always easy to understand. He would either approve a demo, or he would request to see something different next time. Whenever Steve reviewed a demo, he would say, often with highly detailed specificity, what he wanted to happen next.  — Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs by Ken Kocienda. (Founders #281)

    (7:00) Watch this video. Andy Miller tells GREAT Steve Jobs stories

    (10:00) Many are familiar with the re-emergence of Apple. They may not be as familiar with the fact that it has few, if any parallels.
    When did a founder ever return to the company from which he had been rudely rejected to engineer a turnaround as complete and spectacular as Apple's? While turnarounds are difficult in any circumstances they are doubly difficult in a technology company. It is not too much of a stretch to say that Steve founded Apple not once but twice. And the second time he was alone. 

    —  Return to the Little Kingdom: Steve Jobs and the Creation of Appleby Michael Moritz.

    (15:00) If the ultimate decision maker is involved every step of the way the quality of the work increases.

    (20:00) "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes. We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before. Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland. So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything. We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions." — Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. (Founders #347)

    (23:00) The further you get away from 1 the more complexity you invite in.

    (25:00) Your goal: A single idea expressed clearly.

    (26:00) Jony Ive: Steve was the most focused person I’ve met in my life

    (28:00) Editing your thinking is an act of service.


    Learning from history is a form of leverage. —Charlie Munger. Founders Notes gives you the super power to learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs on demand.

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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    Michael Jordan In His Own Words

    Michael Jordan In His Own Words

    What I learned from reading Driven From Within by Michael Jordan and Mark Vancil. 


    Relationships run the world: Build relationships at Founders events


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    Episode Outline: 

    Players who practice hard when no one is paying attention play well when everyone is watching.

    It's hard, but it's fair. I live by those words. 

    To this day, I don't enjoy working. I enjoy playing, and figuring out how to connect playing with business. To me, that's my niche. People talk about my work ethic as a player, but they don't understand. What appeared to be hard work to others was simply playing for me.

    You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared. 

    Look around, just about any person or entity achieving at a high level has the same focus. The morning after Tiger Woods rallied to beat Phil Mickelson at the Ford Championship in 2005, he was in the gym by 6:30 to work out. No lights. No cameras. No glitz or glamour. Uncompromised. 

    I knew going against the grain was just part of the process.

    The mind will play tricks on you. The mind was telling you that you couldn't go any further. The mind was telling you how much it hurt. The mind was telling you these things to keep you from reaching your goal. But you have to see past that, turn it all off if you are going to get where you want to be.

    I would wake up in the morning thinking: How am I going to attack today?

    I’m not so dominant that I can’t listen to creative ideas coming from other people. Successful people listen. Those who don’t listen, don’t survive long.

    In all honesty, I don't know what's ahead. If you ask me what I'm going to do in five years, I can't tell you. This moment? Now that's a different story. I know what I'm doing moment to moment, but I have no idea what's ahead. I'm so connected to this moment that I don't make assumptions about what might come next, because I don't want to lose touch with the present. Once you make assumptions about something that might happen, or might not happen, you start limiting the potential outcomes. 


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    en-usMay 12, 2024

    #348 The Financial Genius Behind A Century of Wall Street Scandals: Ivar Kreuger

    #348 The Financial Genius Behind A Century of Wall Street Scandals: Ivar Kreuger

    What I learned from reading The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals by Frank Partnoy. 


    Relationships run the world: Build relationships at Founders events


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    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    Episode Outline: 

    1. Ivar was charismatic. His charisma was not natural. Ivar spent hours every day just preparing to talk. He practiced his lines for hours like great actors do.

    2. Ivar’s first pitch was simple, easy to understand, and legitimate: By investing in Swedish Match, Americans could earn profits from a monopoly abroad.

    3. Joseph Duveen noticed that Europe had plenty of art and America had plenty of money, and his entire astonishing career was the product of that simple observation. — The Days of Duveen by S.N. Behrman.  (Founders #339 Joseph Duveen: Robber Baron Art Dealer)

    4. Ivar studied Rockefeller and Carnegie: Ivar's plan was to limit competition and increase profits by securing a monopoly on match sales throughout the world, mimicking the nineteenth century oil, sugar, and steel trusts.

    5. When investors were manic, they would purchase just about anything. But during the panic that inevitably followed mania, the opposite was true. No one would buy.

    6. The problem isn’t getting rich. The problem is staying sane. — Charlie Munger

    7. Ivar understood human psychology. If something is limited and hard to get to that increases desire. This works for both products (like a Ferrari) and people (celebrities). Ivar was becoming a business celebrity.

    8.  I’ve never believed in risking what my family and friends have and need in order to pursue what they don't have and don't need. — The Essays of Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett and Lawrence Cunningham. (Founders #227)

    9. Great ideas are simple ideas: Ivar hooked Durant with his simple, brilliant idea: government loans in exchange for match monopolies.

    10. Ivar wrote to his parents, "I cannot believe that I am intended to spend my life making money for second-rate people. I shall bring American methods back home. Wait and see - I shall do great things. I'm bursting with ideas. I am only wondering which to carry out first."

    11. Ivar’s network of companies was far too complex for anyone to understand: It was like a corporate family tree from hell, and it extended into obscurity.

    12. “Victory in our industry is spelled survival.”   —Steve Jobs

    13. Ivar's financial statements were sloppy and incomplete. Yet investors nevertheless clamored to buy his securities.

    14. As more cash flowed in the questions went away. This is why Ponzi like schemes can last so long. People don’t want to believe. They don’t want the cash to stop.

    15. A Man for All Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market by Ed Thorp. (Founders #222)

    16.  A summary of Charlie Munger on incentives:

    1. We all underestimate the power of incentives.
    2. Never, ever think about anything else before the power of incentives.
    3. The most important rule: get the incentives right.

    17. This is nuts! Fake phones and hired actors!

    Next to the desk was a table with three telephones. The middle phone was a dummy, a non-working phone that Ivar could cause to ring by stepping on a button under the desk. That button was a way to speed the exit of talkative visitors who were staying too long. Ivar also used the middle phone to impress his supporters. When Percy Rockefeller visited Ivar pretended to receive calls from various European government officials, including Mussolini and Stalin. That evening, Ivar threw a lavish party and introduced Rockefeller to numerous "ambassadors" from various countries, who actually were movie extras he had hired for the night.


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders at Founders Notes


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #347 How Walt Disney Built His Greatest Creation: Disneyland

    #347 How Walt Disney Built His Greatest Creation: Disneyland

    What I learned from reading Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World by Richard Snow. 


    Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders

    You can read, reread, and search all my notes and highlights from every book I've ever read for the podcast. 

    You can also ask SAGE any question and SAGE will read all my notes, highlights, and every transcript from every episode for you.

     A few questions I've asked SAGE recently: 

    What are the most important leadership lessons from history's greatest entrepreneurs?

    Can you give me a summary of Warren Buffett's best ideas? (Substitute any founder covered on the podcast and you'll get a comprehensive and easy to read summary of their ideas) 

    How did Edwin Land find new employees to hire? Any unusual sources to find talent?

    What are some strategies that Cornelius Vanderbilt used against his competitors?

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    (8:00) When in 1955 we heard that Disney had opened an amusement park under his own name, it appeared certain that we could not look forward to anything new from Mr. Disney.

    We were quite wrong.

    He had, instead, created his masterpiece.

    (13:00) This may be the greatest product launch of all time: He had run eight months of his television program. He hadn't named his new show Walt Disney Presents or The Wonderful World of Walt Disney.

    It was called simply Disneyland, and every weekly episode was an advertisement for the still unborn park.

    (15:00) Disneyland is the extension of the powerful personality of one man.

    (15:00) The creation of Disneyland was Walt Disney’s personal taste in physical form.

    (24:00) How strange that the boss would just drop it. Walt doesn’t give up. So he must have something else in mind.

    (26:00) Their mediocrity is my opportunity. It is an opportunity because there is so much room for improvement.

    (36:00) Roy Disney never lost his calm understanding that the company's prosperity rested not on the rock of conventional business practices, but on the churning, extravagant, perfectionist imagination of his younger brother.

    (41:00) Walt Disney’s decision to not relinquish his TV rights to United Artists was made in 1936. This decision paid dividends 20 years later. Hold on. Technology -- developed by other people -- constantly benefited Disney's business. Many such cases in the history of entrepreneurship.

    (43:00) Walt Disney did not look around. He looked in. He looked in to his personal taste and built a business that was authentic to himself.

    (54:00) "You asked the question, What was your process like?' I kind of laugh because process is an organized way of doing things. I have to remind you, during the 'Walt Period' of designing Disneyland, we didn't have processes.

    We just did the work. Processes came later. All of these things had never been done before.

    Walt had gathered up all these people who had never designed a theme park, a Disneyland.

    So we're in the same boat at one time, and we figure out what to do and how to do it on the fly as we go along with it and not even discuss plans, timing, or anything.

    We just worked and Walt just walked around and had suggestions."


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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    Related Episodes

    #102 Akio Morita (Sony)

    #102 Akio Morita (Sony)

    What I learned from reading Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony by Akio Morita. 


    Come see a live show with me and Patrick O'Shaughnessy from Invest Like The Best on October 19th in New York City. 

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    [0:01] Forty years ago, a small group gathered in a burned-out department store building in war-devastated downtown Tokyo. Their purpose was to found a new company, their optimistic goal was to develop the technologies that would help rebuild Japan's economy.

    [5:00] I was born the first son and fifteenth-generation heir to one of Japan's finest and oldest sake-brewing families. The Morita family has been making sale for three hundred years. Unfortunately, the taste of a couple of generations of Morita family heads was so refined and their collecting skills so acute that the business suffered while they pursued their artistic interests, letting the business take care of itself, or, rather, putting it in other hands. They relied on hired managers to run the Morita company, but to these managers the business was no more than a livelihood, and if the business did not do well, that was to be regretted, but it was not crucial to their personal survival. In the end, all the managers stood to lose was a job. They did not carry the responsibility of the generations, of maintaining the continuity and prosperity of the enterprise and the financial well-being of the Morita family. 

    [8:18] Tenacity, perseverance, and optimism are traits that have been handed down to me through the family genes.

    [9:25] I was taught that scolding subordinates and looking for people to blame for problems—seeking scapegoats—is useless. These concepts have stayed with me and helped me develop the philosophy of management that served me very well.

    [10:28] I had to teach myself because the subjects I was really interested in were not taught in my school in those days.

    [14:09] The emperor, who until now had never before spoken directly to his people, told us the immediate future would be grim. He said that we could “pave the way for a grand peace for all generations to come," but we had to do it "by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable."

    [23:58] When some of my relatives came to see me, they were so shocked by the shabby conditions that they thought I had become an anarchist. They could not understand how, if I was not a radical, I could choose to work in a place like that.

    [24:28] Ibuka and I had often spoken of the concept of our new company as an innovator, a clever company that would make new high technology products in ingenious ways.

    [29:36] We were engineers and we had a big dream of success. We thought that in making a unique product, we would surely make a fortune. I then realized that having unique technology and being able to make unique products are not enough to keep a business going. You have to sell the products, and to do that you have to show the potential buyer the real value of what you are selling. 

    [32:20] There was an acute shortage of stenographers because so many people had been pushed out of school and into war work. Until that shortage could be corrected, the courts of Japan were trying to cope with a small, overworked corps of court stenographers. We were able to demonstrate our machine for the Japan Supreme Court, and we sold twenty machines almost instantly! Those people had no difficulty realizing how they could put our device to practical use; they saw the value in the tape recorder immediately.

    [38:03] Marketing is really a form of communication. We had to educate our customers to the uses of our products.

    [39:15] We would often have the market to ourselves for a year or more before the other companies would be convinced that the product would be a success. And we made a lot of money, having the market all to ourselves.

    [40:20] The public does not know what is possible, but we do. So instead of doing a lot of market research, we refine our thinking on a product and its use and try to create a market for it by educating and communicating with the public.

    [42:33] Everybody gave me a hard time. It seemed as though nobody liked the idea [the Walkman]. “It sounds like a good idea, but will people buy it if it doesn't have recording capability? I don't think so." I said, “Millions of people have bought car stereo without recording capability and I think millions will buy this machine.

    [46:38] "We definitely want some of these. We will take one hundred thousand units." One hundred thousand units! I was stunned. It was an incredible order, worth several times the total capital of our company. When he told me that there was one condition: we would have to put the Bulova name on the radios. That stopped me. We wanted to make a name for our company on the strength of our own products. We would not produce radios under another name. When I would not budge, he got short with me. "Our company name is a famous brand name that has taken over fifty years to establish," he said. "Nobody has ever heard of your brand name. Why not take advantage of ours?" I understood what he was saying, but I had my own view. “Fifty years ago," I said, “your brand name must have been just as unknown as our name is today. I am here with a new product, and I am now taking the first step for the next fifty years of my company. Fifty years from now I promise you that our name will be just as famous as your company name is, today."

    [49:04] When I attended middle school, discipline was very strict, and this included our physical as well as our mental training. Our classrooms were very cold in winter; we didn't even have a heater; and we were not allowed to wear extra clothes. In the navy,I had hard training. In boot camp every morning we had to run a long way before breakfast. In those days I did not think of myself as a physically strong person, and yet under such strict training I found I was not so weak after all, and the knowledge of my own ability gave me confidence in myself that I did not have before. It is the same with mental discipline; unless you are forced to use your mind, you become mentally lazy and you will never fulfill your potential.

    [52:06] Norio Ohga, who had been a vocal arts student at the Tokyo University of Arts when he saw our first audio tape recorder back in 1950. He was a great champion of the tape recorder, but he was severe with us because he didn't think our early machine was good enough.He was right, of course; our first machine was rather primitive. We invited him to be a paid critic even while he was still in school. His ideas were very challenging. He said then, "A ballet dancer needs a mirror to perfect her style, her technique."

    [54:21] Nobody can live twice, and the next twenty or thirty years is the brightest period of your life. You only get it once. When you leave the company thirty years from now or when your life is finished, I do not want you to regret that you spent all those years here. That would be a tragedy. I cannot stress the point too much that this is your responsibility to yourself. So I say to you, the most important thing in the next few months is for you to decide whether you will be happy or unhappy here.

    [59:40] My argument again and again was that by saving money instead of investing it in the business you might gain profit on a short-term basis, but in actual fact, you would be cashing in the assets that had been built up in the past.

    [1:00:00] One must prepare the groundwork among the customers before you can expect success in the marketplace. It is a time-honored Japanese gardening technique to prepare a tree for transplanting by slowly and carefully binding the roots over a period of time, bit by bit, to prepare the tree for the shock of the change it is about to experience. This process, called Nemawashi, takes time and patience, but it rewards you, if it is done properly, with a healthy transplanted tree. Advertising and promotion for a brand-new, innovative product is just as important.

    [1:01:19] If Japanese clients come into the office of a new and struggling company and see plush carpet and private offices and too much comfort, they become suspicious that this company is not serious, that it is devoting too much thought and company resources to management's comfort, and perhaps not enough to the product or to potential customers. Too often I have found in dealing with foreign companies that such superfluous things as the physical structure and office decor take up a lot more time and attention and money than they are worth.


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #194 Ernest Hemingway (Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy)

    #194 Ernest Hemingway (Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy)

    What I learned from reading Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway's Secret Adventures, 1935-1961 by Nicholas Reynolds. 


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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #16 Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller

    #16 Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller

    What I learned from reading Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller by Ron Chernow. 

    [0:01] Rockefeller was a unique hybrid in American business, both the instinctive first-generation entrepreneur who founded the company and the analytical second-generation manager who extends and develops it. 

    [0:30] Having created an empire of unfathomable complexity, he was smart enough to see that he had to submerge his identity in the organization. 

    [0:43] Don’t say that I out to do this or that. We ought to do it. Never forget that we are partners. Whatever is done for the general good is done for the good of us all. —John D. Rockefeller. 

    [0:55] He preferred outspoken colleagues to weak-kneed sycophants. 

    [1:14] That he created one of the first multinational corporations, selling kerosene around the world and setting a business pattern for the next century, was arguable his greatest feat. 

    [2:48] The spot chosen for the new refinery tells much about Rockefeller’s approach to business. . . Able to ship by water or over land, Rockefeller gained the critical leverage he needed to secure preferential rates on transportation which was why he agonized over plant locations throughout his career. 

    [6:02] This is before the invention of the car. Kerosene was the main byproduct of oil. People used it to have lighting in their houses. Before Rockefeller, only rich people were able to do this. After Rockefeller, everyone could do it. 

    [6:41] There’s a lot of people making money in refining. People hear about other people making money in refining. They follow in like lemmings and this causes refining capacity to be triple the amount that is actually needed. By then 90% of refineries were operating in the red. 

    [7:46] “So many wells were flowing that the price of oil kept falling, yet they went right on drilling.” — John D. Rockefeller. 

    [8:08] “Often-times the most difficult competition comes, not from the strong, the intelligent, the conservative competitor, but from the man who is holding on by the eyelids and is ignorant of his costs, and anyway he's got to keep running or bust!” —John D. Rockefeller 

    [8:57] As someone who tended toward optimism, seeing opportunity in every disaster, he studied the situation exhaustively instead of bemoaning his bad luck. 

    [10:55] Rockefeller is hated for the creation of a cartel. He is hated for succeeding at it. There are many people trying to do very similar things. They would criticize Rockefeller for what they were attempting to do themselves. 

    [14:46] From the outset, Rockefeller’s plans had a wide streak of megalomania. He said, “The Standard Oil company will someday refine all the oil and make all the barrels.” 

    [15:35] Rockefeller decided that the leading men [executives] would receive no salary but would profit solely from the appreciation of their shares and rising dividends which Rockefeller thought a more potent stimulus to work. 

    [17:10] He was pretty crazy. He had three daughters and a son. By the time he had his son, he had more money than he could spend in a lifetime. His son remembers growing up and only wearing dresses because his dad refused to buy new clothes. 

    [17:38] Rockefeller never allowed his office decor to flaunt the prosperity of the business, lest it arouse unwanted curiosity. 

    [19:33] His strategy would be to subjugate one part of the battlefield, consolidate his forces, and then move briskly onto the next conquest. 

    [19:54] The year revealed both his finest and most problematic qualities as a businessman: His visionary leadership, his courageous persistence, his capacity to think in strategic terms, but also his lust for domination, his messianic, self-righteousness, and his contempt for those shortsighted mortals who made the mistake of standing in his way. 

    [20:50] Rockefeller had such a fanatical desire to control expenses. He’d show up to work at 6:30 in the morning and leave at 10 at night and the entire time he was rooting out inefficiencies. If he could save a penny he would. As a result, even if someone was in the same business Rockefeller’s business was much more profitable —even before he built his cartel. 

    [23:34] Rockefeller was extremely secretive. He equated silence with strength. He didn’t like people who bragged or told other people what their intentions were. 

    [25:06] The depressed atmosphere only strengthened his resolve. 

    [28:57] One Rockefeller biographer called the drawback an instrument of competitive cruelty unparalleled in industry. 

    [30:55] One other factor tempted the railroads to come to terms with Rockefeller. In a far-sighted, tactical maneuver he had begun to accumulate hundreds of tank cars —what you would ship oil in if you don't want to use barrels—which would be in perpetual and perpetually short supply. 

    [32:05] One of Rockefeller’s strengths in bargaining situations was that he figured out what he wanted and what the other party wanted and crafted mutually advantageous terms. Instead of ruining the railroads, Rockefeller tried to help them prosper albeit in a way that fortified his own position. 

    [37:57] This is the insane part. Between February 17th and March 28th, Rockefeller swallowed up 22 of his 26 competitors. This makes him the world’s largest oil refiner at 31 years old. 

    [40:32] Rockefeller was dedicated to secrecy: Many of these competitors didn’t even know they were being bought by Standard Oil. 

    [47:24] Rockefeller would constantly overpay for competitors just to knock them out of the business. 

    [47:58] He was now living a fantasy of extravagant wealth that would have dwarfed the most feeble daydreams of his father. Few people beyond the oil business had ever heard of him. 

    [48:26] It is very hard to compete with somebody you don’t even know exists. 

    [48:56] It is a lot smarter to make money quietly so you don’t invite competition. 

    [49:11] The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power

    [49:52] Books are the original links: If you read Sam Walton's book you realize he was the Jeff Bezos of his day. Or said another way Jeff Bezos is the Sam Walton of his day. Bezos read Sam Walton’s book, was inspired, and outright copied a lot of Sam’s ideas. 

    [50:51] The reason I think it is so interesting to explore the history of entrepreneurship is that you see the same ideas over and over again just applied in different fields. 

    [56:53] Taking for granted the growth of his empire, he hired talented people as found, not as needed. 

    [57:10] Many employees said he never lost his temper racist voice, uttered a profane or slang word, or acted discourteously. 

    [57:20] Rockefeller seldom granted appointments to strangers and preferred to be approached in writing. 

    [57:25] He constantly expounds on this idea that you shouldn't waste time nor money. That they were very much interrelated. He didn't waste his time talking to people...what people call networking now. He just worked. He came up with his ideas and then worked every day to enact those ideas. 

    [58:08] He wants the sort of person to persist in a flawed situation. 

    [58:15] Rockefeller was the sort of stubborn person who only grew more determined with rejection. 

    [59:51] Success comes from keeping the ears open and the mouth closed. 

    [1:00:02] A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 

    [1:01:00] Do not many of us who fail to achieve big things fail because we lack concentration--the art of concentrating the mind on the thing to be done at the proper time and to the exclusion of everything else? 


    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #170 Claude Hopkins (A Life in Advertising)

    #170 Claude Hopkins (A Life in Advertising)

    What I learned from reading My Life in Advertising by Claude Hopkins. 


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    Any man who by a lifetime of excessive application learns more about anything than others owes a statement to successors. The results of research should be recorded. Every pioneer should blaze his trail. That is all I have tried to do. [0:19]

    There are few pages in “My Life in Advertising” which do not repay careful study—and which do not merit rereading. Before your eyes, a successful advertising life is lived—with all that went to make it successful. The lessons taught are taught exactly as they were learned. They are dished up dripping with life. It is not a book, it is an experience—and experience has always been the great teacher. [2:49] 

    The man who does two or three times the work of another learns two or three times as much. He makes more mistakes and more successes, and he learns from both. If I have gone higher than others in advertising, or done more, the fact is not due to exceptional ability, but to exceptional hours. [11:00]

    To poverty I owe the fact that I never went to college. I spent those four years in the school of experience. [15:16] 

    If a thing is useful they call it work, if useless they call it play. One is as hard as the other. One can be just as much a game as the other. [20:27] 

    A young man can come to regard his life work as the most fascinating game that he knows. And it should be. The applause of athletics dies in a moment. The applause of success gives one cheer to the grave. [23:16] 

    A good product is its own best salesman. It is uphill work to sell goods, in print or in person, without samples. [27:02] 

    I consider business as a game and I play it as a game. That is why I have been, and still am, so devoted to it. [33:44] 

    I sold more carpet sweepers by my one-cent letters than fourteen salesmen on the road combined. [45:31]

    No argument in the world can ever compare with one dramatic demonstration. [50:10]

    We must treat people in advertising as we treat them in person. Center on their desires. [53:46] 

    Again and again I have told simple facts, common to all makers in the line—too common to be told. The maker is too close to his product. He sees in his methods only the ordinary. He does not realize that the world at large might marvel at those methods, and that facts which seem commonplace to him might give him vast distinction. [56:57] 

    Serve better than others, offer more than others, and you are pretty sure to win. [57:45] 

    There are other ways, I know, to win in selling and in advertising. But they are slow and uncertain. Ask a person to take a chance on you, and you have a fight. Offer to take a chance on him, and the way is easy. [57:52] 

    So far as I know, no ordinary human being has ever resisted Albert Lasker. He has commanded what he would in this world. Nothing he desired has ever been forbidden him. So I yielded, as all do, to his persuasiveness. [1:00:07] 

    The greatest two faults in advertising lie in boasts and in selfishness. [1:01:01] 

    It is curious how we all desire to excel in something outside of our province. That leads many men astray. Men make money in one business and lose it in many others. They seem to feel that one success makes them superbusiness men. [1:04:04] 

    I earned in commissions as high as $185,000 in a year. ($4,000,000 in today's dollars) All earned at a typewriter which I operated myself, without a clerk or secretary. [1:06:33] 

    Most success comes through efficiency. Most failures are due to waste. [1:10:22] 

    Human nature does not change. The principles set down in this book are as enduring as the Alps. [1:17:01] 


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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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    #249 Steve Jobs In His Own Words

    #249 Steve Jobs In His Own Words

    What I learned from reading I, Steve: Steve Jobs In His Own Words by George Beahm.


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    On Steve Jobs

    #5 Steve Jobs: The Biography
    #19 Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader
    #76 Return To The Little Kingdom: Steve Jobs and The Creation of Apple
    #77 Steve Jobs & The NeXT Big Thing
    #204 Inside Steve Jobs' Brain
    #214 Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography
    #235 To Pixar And Beyond: My Unlikely Journey with Steve Jobs to Make Entertainment History

    Bonus Episodes on Steve Jobs

    Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success (Between #112 and #113)
    Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs (Between #110 and #111)

    On Jony Ive and Steve Jobs

    #178 Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products

    On Ed Catmull and Steve Jobs

    #34 Creativity Inc: Overcoming The Unseen Forces That Stand In The Way of True Inspiration

    On Steve Jobs and several other technology company founders

    #157 The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution

    #208 In the Company of Giants: Candid Conversations With the Visionaries of the Digital World

    [3:13] We're not going to be the first to this party, but we're going to be the best.

    [4:54] Company Focus: We do no market research. We don't hire consultants. We just want to make great products.

    [5:06] The roots of Apple were to build computers for people, not for corporations. The world doesn't need another Dell or Compaq.

    [5:52] Nearly all the founders I’ve read about have a handful of ideas/principles that are important to them and they just repeat and pound away at them forever.

    [7:00] You can oftentimes arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions. Most people just don't put in the time or energy to get there.

    [8:09] I think of Founders as a tool for working professionals. And what that tool does is it gets ideas from the history of entrepreneurship into your brain so then you can use them in your work. It just so happens that a podcast is a great way to achieve that goal.

    [8:48] Tim Ferriss Podcast #596 with Ed Thorp

    [8:50] A Man for All Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market by Ed Thorp. (Founders 222)

    [10:43] In most people's vocabularies, design means veneer. It's interior decorating. It's the fabric of the curtains and the sofa. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.

    [12:05] The Essential Difference: The Lisa people wanted to do something great. And the Mac people want to do something insanely great. The difference shows.

    [14:21] Sure, what we do has to make commercial sense, but it's never the starting point. We start with the product and the user experience.

    [15:57] Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli. (Founders #19)

    [16:41] We had a passion to do this one simple thing.

    [16:51] And that's really important because he's saying I wasn't trying to build the biggest company. I wasn't trying to build a trillion dollar company. It wasn't doing any of that. Those things happen later as a by-product of what I was actually focused on, which is just building the best computer that I wanted to use.

    [17:14] In the Company of Giants: Candid Conversations With the Visionaries of the Digital World by Rama Dev Jager and Rafael Ortiz.  (Founders #208 )

    [17:41] It comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done and then try to bring those things in to what you're doing. Picasso had a saying: good artists copy, great artists steal. And we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.

    [20:29] Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.

    [21:06]  A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman (Founders #95) “A very small percentage of the population produces the greatest proportion of the important ideas. There are some people if you shoot one idea into the brain, you will get half an idea out. There are other people who are beyond this point at which they produce two ideas for each idea sent in.”

    [22:29] Edwin land episodes:

    Insisting On The Impossible: The Life of Edwin Land and Instant: The Story of Polaroid (Founders #40)

    The Instant Image: Edwin Land and The Polaroid Experience by Mark Olshaker. (Founders #132)

    Land’s Polaroid: A Company and The Man Who Invented It by Peter C. Wensberg. (Founders #133)

    A Triumph of Genius: Edwin Land, Polaroid, and the Kodak Patent War by Ronald K. Fierstein. (Founders #134)

    [25:01] Macintosh was basically this relatively small company in Cupertino, California, taking on the goliath, IBM, and saying "Wait a minute, your way is wrong. This is not the way we want computers to go. This is not the legacy we want to leave. This is not what we want our kids to be learning. This is wrong and we are going to show you the right way to do it and here it is and it is so much better.

    [27:47] Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Productsby Leander Kahney. (
    (Founders #178)

    [29:00] Enzo Ferrari: Power, Politics, and the Making of an Automobile Empire by Luca Dal Monte (Founders #98)

    [34:39] On meeting his wife, Laurene: I was in the parking lot, with the key in the car, and I thought to myself: If this is my last night on earth, would I rather spend it at a business meeting or with this woman? I ran across the parking lot, asked her if she'd have dinner with me. She said yes, we walked into town, and we've been together ever since.

    [37:26] It's not about pop culture, and it's not about fooling people, and it's not about convincing people that they want something they don't. We figure out what we want. And I think we're pretty good at having the right discipline to think through whether a lot of other people are going to want it, too. That's what we get paid to do.

    [41:29] Constellation Software Inc. President's Letters by Mark Leonard. (Founders #246)

    [42:30] Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony by Akio Morita. (Founders #102)

    [44:36] Victory in our industry is spelled survival.

    [45:21] Once you get into the problem you see that it's complicated, and you come up with all these convoluted solutions. That's where most people stop, and the solutions tend to work for a while. But the really great person will keep going, find the underlying problem, and come up with an elegant solution that works on every level.

    [48:15] Churchill by Paul Johnson (Founders #225)

    [48:25] I would trade all my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.


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    I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested, so my poor wallet suffers. ”— Gareth

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